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太原通泽成套设备有限公司是研发高端无缝钢管设备的专业公司,为无锡西姆莱斯、天津钢管集团、宝钢、武钢、包钢、华菱衡钢、鞍钢、西宁特钢、华菱锡钢、长江集团、磐石钢管、攀成钢、湖北新冶钢、新;台特钢、江苏常宝、洪都特钢、江苏华新、浙江久立、渤海管业、龙川钢管、江苏诚德、浩盈钢管、山东墨龙、浙江健力、重钢、合钢等国内钢管厂提供了产品和服务,并向印度出口无缝钢管成套设备。  相似文献   

电子万能材料试验机主要适合于橡胶、轮胎、胶管、胶带、鞋底、塑料、薄膜、压克力、FRP、ABS、EVA、PU、铝塑管、复合材料、防水材料、纤维、纺织、电线电缆、纸张、金属箔、带、丝线、弹簧、木材、医药包装材料、胶带等进行拉伸、压缩、撕裂、剥离等力学性能的测试、分析。  相似文献   

提起ERP、CAD、PDM或者财务软件,你总会立刻想起Oracle、SAP、利玛、并捷、和佳、金思维、用友、金蝶、UGS、PTC、欧特克、开目、艾克斯特、新洲、CAXA等等这些在行业内赫赫有名的软件厂商,但是提起OA,知道的人却少之又少,因此OA市场无“老大”也成了一个无需去争议的事实。  相似文献   

人参,五加科,别名园参、山参、棒槌. 1.用途 人参以根入药.有大补元气、复脉固脱、补脾益肺、生津、安神之功能.用于体虚欲脱、肢冷脉微、脾虚食少、肺虚喘咳、津伤口渴、内热消渴、久病虚赢、惊悸失眠、阳痿宫冷、心力衰竭、心原性休克等症.近年来,人参及其制剂用于临床治疗心绞痛、糖尿病、肝炎、胃炎、哮喘、高血压和低血压、动脉硬化、冠心病、阳痿及性机能降低等病症,均收到良好效果.此外,茎叶亦可供药用.  相似文献   

正2014年全球工程机械制造商50强排行榜发布近日,由《中国工程机械》杂志制作的最新一届2014全球工程机械制造商50强排行榜正式发布。来自中国、日本、美国、德国、瑞典、法国、韩国、芬兰、英国、意大利、奥地利、瑞士、南非、加拿大、印度13个国家的企业入榜,其中中国企业11家(包括徐工集团、中联重科、三一重工、柳工集团、龙工、山推股份、厦工机械、国机重工、福田雷沃重工、北方股份、山河智能),与日本并列入榜企业数量第一。  相似文献   

记者:CMF’08和CFF’08即将开展,请您介绍一下本届展会的最新进展情况。齐副秘书长:截止到目前,本届展览会共有90多家一流的锻压设备、模具和材料的展商,分别来自中国、德国、日本、美国、意大利、法国、瑞典、西班牙和荷兰等十几个国家,包括舒勒、金丰、小松产机、隔而固、SMSMEER、Lasco、扬锻、徐锻、稼本、理研、湖州机床、  相似文献   

2012年6月9~11日郑州国际会展中心主办单位:国家工程机械质量监督检验中心中国建筑业协会中国市政工程协会郑州市人民政府承办单位:郑州市科中会展有限公司长葛市生产力促进中心长葛市程远会展服务有限公司参展范围钢筋机械:除锈机、冷拉机、冷拔机、调直切断机、切断机、镦头机、弯曲机、焊接机、拉丝机等;路面与压实机械:压路机、冲击夯、振动夯、开槽机、平地机、路面切割机、路面破碎机、摊铺机、拌和机、沥青灌缝机、搅拌机、混凝土转运车、沥青泵等;  相似文献   

大连液压件厂始建于1965年,是中国液压基础件行业的骨干企业。企业占地2.7万m2,建筑面积2.2万m2,现有职工604人。企业现已形成以汽车转向泵、成套液压系统、液压阀、液压泵、液压缸、汽车翻转装置、汽车管件液压机械为主的产品结构体系。产品广泛应用于国内汽车、冶金、石油、造船、工程机械、塑料机械、环保等行业,还销往美国、加拿大、日本、东南亚等国家  相似文献   

为了保障特种设备领域从业人员的人身安全和国家财产安全,促进行业健康发展,国家质检总局组织对锅炉、压力容器用钢板产品质量进行了国家监督抽查。共抽查了北京、天津、河北、山西、辽宁、上海、江苏、安徽、江西、山东、河南、湖南、湖北、广东、广西、陕西、重庆、甘肃等18个省、直辖市、自治区20家企业生产的35种产品(不涉及出口产品),产品实物质量抽样合格率为100%。  相似文献   

正《阀门手册——选型》——本书由化学工业出版社于2013年1月出版发行,张清双、尹玉杰、明赐东主编。全书针对阀门用户的实际需求,在介绍了各种阀门选型基本知识的基础上,重点介绍了各种阀门的结构、技术特点、应用场合及选用原则等内容,阀门种类包括闸阀、球阀、蝶阀、截止阀、止回阀、旋塞阀、柱塞阀、隔膜阀、电磁阀、节流阀、蒸汽疏水阀、减压阀、安全阀、调节阀、放料阀、塑料阀门、陶瓷阀门以及供水管网、水  相似文献   

In this work, we studied the embryology of mice of 12, 14, and 18 days of gestation by gross observation, light microscopy, and scanning electron microscopy. Grossly, the embryos of 12 days were observed in C‐shaped region of the brain, eye pigmentation of the retina, first, second, and third pharyngeal arches gill pit nasal region on the fourth ventricle brain, cervical curvature, heart, liver, limb bud thoracic, spinal cord, tail, umbilical cord, and place of the mesonephric ridge. Microscopically, the liver, cardiovascular system and spinal cord were observed. In the embryo of 14 days, we observed structures that make up the liver and heart. At 18 days of gestation fetuses, it was noted the presence of eyes, mouth, and nose in the cephalic region, chest and pelvic region with the presence of well‐developed limbs, umbilical cord, and placenta. Scanning electron microscopy in 18 days of gestation fetuses evidenced head, eyes closed eyelids, nose, vibrissae, forelimb, heart, lung, kidney, liver, small bowel, diaphragm, and part of the spine. The results obtained in this work describe the internal and external morphology of mice, provided by an integration of techniques and review of the morphological knowledge of the embryonic development of this species, as this animal is of great importance to scientific studies. Microsc. Res. Tech. 2012. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

We propose a CAD tool, XPN-FMS, which is primarily based on a unique Petri net (PN) synthesis method, called the knitting technique, developed by the authors. Petri net theory has been applied to specification, validation, performance analysis, control code generation, and simulation for manufacturing systems. The analysis of flexible manufacturing systems (FMSs) based on PNs suffers from the complexity problem of reachability analysis (Peterson, 1981). CAD tools are urgently needed. There is no existing CAD tool for FMSs as comprehensive as XPN-FMS, in the sense that the latter integrates the functions of drawing, analysis, reduction (Chao and Wang, 1992; Murata and Koh, 1980), synthesis, property queries, and animation of FMS operations in one software package. Using the X window graphical interface and animation, XPN-FMS makes the modeling and analysis of an FMS visualizable and easy to understand and manipulate. It lets a user draw the factory layout of an FMS on the screen of a monitor using the supplied tools. A corresponding PN model can also be drawn on the monitor screen. XPN-FMS can animate and simulate the overall operating process of the FMS. It is useful for FMS specification, validation, and exploration of different design alternatives, status monitoring, and control. Using XPN-FMS with various inputs and comparing the resulting outputs, the user can determine how to improve efficiency, reduce cost, and pinpoint bottlenecks. For the PN models of FMSs that are decision free, we extend the theory and algorithm of a unique matrix-based method (Chao and Wang, 1993b) to search for subcritical loops (including types A and B) and to support scheduling and dealing with transition periods. XPN-FMS implements this extended method to find the minimum cycle time, critical loop, subcritical loops, next critical loop, and scheduling ranges to avoid the transient period for static scheduling. This is implemented in XPN-FMS for the input sequence control.This project is partially funded by NJIT's Separately Budgeted Research Program. Portions of this article were presented in Chao, Chen, Wang, and Zhou (1992),Proceedings of the 1992 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Chicago, Illinois, October 1992. The former name of the first author, which has appeared in some of his earlier publications, was Yuh Yaw.  相似文献   

A bar, made from an elastic–perfectly plastic material, fixed at one end, suddenly has an axial load applied at the other end. After its sudden application, the load is held constant. If the load is less than half the yield load for the bar, and in the absence of damping, the load causes a stress wave to pass up and down the bar, all behaviour being elastic. At any point within the bar length, the stress varies, in a stepwise fashion, between zero, and twice the stress corresponding to the applied load. This is the classical elastic solution. However, if the load is greater than half the yield load, when the stress wave first hits the fixed end, yielding will occur, and a simple model is proposed in this paper to allow for yielding. The model incorporates two zones separated by the stress wave, as in the elastic solution, together with a third zone, concentrated, and adjacent to the fixed support, in which all plastic straining takes place. The paper describes and verifies the model, and presents the predictions that it gives for various levels of load.  相似文献   

In order to diminish the effect of the ambient light and CCD pixel non-uniformity to the Precipitation Micro-physical Characteristics Sensor,a modified calibration scheme was designed and calibration experiments in sunny,cloudy,night,different location of sample space were carried out. Firstly,the characteristics of particle images which affected by ambient light and different location of sample space were analyzed. Secondly,the relevance betw een particle image features and parameters of image processing were discussed. Finally,the parameter setting scheme were determined,the radium of median filtering algorithm is 3 pixels,the defocusing radius of point spread function( PSF) is 7 pixels,the radium of erosion is 3 pixels,and the binary threshold is obtained from the Area-thresh relationship. The results show that the new scheme could deal with the image calibration well,the average errors of equivolumetric diameter was 0. 041 mm with standard deviation of 0. 115 mm,and the average errors of the axis ratio was 0. 011 with standard deviation of 0. 085. The new scheme works well in the field observation too,the observed axis ratio is consistent with the empirical relationship that proposed by Beard. The relative error of accumulation precipitation is-3. 06% after calibration,w hich is improved 1. 94% low er than the initial one without calibration.  相似文献   

在挖掘机实验平台上使用单片机ADuC812和工控机PC104,通过CAN总线连接,在PC104E和ADuC812之间进行数据的通信,从而构建了一个分布式控制系统。在该系统上采取一些现代控制算法,使泵的排量根据工作状况实时的改变、通过CAN总线的通信,可以在上位机上实时观测到挖掘机的工作状况,同时根据实际工况做出合理的调整、实验结果表明,通过这样的控制策略和算法,可以大大降低泵功率的损耗。  相似文献   

沈晨辉  陆国栋  Furukawa  张东亮 《机械》2005,32(5):49-51,53
首先从编织物的结构中提取出三种基本编织结构:Knit、Tuck、Welt,并对这三种结构进行模型构造;然后分析纹理图案的bmp图片,从中得到编织物针珐数据;接着把这三种基本结构按照得到的针珐数据连接起来,生成一条条粗糙的纱线中心线,并由此得到粗略的编织物框架;再从纱线的每个结构中选取一定的点作为控制点,由这些控制点生成NURBS曲线,得到精确、平滑的纱线中心线;然后构造纱线的横截面,根据横截面生成纱线表面的三角面片;最后按照每条纱线的颜色显示这些面片,从而生成逼真的编织物模拟效果。同时,运用弹簧一质点模型,模拟了编织物受到拉力后变形的情况。  相似文献   

灵活掌握指令的使用,编制出较完善的程序,使经济型数控车床能加工出高质量的零件,是编程中的棘手问题。针对经济型数控车床使用中常遇到的实际问题,在加工轴、孔、球类零件时,使用G00、G92、G26、G27、G29及间隙补偿指令可采用的技巧和注意事项,在提速的同时应充分考虑到指令使用与实际位移轨迹、累计误差、工序安排、运行速度、间补次数等多种因素,使编程简单化的同时提高加工精度,最大效益的发挥经济型数控车床的作用,省时、高效、高质量的完成加工任务。  相似文献   

短波吸收原理油样品含水分析方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合短波吸收原理在油、水两种状态下的信号衰减差异,通过与同原理在线含水分析仪的比较,列举有关数据,证实了其在化验室条件下对油样品含水分析的可行性及优越性,并针对现有的化验室含水分析方法,就该原理方法的可靠性、实用性进行了深入的研究,并详尽地介绍了实施方法。  相似文献   

为实现多层金刚石磨粒逐层激光钎焊成形,从单道扫描到单层扫描,再到多层扫描,系统研究了镍铬合金与金刚石磨粒的多层激光钎焊工艺。通过提取钎焊道与层的截面成形特征参量,对钎焊层截面成形质量进行参数化评价,并结合钎焊层表面形态,对钎焊层综合成形特性进行评价和讨论,研究了工艺参数对钎焊成形的影响。研究结果表明:激光功率与扫描速度是影响钎焊成形的重要因素,不仅影响着合金粉末的熔合程度、熔池宽度,还影响金刚石的分散状态和钎料对金刚石的浸润包裹性,最终影响钎焊层的平整性。当道与道之间的搭接率为30%~40%时,钎焊成形质量较好。在采用逆向扫描策略,扫描道数为10、固定激光功率为700 W、扫描速度为15 mm/s、光斑直径为1.5 mm、搭接率为30%的条件下,实现了多层磨粒的激光逐层钎焊成形,钎料对金刚石浸润包裹充分,钎焊层中间区域平整连续,整体成形质量好。  相似文献   

先进制造技术发展与展望   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
首先分析了制造业 (特别是装备制造业 )在工业和国民经济中所占有的基础的重要地位 ;阐述了发展先进制造技术是我国目前紧迫的重大的任务 ;指出了现代制造业市场、制造企业和机械制造业的特征 ;重点分析了先进制造技术 8个方面的发展趋势和特色 :“数”是核心 ,“精”是关键 ,“极”是焦点 ,“自”是条件 ,“集”是方法 ,“网”是道路 ,“智”是前景 ,而“绿”是必然。最后 ,提出了先进制造技术的 1 0大优先发展方向。  相似文献   

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