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Petroleum hydrocarbons are important energy resources. However, petroleum is also a major pollutant of the environment. Contamination by oil and oil products has caused serious harm, and increasing attention has been paid to the development and implementation of innovative technologies for the removal of these contaminants. Biosurfactants have been extensively used in the remediation of water and soil, as well as in the main stages of the oil production chain, such as extraction, transportation, and storage. This diversity of applications is mainly due to advantages such as biodegradability, low toxicity and better functionality under extreme conditions in comparison to synthetic counterparts. Moreover, biosurfactants can be obtained with the use of agro-industrial waste as substrate, which helps reduce overall production costs. The present review describes the potential applications of biosurfactants in the oil industry and the remediation of environmental pollution caused by oil spills.  相似文献   

传统的无机化学品均是采用独自的矿产资源分别进行加工,生产资源与能源未能实现循环经济再利用、循环和分级利用的生产原则,全生命周期能源消耗无效率高。要实现碳达峰、碳中和,满足新产业的需要,就需要开发无机盐化工资源性耦合低碳的新技术新工艺。在钛、磷、硫资源耦合生产钛白粉与湿法磷酸盐先进工艺技术模式的基础上,以储能材料磷酸铁锂为例,提出将钛铁矿-磷灰石矿-锂灰石矿三矿耦合,按“元素经济”的绿色工艺技术路线生产储能材料磷酸铁及磷酸铁锂产品,论述了磷酸铁锂三元素上游磷化工、钛化工、锂化工面临节能减碳的挑战与耦合新技术创新的机遇及市场发展前景。  相似文献   

详细叙述了中国沉淀法白炭黑生产过程中废气、废液产生的来源及危害,指出直接向环境排放二氧化碳废气、硫酸钠废液不仅浪费资源、污染环境,而且严重限制其行业可持续发展。阐述了两种污染物资源化利用的各种方法,其中二氧化碳可以转化成沉淀碳酸钡、轻质碳酸钙等,硫酸钠可以转化成硫酸钡、硫酸钾、硫化钠等工业产品。通过分析、对比资源化利用的各种方法,建议白炭黑生产企业要积极与钡盐行业进行合作联营生产,这样不仅减少“三废”排放,保护环境,而且是污染物资源化利用最佳途径,并且具有一定的可行性。  相似文献   

首先分别从全球新一轮科技革命和产业变革战略、我国化工制造模式变革、实现“碳中和”、实现农业工业化的角度,阐述了绿色生物制造的涵义与意义;其次,对我国生物制造产业发展现状、战略需求进行了分析,文章指出我国生物制造产业虽然起步较晚,但近年来发展迅速,在生物发酵、生物基产品和生物质能等领域形成了一定基础,但是核心层仍然存在短板,表现为关键核心技术和前瞻技术储备不足、核心装备研发落后、市场化程度低、竞争力不足;最后,文章对未来生物制造发展的重点方向与路径提出了相关建议,具体包括推进原料体系多元化战略、建立先进生物制造技术体系。文章指出加快从基因组到工业合成技术、装备突破,支撑生物基化学品、生物基材料、生物能源等重大产品的绿色生产,以生物制造推动“农业工业化、工业绿色化、产业国际化”,对于我国走新型工业化道路,实现财富绿色增长和社会经济可持续发展具有重大战略意义。  相似文献   

随着新能源、新材料等战略性新兴产业的迅猛发展,非常规能源、稀土元素、锂等新兴产业矿产资源需求逐步凸显。锂作为《全国矿产资源规划2016—2020》中的稀缺新兴矿产资源之一,加之近年来国际上对新能源汽车产业的重视,导致锂资源需求逐年增加。虽然中国的锂资源量具有一定的优势,但是产业发展布局不合理、资源开发跟不上产业发展要求、基础锂盐多数依赖原料进口,因此中国对于锂资源的开发和利用能力有待加强。总结了包括盐湖卤水型、硬岩型以及地下深层卤水型3种类型的中国锂资源整体赋存情况。分析了各类型锂资源的研究现状和相关开采技术;同时结合目前中国锂资源的供需现状,剖析了各类型锂资源的生产供应情况。指出目前中国盐湖卤水型锂资源产量不足,硬岩型锂矿供应对外依存度高,而深层地下卤水有望成为未来锂资源的有力补充。建议加强对地下深层卤水型锂资源的调查评价和资源综合利用研究。  相似文献   

The importance of utilizing secondary resources as the raw-material base for production of nonwoven cloth and polymeric composite materials has increased with the trend toward the increase in the cost and shortage of primary raw materials. The technologies developed can be used to solve the problem of utilizing industrial wastes for production of commercial technical and domestic products, reduce the cost of manufactured products, and decrease the ecological strain of production of carbon fibres.Engel's Technological Institute, Saratov Technical University, Balakov Fibre Corp. Translated from Khimicheskie Volokna, No. 2, pp. 40–42, March–April, 1995.  相似文献   

Surfactants find applications in almost every chemical industry, such as household and industrial cleaning, paper, inks, agrochemicals, and personal care or pharmaceuticals. However, their production and use can have a negative impact on the environment and health. Increasing environmental concerns and the strong interest in renewable resources have led to the development of innovative and environmentally friendly surfactants produced by clean and/or sustainable technologies. The aim of this review is to explore the different types of surfactants and their architectures. Then, it will describe the two categories of renewable surfactants: biosurfactants obtained by fermentation, and bio-based surfactants containing either a bio-sourced polar head group or a bio-sourced hydrophobic tail. Finally, this review will focus on highly specialized applications of surfactants (protein crystallization, transfection, and nanotechnology), which are closely related to the ability of surfactants to organize themselves in supramolecular architectures.  相似文献   

《Drying Technology》2013,31(6):1351-1370

Spray drying is a highly a complex operation with the movement of countless droplets/particles in turbulent drying medium flows under changing temperature and humidity conditions. Market (or custom) driven technology development has therefore always played a significant role in industrial spray drying activities owing to the difficulties in designing and operating spray dryers on the basis of theoretical analysis. Indeed, it was the breakthrough as a result of industrial motivated developments in the 1960s of being able to handle solvent based and abrasive liquid formulations plus the incorporation of supportive drying technologies to dry “difficult” products that laid the foundation for a rapid increase in the number of different spray drying applications covering a wide range of industries. In past decades, it was technology advancement alone that was sufficient as the driving force. Today this is not the case. Market-driven development programmes need also to focus on accompanying aspects of safety and environmental impact, and for new ideas to be applied in industry, there must be a strong economic element to enhance a profitable value-added powder production. Although spray drying is considered a mature drying technology by today's industrial standards, the technology still needs to develop to cope with new product and dried product quality demands. Furthermore, there remains the ever-present situation of spray dryer end-users faced with continuous increasing market competition for their products and the need to comply with changing national and international environmental and operational safety directives. This situation and the further evolution of a global economy will continue to stimulate market driven development programmes. Current activities in the field are the subject of this article.  相似文献   

通过对全球石墨资源的勘查与研究成果进行收集和整理,系统总结了国内外石墨资源储量、生产、消费与进出口贸易等变化趋势。研究表明,全球近99.91%的石墨资源高度集中分布于除南极洲外其他六大洲的土耳其、中国、巴西、马达加斯加、莫桑比克、坦桑尼亚、印度、乌兹别克斯坦与墨西哥等9个国家;中国石墨产量约占2020年世界石墨总产量的59.09%,石墨消费量、进出口量分别约占2019年世界总市场份额的60%、24.28%与52.73%,均居全球第一;与世界先进国家相比,中国优质高级别石墨较少、获取更高附加值石墨产品能力不足。随着全国新一代信息技术、新能源、新材料等战略性新兴产业的迅猛发展,国内优质石墨资源的消费需求将大幅增加。因此,加大高品质石墨矿产勘查、加强石墨产业结构优化升级、完善石墨资源战略储备机制、推动“卡脖子”关键技术攻关、实现全国石墨上中下游产业链绿色协调可持续发展势在必行。  相似文献   

Spray drying is a highly a complex operation with the movement of countless droplets/particles in turbulent drying medium flows under changing temperature and humidity conditions. Market (or custom) driven technology development has therefore always played a significant role in industrial spray drying activities owing to the difficulties in designing and operating spray dryers on the basis of theoretical analysis. Indeed, it was the breakthrough as a result of industrial motivated developments in the 1960s of being able to handle solvent based and abrasive liquid formulations plus the incorporation of supportive drying technologies to dry “difficult” products that laid the foundation for a rapid increase in the number of different spray drying applications covering a wide range of industries. In past decades, it was technology advancement alone that was sufficient as the driving force. Today this is not the case. Market-driven development programmes need also to focus on accompanying aspects of safety and environmental impact, and for new ideas to be applied in industry, there must be a strong economic element to enhance a profitable value-added powder production. Although spray drying is considered a mature drying technology by today's industrial standards, the technology still needs to develop to cope with new product and dried product quality demands. Furthermore, there remains the ever-present situation of spray dryer end-users faced with continuous increasing market competition for their products and the need to comply with changing national and international environmental and operational safety directives. This situation and the further evolution of a global economy will continue to stimulate market driven development programmes. Current activities in the field are the subject of this article.  相似文献   

红豆杉是广谱抗肿瘤药物——紫杉醇的天然来源,国际市场对紫杉醇的需求量逐年增长,我国虽然红豆杉储量已超过世界储量二分之一,出口量约占世界总产量四分之一,但出口产值仅占世界紫杉醇总产值十分之一,因此,如何在现有基础上快速提高红豆杉产品附加值并建立完整的高附加值产业链是我国红豆杉产业发展的关键。在此基础上,本研究对红豆杉资源储量、产品类型、产品质量控制及其分析检测方法、技术瓶颈及产业规模等进行了调研,对我国当前红豆杉产业存在的野生资源稀少、人工资源缺乏统一规划布局以及缺乏高附加值产品等问题的原因进行了分析,对红豆杉产业未来资源储量、技术创新方向及产业发展规划提出了建议,可为红豆杉资源绿色产业化发展提供理论基础和数据支持。  相似文献   

Due to their non-toxic nature, biodegradability and production from renewable resources, research has shown an increasing interest in the use of biosurfactants in a wide variety of applications. This paper reviews the characterization of rhamnolipid and sophorolipid biosurfactants based on their hydrophilicity/hydrophobicity and their ability to form microemulsions with a range of oils without additives. The use of the biosurfactants in applications such as detergency and vegetable oil extraction for biodiesel application is also discussed. Rhamnolipid was found to be a hydrophilic surfactant while sophorolipid was found to be very hydrophobic. Therefore, rhamnolipid and sophorolipid biosurfactants in mixtures showed robust performance in these applications.  相似文献   

A recent strong trend toward green and sustainable chemistry has promoted the intensive use of renewable carbon sources for the production of polymers, biofuels, chemicals, monomers and other valuable products. The Diels-Alder reaction is of great importance in the chemistry of renewable resources and provides an atom-economic pathway for fine chemical synthesis and for the production of materials. The biobased furans furfural and 5-(hydroxymethyl)furfural, which can be easily obtained from the carbohydrate part of plant biomass, were recognized as “platform chemicals” that will help to replace the existing oil-based refining to biorefining. Diels-Alder cycloaddition of furanic dienes with various dienophiles represents the ideal example of a “green” process characterized by a 100% atom economy and a reasonable E-factor. In this review, we first summarize the literature data on the regio- and diastereoselectivity of intermolecular Diels-Alder reactions of furfural derivatives with alkenes with the aim of establishing the current progress in the efficient production of practically important low-molecular-weight products. The information provided here will be useful and relevant to scientists in many fields, including medical and pharmaceutical research, polymer development and materials science.  相似文献   

王晨伊  刘琦  彭勃  吕静 《化工进展》2019,38(9):4012-4019
表面活性素(surfactin)是一类由革兰氏阳性的枯草芽孢杆菌产生的脂肽(lipopeptide)型生物表面活性剂,因其具有优于化学合成表面活性剂的若干优点,如低毒性、高生物降解性、更好的环境相容性,且在极端环境下稳定性好,在提高石油采收率方面有较好的应用潜力,但是目前只有少数的生物表面活性剂可以大规模生产实现工业化应用。本文介绍了surfactin生物表面活性剂的化学结构和生物合成机制,并对其发酵生产过程的影响因素进行分析,为提高其生产经济性探索不同的策略,例如使用更便宜的原材料、优化培养基组分、优化反应器等,系统论述了surfactin生物表面活性剂的驱油机理和其与化学合成表面活性剂的复配研究,同时针对其应用时的不足之处提出研究新思路。  相似文献   

郭润楠  李文博  韩跃新 《化工进展》2021,40(11):6155-6172
作为战略性非金属矿产资源,天然石墨独特的结构使得它具有导电性良好(电阻率8×10-6~13×10-6Ω·m)、可塑性强、摩擦系数小(0.08~0.16)、耐高温、化学性质稳定、天然可浮性好等物化特性,是多种工业必需的关键原料。同时天然石墨具有用途广泛、深加工产品附加值高、产业链条长等特点,除广泛应用于耐火材料、密封、铸造、导电材料等传统工业领域,在新能源、新一代电子信息技术、新能源汽车、高端装备制造业等新兴领域也有着极大的应用前景,被誉为“工业黑金”。我国石墨资源丰富,但尚未成为石墨资源强国,本文基于近年来我国石墨矿产资源开发现状、对外进出口贸易数据以及石墨消费市场结构,分析了天然石墨综合利用现状,并在此基础上对天然石墨分选工艺、提纯方法、深加工产品的制备及在新兴战略性产业领域的应用展开讨论,系统介绍了石墨资源的综合利用进展,其中主要涉及石墨层间化合物、球形石墨和石墨烯三类重要的石墨深加工产品。最后,基于石墨产业的发展趋势,给出加强石墨资源开发利用的发展方向。  相似文献   

In a global economy, the key to success is providing products around the world at the right time in the right quantity and quality, at a low cost. Efficient supply chains have an important role in guaranteeing this success. Optimized planning of such structures is required and uncertainties regarding product demands and prices, amongst other supply chain conditions, should also be considered. In this paper, we look into supply chain planning decisions that account for uncertainty on product portfolios demand and prices. A multi-period planning model is developed where the supply chain operational decisions on supply, production, transportation, and distribution at the actual period consider the uncertainty on products’ demand and prices. Different decision scenarios, involving the evaluation of the supply chain economical performance, are analyzed (e.g. global operating costs/profit realized) for different criteria on the importance of the partners within the global chain (i.e. partners’ structure). A Mixed Integer Linear Programming (MILP) formulation is formulated for each planning scenario and the optimal solution is reached using a standard Branch and Bound (B&B) procedure. The final results provide details on the supply chain partners production, transportation and inventory, at each planning period, while accounting for the importance of each partner in the global chain as well as demand/price uncertainties. The applicability of the developed formulation is illustrated through the solution of a real case-study involving an industrial chain in the pharmaceutical sector.  相似文献   

Surfactants find applications in a wide variety of industrial processes. Biomolecules that are amphiphilic and partition preferentially at interfaces are classified as biosurfactants. In terms of surface activity, heat and pH stability, many biosurfactants are comparable to synthetic surfactants. Therefore, as the environmental compatibility is becoming an increasingly important factor in selecting industrial chemicals, the commercialization of biosurfactant is gaining much attention. In this paper, the general properties and functions of biosurfactants are introduced. Strategies for development of biosurfactant assay, enhanced biosurfactant production, large scale fermentation, and product recovery are discussed. Also discussed are recent advances in the genetic engineering of biosurfactant production. The potential applications of biosurfactants in industrial processes and bioremediation are presented. Finally, comments on the application of enzymes for the production of surfactants are also made.  相似文献   

流程工业的低碳/零碳/负碳转型,需从节能、降污、减碳出发,根本上要在能源和原料供给侧摆脱传统化石能源的束缚。风电、光电、水电等为未来社会提供源源不断的可再生能源,但其不具备资源属性,而生物质兼具能源和资源属性,是未来替代化石燃料和原料的重要载体。本文指出,当前生物质转化主要集中在能源、材料、化学品等领域,以生物甲烷、乙醇、航煤等为代表的生物质能源取得了阶段性成果。将生物质转化技术与流程工业耦合,是当下流程工业低碳转型的重要手段,也是实现未来零碳/负碳目标的根本性措施。本文从生物质气化热电联用、生物质气化与燃煤耦合发电、水泥工业生物质替代燃料等案例出发,简要阐述了生物质转化与流程工业耦合面临的挑战,以及未来亟需发展的可再生能源为主的流程再造新理论和前沿颠覆性技术。  相似文献   

真空低温连续干燥工业自动化生产线关键技术研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
通过对真空低温连续干燥生产线工艺性分析和关键技术研究,建立了300t/d高水分玉米真空低温连续干燥工业自动化生产线,并对生产线系统进行了生产性试验和关键技术验证分析。试验验证表明,该真空低温连续干燥新技术具有节能高效、绿色环保、干燥品质好的特点,是我国解决粮食干燥问题的一条新途径,是我国绿色干燥技术的发展方向。  相似文献   

李文苹 《化工进展》2014,33(6):1365-1372
19世纪末到20世纪的工业革命期间,随着电力、石油、汽车等工业的发展,人类对能源的使用和消耗以指数速度迅速增长。能源开采、生产及使用等行为导致全球气候变暖、资源匮乏,人类的健康和生存受到威胁。保护环境、节省资源、开发新能源便成为现代工业发展以及人类生产生活的核心,而提高效率、减少污染,再生、再利用及持续性发展则成为发展的主要驱动力。过滤分离作为一种低能耗技术过程,近年来其应用领域在能源、资源及环境方面得到深广的发展,而其自身产品技术则同时得到日新月异的发展。其发展趋势体现在高能效、低能耗、自动、连续、更高的分离精度,更广的温度压力适用范围,更长的使用寿命以及更低的对环境的影响。本文围绕环境、资源、能源等方面现在及未来的应用需求,重点介绍欧美近年来过滤分离在如页岩天然气开采中的采出水处理,生物柴油、生物甲烷等可再生能源,水处理,工业废气、汽车尾气及室内空气过滤等方面的新技术新产品,以及传统过滤分离技术的新应用,并对过程计算模拟的发展应用及过滤分离基础理论研究状况做了简略介绍。  相似文献   

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