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We present the results of an evaluation of the performance characteristics of a composite multivariate quality control (CMQC) system that incorporates quality control rules for univariate, multivariate, and correlation conditions. The CMQC system evaluated is designed to help analysts detect unacceptable trends and systematic error in one or more variables, unacceptable random error in one or more variables, and unacceptable changes in the correlation structure of any pair of variables. It is also designed to be tolerant of missing data, to allow analysts to reject as few as one or as many as all variables in a run, and to provide analysts with control statistics and graphics that logically relate to sources of analytical error. We show that the various components of the CMQC system have adequate statistical power to detect systematic errors, random errors, and correlation changes under the conditions likely to be encountered with multivariate analytical measurement systems: (1) a single variable with increased systematic or random error; (2) all variables or a subgroup of variables affected by a common problem that increases systematic or random error; and (3) missing data for one or more variables in a run. We also show that the power of the multivariate component of the CMQC system to detect systematic and random errors is higher than the power of an alternative multivariate test criterion.  相似文献   

Cycle-based signals are generally obtained through the automatic sensing of critical process variables during each repetitive operation cycle of a manufacturing process, and they thus contain a significant amount of information about the process condition. Increasing attention has been paid recently to the problem of effectively monitoring these signals as an aid to the detection of process changes. In general, either based on process engineering knowledge or on historical data analysis, it is possible to obtain process faults and the corresponding signal patterns (the direction and magnitude of a mean shift). In order to fully utilize such fault pattern information in process monitoring, this paper proposes a directionally variant control chart obtained through the effective combination of a multivariate χ2 chart and a univariate projection chart. It is shown that the addition of the univariate projection chart can improve the detection power for pre-known process faults, however, this may be at the cost of a deterioration in the detection power for unknown faults. A detailed quantitative analysis is provided to justify the application conditions of the proposed chart. A case study of cycle-based tonnage monitoring of a forging process is presented to illustrate the design procedures and the effectiveness of the proposed control chart system.  相似文献   

A new scheme for multivariate statistical quality control is investigated and characterized. The control scheme consists of three steps and it will identify any out-of-control samples, select the subset of variables that are out of control, and diagnose the out-of-control variables. A new control variable selection algorithm, the backward selection algorithm, and a new control variable diagnosis method, the hyperplane methods, are proposed. It is shown by simulation that the control scheme is useful in cases where the process variables are correlated and where they are uncorrelated.  相似文献   

The average control chart monitors the shifts in the process. The familiar multivariate control charts are used to detect the mean vector of the process such as multivariate cumulative sum (MCUSUM) and Hotelling's T2 control charts. In this paper, the effects of constructing bivariate copulas on multivariate control charts, that is, MCUSUM and Hotelling's T2 control charts are intensively investigated when observations are drawn from the exponential distribution. Moreover, the dependence levels of observations are classified to be weak, moderate, and strong in both positive and negative values by Kendall's tau. The numerical results were obtained by Monte Carlo simulation to explore the average run length (ARL). The simulation results show that the performance of Hotelling's T2 control chart is superior to the MCUSUM control chart for all shifts in the mean vector of process. Furthermore, from applying the presented control chart to two sets of real data, data set of the strength of 1.5 cm glass fibers measured at the National Physical Laboratory, England and data set of the strength of glass of the aircraft window, it was found that for a small shift (δ0.1), the MCUSUM control chart is better than Hotelling's T2 control chart.  相似文献   

The double exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) controller is a popular algorithm for on-line quality control of semiconductor manufacturing processes. The performance of the closed-loop system hinges on the adequacy of the two weight parameters of the double EWMA equations. In 2004, Su and Hsu presented an approach based on the neural technique for ‘on-line’ tuning the weight of the single EWMA equation in the single-input single-output (SISO) system. The present paper extends the neural network on-line tuning scheme to the double EWMA controller for the non-squared multiple-input multiple-output (MIMO) system, and validates the control performance by means of a simulated chemical–mechanical planarization (CMP) process in semiconductor manufacturing. Both linear and non-linear equipment models are considered to evaluate the proposed controller, coupling with the deterministic drift, the Gaussian noise and the first-order integrated moving average (IMA) disturbance. It has been shown from a variety of simulation studies that the proposed method exhibits quite competitive control performance as compared with the previous control system. The other merit of the proposed approach is that the tuning system, if sufficient training in a neural network is available, can be practicably applied to complex semiconductor processes without undue difficulty.  相似文献   

根据信息系统质量控制的目标任务,结合实际案例,对其代码级漏洞测试、功能测试、性能测试、问题定位、回归测试和文档评审的测试方法进行描述。使人们了解信息系统的测试方法,并且对信息系统的质量控制有所重视。  相似文献   

Most engineering applications involving solutions by numerical methods are dependent on several parameters, whose impact on the solution may significantly vary from one to the other. At times an evaluation of these multivariate solutions may be required at the expense of a prohibitively high computational cost. In the present paper, an adaptive approach is proposed as a way to estimate the solution of such multivariate finite element problems. It is based upon the integration of so‐called nested Padé approximants within the finite element procedure. This procedure includes an effective control of the approximation error, which enables adaptive refinements of the converged intervals upon reconstruction of the solution. The main advantages lie in a potential reduction of the computational effort and the fact that the level of a priori knowledge required about the solution in order to have an accurate, efficient, and well‐sampled estimate of the solution is low. The approach is introduced for bivariate problems, for which it is validated on elasto‐poro‐acoustic problems of both academic and more industrial scale. It is argued that the methodology in general holds for more than two variables, and a discussion is opened about the truncation refinements required in order to generalize the results accordingly. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

凌建寿 《中国标准化》2000,(9):14-14,19
QS 90 0 0质量体系标准是美国福特、通用和克莱斯勒三大汽车公司 (以下简称三大公司 )在ISO 90 0 0标准的基础上联合推出的质量标准 ,受到国际汽车界的广泛重视 ,因此 ,初步了解QS 90 0 0有关产品设计方面的标准 ,对提高产品设计素质 ,规范产品设计开发活动大有益处 ,并有益于GB 190 0 0的宣贯和认证工作的开展。1 QS 90 0 0质量体系与ISO 90 0 0ISO 90 0 0的推出 ,受到国际社会各行业的普遍认可 ,美国三大公司为了全球战略的需要 ,在ISO 90 0 0的基础上协调一致 ,携手推出了QS 90 0 0质量体系。其目的是针对三大公…  相似文献   

A simulation model, driven by real order time series, of an actual make-for-stock shop is described. A broad spectrum of different sets of decision rules has been incorporated in the model in an attempt to represent as many as possible of the production controls which might be utilized by a production manager. Experiments designed to determine the impact on a production cost function of changes in decision rules can be conducted over a wide range of conditions, with the objective of assessing the robustness of rule changes.

To illustrate the use of the model, the results of experiments in two areas of production control are presented. Changing the stock control policy used by the host company to a re-order level policy type was shown to lead to significant improvements in performance across the range of conditions examined, in the case of a low marginal cost of stock review. In experiments with leadtime setting rules, improvements in performance were obtained across the spectrum of experimental conditions when the leadtime distribution was altered to one based on batch work content and number of operations and the tightness of the mean leadtime was simultaneously increased.  相似文献   

Confocal Raman microscopy data are reported for a laminated polymer (Paramount) and for pigskin. The nature of the laminated structure of the polymer provides a useful test for evaluation of thickness distortions in confocal measurements in soft samples, which are found to be quite significant. The spatial variation in line profiles generated from univariate analyses with scores derived from factor loadings are consistent for both samples and provide distinct diagnostic markers for stratum corneum and epidermis regions of skin. Univariate analysis of the C-C stretching region of skin reveals a spatial dependence of chain conformational order. In addition, variations in keratin-containing areas of the stratum corneum are readily identified from area maps of the S-S stretching vibrations. These data indicate that confocal Raman imaging studies of molecular structure changes in particular regions of skin during pathological processes will prove quite valuable in dermatology.  相似文献   

We describe a model-based instrument design combined with a statistical classification approach for the development and realization of high speed cell classification systems based on light scatter. In our work, angular light scatter from cells of four bacterial species of interest, Bacillus subtilis, Escherichia coli, Listeria innocua, and Enterococcus faecalis, was modeled using the discrete dipole approximation. We then optimized a scattering detector array design subject to some hardware constraints, configured the instrument, and gathered experimental data from the relevant bacterial cells. Using these models and experiments, it is shown that optimization using a nominal bacteria model (i.e., using a representative size and refractive index) is insufficient for classification of most bacteria in realistic applications. Hence the computational predictions were constituted in the form of scattering-data-vector distributions that accounted for expected variability in the physical properties between individual bacteria within the four species. After the detectors were optimized using the numerical results, they were used to measure scatter from both the known control samples and unknown bacterial cells. A multivariate statistical method based on a support vector machine (SVM) was used to classify the bacteria species based on light scatter signatures. In our final instrument, we realized correct classification of B. subtilis in the presence of E. coli,L. innocua, and E. faecalis using SVM at 99.1%, 99.6%, and 98.5%, respectively, in the optimal detector array configuration. For comparison, the corresponding values for another set of angles were only 69.9%, 71.7%, and 70.2% using SVM, and more importantly, this improved performance is consistent with classification predictions.  相似文献   

This paper demonstrates the use of principal components in conjunction with the multivariate exponentially-weighted moving average (MEWMA) control procedure for process monitoring. It is demonstrated that the number of variables to be monitored is reduced through this approach, and that the average run length to detect process shifts or upsets is substantially reduced as well. The performance of the MEWMA applied to all the variables may be related to the MEWMA control chart that uses principal components through the non-centrality parameter. An average run length table demonstrates the advantages of the principal components MEWMA over the procedure that uses all of the variables. An illustrative example is provided.  相似文献   

EPA's Great Lakes National Program Office (GLNPO) is leading one of the most extensive studies of a lake ecosystem ever undertaken. The Lake Michigan Mass Balance Study (LMMB Study) is a coordinated effort among state, federal, and academic scientists to monitor tributary and atmospheric pollutant loads, develop source inventories of toxic substances, and evaluate the fate and effects of these pollutants in Lake Michigan. A key objective of the LMMB Study is to construct a mass balance model for several important contaminants in the environment: PCBs, atrazine, mercury, and trans-nonachlor. The mathematical mass balance models will provide a state-of-the-art tool for evaluating management scenarios and options for control of toxics in Lake Michigan. At the outset of the LMMB Study, managers recognized that the data gathered and the model developed from the study would be used extensively by data users responsible for making environmental, economic, and policy decisions. Environmental measurements are never true values and always contain some level of uncertainty. Decision makers, therefore, must recognize and be sufficiently comfortable with the uncertainty associated with data on which their decisions are based. The quality of data gathered in the LMMB was defined, controlled, and assessed through a variety of quality assurance (QA) activities, including QA program planning, development of QA project plans, implementation of a QA workgroup, training, data verification, and implementation of a standardized data reporting format. As part of this QA program, GLNPO has been developing quantitative assessments that define data quality at the data set level. GLNPO also is developing approaches to derive estimated concentration ranges (interval estimates) for specific field sample results (single study results) based on uncertainty. The interval estimates must be used with consideration to their derivation and the types of variability that are and are not included in the interval.  相似文献   

Multivariate statistical methods for the analysis, monitoring and diagnosis of process operating performance are becoming more important because of the availability of on-line process computers which routinely collect measurements on large numbers of process variables. Traditional univariate control charts have been extended to multivariate quality control situations using the Hotelling T2 statistic. Recent approaches to multivariate statistical process control which utilize not only product quality data (Y), but also all of the available process variable data (X) are based on multivariate statistical projection methods (principal component analysis, (PCA), partial least squares, (PLS), multi-block PLS and multi-way PCA). An overview of these methods and their use in the statistical process control of multivariate continuous and batch processes is presented. Applications are provided on the analysis of historical data from the catalytic cracking section of a large petroleum refinery, on the monitoring and diagnosis of a continuous polymerization process and on the monitoring of an industrial batch process.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to study the input control and dispatching rules that might be used in a flow shop controlled by a constant work-in-process system (CONWIP) within a make-to-stock environment. The CONWIP system was originally conceived for a single card-count control and a FCFS dispatching rule, although in this paper it is shown that its performance can be increased by using other input controls as well as different dispatching rules.  相似文献   

四面固支加筋壁板结构中存在的模型难以确定等多种不确定因素,影响了闭环结构的振动控制性能.针对这一问题设计了一种不依赖结构数学模型的加速度传感信号反馈和二阶线性自抗扰复合振动主动控制策略,并在理论上分析其稳定性和优越性.首先,采用二阶线性自抗扰控制器实时估计对象模型变化及其外扰组成的广义干扰,并将估计值作为补偿信号前馈到控制信号中消除广义干扰对系统的影响;然后,设计加速度传感信号和线性状态误差反馈的自抗扰复合振动控制器;最后,基于dSPACE实时仿真系统,建立了四面固支加筋壁板结构的主动振动试验平台.利用加速度传感器和压电片驱动器抑制加筋壁板结构振动,并对提出的控制方法进行对比试验.几种外界干扰激励的试验结果表明,该方法不仅能有效抑制由于正弦激励和外界冲击引起的振荡,而且能更好抑制不确定因素引起的整个结构的波动.  相似文献   

This work intends to identify and follow up quality control parameters important for the general improvement of our thermoluminescence dosemeter (TLD) system for Individual Monitoring that is currently preparing its accreditation according to the EN ISO/IEC 17025 Standard. A retrospective analysis of the readers' start-up tests revealed an eventual variation of parameters, like the high voltage, which may affect the light collecting system, and hence the TL dose results. This was investigated and although the high voltage requires a careful look, the stability and reproducibility of the TLD system was ascertained by the results of quality control procedures. As a consequence of this work, the start-up procedure was modified and the warning levels used for the start-up daily tests of the readers were derived from a more realistic approach.  相似文献   

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