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网络虚拟化技术的两个关键问题是底层网络资源的抽象和上层虚拟资源的调度.文章围绕这两个方面,从网络物理节点虚拟和链路虚拟两个方面探讨了目前正在研究的几类网络虚拟化技术思路.  相似文献   

结合软件定义光网络和光网络资源虚拟化的技术背景,对虚拟光网络成本优化问题进行了深入研究。在软件定义光网络中采用软件定义光网络基础服务架构和网络资源抽象的虚拟光网络服务架构,通过引入虚拟光网络的映射模型,提出了虚拟光网络映射策略和虚拟光网络协同映射规划方法,解决了面向成本优化的虚拟光网络映射方法,可为未来光网络虚拟化技术的应用提供技术支撑。  相似文献   

基于对OTN(光传送网络)技术发展方向的分析,指出SDN(软件定义网络)技术会直接或间接影响OTN未来五大发展方向中的三项,具体体现在软件定义传送平面、软件定义控制平面、IP与光跨层协同融合和光网络资源虚拟化四大方面。研究表明,OTN的SDN化将是超100Gbit/s时代的重要发展趋势。  相似文献   

SDN试验床网络虚拟化切片机制综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘江  黄韬  张晨  张歌 《通信学报》2016,37(4):159-171
未来网络体系架构和关键技术的研究需要灵活开放的测试验证环境,基于传统分布式的网络架构难以达到动态虚拟化、有效管控和新协议灵活部署的需求。随着软件定义网络(SDN)技术的出现和发展,上述问题找到了有效的解决途径,因此,基于SDN构建网络试验床成为了近年来该领域的主流研究方向之一。其中,基于SDN的网络虚拟化切片技术更是试验床中的核心支撑技术,可以根据不同试验的需求切分物理网络资源,从而提供并行、独立的网络环境。将重点研究基于SDN的试验床中使用的网络虚拟化切片机制,从“流量识别和切片网络标识”、“虚拟节点抽象”和“虚拟链路抽象”这3个关键技术出发,对当前基于SDN试验床中的典型网络虚拟化切片机制进行介绍与分析,并总结了该领域未来可行的研究方向。  相似文献   

网络虚拟化技术是实现物联网智慧化服务的一项关键技术,其能够支持网络多样化和泛在化,并能提高网络资源利用率。论文基于物联网智慧服务特征,探讨物联网服务的语义化描述方法,进而研究网络虚拟化环境下的资源表示模型和资源管理模型,基于上述模型研究面向物联网服务的虚拟网络体系架构,实现网络虚拟化环境下面向物联网服务的网络资源的管理最优化。  相似文献   

传统的互联网构架模型已难以满足消费者层出不穷的新兴应用要求,网络虚拟化作为解决当前互联网僵化问题的技术手段,近年来受到了国内外新一代网络研究领域的广泛关注。如何在异构的物理环境下设计出既能满足虚拟网用户资源需求,又能最大化利用物理网络资源的资源分配算法,是网络虚拟化技术亟待解决的问题。本文根据博弈论的思想,将合作博弈与非合作博弈相结合,提出了基于混合博弈的竞争模型,并根据业务类型把虚拟网划分为不同的服务类型,提出虚拟网络资源动态分配方法。仿真结果表明,本文提出的基于混合博弈的虚拟网络动态资源分配方案相对于传统资源分配方案而言,充分利用了基础设施提供商提供的物理资源,同时有效预防链路拥塞,增加了用户满意度。  相似文献   

在介绍5G核心网整体架构的基础上,围绕5G核心网的关键技术,深入探讨了网络切片技术、软件定义网络(SDN)、网络功能虚拟化(NFV)、云原生和边缘计算在5G核心网中的相互协同,实现了网络资源的高效管理、灵活配置、快速扩展和个性化服务。通过技术的互补性和创新发展,5G核心网络能够满足多样化的业务需求,支持众多新兴应用。  相似文献   

基于当前的信息技术水平不断提升,出现了云存储这种虚拟化的技术,这种技术主要是把虚拟化存储技术和分布式存储技术联合起来,运用到现代化的技术当中去。云计算目前已经变成国内外的主要信息领域所研究的方向。本文针对云计算的虚拟化存储技术进行相关的分析,以期更加对于网络资源的运用更加合理化,对于促进云存储技术的研究更加具有推广的意义。文章通过对于云计算和技术组成方面进行研究,从而有效地实现云计算的实现方式。  相似文献   

汪勇 《信息通信》2014,(5):138-139
网络虚拟化是将多个硬件或软件网络资源及相关的网络功能集成到一个可用的软件中统一管理和控制的过程,并且对于网络应用而言,该虚拟网络环境的实现方式是透明的。基于网络虚拟化技术,相关物理网络资源被抽象、逻辑划分和组合,并在此基础上被调度和管理。网络虚拟化技术是网络精细化运营的基础,网络虚拟化技术分布在企业网络应用的各个层面与各个方面,不管是用户还是企业网络管理者都离不开网络虚拟化。  相似文献   

通过研究新一代传送网络技术,分析新一代传送网络市场和技术发展状况,介绍了新一代传送网络推动的软件定义网络(SDN)技术以及网络功能虚拟化(NFV)架构等新技术,指出随着新一代传送技术的发展,下一代光通信网络传送技术的趋势必然是高容量高动态的全光网络。  相似文献   

Current trends in computing indicate that there is a great potential for service‐oriented computing and similar technologies, such as application‐oriented networks (AONs), where services can relocate to adapt to the conditions of the underlying network. In such environments, providing and consuming services and establishing a relationship between consumers (users of services) and producers (providers of services) are still challenging and vastly researched aspects. Bearing this in mind, we define a service location and planning (SLP) problem that uniquely matches producers to consumers and accounts for realistic parameters such as, quality of service (QoS) constraints of throughput and delay, and network constraints of underlying link layer bandwidth capacities, and cost of meeting consumer requests. Our contribution lies in the mathematical formulation of the SLP problem as an integer linear programming (ILP) problem that can be solved optimally for small‐scale networks and extending this work using Lagrangean relaxation (LR) approximation techniques to solve the SLP problem for large‐scale networks. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   


Service oriented computing makes great growth in developing web services. A web service is a software application with a standardized way of providing interoperability between disparate applications. Web service repository has a main challenging task in how it can help end user and another web service to group and retrieve their service with high performance. With increased number of both unrestricted and distributed services in web that belong to different domains, web services classification become necessary. This paper proposes a new classification strategy for web services called Gen-Fuzzy Based Strategy. The proposed strategy consists of two stages, which are; (i) Outlier Rejection Stage (ORS) and (ii) Classification Stage. In ORS, a proposed fuzzy system has been presented. It used four parameters which are; Distance to Class Center, Cooling Force, Class Belonging Degree and Domain Belonging Degree. In CS, a proposed Distance Based Ensemble Classifiers (DBEC) has been presented. The aim of DBEC is to train each individual classifier independently by using bagging technique. A collective decision is made by their aggregation in several ways. Experimental results have shown the effectiveness of DBEC in terms of accuracy, precision and recall.


云计算总体架构及其应用与商业模式探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
云计算具有全新的IT架构,可以灵活提供服务给具有不同需求的用户。通过对云架构的研究,指出云架构主要分为服务和管理两部分,详细解析了软件即服务(SaaS)、平台即服务(PaaS)和基础设施即服务(IaaS)及其实现的关键技术,以及管理部分客户层、管理功能层和监控层的架构和功能实现。最后,面向应用,给出了具体云计算构架的实例,并结合应用,提出了云应用的4种商业模式,即公有云、私有云、行业云和混合云,对云服务供应商面向客户的运营选取有一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

Cloud computing provides a new paradigm for hardware and software infrastructure design as well as planning and usage of information systems. It offers flexible, efficient, inexpensive, and quality services. This paper proposes an on-demand service system using the cloud computing architecture and analyzes important issues such as organization, management, and monitoring of distributed service resources; context-aware on-demand service modeling, on-demand automated service composition in large-scale networks, and service system analysis based on complex system theory. Continuous Operating Reference Station (CORS) of a geo-spatial information system is taken as an example, and its architecture is analyzed from the perspective of cloud computing.Some fundamental questions are raised about its service.  相似文献   

Service‐oriented architecture (SOA) has a crucial role in backing productive cloud services. Also, the vast spread of the theoretical notion of diverse businesses (like e‐commerce) into the actual use has been recently applied by cloud computing. The service functionality could be affected by overfilling of the network traffic because of the broadly dispersed nature of e‐commerce in clouds—a key challenge for immediate jobs. Throughout the last decade, a vast range of applications or large‐scale operators has increasingly attracted to migrate the services in clouds. An effective method for accessing the applications throughout standard business hours is continually moving virtual machine containers from one data center to another. Now, with the commonness of cloud computing, many applications have been moved to the cloud fully/partly. It can be handled through the migration of cloud services to diverse platforms in a way that minimizes the communication cost of e‐commerce. As this issue has an NP‐hard nature, in the present article, we present an automatic smart service migration outline through the ant colony optimization (ACO) algorithm on cloud‐oriented e‐commerce. In the presented model, we use the ACO algorithm to take the finest (near‐optimal) service migration decisions. Based on the obtained results, the proposed technique has the optimal number of migrations compared to the existing models.  相似文献   

本文首先介绍了云计算特征与分类、云服务模式,其次,由云计算的开放类型:公有云、私有云、混合云等展开叙述,分析了云计算体系结构与云服务模式融合、云计算层次结构与服务类型关联机制、SaaS#系结构与安全隐患,最后阐述了SaaS模式下数据的安全取向,具体分析了系统管理与物理安全、数据传输与网络安全、数据存储与冗余备份、强化软件效用提升云服务安全等。  相似文献   

云计算在电信领域的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
电信运营商面临着节能降耗、提升服务质量和业务创新的压力,云计算技术的出现为解决这些压力提供了新的思路。在基础设施层面,采用虚拟化技术能够有效提高资源利用率,提高系统的可伸缩性和可用性;在开发平台层面,电信网能够开放自身业务能力,为业务创新提供支持;在业务层面,电信网能够以服务的形式提供各类软件,开拓电信业务的范围。云计算同时也会带来安全、管理和标准等方面的问题,这些问题需要在发展中逐步解决。  相似文献   

Recent advances in distributed systems and transportable software and increasing demand for better quality of service (QoS) control in multiservice networks are driving a reexamination of network software architectures. We established the Comet (Control, Management, and Telemedia) Group at Columbia University's Center for Telecommunications Research to provide comprehensive understanding of network software architecture for the 1990s and beyond. This research focuses on developing new network architectures that support service creation, QoS control, and the joint allocation of computing and communications resources. This provides an opportunity to reconcile the perspectives of the computing and communication communities. Future multiservice (multimedia) networks will carry traffic such as video, audio, and computer data with diverse QoS requirements. Such networks will thus require that we develop ways to manage many physical and logical entities, services, and users  相似文献   

云计算的出现给IT领域带来了一场新的变革,今年是云计算发展非常重要的一年。随着全球对云计算研究的热潮,国际国内各大IT公司相继推出自己的云计算产品,这些云计算产品无一例外都是通过网络向用户提供服务的,这样对数据安全、可靠性和云计算服务自身的健壮性存在着挑战。随着云计算广泛的应用,传统的软件架构也将受到挑战,特别是在3层软件架构中的数据服务层将发生变化。  相似文献   

Cloud computing is becoming a hot topic of the information industry in recent years. Many companies provide the cloud services, such as Google Apps and Apple multimedia services. In general, by applying the virtualization technologies, the data center is built for cloud computing to provide users with the computing and storage resources, as well as the software environment. Thus, the quality of service (QoS) must be considered to satisfy users' requirements. This paper proposes a high efficiency scheduling scheme for supporting cloud computing. The virtual machine migration technique has been applied to the proposed scheduling scheme for improving the resources utilization and satisfying the QoS requirement of users. The experimental results show that in addition to satisfying the QoS requirement of users, the proposed scheme can improve the resources utilization effectively.  相似文献   

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