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大学生党员培养教育工作,是事关我们党执政地位是否稳固的大事,是一项重要战略任务。目前高校普遍存在对大学生党员的教育重视不足,重发展、轻管理的问题,加强对大学生党员的教育,提高大学生党员的质量,充分发挥他们在大学生中的先锋模范作用,是高校大学生党建工作的重中之重。  相似文献   

丁健 《中国科技博览》2009,(11):184-184
当今世界各国的经济发展科技进步主要是依靠高素质的人才,尤其是在我国加入世界贸易组织之后更需要一大批的高级知识分子来建设国家。要想培养出高素质人才,就必须坚持我国的高等教育方针,部分大学生只从自己的兴趣和爱好出发,追求知识的单一性或专一性,认为只要有门儿特长,就可以走遍天下。比如,有的重业务,轻政治;有的重科技,轻人文;有的重书本知识,轻社会实践活动等等,造成自身素质的畸形发展状态。殊不知,这种畸形发展状态是违背事物的整体性原则的,也是不符合时代发展的要求的。在这种形势下,我们必须进一步加强教育,培养出大量的具有全面发展的高级专门人才。  相似文献   

近年来,随着高校的不断扩招,越来越多的独生子女——“90后”走入高校,开始了全新的大学生活,大学生的基本生活技能关系到一个人的发展和成功,从对父母的依赖到独立处理生活中的所有问题,是大学生人生发展的趋势和必然结果,也是健康、成熟的具体表现。加强对在校大学生的“自我认识、自我服务、自我提升”的教育工作,是使大学生能够拥有基本生活接技能的重途径之一,也是培养和升华大学生素质的一个重方式。  相似文献   

本文分析了高职教育中存在的诸如重技能教育轻做人教育、重技能培训轻学科体系、重资格证书考核轻实践能力培养、重机械模仿学习轻自主研发创新等问题,并提出了相应的解决策略和方法,强调办学特色走自主创新之路,突出大学校长的大师风范、领袖地位。这些思考对促进高职教育改革、提高院校办学水平和育人质量具有现实意义。  相似文献   

“大学生科技创新能力是高素质人才的核心和灵魂,是奠定以后人生的重要基石。”着重培养大学生科技创新的能力对自身、社会、国家有着重要作用,不仅能增强自身生存能力,更能增强社会、国家的科技竞争力。而现代高校本科教育存在很大程度上重知识传授、轻能力的培养,文章就如何培养大学生创新意识和创新能力、高校应当采取的有效提高措施进行探讨。  相似文献   

医院要发展,与搞好行风建设是密不可分的。我国医院行风建设存在重经济利益,轻社会效益,购销领域不正之风盛行,医疗卫生队伍职业道德滑坡等问题。要搞好行风建设,必须树立“一切以病人为中心”的理念,必须加强医务人员思想教育和建立完善的规章制度,必须加大监督力度和推行阳光采购,必须建立医院行风建设奖惩制度。  相似文献   

大学生就业指导个性化探微   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大学生就业指导课程设置已经多年,但教学建设跟不上形势发展。特别是大学“扩招”后学生就业面临的许多新情况、新问题,要求教育工作者转变观念,针对大学生人生观、价值观、世界观的新变化,在职业生涯设计、求职创业等方面加大指导力度。因此,加强大学生就业指导队伍建设,改革大学生就业指导课教学内容和教学方法,特别是根据不同教育对象实施个性化教育,对传统的一种教材、一个大纲、一套模式、一个课堂的方式进行调整,加强对学生的个体研究,加强个性化教育、指导和服务,是就业指导改革的重要议题。  相似文献   

产品质量大数据目前只是一个概念热潮,尚未形成应用热潮。产品质量大数据的应用存在着重采集轻利用、重当前轻发展、重数量轻质量、重建设轻整合等现实问题。因此,加快产品质量大数据的利用,要营造产品质量大数据利用的良好环境,加强产品质量大数据建设的顶层设计和规划,推进实施产品质量大数据应用示范工程,加大产品质量大数据基础设施建设力度,提高产品质量大数据的质量。  相似文献   

途径一:引进、消化、吸收、再创新。这可能是今后一个时期我国内资企业提高创新能力的主要途径。我们要加大对消化创新投入的力度,转变目前重引进、轻消化的状况。  相似文献   

过去的学校教育控制人的个性发展,考试“标准答案”,做操“整齐划一”。过分注重共性而轻个性;过于重视角色教育而忽略对人自身的教育;过于重义务而轻权利,过于重外在的纪律而轻内在的能动。个体及个性完全被社会共性所淹没。其结果就是缺乏生机与活力(创造性)的自觉奴性。而改革开放后,又一味强调个性及个体,使得以自我为中心的意识和行为等都理直气壮地站到了前台。其结果是学生们自私自利的倾向抬头。痛定思痛,“素质教育”应运而生。即使圈内学者对“素质教育”的提法仍有争议,但探究式模式发展方向得到了公认。  相似文献   

文章通过分析广东工业大学材料工程硕士研究生招生工作的现状,提出学校各部门应高度重视工程硕士研究生教育,采取多渠道的招生途径,制定富有工程特色的培养方案,树立材料工程品牌以扩大材料工程硕士的社会影响效应,并认为这是办好材料工程硕士教育的关键。  相似文献   

In an effort to better understand the educational experiences and professional issues facing women in these fields, a survey of women alumnae was conducted. Respondents seemed fairly pleased with the education they received and were heavily influenced by personal aspects of the campus. Relationships with faculty members were described as their most beneficial and detrimental experiences. They particularly liked opportunities to apply their technical knowledge but did not believe there were enough opportunities for application. The need for more female role models and importance of involvement in student organizations were cited by many of the respondents. Self-confidence and good communication skills were rated as the most important qualities for professional success and advancement. Alumnae have pursued training experiences since graduation, but would like to see more opportunities to enhance communication and personal management skills and apply theoretical knowledge built into the undergraduate experience. The findings are discussed in relationship to previous research studies and recommendations are made to improve the technically oriented college environment.  相似文献   

目前,高校并没有建设统一完善的大学生党员质量评价指标体系,需要建立一套标准的考核标准和科学的评价体系来为高校党建工作服务。通过明确评价对象、确定评价主体、设置完善的各项评价指标、量化评价指标体系权重、完善评价指标体系、规范评价程序等方面入手,加强评价指标体系在实践应用中的检验和信息反馈,不断完善大学生党员质量评价指标体系平台建设,从而更好地为高校党建工作提供科学、合理、有价值的信息。  相似文献   

Background In engineering education, a considerable amount of research effort has been dedicated to study the impacts of student characteristics on their college enrollment, major selection, and college retention. However, there is no standardized categorical classification system of engineering student characteristics in the current literature. Different researchers tend to focus on specific characteristics within the scope of their research interests. This study provides a comprehensive review and analysis of the existing research on the measurement of the characteristics of engineering students. Purpose The study addressed the three questions: (1) what engineering student characteristics have been measured; (2) how do engineering student characteristics impact their educational outcomes; and (3) what measurement and analysis methods have been applied in current studies? A standardized classification system for engineering student characteristics involving external, cognitive, affective, and demographic categories is also proposed. Scope /Method The study focused on engineering education. Representative research regarding common characteristics of students from majors of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics were also included. The review covers major academic journals, research books, conference proceedings, and government reports in the areas of science and engineering education for the past two decades. Conclusions The review analysis indicated that students with certain characteristics are more likely to choose engineering as a profession and that those characteristics are either correlated or causally related with one another. However, many research conclusions based on basic statistical analyses fail to model the interaction effects. More advanced measurement techniques are needed that can model the characteristics interactively and concurrently in a complete framework.  相似文献   

Many recent studies demonstrate that cooperative learning provides a variety of educational advantages over more traditional instructional models, both in general and specifically in engineering education. Little is known, however, about the interactional dynamics among students in engineering work groups. To explore these dynamics and their implications for engineering education, we analyzed work sessions of student groups in a sophomore‐level chemical engineering course at North Carolina State University. Using conversation analysis as a methodology for understanding how students taught and learned from one another, we found that group members generally engaged in two types of teaching‐learning interactions. In the first type, transfer‐of‐knowledge (TK) sequences, they took on distinct teacher and pupil roles, and in the second, collaborative sequences (CS), they worked together with no clear role differentiation. The interactional problems that occurred during the work sessions were associated primarily with TK sequences, and had to do with students who either habitually assumed the pupil's role (constant pupils) or habitually discouraged others' contributions (blockers). Our findings suggest that professors can facilitate student group interactions by introducing students to the two modes of teaching interaction so group members can effectively manage exchanges of knowledge, and also by helping students distribute tasks in a way that minimizes role imbalances.  相似文献   

Abstract We conducted a mail (self-reported) survey of 4300 student members of the American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA) during the spring of 1993 as a Phase 3 activity of the NASA/DoD Aerospace Knowledge Diffusion Research Project. The survey was designed to explore students' career goals and aspirations, communications skills training, and their use of information sources, products, and services. We received 1723 completed questionnaires for an adjusted response rate of 42%. In this article, we compare the responses of female and male aerospace engineering students in the context of two general aspects of their educational experience. First, we explore the extent to which women and men differ in regard to factors that lead to the choice to study aerospace engineering, their current level of satisfaction with that choice, and their career-related goals and aspirations. Second, we examine students' responses to questions about communications skills training and the helpfulness of that training, and their use of and the importance to them of selected information sources, products, and services. The cross-gender comparison revealed more similarities than differences. Female students appear to be more satisfied than their male counterparts with the decision to major in aerospace engineering. Both female and male student respondents consider communications skills important for professional success, but females place a higher value than males do on oral communications skills. Women students also place a higher value than men do on the roles of other students and faculty members in satisfying their needs for information.  相似文献   

Adjunct faculty can offer enrichment to an engineering program by bringing practical experience and by introducing relevant industrial applications and problems to the classroom. The industrial perspective of adjunct faculty often manifests itself through an emphasis on communication and presentation skills, and concern for customer needs. Students observing these attributes come away with a better appreciation for the demands of the engineering workplace. Adjunct faculty members can also provide important linkages for developing industrial affiliate programs, co‐op activities, and employment opportunities for graduates. Nevertheless, the position of adjunct faculty is tenuous, subject to shifting enrollments, negative student perception, and limited connectivity with the mainstream issues of the academic department. Adjunct faculty who teach in engineering programs will almost always come with excellent technical credentials, but they will have little or no teacher training or knowledge of learning principles and cognitive psychology. With limited time on campus, adjunct faculty have little opportunity to improve their teaching skills and methods, resulting in a “sink or swim” environment. At the Colorado School of Mines (CSM), we have evolved a regimen of strategies to ensure the quality of the educational program and to support the teaching effectiveness and professional commitment of adjunct faculty. These strategies have improved student and faculty satisfaction with adjunct faculty, and indeed have improved adjunct faculty self‐satisfaction. These strategies are described in the current paper.  相似文献   

Background Interdisciplinary approaches are critical to solving the most pressing technological challenges. Despite the proliferation of graduate programs to fill this need, there is little archival literature identifying learning outcomes, learning experiences, or benchmarks for evaluating interdisciplinary graduate student learning. Purpose (Hypothesis ) The purpose of this study is to understand how engineering and science academics conceptualize interdisciplinary graduate education in order to identify common practices and recommend improvements. Questions generated by an instructional design framework guided the analysis: what desired outcomes, evidence, and learning experiences are currently associated with interdisciplinary graduate education? To what extent are these components constructively aligned with each other? Design /Method Content analysis was performed on 130 funded proposals from the U.S. National Science Foundation's Integrative Graduate Education and Research Traineeship (IGERT) program. Results Four desired student learning outcomes were identified: contributions to the technical area, broad perspective, teamwork, and interdisciplinary communication skills. Student requirements (educational plans) addressed these outcomes to some extent, but assessment/evidence sections generally targeted program level goals—as opposed to student learning. This lack of constructive alignment between components is a major weakness of graduate curriculum. Conclusions Current practices are promising. Further clarification of interdisciplinary learning outcomes, coupled with closer alignment of outcomes, evidence, and learning experiences will continue to improve interdisciplinary graduate education in engineering and science. Specific recommendations for engineering and science faculty members are: define clear learning objectives, enlist assessment/evaluation expertise, and constructively align all aspects of the curriculum.  相似文献   

分析了交叉功能小组成员的选择与培训的重要性,提出了集成与协调机制对QFD的影响模型,描述了绩优小组的特征及小组成员的选拔条件,并给出了一些选拔的方法,最后分析了QFD培训的内容。  相似文献   

文章通过介绍高校学生党建工作所处的背景,指出目前存在的问题,并对发展学生党员的工作经验进行总结的基础上,提出了新时期高校学生党建工作的创新思路.  相似文献   

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