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导语:2008年3月6日,HP公司宣布了针对HP实验室(HP Labs)新策略。HP将加大对HP Labs的投入。推动重大科研项目的研发,加速科技成果转换,加强科研合作。本文是HP公司高级副总裁兼首席策略和技术官Shane Robison在HP Labs新策略发布会上的讲话,全面阐述了HP对未来科技发展方向的看法。  相似文献   

惠普(HP)目前在CBD新文化基地新光文苑举办了主题为“创意添彩打印机,引领精彩IN商务”的媒体发布会。作为激光打印市场领导厂商的惠普(HP),自2006年7月对彩色激光打印市场进行了进一步细分,一年过去,彩激市场整体得到了迅猛的发展,再次验证了其睿智的前瞻性。随着市场宣传的深入,惠普(HP)于当日正式启动“创意添彩打印机”、“引领精彩IN商务”两大市场活动.  相似文献   

10月20日,惠普公司全球研发高级副总裁、惠普实验室(HP Labs)主任Dick Lampman、惠普中国实验室主任许玫君、惠普实验室量子科研小组重要成员王士元,诠释了惠普实验室在改变IT经济方面的创新技术和企业计算领域的发明成果,并特别介绍了惠普量子研究发明成果。Dick Lampman指出,惠普实验室关注的是未来三到十年甚至更长时间的颠覆性技术,其使命就是要进行“超越”规划蓝图的创新。1966年诞生的惠普实验室是硅谷地区最早的企业实验室之一,从早期的便携式科学计算器、可编程袖珍科学计算器、发光二极管、精确架构RISC技术,到近期的Itaniu…  相似文献   

2008年4月9日,本刊讯,惠普(HP)举办题为“掌舵远程管理领航尖峰时代”的发布会,在中国正式推出面向商业用户的远程客户端管理解决方案(Remote Client Solution)。  相似文献   

近日惠普(HP)在新加坡举行了2008年度的打印机耗材活动——HP Print Watch LIVE 2008大会,会上HP公布了其在碳粉,墨水和介质技术方面取得的突破性成果。新型打印耗材包括惠普新配置的HP Color Sphere碳粉,与之前的彩色激光打印碳粉相比,这种碳粉的光泽度和色域分别提高了117%和39%。而全新推出的HP XL喷墨打印墨盒打印成本最高可节约47%。  相似文献   

“我们一直是惠普(HP)的忠实用户,从早先的6L机型不断升级换代,一路下来跟惠普(HP)有了很深的感情。除了信赖惠普(HP)打印机一贯的优秀品质和稳定质量,我们更信赖品牌背后的雄厚实力和技术、服务支持。这就是选择打印设备首选惠普(HP)的原因。今年购买的P3005,可以说是惠普(HP)黑白激光打印机的一个典型代表,性能出众,价格也很合理,让我们感受到了贴心的实惠。”上海市对外服务有限公司的郭先生肯定地说。[第一段]  相似文献   

苏婷 《办公自动化》2007,(10):33-33
“我们一直是惠普(HP)的忠实用户.从早先的6L机型不断升级换代,一路下来跟惠普(HP)有了很深的感情除了信赖惠普(HP)打印机一贯的优秀品质和稳定质量.我们更信赖品牌背后的雄厚实力和技术、服务支持这就是选择打印设备首选惠普(HP)的原因.[第一段]  相似文献   

刘庆伟 《现代计算机》2008,(11):115-116
2008年6月27日,当微软公司首席执行官(CEO)史蒂夫·鲍尔默在华盛顿州雷蒙德市微软总部的一间会议室里,面对着800多名公司职员代表,眼含热泪与盖茨拥抱话别时,他已经成为了微软的新掌门人,微软也随即进入“鲍尔默时代”。  相似文献   

板砖 《微型计算机》2006,(9):170-172
在上期,我们给大家介绍了两支笔记本电脑新军——三星(SAMSUNG)和明基(BEN0)的一些特色技术,今天我们接着给大家介绍-“老”-“少”——老牌笔记本电脑厂商惠普(HP)和年轻有为的新秀华硕(ASUS)。[编者按]  相似文献   

惠普HP 2133 Mini-Note(下简称“HP Mini”)超便携笔记本电脑是惠普新推出的一款面向“Young Professional”,如SOHO一族设计师,明星人士或者是往来于各种会议的商务人士的机器。相比其他的超便携产品,HP Mini更接近传统的笔记本电脑,在设计和功能上都有独到之处。  相似文献   

不久之前,微软刚刚发布了其2008年的三大重量级产品,Windows Server 2008、SQL Server 2008以及Visual Studio 2008。这次被冠之以企业级的软件产品发布会,聚集了国内超过7000名开发者的参与。我们试图从这次发布会中解析微软在企业级、互联网、消费类几个大型市场2008年的战略布局,并邀请专家对这三款产品进行一组全面的介绍和点评。  相似文献   

基于.Net三层架构的评估网新闻管理系统的分析与设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文主要从.Net3.5三层架构的角度,分析高职校评估专题网站新闻管理系统的设计与实现。本系统用Visual Studio2008作为开发环境,以SQL Server2000作为数据库服务器,实现了评估新闻的管理和发布。  相似文献   

Excel中提供的修约函数不能符合国家标准GB/T 8170-2008的要求。通过建立VBA函数,实现了Excel中的数值按照国家标准修约。经测试,函数能满足标准需要,具有推广价值。  相似文献   

邓海波  王娜 《工矿自动化》2011,37(12):76-78
针对矿物加工研究工作中需要搜索资料的需求,利用Microsoft Visual Studio 2008、SQL Server2005、Power Desinger等工具开发了工艺矿物学查询子系统,建立了所需的矿物信息数据库。该子系统可提供相关矿物的系列工艺矿物学资料,为资料搜索提供了极大的方便,具有一定的实用价值。  相似文献   

本文首先介绍了两种获取汉字拼音首字母的方法,然后以查询学生信息为例,介绍了根据汉字拼音首字母查询相应的数据库记录的设计过程,最后基于“Microsoft Windows Server 2003 (sp2) Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 Microsoft SQLServer 2005“软件开发平台,为实现该过程提供了完整的技术支持.  相似文献   

Test-driven development (TDD) is a software development practice that has been used sporadically for decades. With this practice, a software engineer cycles minute-by-minute between writing failing unit tests and writing implementation code to pass those tests. Test-driven development has recently re-emerged as a critical enabling practice of agile software development methodologies. However, little empirical evidence supports or refutes the utility of this practice in an industrial context. Case studies were conducted with three development teams at Microsoft and one at IBM that have adopted TDD. The results of the case studies indicate that the pre-release defect density of the four products decreased between 40% and 90% relative to similar projects that did not use the TDD practice. Subjectively, the teams experienced a 15–35% increase in initial development time after adopting TDD.
Laurie WilliamsEmail:

Nachiappan Nagappan   is a researcher in the Software Reliability Research group at Microsoft Research. He received his MS and PhD from North Carolina State University in 2002 and 2005, respectively. His research interests are in software reliability, software measurement and empirical software engineering. Dr. E. Michael Maximilien   (aka “max”) is a research staff member at IBM’s Almaden Research Center in San Jose, California. Prior to joining ARC, he spent ten years at IBM’s Research Triangle Park, N.C., in software development and architecture. He led various small- to medium-sized teams, designing and developing enterprise and embedded Java™ software; he is a founding member and contributor to three worldwide Java and UML industry standards. His primary research interests lie in distributed systems and software engineering, especially Web services and APIs, mashups, Web 2.0, SOA (service-oriented architecture), and Agile methods and practices. He can be reached through his Web site (maximilien.org) and blog (blog.maximilien.com). Thirumalesh Bhat   is a Development Manager at Microsoft Corporation. He has worked on several versions of Windows and other commercial software systems at Microsoft. He is interested in software reliability, testing, metrics and software processes. Laurie Williams   is an associate professor of computer science at North Carolina State University. She teaches software engineering and software reliability and testing. Prior to joining NCSU, she worked at IBM for nine years, including several years as a manager of a software testing department and as a project manager for a large software project. She was one of the founders of the XP Universe conference in 2001, the first US-based conference on agile software development. She is also the lead author of the Pair Programming Illuminated book and a co-editor of the Extreme Programming Perspectives book.   相似文献   

2008年发生的Microsoft Windows系统"黑屏"事件加深了大众对Microsoft Office产品安全性的怀疑,大量推广并使用国产办公软件是解决这个问题的最好方法。目前,国产办公软件在功能和性能等多项质量特性上已经与Microsoft Office相差无几,但是在可扩展性方面仍存在差距,这直接影响了国产办公软件的整体质量。本文基于国家重大专项"核高基"课题的研究内容,介绍了办公软件可扩展性测试的测试指标和测试方法,期望通过测试提高国产办公软件的整体质量和竞争力,抢回市场主动权。  相似文献   

针对矿井应急通信系统存在的呼吸器影响语音清晰度、缺少视频信息、缺少环境参数监测和传输功能等问题,提出了一种基于无线Mesh技术的矿井应急救灾通信系统设计方案,简要介绍了无线Mesh的基本原理及结构,给出了矿井应急救灾通信系统的组网方式、整体架构和主要设备的设计方案,详细阐述了网络服务质量的保证、无线Mesh网络的动态路由选择、业务准入与控制和音视频流无缝移动传输等关键技术难题及解决办法。实际应用表明,该系统能同时实现井上指挥中心、井下指挥中心和井下救护人员之间的语音和视频通信功能,并能在井上和井下指挥中心实时显示救灾现场的环境参数。  相似文献   

提出了一种基于ASP.NET的随机显示一条数据表记录的方法。该方法利用VisualStudio.NET2008和Microsoft SQL Server2008开发工具实现,主要使用了VisualStudio.NET2008提供的SqlData Source、FormView等控件。该方法在徐州师范大学科文学院的通识课程规范化网站开发中得到了实际应用。网站的Top框架中运用该方法克服了传统网站中内容相对固定的不足,既方便了用户,又便于显示内容的后台动态维护。  相似文献   

Synthesizing high-frequency rules from different data sources   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Many large organizations have multiple data sources, such as different branches of an interstate company. While putting all data together from different sources might amass a huge database for centralized processing, mining association rules at different data sources and forwarding the rules (rather than the original raw data) to the centralized company headquarter provides a feasible way to deal with multiple data source problems. In the meanwhile, the association rules at each data source may be required for that data source in the first instance, so association analysis at each data source is also important and useful. However, the forwarded rules from different data sources may be too many for the centralized company headquarter to use. This paper presents a weighting model for synthesizing high-frequency association rules from different data sources. There are two reasons to focus on high-frequency rules. First, a centralized company headquarter is interested in high-frequency rules because they are supported by most of its branches for corporate profitability. Second, high-frequency rules have larger chances to become valid rules in the union of all data sources. In order to extract high-frequency rules efficiently, a procedure of rule selection is also constructed to enhance the weighting model by coping with low-frequency rules. Experimental results show that our proposed weighting model is efficient and effective.  相似文献   

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