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译事三难"信、达、雅"--中国译坛人人皆知,但自其诞生百余年来,人们对它的评价褒贬不一.本文列举了中国翻译界时此标准有代表性的观点.认为"信、达、雅"作为一种翻译标准合情合理,无可厚非.并通过分析该标准对中国译论和翻译实践的影响,得出该标准即使在译论"百花齐放"的今天其仍会独领风骚,耐人寻味.  相似文献   

"信"作为翻译原则在翻译实践中有两个预设,一个是逻辑原子论的预设,一个是原文和译文二元对立的预设.前者意味着只要原文与译文语词对应,原文的意义即可准确传达.后者意味着译文必须绝时服从于原文.本文从雏特根斯坦语言游戏论的观点和培根的"四假相说"出发,从对上述两个预设的探讨八手,对"信"的原则提出了自己的思考.认为意图通过语词对等来准确传递原文意义是难以达到的;翻译不是复制,是阐释,原文与译文是共生关系.  相似文献   

严复(1853-1921),是中国近代启蒙思想家、翻译家、教育家,他是近代将西方资产阶级古典政治经济学说和自然科学、哲学的理论知识介绍到中国的第一人,他翻译有赫胥黎的<天演论>等著作,被称为近代中国"第一译手".他提出的"译事三难"(即"信、达、雅")的翻译标准,对中国现代的翻译实践和理论研究影响巨大,是晚清以来中国翻译及翻译文学理论中最有影响的理论命题.它既是严复翻译经验的精炼的总结,也相当程度地揭示和概括了翻译活动的本质规律.在一百多年来的中国翻译理论中,没有哪一种学说像"信、达、雅"一样具有如此深远和广泛的影响力.  相似文献   

作为诗人,郭沫若不但是中国新诗的莫基人,而且在中外诗论的影响下结合自己的诗歌创作实践提出了一系列诗歌创作的见解.作为诗歌翻译家,他就诗歌翻译进行了大胆的理论探索与实践,在理论上提出了"风韵译"、"创作论"、"共鸣说"和"以诗译诗"等诗歌翻译理论;在实践上有感而译,作译并举,译诗形式丰富多彩.译诗的音乐性特别强.因此,郭沫若的诗歌翻译理论与实践具有诗人译诗、知行合一的鲜明特色.  相似文献   

国内土木工程类刊物大都要求作者将文章的标题、摘要和同.分析近年土木类核心期刊论文标题英译的若干实例;总结出目前标题翻译存在5个方面的问题:术语不够规范,机械直译,译文繁琐、冗长,条理不清、语序混乱,译文没有体现文章特色等;提出了标题英译的改进方法.  相似文献   

中国古人席地而坐,"床"是经常出现在文学作品中的意象.唐代诗文中,"床"既可解释为传统的坐卧用具,也有用以安置器物的承放含义,在一定语境下亦可释为井边围栏,含义多样.  相似文献   

针对对人的"种哲学"的理解,高清海先生选取了历史上已在生成中的"类"概念,形成了自己的"类哲学",以表征人区别于物的超越性存在.尽管纯粹哲学形态的"类哲学"所表达的内容是最具体的,但其形式则具有一定的抽象性.在此文试图通过探讨"文化选择"理论对人的本质的理解与"类哲学"内在的一致性,更全面、深入地理解高清海先生的"类哲学".最后试图运用"类哲学"的观点解决"文化选择"理论的局限性.  相似文献   

人们对日常较为熟悉的表达不太谨慎,所以常常出现理解错误,翻译时亦如此."shakeone's head"是一个较为常见的短语,但在<大卫·科波菲尔>的不同译本中,它却有着不同的译文、有些甚至是完全相反的意思.从对等性的角度讲,正确的译文只有一个,它不可能同时是两个意思完全相反的译文.通过对比研究,"shake one's head"应翻译为"点头",探其原因,应与句子含否定意义有关.  相似文献   

"妙悟"与"天机"是东方古代诗论的两个范畴,中国古代"妙悟"说的代表人物是严羽,韩国古代"天机"论的代表人物是许筠.这两个范畴在他们的论说中,除了肯定诗歌"别趣"、"别材"与灵感问题外,也在批评对象、批评基点、批评方法、批评作用等方面有所不同,另外,许筠的诗论观点还从传统儒家诗论观中解脱了出来,拓宽了诗歌表现的领域.  相似文献   

谈起日本人,普遍的观点都认为"集体主义"观念比较强,注重"和"的精神,缺乏"自我意识"是他们的十分显著的特质,笔者认为这种观点固然有其合理性,但从许多方面来看,日本人并不缺乏"自我意识",相反,他们是一个十分注重"自我意识"的民族.而这种"自我意识",在语言的表达方式上表现得尤为突出.  相似文献   

李洪翠 《山东冶金》2013,(1):40-41,43
由于St13冷轧板冲压后表面出现橘皮缺陷,严重影响使用性能,对钢板生产工艺过程参数和缺陷板取样进行分析,结果表明,化学成分符合要求,退火工艺参数正常,但缺陷试样组织存在一定混晶现象,试样拉伸试验存在微小屈服平台,说明热轧工艺波动和冷轧平整力不足是导致橘皮缺陷产生的主要原因,通过加强热轧工艺控制,优化平整工艺参数,消除了屈服平台和冲压橘皮缺陷。  相似文献   

Orange RN (monosodium salt of 1-phenylazo-2-naphthol-6-sulphonic acid) was administered to female pigs either by intraveneous injection or by stomach tube. After intravenous injection of Orange RN, 7.8 mg/kg, the following metabolites were indentified in 24-hour urines: Orange RN (31%), 1-(4-hydroxyphenlazo)-2-naphthol-6-sulphonic acid (3%), p-aminophenol and 0-aminophenol (34% and 4% of the theoretical yield, respectively). 1-Amino-2-naphthol-6-sulphonic acid was present, but not determined. When the urine collection was extended to 72 hours the excretion of p-aminophenol accounted for the remainder of the phenylazo moiety. The excretion pattern for p-aminophenol suggest that Orange RN is partly excreted in the bile and thereafter undergoes azo reduction in the gut. After administration of Orange RN, 78 mg/kg, by stomach tube the following metabolites were identified in the urine: Total coloured metabolites (Orange RN and 1-(4-hydroxyphenylazo)-2-naphtholphenol-6-sulphinic acid) (0.4% of the theoretical yield), p-aminophenol and o-aminophenol (52% and 6% of the theoretical yield, respectively) and aniline (0.3% of the theoretical yield). 1-Amino-2-naphthol-6-sulphonic acid was present, but not determined.  相似文献   

In this work the photodegradation of orange II was carried out in the presence of iron-rich montmorillonite (MMt) (2.24% Fe2O3) using a 15-W low-pressure ultraviolet lamp (λ = 254?nm,?I = 48.4?μW/cm2). The effects of pH, MMt dose, and dye concentration were studied. A low pH value is favorable for the decolorization of orange II. The hydroxyl radical (?OH) concentration increased with increasing concentration of MMt in aqueous solutions in the range of 0–1.5 g/L. Concentrations higher than 5.0 g/L MMt inhibited the ?OH production. There was no significant decrease in photocatalytic activity when the catalyst was reused. Hydroxyl radicals were detected by tert-butyl alcohol in aqueous MMt suspensions under ultraviolet irradiation and were responsible for the degradation of orange II. Free iron ions dissolved in MMt suspensions, structural iron in the MMt structural and the charged surface of nanoclay are responsible for the hydroxyl radical (?OH) production. Free iron ions dissolved in solution plays a predominant role in the degradation of orange II. This study shows that iron-rich MMt is a potential photocatalyst for dye wastewater treatment.  相似文献   

[目的]研究果胶酶制取脐橙果汁的优化工艺.[方法]采用果胶酶制取脐橙果汁,通过单因素试验和正交优化试验研究酶量、酶解时间、酶解温度、酶解pH4个因素对脐橙出汁率的影响.[结果]在酶添加量0.06%、酶解时间0.5 h、酶解温度45℃、酶解pH4.0,脐橙的出汁率最高可达到53.93%.[结论]该研究结果为脐橙果汁的深加工奠定了基础.  相似文献   

What I called "minor quibbles" with a book I found appealing appear to reflect some major issues. The authors may have intended the book for readers in the tradition of European phenomenology, but I reviewed the book for psychoanalytic psychologists who are members of an American Psychological Association, not for a journal of philosophy or of psychoanalysis alone. I don't fault the authors for not writing a literature review or a work of scholarly criticism. Prospective readers will wonder, however, if they are saying something different from other writers they are already familiar with—if they are "introducing" any new ideas or if their ideas differ from others' ideas (I had just reviewed Benjamin's book, for example). (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The photodegradation (at λ = 253.7 nm) of a typical anthraquinone disperse dye (DO11) in a solution containing acetone and triethylamine (TEA) has been investigated. Anthraquinone disperse dyes are known to have very low photodecay rates in the natural environment because of their low solubility. Acetone (ACE) acts not only as a solvent to increase the dye's solubility, but also as a photosensitizer to enhance the dye's photodecay rate. The photodegradation of DO11 follows pseudo first-order decay via photoreduction. In general, the decay quantum yield increases with the increase of ACE∕H2O ratios and pH levels, except at very high ACE∕H2O ratios or pH levels. Under these circumstances, photoreaction will be retarded because of light attenuation by excess acetone and formation of intramolecular hydrogen bonds within the dye molecules. Adding a low concentration of TEA to the aqueous acetone can further enhance the reaction because TEA can be used as an additional hydrogen source. However, an overdose of TEA will quench the reaction. The possible photoreduction mechanisms of anthraquinone disperse dye in aqueous acetone and TEA were proposed, and two models were derived that successfully described the reaction at both low and high [TEA], which made the process performance predictable.  相似文献   

Donna Orange (see record 2003-99989-005), in her article "Antidotes and Alternatives: Perspectival Realism and the New Reductionisms," takes neurobiology to task for the sin of "reductionism," a putatively pernicious process in which the complex exploration and understanding of meaning is supposedly reduced-and thereby diminished- by the neurobiological explication of its organic substrate. Although reductionism, in any form, is not generally a useful approach when consistently applied, Orange's implication that neurobiology is a priori reductionistic and her suggestion that most neurobiologists have as their primary goal the reduction of mind into matter simply are not true. Though neurobiology operates from an empirical stance, it, like any science, ultimately seeks greater understanding, and therefore there is no reason why it cannot work in conjunction with psychoanalysis. Moreover, barring the gates of psychoanalysis to other fields of thought is not done without some measure of peril. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

采用针铁矿为催化剂,与H2O2可形成非均相芬顿(非均相Fenton)试剂对橙黄G(OG)进行降解试验,研究了pH值、催化剂用量、H2O2浓度、反应温度等对橙黄G(OG)降解过程的影响.结果表明,在反应温度为25℃,pH值为3.0,H2O2浓度为30.0mmol/L,针铁矿用量为1.0 g/L时,降解OG效果最好,180 min后质量浓度为50 mg/L的OG降解率为99.6%.OG的降解随着温度的升高而升高,但随着NaCl浓度的升高而降低.不同条件下进行的动力学研究表明,反应接近于表观一级反应,所得表观活化能E=42.18 KJ/mol.  相似文献   

崔玉民  张文保 《稀有金属》2006,30(6):783-788
以钨酸钠为主要原料,通过气液反应制备纳米WO3粉体,并运用XRD,FT-IR等手段对催化剂进行了表征.以500 W氙灯为光源,甲基橙的脱色为模型反应,研究了纳米WO3粉体的光催化活性.实验发现,气液反应法是一种简单有效的制备纳米WO3粉体催化剂的新方法,并显示出较高的光催化活性;900 ℃煅烧的WO3粒子晶体结构发生变化,其对光谱的吸收发生了明显的红移,对可见光的吸收率明显提高;另外,讨论了甲基橙的起始浓度、催化剂的用量、试液Ph值、双氧水的加量、光照时间等因素对光催化脱色率的影响,结果表明,当甲基橙起始浓度为5 mg·L-1、催化剂用量为0.500 g,pH=5.0、双氧水的用量为0.30ml时,光照7 h,甲基橙溶液脱色率达到92.3%,而同样条件下的暗反应和空白实验的脱色率分别为9.5%,6.5%.  相似文献   

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