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调研分析了北京市目前运行的几座污水处理厂的实际出水水质,并与升级改造后出水应达到的水质进行比较,找到其中差距及存在的问题,为升级改造工程提供相应的数据支持。在此基础上分析了三种升级改造工艺对水质的改善作用,并对污水处理厂的升级改造提出建议。  相似文献   

As part of an expansion to an average flow of 45.9 million gallons per day (174 mld), the Ypsilanti Community Utilities Authority wastewater treatment plant in the State of Michigan, USA, elected to install ultraviolet disinfection as a replacement for the existing chlorination process. This paper presents a unique methodology used in selecting the best system based on not only the life cycle costs, and O & M considerations but also the participation of the stakeholders. The Team members consisted of representatives of all departments at the Authority, and these Team members made the decision. The Team evaluated all criteria in the office, which was followed by verification at selected sites with similar types of equipment. The selected equipment then was pilot tested for validation of the dose-kill relationship under normal operation and also under reduced irradiation conditions. A low-pressure, high intensity system was selected, based on life-cycle cost, reliability, safety, and ease of operation. This paper describes the unique methodologies used in making that decision. The full-scale system is scheduled for start-up in Spring 2003.  相似文献   

A/O工艺处理含海水污水的中试研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用A/O工艺对含海水城市污水生物处理进行了中试研究。试验结果表明:在常温条件下,进水CODCr为300-500 mg/L,氨氮为40-70 mg/L,当污水中海水比例小于30%时(污水盐度为10.5 g/L),盐度对有机物及氨氮去除率均无影响;当污水中海水比例大于50%(污水盐度为17.5 g/L)时,有机物去除率下降而氨氮去除率无变化;当污水中海水比例大于70%(污水盐度为24.5g/L)时,有机物及氨氮去除率均明显下降。说明污水中盐度对氨氮去除率的影响小于对有机物去除率的影响,污水中盐度对硝化过程自养菌的影响要小于对有机物降解过程异养菌的影响。  相似文献   

The Water Resources Agency (WRA), Ministry of Economic Affairs (MOEA) has predicted that the annual water demand in Taiwan will reach approximately 20 billion m3 by 2021. However, the present water supply is only 18 billion m3 per year. This means that an additional 2 billion m3 have to be developed in the next 17 years. The reuse of treated wastewater effluent from municipal wastewater treatment plants could be one target for the development of new water resources. The responsible government departments already have plans to construct public sewerage systems in order to improve the quality of life of the populace and protect the environment. The treated wastewater effluent from such municipal wastewater treatment plants could be a very stable and readily available secondary type of water resource, different from the traditional types of water resources. The major areas where reclaimed municipal wastewater can be used to replace traditional fresh water resources include agricultural and landscape irrigation, street cleaning, toilet flushing, secondary industrial reuse and environmental uses. However, necessary wastewater reclamation and reuse systems have not yet been established. The requirements for their establishment include water reuse guidelines and criteria, the elimination of health risks ensuring safe use, the determination of the wastewater treatment level appropriate for the reuse category, as well as the development and application of management systems reuse. An integrated system for water reuse would be of great benefit to us all by providing more efficient ways to utilise the water resources.  相似文献   

城市污水处理厂恶臭污染及其评价体系   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
城市污水处理厂的恶臭问题正在成为环境领域的一个重要研究课题。在阐述了城市污水处理厂恶臭气体的来源、主要组成成分及其浓度的基础上,进一步概述了我国城市污水处理厂的恶臭污染现状,并提出了针对我国城市污水处理厂恶臭污染的评价体系。该体系从恶臭物质的产生、迁移和所产生的影响三方面进行评价,能够较全面地反映城市污水处理厂的恶臭污染状况及其对周边环境的影响程度。  相似文献   

针对微滤预处理系统不完善的情况,通过在预处理系统前端增加混凝-沉淀+砂滤池,解决微滤运行不稳定的实际情况.运行结果表明:滤池出水COD、浊度和TP的平均值分别为19.31 mg/L、1.68 NTU和0.26 mg/L,滤池对其平均去除率分别为40.79%、85.59%和72.95%,系统出水水质稳定.同时,滤池系统可完全去除大粒径杂质,确保自清洗过滤器正常运行.微滤系统在保持恒定通量生产运行时,滤池的存在使得微滤系统跨膜压差上升幅度大为减缓,约为没有滤池系统时的0.5倍;微滤系统清洗周期也大幅度降低,约为没有滤池系统时的一半.滤池系统的存在,有效地延长了微滤系统的使用时间,保证了微滤系统的稳定运行,在一定程度上延长了微滤膜的使用寿命,为类似工程提供相关解决思路.  相似文献   

以我国现行典型城市污水处理厂实际运行情况为依托,结合国内外经验成果,在筛选影响城市污水处理厂节能水平重要因子的前提下,初步提出采用打分形式对城市污水处理厂节能水平进行评估的设想,从而建立城市污水处理厂节能水平等级划分标准。  相似文献   

The recycle water from sludge processing in municipal wastewater treatment plants causes many serious problems in the efficiency and stability of the mainstream process. Thus, the design approach for recycle water is an important part of any biological nutrient removal system design when a retrofit technology is required for upgrading an existing plant. Moreover, the application of nitrogen removal from recycle water using the nitritation process has recently increased due to economic reasons associated with an effective carbon allocation as well as the minimization of aeration costs. However, for the actual application of recycle water nitritation, it has not been fully examined whether or not additional volume would be required in an existing plant. In this paper, the addition of recycle water nitritation to an existing plant was evaluated based on a volume analysis and estimation of final effluent quality. It was expected that using the reserve volume of the aeration tank in existing plants, recycle water nitritation could be applied to a plant without any enlargement. With the addition of recycle water nitritation, it was estimated that the final effluent quality would be improved and stabilized, especially in the winter season.  相似文献   

城市污水处理厂能量优化策略研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
朱五星  舒锦琼 《给水排水》2005,31(12):31-33
分析了我国城市污水处理厂能耗现状,从污水内能及外加能量两个方面研究节能优化策略并进行了相应试验研究,试验得出智能控制溶解氧浓度可节省约20%的曝气能耗,在倒置A2/O工艺的厌氧段有COD损失也可节省大量曝气能耗。  相似文献   

选取练江流域(汕头段)7座具有代表性的城镇生活污水处理厂进行出水分析,所有厂的出水COD、BOD5、NH3-N、TP、TN均已达到地表Ⅴ类水标准,分析得出在目前现有的工艺条件下出水COD、BOD5、NH3-N、TP已基本达到了处理的极限.日后再提标的难点和瓶颈问题是TN的去除,若在更高标准下,需依靠成熟运行的反硝化深度处理技术或新兴的氮吸附技术,但其运行成本也相对较高.在考虑水质提标的同时,应同样提高城镇污水处理厂的污水处理设施运行管理和建设技术水平.  相似文献   

运用生物过滤池对某污水处理厂的臭气进行处理.经过调试使用后,该处理装置在进气浓度为H2S<7 mg/m3,NH3<90 mg/m3的情况下,其去除率分别达到90%和99%左右;但其对冲击性负荷的适应性不强,在进气浓度陡然增至H2S≈80 mg/m3,NH3≈1 500 mg/m3时去除率均降到70%以下.同时,试验通过运行参数的改变分析了装置的主要影响因素.  相似文献   

Dutch analysis for P-recovery from municipal wastewater.   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
There is a considerable practical interest in phosphorus recovery from water authorities, elementary P-industry, fertilizer industry and regulators in a number of countries. Due to a handful of full-scale plants worldwide, P-recovery can be seen as technically feasible. However, the economic feasibility of P-recovery from sewage can still be judged as dubious. The most important reason for this is that the prices of the techniques (in euro/tonne P) are much higher compared to the prices of phosphate rock. In this paper an analysis is given to recover phosphate from municipal wastewater for the elementary P-industry Thermphos International B.V. and the fertiliser industry Amsterdam Fertilizers B.V. in The Netherlands. Several scenarios are evaluated and the end products of these scenarios are compared to the quality required by both industries. From a Dutch study it became clear that all end products from the final sludge treatment do not provide a good source of secondary phosphate. As a consequence of this, the most preferred possibility for P-recovery is to extract phosphate before sludge goes to the final sludge treatment. Different scenarios can be selected based on the position of P-recovery in the WWTP configuration, the type of P-recovery product, and the precipitation technique. Local conditions will determine which scenario is the most expedient. Because it is more realistic to judge a practical situation instead of theoretical estimations based on literature, some local situations have to be assessed in sufficient detail to gain more feeling for the expenses and possible savings of P-recovery. One important actor that should be involved in the process management around P-recovery, is the national government. Especially, the Government have the responsibility for sustainable development and should have attention for some stimulation of P-recovery in The Netherlands. Water authorities and the P- and fertilizer industry made already some good steps.  相似文献   

针对二级城镇污水处理厂提标改造时出水氮、磷指标很难同时达到一级A标准的实际情况,提出通过优化工艺运行参数,包括优先利用碳源进行生物脱氮、增加缺氧反硝化池容、降低回流混合液DO等方式,进行强化生物脱氮,首先使出水氮指标达到一级A标准,然后在深度处理单元采用化学方法除磷,使出水水质全面达到一级A标准。并通过生产性试验,探讨了强化生物脱氮的效果。试验结果表明,对于采用UNITANK工艺的污水处理厂,经过强化生物脱氮,出水氮指标能够稳定达到一级A的排放标准。  相似文献   

成都市乡镇污水处理厂工艺方案探讨与选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
乡镇污水处理厂地理位置分散,经济条件较差,进水水质和水量波动较大,直接套用大型污水处理厂的处理工艺难以满足要求。介绍了几种适用于小城镇的污水处理工艺,并对其进行适用特点和经济性分析,在此基础上提出成都市乡镇污水处理厂的工艺方案选择建议。  相似文献   

A basic procedure is proposed for dimensioning membrane bioreactors that is generally applicable. It evaluates the required membrane surface with particular consideration of loading combinations and hydraulic loading characteristics; it also takes into account ranges of minimum temperatures and corresponding fluxes as given by suppliers. The procedures, while likely to require further improvement, should make MBR design more transparent and aid the comparison of design variants.  相似文献   

A2/O工艺城市污水处理厂的启动与调试   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
当曝气池水温为12.9~22.2℃,平均进水CODCr为142 mg/L时,在不接种的条件下,通过投加聚硅硫酸铁(PFSS)和聚丙烯酸(PA),经闷曝和连续进水两个阶段,完成了A2/O工艺城市污水处理厂的启动与调试.闷曝阶段,PFSS投加量为6 mg/L时,可使MLSS提高22%.当PFSS和PA的投加量分别为30 mg/L和0.05 mg/L时,MLSS达到100 mg/L即可进入连续进水阶段,从而缩短了启动时间.污泥培养58 d,MLSS达到3 000 mg/L,CODCr去除率稳定在80%左右,脱碳功能形成,且污泥中存在反硝化细菌和聚磷菌.污泥培养89d,当进水氨氮为10.8~21.4 mg/L时,氨氮去除率稳定在90%以上,硝化功能形成.  相似文献   

MBR工艺处理城镇污水处理厂污泥水中试研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
将平板膜组件与传统脱氮除磷工艺相结合,构建了膜生物反应器强化生物脱氮除磷中试系统,并用于处理城镇污水处理厂的污泥系统废水。结果表明,出水CODCr、BOD5、NH3—N、TN和TP的平均浓度分别为70.8 mg/L、8.7 mg/L、15.1 mg/L、29.7 mg/L和0.38 mg/L,达到或接近了《城镇污水处理厂污染物排放标准》(GB 18918—2002)的一级标准。  相似文献   

城市污水处理厂磷的形态变化规律研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对以A-A2/O-微絮凝-砂滤为处理工艺的某污水处理厂全流程磷的形态变化进行现场研究.结果表明,各处理构筑物中的磷主要以正磷酸盐形式存在,且正磷酸盐浓度在整个处理流程中的变化规律为:从沉砂池到前置反硝化池减小,从前置反硝化池到厌氧池增大,从厌氧池到好氧池减小,在厌氧池达到最大,在砂滤池出水达到最小.而正磷酸盐占总磷比例在二沉池出水处最大,由此判定二沉池出水处为最佳投药点.聚磷酸盐和有机磷浓度占总磷的比例沿处理流程呈先减小后增大的趋势.  相似文献   

Owing to increasingly stringent effluent quality requirements, intensifications of the conventional activated sludge process (ASP) are required. Due to high biomass concentrations employed, higher metabolic rates and better nutrient removal are possible in membrane bioreactors (MBRs). Decoupling of hydraulic and solids residence times offers additional possibilities for process design and optimisation. Recently, unconventional concepts like post-denitrification and enhanced biological phosphorus removal in MBRs have emerged. The objective of this paper is to present current knowledge on nutrients removal in MBRs and trends in process optimisation in comparison with conventional ASP.  相似文献   

城镇污水处理厂项目环境影响评价重点的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
城镇污水处理厂作为一项环境保护工程,在发挥环境效益的同时,运行过程中排放的尾水、产生的恶臭和污泥等污染物对环境将产生不利影响。在进行污水处理厂项目环境影响评价时,应识别评价重点,目的是使环境影响预测和评价具有针对性,以发挥更大的环境效益。根据污水处理厂的工程特性,结合江门市江海污水处理厂工程环境影响评价的实践经验,提出污水处理厂环境影响评价应重点关注厂址环境合理性分析、污水处理工艺比选、尾水排放对水环境影响、恶臭对大气环境影响、污泥处置对环境影响等问题。  相似文献   

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