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针对核相关滤波算法(KCF)在复杂道路场景下难以应对因车辆尺度变化,遮挡及旋转而不能继续跟踪的问题,提出了一种新的跟踪方法来更好地实现复杂道路场景下的车辆跟踪。该方法借鉴快速分类尺度空间跟踪器(fDDST),采用一维尺度相关滤波器进行尺度估计。同时融合Kalman滤波器形成预测-跟踪-校准的跟踪机制。该机制结合遮挡处理能够保证系统在目标被严重遮挡时跟踪的准确性。在模型更新方面,在目标被遮挡时,自适应的调节学习率参数,及时纠正模型偏移、特征丢失等问题。实验结果表明,在复杂道路场景下车辆旋转 、遮挡及尺度变化时,均能有效地跟踪目标车辆,且具有良好的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

为解决复杂场景下,基于整体表观模型的目标跟踪算法容易丢失目标的问题,提出一种多模型协作的分块目标跟踪算法.融合基于局部敏感直方图的产生式模型和基于超像素分割的判别式模型构建目标表观模型,提取局部敏感直方图的亮度不变特征来抵制光照变化的影响;引入目标模型的自适应分块划分策略以解决局部敏感直方图算法缺少有效遮挡处理机制的问题,提高目标的抗遮挡性;通过相对熵和均值聚类度量子块的局部差异置信度和目标背景置信度,建立双权值约束机制和子块异步更新策略,在粒子滤波框架下,选择置信度高的子块定位目标.实验结果表明,本文方法在复杂场景下具有良好的跟踪精度和稳定性.  相似文献   

一种基于改进粒子滤波的多目标跟踪算法   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
针对复杂背景环境下的多目标跟踪问题,论述了主要的数据关联技术,将目标检测算法与粒子滤波相结合,利用颜色直方图作为观测模型,并利用全领域(GNN)算法进行数据关联.提出一种改进的基于粒子滤波的多目标跟踪算法,实现了视频场景中的多个目标跟踪.该算法对于目标在场景中的频繁出现和消失、相似外表、交叉运动和短暂遮挡等均有较好的处理效果.  相似文献   

本文研究了室内单目机器人上的视觉目标人发现与跟随问题,分为场景变化检测,目标人检测,目标人视觉追踪和目标人主动跟随几个部分,主要研究了场景变化检测算法和目标人视觉追踪算法. 高速的场景变化检测算法通过对场景建模来分析该场景是否变化,为目标检测部分提供潜在变化帧和潜在变化区域. 实验结果表明能够提高系统运行速度,减少机器人运行时的卡顿. 视觉目标追踪算法结合表观模型和SLAM过程得到的地图点信息,估计目标区域内属于背景的部分,减少由于遮挡和目标尺度变化对于追踪算法的表观模型的影响,实验结果相比于对比算法取得较大效果提升. 本文尝试使用近年来效果较好的深度神经网络来进行目标检测. 使用小型深度网络并加强对于室内场景下人的学习,在运行速度和检测效果方面取得较好的平衡. 在视觉目标人的发现和跟踪的基础上,我们实现了机器人的跟随. 由于单目视觉仅能够提供目标的方向信息,所以机器人主动跟随的目标是保持目标人在成像平面的水平居中位置. 在目标无遮挡和部分遮挡的情况下,机器人能够成功的跟随人.  相似文献   

提出了一种基于概率外观模型和Condensation的跟踪方法.该方法通过分析目标前景MBB重叠关系检测遮挡的产生和解除,在目标未遮挡时建立并更新目标的概率外观模型.当遮挡发生后,利用目标共面条件确定目标前后关系,通过合并目标模型计算系统观测似然度概率.算法统一在Condensation框架下进行有遮挡和无遮挡的跟踪.实验证明了该方法的有效性.  相似文献   

针对复杂场景中的目标遮挡问题,提出一种基于均值漂移(Mean shift)和轨迹校正的自适应目标跟踪方法.由于Mean shift迭代易陷入局部最优点,这里引入Kalman滤波器以预测和校正目标运动轨迹,并根据迭代轨迹误差校正协方差,使得跟踪器在多峰值非高斯分布的复杂环境下也能收敛到全局最优点.基于Bhattacharrya系数计算色彩x、y方向分量相似度,并根据邻帧分量相似度偏差自适应调整相似度融合权值.综合当前帧和前面帧作用更新目标运动状态、特征和尺度模型.实验结果表明提出的方法对于静态场景遮挡和目标间互遮挡、部分和全部遮挡下的目标跟踪均具有鲁棒的跟踪性能.  相似文献   

为了实现目标跟踪算法在无人机应用中的高实时性和高成功率,针对目标遮挡和目标形变量大导致的跟踪丢失问题,提出了一种基于相关滤波的改进算法,算法包含自适应位置修正机制和模型更新策略.该算法提取目标区域的方向梯度直方图特征(HOG)训练滤波器,预测下一帧的目标位置.当预测位置不满足高置信度条件时,融合颜色命名特征(CN)对位置进行修正.为了提高算法的运行效率,对融合后的特征进行主成分分析(PCA)降维处理.利用平均峰值相关能量、多峰检测及最大响应值进行模型更新.实验中将改进算法与近年来的优秀算法进行对比.结果表明,所提算法在目标被遮挡和形变量大的场景中,跟踪精度更高.  相似文献   

对于运动视觉目标,如何对遮挡区域进行规避是视觉领域一个具有挑战性的问题.本文提出了一种新颖的基于运动视觉目标深度图像利用遮挡信息实现动态遮挡规避的方法.该方法主要利用遮挡区域最佳观测方位模型和视觉目标运动估计方程,通过合理规划摄像机的观测方位逐渐完成对遮挡区域的观测.主要贡献在于:1)提出了深度图像遮挡边界中关键点的概念,利用其构建关键线段对遮挡区域进行快速建模;2)基于关键线段和遮挡区域建模结果,提出了一种构建遮挡区域最佳观测方位模型的方法;3)提出一种混合曲率特征,通过计算深度图像对应的混合曲率矩阵,增加了图像匹配过程中提取特征点的数量,有利于准确估计视觉目标的运动.实验结果验证了所提方法的可行性和有效性.  相似文献   

综合多种预测方案实现遮挡情况下的目标跟踪   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
由于采用了多种运动预测方案,本文提出的目标跟踪方法能选择最佳的观测结果,实现对非标定固定焦距的静止摄像机的单目图像序列中的目标跟踪.静态背景参考图像由混合模型法估计,在最简单的环境下,跟踪算法则采用匀加速运动模型对目标完成跟踪.本文主要贡献是采用了三个预测器和最小方差相关时选择目标最可能的位置.三个预测器分别是:-跟踪方案、卡尔曼滤波和区域分割匹配方案.本跟踪方案通过具有不同遮挡情况的序列图像得到了验证.  相似文献   

在不确定性较高的室内复杂场景中,机器人常需识别遮挡物体并对其抓取.遮挡问题会导致抓取点预估位置脱离目标,产生位置漂移.针对该问题,本文提出一种基于双目视觉的遮挡目标抓取点识别与定位策略.采用基于期望位置模型的方法估计,以特征检测进行遮挡目标识别,并进行轮廓还原;根据期望抓取点模型,采集目标的期望抓取位置,构建位置模型库.将待检测目标与模型库匹配,提取双目视野中未遮挡区域的期望抓取点.实验表明本方法在复杂环境下具有较高的鲁棒性,抗干扰能力强,对遮挡目标具有较高的定位精度.  相似文献   

A system for learning statistical motion patterns   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Analysis of motion patterns is an effective approach for anomaly detection and behavior prediction. Current approaches for the analysis of motion patterns depend on known scenes, where objects move in predefined ways. It is highly desirable to automatically construct object motion patterns which reflect the knowledge of the scene. In this paper, we present a system for automatically learning motion patterns for anomaly detection and behavior prediction based on a proposed algorithm for robustly tracking multiple objects. In the tracking algorithm, foreground pixels are clustered using a fast accurate fuzzy k-means algorithm. Growing and prediction of the cluster centroids of foreground pixels ensure that each cluster centroid is associated with a moving object in the scene. In the algorithm for learning motion patterns, trajectories are clustered hierarchically using spatial and temporal information and then each motion pattern is represented with a chain of Gaussian distributions. Based on the learned statistical motion patterns, statistical methods are used to detect anomalies and predict behaviors. Our system is tested using image sequences acquired, respectively, from a crowded real traffic scene and a model traffic scene. Experimental results show the robustness of the tracking algorithm, the efficiency of the algorithm for learning motion patterns, and the encouraging performance of algorithms for anomaly detection and behavior prediction.  相似文献   

This paper aims to show that by using low level feature extraction, motion and object identifying and tracking methods, features can be extracted and indexed for efficient and effective retrieval for video; such as an awards ceremony video. Video scene/shot analysis and key frame extraction are used as a foundation to identify objects in video and be able to find spatial relationships within the video. The compounding of low level features such as colour, texture and abstract object identification lead into higher level real object identification and tracking and scene detection. The main focus is on using a video style that is different to the heavily used sports and news genres. Using different video styles can open the door to creating methods that could encompass all video types instead of specialized methods for each specific style of video.  相似文献   

基于SAD与UKF-MeanShift的主动目标跟踪   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对复杂场景下动态目标难以准确分割以及目标难以准确定位的问题,提出将绝对差值和(SAD)方法、无迹卡尔曼滤波(UKF)和Mean shift算法相结合的混合自主跟踪动态目标的方法。首先,采用SAD方法获相邻两帧的视差信息,利用视差实现动态目标的检测,并依此建立目标的核直方图描述模型和状态空间模型,然后UKF算法对状态空间进行滤波估计,最后采用Mean shift 算法精确定位目标。实验结果表明该方法不仅能有效检测场景的动态目标,同时还能获得目标的运动信息。文中所提出的基于UKF-Mean shift的跟踪策略与相关算法相比,体现出较好的跟踪效果与时间性能。  相似文献   

When occlusion is minimal, a single camera is generally sufficient to detect and track objects. However, when the density of objects is high, the resulting occlusion and lack of visibility suggests the use of multiple cameras and collaboration between them so that an object is detected using information available from all the cameras in the scene.In this paper, we present a system that is capable of segmenting, detecting and tracking multiple people in a cluttered scene using multiple synchronized surveillance cameras located far from each other. The system is fully automatic, and takes decisions about object detection and tracking using evidence collected from many pairs of cameras. Innovations that help us tackle the problem include a region-based stereo algorithm capable of finding 3D points inside an object knowing only the projections of the object (as a whole) in two views, a segmentation algorithm using bayesian classification and the use of occlusion analysis to combine evidence from different camera pairs.The system has been tested using different densities of people in the scene. This helps us determine the number of cameras required for a particular density of people. Experiments have also been conducted to verify and quantify the efficacy of the occlusion analysis scheme.  相似文献   

Tracking of moving objects in real situation is a challenging research issue, due to dynamic changes in objects or background appearance, illumination, shape and occlusions. In this paper, we deal with these difficulties by incorporating an adaptive feature weighting mechanism to the proposed growing competitive neural network for multiple objects tracking. The neural network takes advantage of the most relevant object features (information provided by the proposed adaptive feature weighting mechanism) in order to estimate the trajectories of the moving objects. The feature selection mechanism is based on a genetic algorithm, and the tracking algorithm is based on a growing competitive neural network where each unit is associated to each object in the scene. The proposed methods (object tracking and feature selection mechanism) are applied to detect the trajectories of moving vehicles in roads. Experimental results show the performance of the proposed system compared to the standard Kalman filter.  相似文献   

黄玉清  李磊民  胡红 《计算机工程》2012,38(22):126-129
传统的粒子滤波算法在跟踪目标受到相似背景干扰和遮挡或跟踪目标高速运动时,容易造成跟踪误差增大或跟踪失效的影响。针对室外运动目标跟踪的复杂性,提出一种对于干扰适应性较强的融合梯度方向直方图与自回归移动平均(ARMA)模型的粒子滤波跟踪方法。建立ARMA运动模型,用前两帧目标的位姿状态预测目标下一帧的状态,解决目标跟踪的角度变化与部分遮挡问题。实验结果表明,该模型能克服光照突变引发目标色彩突变的问题。  相似文献   

Intelligent visual surveillance — A survey   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Detection, tracking, and understanding of moving objects of interest in dynamic scenes have been active research areas in computer vision over the past decades. Intelligent visual surveillance (IVS) refers to an automated visual monitoring process that involves analysis and interpretation of object behaviors, as well as object detection and tracking, to understand the visual events of the scene. Main tasks of IVS include scene interpretation and wide area surveillance control. Scene interpretation aims at detecting and tracking moving objects in an image sequence and understanding their behaviors. In wide area surveillance control task, multiple cameras or agents are controlled in a cooperative manner to monitor tagged objects in motion. This paper reviews recent advances and future research directions of these tasks. This article consists of two parts: The first part surveys image enhancement, moving object detection and tracking, and motion behavior understanding. The second part reviews wide-area surveillance techniques based on the fusion of multiple visual sensors, camera calibration and cooperative camera systems.  相似文献   

Object tracking quality usually depends on video scene conditions (e.g. illumination, density of objects, object occlusion level). In order to overcome this limitation, this article presents a new control approach to adapt the object tracking process to the scene condition variations. More precisely, this approach learns how to tune the tracker parameters to cope with the tracking context variations. The tracking context, or context, of a video sequence is defined as a set of six features: density of mobile objects, their occlusion level, their contrast with regard to the surrounding background, their contrast variance, their 2D area and their 2D area variance. In an offline phase, training video sequences are classified by clustering their contextual features. Each context cluster is then associated to satisfactory tracking parameters. In the online control phase, once a context change is detected, the tracking parameters are tuned using the learned values. The approach has been experimented with three different tracking algorithms and on long, complex video datasets. This article brings two significant contributions: (1) a classification method of video sequences to learn offline tracking parameters and (2) a new method to tune online tracking parameters using tracking context.  相似文献   

We present an algorithm for identifying and tracking independently moving rigid objects from optical flow. Some previous attempts at segmentation via optical flow have focused on finding discontinuities in the flow field. While discontinuities do indicate a change in scene depth, they do not in general signal a boundary between two separate objects. The proposed method uses the fact that each independently moving object has a unique epipolar constraint associated with its motion. Thus motion discontinuities based on self-occlusion can be distinguished from those due to separate objects. The use of epipolar geometry allows for the determination of individual motion parameters for each object as well as the recovery of relative depth for each point on the object. The algorithm assumes an affine camera where perspective effects are limited to changes in overall scale. No camera calibration parameters are required. A Kalman filter based approach is used for tracking motion parameters with time  相似文献   

自适应尺度目标跟踪算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对复杂情况下变尺度目标跟踪问题,提出一种基于粒子滤波的自适应尺度目标跟踪算法.根据参考目标的颜色分布,将参考目标分为多个区域,每个区域的颜色分布用高斯模型表示,区域的位置关系构成了对参考目标的空间约束;根据目标分割区域的颜色分布和空间约束关系构造目标外观模型,结合粒子滤波搜索目标位置并检测目标的尺度变化.目标外观模型同时包含了空间及颜色信息,提高了跟踪算法在复杂情况下检测目标尺度变化的可靠性和准确性.实验结果表明,该算法在目标具有明显尺度变化、姿态改变和部分遮挡的情况下,可以获得准确和鲁棒的跟踪结果.  相似文献   

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