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中国内衣市场现状分析和发展趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前,中国内衣零售市场是竞争激烈的服装市场上的一支生力军。本文在描述中国内衣市场现状的基础上,借助消费者调研问卷,分析了内衣消费者对产品的需求,得出中国内衣零售市场的实际产品消费结构与产品的供应结构存在一定的差距。希望在理论和实践上对服装业者有所借鉴和支持。  相似文献   

近年来,世界饮料市场以较快的速度向前发世界和我国的饮料市场及细分市场的基本情况和;  相似文献   

Weller SC 《Textile rental》1992,75(10):56, 58-56, 62
A potential $177 million-a-year market has been opened to textile rental operators, thanks to OSHA's recent ruling on bloodborne pathogens. Healthcare providers nationwide are now searching for solutions to their protective apparel needs. Such customer needs are what drive niche markets. Whether you've been serving the healthcare market for years or are just now targeting it, here are the marketing strategies you need.  相似文献   

“十二五”以来,卷烟消费市场快速变化,零售终端升级转型,品牌竞争日趋激烈,市场把控难度加大。本文通过分析宏观经济、批发、零售、消费和专卖管理等数据,用3σ法则确定零售库存的阈值区间,从总量、价位、品规等多维度综合判定市场状态,建立了以多层神经网络算法为核心的市场预测办法,进而运用预测结果开展市场状态调控,构建了数据驱动市场调控机制,有助于实现卷烟市场状态的“稍紧平衡”。   相似文献   

This article reviews the history of the introduction and use of light and mild labeled cigarettes in Japan, the "lightest" market in the world. Systematic keyword and opportunistic Web site searches were conducted on tobacco industry internal documents relevant to Japan, supplemented with relevant material from the tobacco trade and sociological literatures. Certain "market quirks" of the Japanese society benefited the tobacco industry in promoting its light and mild cigarettes. Japan's is a trend-conscious society with a penchant for new fashion and products. The Japanese are innovative, with the propensity to transform concepts into something characteristically their own marked by a distinct cultural style, such as the concept of keihaku tansho ("light-thin-short-small"). With big-budget sophisticated advertising, tobacco companies developed a lucrative market for mild, light, and ultra-low-tar cigarettes. Smokers had a preference for charcoal filters, which they believed protected them. Tar numbers meant little to smokers. The transnational tobacco companies capitalized on consumer concerns about the health hazards of smoking to promote low-tar cigarettes as a safer alternative. This may be one factor that explains why smoking prevalence in Japan remains high. Light and mild cigarettes are popular in Japan because Japanese smokers believe low tar/nicotine cigarette with charcoal filters protect them and help mollify their health concerns about smoking.  相似文献   

对乳制品行业市场结构的判断   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
郭双颜 《中国乳品工业》2006,34(2):47-49,52
运用植草益的市场结构的分类方法,对中国乳制品行业的市场结构进行了判断,发现我国乳制品的市场集中度仍然偏低:同时分析了其原因,并给出了相应的对策。  相似文献   

随着全球化的进程不断推进,近几年亚洲葡萄酒市场的潜力得到不断挖掘。主要结合国际葡萄与葡萄酒组织(OIV)最新发布的近20年统计数据,从亚洲各地区的葡萄酒生产量、消费量、进出口量及葡萄种植面积分析亚洲葡萄酒市场格局。利用SWOT分析发现,亚洲葡萄酒市场中的中国市场具备原料丰富、消费需求大、政策支持等优势,原料品质低、科技投入少、销售模式固化等劣势,但市场潜力巨大、产业趋于国际化等机会,以及面临进口酒、其他酒类竞争的威胁。由此认为,应尽可能利用地理优势、产区多样性和科技进步,促使中国葡萄酒产业蓬勃发展。  相似文献   

There have been substantial changes in the market for liquid milk in the past few years. Within an overall decline in consumption there has been a marked shift to lower fat milks. The market for UHT milks is still low but is increasing. The cream market has also changed considerably, UHT cream now accounting for 20% of total sales. The reason is its long keeping quality. Fresh cream is still perceived as a quality product for use on special occasions.  相似文献   

To understand the sources of contamination of fish with histidine decarboxylating bacteria (HDB), the fish market environs including fish carrying baskets, ice, market floor and water used for wetting fish, were studied for HDB counts. Fish such as seerfish (Scomberomorus guttatus) and mackerel (Rastrelliger kanagurta) were also studied for total plate count (TPC), HDB counts and levels of histamine. The results suggest that the HDB are widely distributed in the market environs and market floor and that water could be major sources of contamination of fish. While the samples of seerfish studied had very low levels of histamine, some mackerel samples had levels exceeding 10 mg%.  相似文献   

对南京江宁区部分市售调味酱进行大肠菌群和致病菌的检测。结果表明:从农贸市场和超市分别随机抽取的20份调味酱中,超市来源的调味酱大肠菌群超标率为15%,农贸市场来源的调味酱大肠菌群超标率为55%。大肠菌群指标合格率与季节变化和包装方式有关,第二、三季度合格率较低,超市分别为60%和80%,农贸市场分别为20%;散装的不合格率较高为62.5%。抽查的40份样品中有两份检出致病菌沙门氏菌。  相似文献   

Stefoff J 《Textile rental》1992,76(3):34, 36
Angelica CEO Jim Stefoff knows a good market opportunity when he sees one. And right now, the time is right for textile rental companies to make inroads into the small medical and dental office market that is emerging in the aftermath of the OSHA bloodborne pathogens ruling. But, Stefoff cautions, the industry must be in full compliance with OSHA regulations and able to provide the right delivery system and products.  相似文献   

近年来,中国葡萄酒消费量逐年上升,葡萄酒进口额大幅增长。通过比较分析主要葡萄酒进口来源国在我国的发展现状及趋势,发现法国和澳大利亚两国占据中国进口葡萄酒市场的前两位,且澳洲有赶超之势;智利、西班牙、格鲁吉亚三国对华葡萄酒出口潜力较大,市场份额将进一步提升。与中国缔结双边自贸协定等措施促进了相关国家对华葡萄酒出口,品牌及价格是影响进口葡萄酒消费的重要因素。中国进口葡萄酒市场仍存在认知度不高、价格偏高、假冒伪劣产品等问题,需要进一步降低进口葡萄酒的成本,加强市场监管。  相似文献   

Sowers V 《Textile rental》1992,75(9):38, 40, 42-38, 40, 44
An estimated 500,000 establishments and approximately 5.6 million workers in the healthcare profession and related industries are affected by the new OSHA ruling on bloodborne pathogens. That's a lot of potential uniform wearers. But what should they be wearing? The answer is this: it all depends. A roundup of healthcare uniform manufacturers finds new choices in healthcare garments.  相似文献   

A diet low in fermentable oligosaccharides, disaccharides, monosaccharides, and polyols (FODMAPs) is a promising therapeutic approach to reduce gastrointestinal symptoms associated with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS). However, a shift toward a more sustainable, healthy diet with higher inclusion of whole-grain cereals (i.e., wheat, rye, barley) and pulses, naturally rich in FODMAPs, poses a severe challenge for susceptible individuals. Dietary restriction of fermentable carbohydrates (commonly called the “low FODMAP diet”) has received significant consideration. Hence, the development of functional low FODMAP products is emerging in food science and the food industry. In this review, we evaluate the most promising yet neglected (bio)-technological strategies adopted for modulating the FODMAP contents in complex food systems and the extent of their uptake in the global food market. We extensively investigated the global low FODMAP market, contrasted with the status quo in food science and discussed the key principles and concomitant challenges of targeted FODMAP reduction strategies. Powerful tools are available which are based either on the use of ingredients where FODMAPs have been physically removed (e.g., by membrane filtration) or biotechnologically reduced during the food processing, mediated by added enzymes, microbial enzymes during a fermentation process, and seed endogenous enzymes. However, <10% of the small market of functional products with a low FODMAP claim (total ∼800 products) used any of the targeted FODMAP reduction techniques. The global market is currently dominated by gluten-free products, which are naturally low in FODMAPs and characterized by inferior sensory attributes.  相似文献   

<正> 整体市场回顾根据欧睿公司关于全球软饮料市场的报告,2007年世界范围内软饮料市场价值为5990亿美元,1998至2007年的年均复合增长率(CAGR)为5.7%,碳酸饮料的市场份额最大,即饮咖啡最小(见图1)。从地区看,在2007年,全球范围内最大的软饮料消费市场为北美,西欧其次,亚太地区第三(见图2)。世界软饮料市场预期增长960亿美元,到2012年将达到7200亿美元。瓶装水将增加450亿美元,而果蔬汁将增长240亿美元。  相似文献   

<正> 心诚则灵,长达十余年马拉松式的谈判到底感动了“上帝”,我国终于入世了。不是在“即”,不是在“望”,也不是在“握”,而是实实在在置身于世界经济的挑战和机遇之中。各种各样有关入世的论坛可以继续开,形形色色涉及入世的书籍可以继续出,而那些机遇论和挑战论的学者、专家可  相似文献   

Daily intake of isoflavones (daidzin, glycitin, genistin, daidzein, glycitein, and genistein) was determined quantitatively, based on the market basket method. Acid hydrolysis during extraction of foods was chosen to convert phytoestrogenes into the respective aglycons, facilitating HPLC analysis and allowing quantitation of total isoflavones as aglycones including both originally present glycosides and "free" aglycones. The isoflavones were extracted from samples with methanol and determined by reversed-phase HPLC analysis using a linear gradient of methanol-water as the eluent. From the results of hydrolysis, the daily intake of total isoflavon was 38.1 mg/adult Japanese. The values obtained by the market basket method and the National Nutrition Survey method were similar.  相似文献   



To assess the magnitude of cigarette smuggling after the market opened in Taiwan.


Review of tobacco industry documents for references to smuggling activities related to Taiwan and government statistics on seizure of smuggled cigarettes.


The market opening in 1987 led to an increase in smuggling. Contraband cigarettes became as available as legal ones, with only a small fraction (8%) being seized. Being specifically excluded from the market‐opening, Japan entered the Taiwan market by setting up a Swiss plant as a legal cover for smuggling 10–20 times its legal quota of exports to Taiwan. Smuggling in Taiwan contributed to increased consumption of foreign brands, particularly by the young. Taiwan, not a member of the World Health Organization, was excluded from the East Asian 16‐member “Project Crocodile”, a regional anti‐smuggling collaborative effort to implement the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control.


Taiwan showed a sharp increase in smuggling after market liberalisation. Being excluded from the international community, Taiwan faces an uphill battle to fight smuggling alone. If Taiwan remained as its weakest link, global efforts to reduce tobacco use will be undermined, particularly for countries in the East Asian region.  相似文献   

冯贞勇 《中华纸业》2014,(10):70-71
随着造纸厂自削木片的大量减少,商业木片的采购量在急剧上升,汽车运输的商业木片卸车工作量也同时快速增长。由于木片是轻质松散物质,无法使用自卸汽车长途运输,因而木片卸车均使用大量人工劳动力。为了提高商业木片卸车效率,福建省青山纸业股份有限公司在关注木片自卸系统五年后,  相似文献   

Textile rental companies are poised on the edge of a boom in the healthcare marketplace. The detonator is outpatient care. Between 1984 and 1990, outpatient visits increased from almost 233 million to more than 310 million, or about 33 percent. The shift from traditional hospital care to outpatient or ambulatory service is creating a new market opportunity for textile rental services. Innovative medical services are cropping up in suburban malls and neighborhoods, and demand is high for high-quality linen supply or contract laundry services.  相似文献   

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