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针对传统心电仪及心音听诊设备相互独立且不易携带的缺点,设计并实现了一种基于Android平台的便携式心音心电采集系统。该系统由心音和心电采集及信号调理模块,蓝牙数据通信模块和Android系统上位机构成。首先在心音与心电采集与放大电路中将信号进行分别放大和去噪处理,然后通过模数转换将处理后的信号经由蓝牙模块发出;最后使用Android平台设备上位机程序对采集到的心音与心电信号进行接收与实时显示。实际效果表明,所设计的信号调理电路能够有效滤除外界噪声干扰,可以清楚地分辨信号的诊疗特征,极大程度上克服了现有诊断设备的诸多缺点,为个人健康监护以及医务人员外出诊断都提供了一个良好的解决方案。  相似文献   

针对现有心电心音监测仪覆盖性不足、时效性差等问题,提出了一种基于无线传输的心电(ECG)心音(PCG)监护系统设计.本系统设计有64个监护节点,各节点由传感模块、调理采集模块、存储模块、主控管理模块、通信模块、电源管理模块组成,各节点可对12导联心电信号、HKY-06B心音信号进行同步采集传输,将信息汇总给监护中心并及...  相似文献   

芦夜召 《电子器件》2021,44(1):188-191
针对常规电子听诊器仅能实现单纯的心音听诊,无法同步显示回放及监测心电信号功能的局限性,设计了一种多导联心电心音同步实时采集、显示的智能听诊器。该听诊器以FPGA和DSP控制核心,通过对不同功能模块的控制,完成了对心电心音信号的采集传输。并且该听诊器具有成本低、功耗低、体积小、灵敏度高、可通过输出波形实时完成心音心电信号检测等优点。便于医生准确有效地判断患者的病情,有较高的医学诊断实用价值。  相似文献   

远程心电监测系统的研究与设计   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
通过对远程心电监测技术的研究,设计了以MSP430单片机为控制核心的远程心电监测系统。该系统将采集到的患者的心电信号进行放大滤波处理,并将处理好的信号通过GPRS无线传输模块发送至医院监护中心,由监护中心对接收到的心电信号进行诊断和分类存储,从而实现了心电信号的实时采集和远程传输,具有便携、低功耗、实时、智能化等特点。  相似文献   

针对心音信号与MEMS电子听诊器声传感特点,设计了一种应用于该传感器的信号调理、采集传输系统,带宽为 20Hz~ 1kHz,该系统以 STM32和hc-05蓝牙模块为控制核心实现信号的采集与传输,将信号经过处理得到有效的心音信号并发送至上位机,并通过上位机实时显示波形,系统测试过程中,将声传感器采集到的心音信号通过电路系统处理并发送至 上位机,并通过上位机对信号进行显示。测试结果表明:该系统工作稳定,可精确测量心音信号。  相似文献   

人体生命体征参数中心电信号引人注目。如何简便、快捷、有效的检测心电信号成为目前值得思考的重要问题。我们设计一种基于Zibeede心电信号采集节点,采用BMD101芯片对采集到的心电信号进行预处理,采用cc2530芯片实现处理模块与监测模块的Zigbee通信,最终在上位机显示心电信号波形,完成心电信号的无线监测过程。  相似文献   

设计了一种基于nRF24L01的无线心电采集系统,该系统采用模拟集成电路对心电信号进行调理和采样,通过前置放大电路、带通滤波电路、主放大电路、50 Hz陷波电路、电平抬升电路等电路调理心电信号后,使用无线传输模块nRF24L01将心电信号发送至上位机中显示,从而达到通过PC显示和监测心律变化的目的.  相似文献   

心电、心音信号是对心脏疾病初步判断的非常有效的信号,本文介绍了一种基于Lab VIVW的心音、心电实时采集系统,最后用MATLAB进行信号预处理的信号处理解决方案。  相似文献   

介绍了基于蓝牙模块SBT-800-RD设计出的心电无线监护系统.系统由主设备(中央监护仪)及七个从设备(心电监护掌中宝)构成.主从设备间通过蓝牙模块组成的微微网进行数据无线传输.心电监护掌中宝可实现对心电信号的实时采集、分析以及对心律失常情况的诊断和报警功能,并且可以通过SRT-800-RD,把数据以无线传输的方式传送给中央监护仪,实现集中监测.  相似文献   

本文介绍了一种基于nRF51822的心电监测系统,该心电监测系统采用基于低功耗蓝牙4.0的nRF51822作为核心处理芯片,采用AD823传感器及其外围电路组成心电采集模块,采集使用者的心电信息,同时针对人体心电信息存在的噪声干扰、信号微弱等问题,本文提出了基于小波变换阈值去噪法,很好地去除了心电信号中复杂的噪声,充分发挥了小波变换在信号处理方面的优势.并将经核心处理器处理后的心电信息发送至APP和OLED显示屏,对测得的心电信息进行实时显示和存储.实验结果表明,系统实时性好,精确度高,能够满足心电监测的需求.  相似文献   

The problem of synthesizing the standard 12-lead electrocardiogram (ECG) from the signals recorded using three special ECG leads is studied in detail. The implementation of that concept into the design of a new mobile ECG transtelephonic system is presented. The system has two separate units: a stationary diagnostic-calibration center and a mobile ECG device with integrated electrodes. The patient records by himself three special leads with the mobile ECG recorder and sends data via cellular phone to the personal computer in the diagnostic center where standard 12-lead ECG is numerically reconstructed on the base of the patient transformation matrix previously calculated into the calibration process. The experimental study shows high accuracy of the reconstructed ECG.  相似文献   

曾伟 《电子与封装》2012,(11):32-33
心电信号是人类最早研究并应用于医学临床的生物电信号之一,对于心电信号的研究,首先要从人体采集心电信号。由于采集到的心电信号比较微弱,所以在处理心电信号的过程中需要一个放大电路来放大信号的幅值以便做后续的信号处理。文中应用集成运算放大器设计了一个可用于心电等微弱信号的后置放大电路,并运用Protel99SE软件对该电路进行性能仿真,并对仿真的结果进行分析,从分析结果中可知该电路可以达到放大心电信号所需要的电压增益。  相似文献   

Electrocardiogram (ECG) mapping can provide vital information in sports training and cardiac disease diagnosis. However, most electronic devices for monitoring ECG signals need to use multiple long wires, which limit their wearability and conformability in practical applications, while wearable ECG mapping based on integrated sensor arrays has been rarely reported. Herein, ultra-flexible organic electrochemical transistor (OECT) arrays used for wearable ECG mapping on the skin surface above a human heart are presented. QRS complexes of ECG signals at different recording distances and directions relative to the heart are obtained. Furthermore, the ECG signals are successfully analyzed by the devices before and after exercise, indicating potential applications in some sports training and fitness scenarios. The OECT arrays that can conveniently monitor spacial ECG signals in the heart region may find niche applications in wearable electronics and healthcare products in the future.  相似文献   

研制一种功能强大、成本低的心电远程监测系统,可实现远程医疗心脏病患者。该系统前端采用FPGA控制,采集和存储人体的心电(ECG)信号,通过串口将心电数据传入计算机,并在LabVIEW软件平台下实现心电信号的显示和远程传输系统。其中大部分功能是由软件设计实现,以便于后续功能扩展。实验结果达到预期目标。该系统可广泛用于医院、社区、家庭、户外监护,帮助医生及时诊断病人。  相似文献   

In Part I, instrumentation design is given for recording ECG signals from a home bathtub setup. In Part II, it is asserted that these bathtub signals are the projections of the heart dipole vector. This assertion is tested and the corresponding coefficients of the projection matrix are computed by monitoring the bathtub ECG signals for a subject as well as his orthogonal X, Y, Z leads on a PDP-9 computer. The least-squares estimation technique is used to determine the projection matrix. To compensate for the magnitude and phase distortion of the bathtub ECG signals, suitable digital as well as analog compensators are designed. A comparison of orthogonal leads extracted from bathtub leads and similar leads obtained from the HP1520A vectorcardiograph is given for five different subjects. It is shown that the average standard deviation obtained for these five subjects is 12.6 percent.  相似文献   

Recent developments of micro-sensors and flexible electronics allow for the manufacturing of health monitoring devices, including electrocardiogram (ECG) detection systems for inpatient monitoring and ambulatory health diagnosis, by mounting the device on the chest. Although some commercial devices in reported articles show examples of a portable recording of ECG, they lose valuable data due to significant motion artifacts. Here, a new class of strain-isolating materials, hybrid interfacial physics, and soft material packaging for a strain-isolated, wearable soft bioelectronic system (SIS) is reported. The fundamental mechanism of sensor-embedded strain isolation is defined through a combination of analytical and computational studies and validated by dynamic experiments. Comprehensive research of hard-soft material integration and isolation mechanics provides critical design features to minimize motion artifacts that can occur during both mild and excessive daily activities. A wireless, fully integrated SIS that incorporates a breathable, perforated membrane can measure real-time, continuous physiological data, including high-quality ECG, heart rate, respiratory rate, and activities. In vivo demonstration with multiple subjects and simultaneous comparison with commercial devices captures the SIS's outstanding performance, offering real-world, continuous monitoring of the critical physiological signals with no data loss over eight consecutive hours in daily life, even with exaggerated body movements.  相似文献   

EDA技术是以大规模可编程逻辑器件为设计载体,以硬件描述语言为系统逻辑描述的主要表达方式,以计算机、大规模可编程逻辑器件的开发软件及实验开发系统为设计工具,通过有关开发软件,自动完成用软件的方式设计的电子系统到硬件系统实现,最终形成集成电子系统或专用集成芯片的一门新技术。介绍一种基于DDS原理,并采用FPGA芯片和VHDL开发语言设计的任意函数调频的任意波形信号发生器,给出了设计方案和在GW48 CK型EDA集成电路开发系统上实现的实验结果。  相似文献   

Cardiovascular disease remains the main cause of death, and great efforts are spent on the design of ECG (electrocardiogram) body sensors these years. Essential components such as analog frontend and wireless transceivers have been integrated on a compact IC with micro-Watt power consumption. To provide timely warning against the fatal vascular signs, based on the Chaotic Phase Space Differential (CPSD) algorithm, heterogeneous VLSI processors are implemented and integrated to extract the abnormal ECG characteristics for VF (Ventricular Fibrillation), VT (Ventricular Tachycardia) and PVC (Premature Ventricular Contraction). The on-sensor processing reduces 98.0% power of wireless data transmission for raw ECG signals. The application specific processor is designed to accelerate CPSD algorithm with 1.7μW power while the OpenRISC is integrated to provide the system flexibility. The architecture is realized on the FPGA platform to demonstrate the detection of the abnormal ECG signals in realtime.  相似文献   

Cardiovascular diseases (CVD) are the leading cause of death globally and the mortality has been increasing in recent two decades. Most of cardiovascular diseases are preventable by early and long-term monitoring. The common option of physical examinations for CVD includes ECG, photoplethysmography (PPG), pressure pulse wave (PPW). An integrated device was designed and developed by gathering three physiological signals of ECG, PPG, and PPW synchronusly in this research. The tri-modal device was tested for reliability and stability on the synchronism of R-R intervals, distribution of peaks, and noise suppression. The experiment results displayed that the white noise and dark noise was well controlled. In the test of synchronism, PPG and PPW of the P-P intervals show a good linearity in correspondence with the ECG of R-R intervals in cardiac cycle. There is no significant difference in peak distribution of three modal signals from 4 volunteers. Thus, the equipment has excellent properties of anti-electromagnetic interference, removing movement artifacts and light tightness and may be developed to a promising tool for multi-modal diagnosis in CVD.  相似文献   

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