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A number of studies have estimated population exposure to PM2.5 by examining modeled or measured outdoor PM2.5 levels. However, few have taken into account the mediating effects of building characteristics on the ingress of PM2.5 from outdoor sources and its impact on population exposure in the indoor domestic environment. This study describes how building simulation can be used to determine the indoor concentration of outdoor‐sourced pollution for different housing typologies and how the results can be mapped using building stock models and Geographical Information Systems software to demonstrate the modifying effect of dwellings on occupant exposure to PM2.5 across London. Building archetypes broadly representative of those in the Greater London Authority were simulated for pollution infiltration using EnergyPlus. In addition, the influence of occupant behavior on indoor levels of PM2.5 from outdoor sources was examined using a temperature‐dependent window‐opening scenario. Results demonstrate a range of I/O ratios of PM2.5, with detached and semi‐detached dwellings most vulnerable to high levels of infiltration. When the results are mapped, central London shows lower I/O ratios of PM2.5 compared with outer London, an apparent inversion of exposure most likely caused by the prevalence of flats rather than detached or semi‐detached properties.  相似文献   

This study evaluated nine ventilation and filtration systems in an unoccupied 2006 house located 250 m downwind of the I‐80 freeway in Sacramento, California. Systems were evaluated for reducing indoor concentrations of outdoor particles in summer and fall/winter, ozone in summer, and particles from stir‐fry cooking. Air exchange rate was measured continuously. Energy use was estimated for year‐round operation in California. Exhaust ventilation without enhanced filtration provided indoor PM2.5 that was 70% lower than outdoors. Supply ventilation with MERV13 filtration provided slightly less protection, whereas supply MERV16 filtration reduced PM2.5 by 97‐98% relative to outdoors. Supply filtration systems used little energy but provided no benefits for indoor‐generated particles. Systems with MERV13‐16 filter in the recirculating heating and cooling unit (FAU) operating continuously or 20 min/h reduced PM2.5 by 93‐98%. Across all systems, removal percentages were higher for ultrafine particles and lower for black carbon, relative to PM2.5. Indoor ozone was 3‐4% of outdoors for all systems except an electronic air cleaner that produced ozone. Filtration via the FAU or portable filtration units lowered PM2.5 by 25‐75% when operated over the hour following cooking. The energy for year‐round operation of FAU filtration with an efficient blower motor was estimated at 600 kWh/year.  相似文献   

Correctional centers (prisons) are one of the few non‐residential indoor environments where smoking is still permitted. However, few studies have investigated indoor air quality (IAQ) in these locations. We quantified the level of inmate and staff exposure to secondhand smoke, including particle number (PN) count, and we assessed the impact of the smoking ban on IAQ. We performed measurements of indoor and outdoor PM2.5 and PN concentrations, personal PN exposure levels, volatile organic compounds (VOCs), and nicotine both before and after a complete indoor smoking ban in an Australian maximum security prison. Results show that the indoor 24‐h average PM2.5 concentrations ranged from 6 (±1) μg/m3 to 17 (±3) μg/m3 pre‐ban. The post‐ban levels ranged from 7 (±2) μg/m3 to 71 (±43) μg/m3. While PM2.5 concentrations decreased in one unit post‐ban, they increased in the other two units. Similar post‐ban increases were also observed in levels of PN and VOCs. We describe an unexpected increase of indoor pollutants following a total indoor smoking ban in a prison that was reflected across multiple pollutants that are markers of smoking. We hypothesise that clandestine post‐ban smoking among inmates may have been the predominant cause.  相似文献   

The purpose of this paper is to evaluate the effects of a building parameter, namely ceiling configuration, on indoor natural ventilation. The computational fluid dynamics (CFD) code Phoenics was used with the RNG k? turbulence model to study wind motion and ventilation flow rates inside the building. All the CFD boundary conditions were described. The simulation results were first validated by wind tunnel experiment results in detail, and then used to compare rooms with various ceiling configurations in different cases. The simulation results generated matched the experimental results confirming the accuracy of the RNG k? turbulence model to successfully predict indoor wind motion for this study. Our main results reveal that ceiling configurations have certain effects on indoor airflow and ventilation flow rates although these effects are fairly minor.  相似文献   

Inadequate ventilation of classrooms may lead to increased concentrations of pollutants generated indoors in schools. The FRESH study, on the effects of increased classroom ventilation on indoor air quality, was performed in 18 naturally ventilated classrooms of 17 primary schools in the Netherlands during the heating seasons of 2010–2012. In 12 classrooms, ventilation was increased to targeted CO2 concentrations of 800 or 1200 ppm, using a temporary CO2 controlled mechanical ventilation system. Six classrooms were included as controls. In each classroom, data on endotoxin, β(1,3)‐glucans, and particles with diameters of <10 μm (PM10) and <2.5 μm (PM2.5) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) were collected during three consecutive weeks. Associations between the intervention and these measured indoor air pollution levels were assessed using mixed models, with random classroom effects. The intervention lowered endotoxin and β(1,3)‐glucan levels and PM10 concentrations significantly. PM10 for instance was reduced by 25 μg/m³ (95% confidence interval 13–38 μg/m³) from 54 μg/m³ at maximum ventilation rate. No significant differences were found between the two ventilation settings. Concentrations of PM2.5 and NO2 were not affected by the intervention. Our results provide evidence that increasing classroom ventilation is effective in decreasing the concentrations of some indoor‐generated pollutants.  相似文献   

R. Liu  Y. Jiang  Q. Li  S. K. Hammond 《Indoor air》2014,24(4):339-349
Field observation of patron smoking behaviors and multiple sampling approaches were conducted in 79 restaurants and bars in Beijing, 2010, 2 years after implementing the governmental smoking regulations. Smoking was observed in 30 visits to 22 of the 37 nominal non‐smoking venues during peak patronage times and six visits to four of the 14 nominal non‐smoking sections. The median area secondhand smoke (SHS) concentrations during peak patronage time were 27, 15, 43, and 40 μg/m3 in nominal non‐smoking venues, non‐smoking sections, smoking sections, and smoking venues, respectively, as indicated by the difference between indoor and outdoor PM2.5 levels; and 1.4, 0.6, 1.7, and 2.7 μg/m3, respectively, as indicated by airborne nicotine. In the 27 venues with sampling of different approaches and over different time periods, the median nicotine concentration was 1.8 μg/m3 by one‐hour peak patronage‐time sampling, 1.1 μg/m3 by 1‐day active area sampling, 2.5 μg/m3 by 1‐day personal sampling, and 2.3 μg/m3 by week‐long passive sampling. No significant differences in nicotine levels were observed among venues/sections with different nominal smoking policies by all sampling approaches except during peak patronage time. This study showed that the 2008 Beijing governmental smoking restriction has been poorly implemented, and SHS exposures in Beijing restaurants and bars remain high.  相似文献   

The determinants of the temporal variability of indoor dust concentrations of semivolatile organic compounds (SVOCs) remain mostly unexplored. We examined temporal variability of dust concentrations and factors affecting dust concentrations for a wide range of SVOCs. We collected dust samples three times from 29 California homes during a period of 22 months and quantified concentrations of 47 SVOCs in 87 dust samples. We computed intraclass correlation coefficients (ICCs) using three samples collected within the same house. We calculated correlation coefficients (r) between two seasons with similar climate (spring and fall) and between two seasons with opposite climate (summer and winter). Among 26 compounds that were detected in more than 50% of the samples at all three visits, 20 compounds had ICCs above 0.50 and 6 compounds had ICCs below 0.50. For 19 out of 26 compounds, correlation coefficients between spring and fall (r = 0.48-0.98) were higher than those between summer and winter (r = 0.09-0.92), implying seasonal effects on dust concentrations. Our study showed that within-home temporal variability of dust concentrations was small (ICC > 0.50) for most SVOCs, but dust concentrations may vary over time for some SVOCs with seasonal variations in source rates, such as product use.  相似文献   

Particle mass and number concentrations were measured in a mechanically ventilated classroom as part of a study of ventilation strategies for energy conservation. The ventilation system was operated either continuously, intermittently, or shut down during nights while it was on during workdays. It appears that the nighttime ventilation scheme is not important for indoor particle concentrations the following day if fans are operated to give five air exchanges in advance of the workday. The highest concentrations of PM10 were found during and after workdays and were due to human activity in the classroom. The average workday PM10 concentration was 14 μg/m3, well below the WHO guideline values. The number concentration of particles with diameter <0.750 μm was typically between 0.5 × 103 and 3.5 × 103 particle/cm3. These concentrations were largely independent of the occupants. Transient formation of small particles was observed when ventilation was shut down. Then remaining ozone reacted with terpenes emitted by indoor sources and gave up to 8 × 103 particle/cm3 before formation stopped due to lack of ozone. The intermittent ventilation regime was found least favorable for the indoor air quality in the classroom.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to quantify the influence of ventilation systems on indoor particle concentrations in residential buildings. Fifteen occupied, single‐family apartments were selected from three sites. The three sites have three different ventilation systems: unbalanced mechanical ventilation, balanced mechanical ventilation, and natural ventilation. Field measurements were conducted between April and June 2012, when outdoor air temperatures were comfortable. Number concentrations of particles, PM2.5 and CO2, were continuously measured both outdoors and indoors. In the apartments with natural ventilation, I/O ratios of particle number concentrations ranged from 0.56 to 0.72 for submicron particles, and from 0.25 to 0.60 for particles larger than 1.0 μm. The daily average indoor particle concentration decreased to 50% below the outdoor level for submicron particles and 25% below the outdoor level for fine particles, when the apartments were mechanically ventilated. The two mechanical ventilation systems reduced the I/O ratios by 26% for submicron particles and 65% for fine particles compared with the natural ventilation. These results showed that mechanical ventilation can reduce exposure to outdoor particles in residential buildings.  相似文献   

Solar lamps are a clean and potentially cost‐effective alternative to polluting kerosene lamps used by millions of families in developing countries. By how much solar lamps actually reduce exposure to pollutants, however, has not been examined. Twenty households using mainly kerosene for lighting were enrolled through a secondary school in Busia County, Kenya. Personal PM2.5 and CO concentrations were measured on a school pupil and an adult in each household, before and after provision of 3 solar lamps. PM2.5 concentrations were measured in main living areas, pupils' bedrooms, and kitchens. Usage sensors measured use of kerosene and solar lighting devices. Ninety percent of baseline kerosene lamp use was displaced at 1‐month follow‐up, corresponding to average PM2.5 reductions of 61% and 79% in main living areas and pupils' bedrooms, respectively. Average 48‐h exposure to PM2.5 fell from 210 to 104 μg/m3 (?50%) among adults, and from 132 to 35 μg/m3 (?73%) among pupils. Solar lamps displaced most kerosene lamp use in at least the short term. If sustained, this could mitigate health impacts of household air pollution in some contexts. Achieving safe levels of exposure for all family members would likely require also addressing use of solid‐fuel stoves.  相似文献   

Ventilation is ambiguously related to the energy saving rationale originating from the mitigation of global warming, the reaching of peak oil or health concerns related to fossil fuel burning. Since it makes up for about half of the energy consumption in well-insulated buildings, it is an attractive target for energy saving measures. However, simply reducing ventilation rates has unwanted repercussions on the indoor air quality. Two main strategies have been developed to reconcile these seemingly opposing interests: heat recovery and demand control ventilation. This paper focuses on the energy saving potential of demand controlled mechanical exhaust ventilation in residences and on the influence such systems may have on the indoor air quality to which the occupants of the dwellings are exposed. The conclusions are based on simulations done with a multi-zone airflow model of a detached house that is statistically representative for the average Belgian dwelling. Four approaches to demand based control are tested and reported. Within the paper exposure to carbon dioxide and to a tracer gas are used as indicators for indoor air quality. Both energy demand and exposures are reported and compared to the results for a standard, building code compliant, exhaust system, operating at continuous flow rates. The sensitivity of the control strategies to environmental and user variations is tested using Monte-Carlo techniques. Under the conditions that were applied, reductions on the ventilation heat loss of 25–60% are found, depending on the chosen control strategy (with the exclusion of adventitious ventilation and infiltration).  相似文献   

Young children spend a substantial part of their waking time in preschools. It is therefore important to reduce the load of hazardous semivolatile organic compounds (SVOCs) in the preschools’ indoor environment. The presence and levels of five SVOC groups were evaluated (1) in a newly built preschool, (2) before and after renovation of a preschool, and (3) in a preschool where SVOC-containing articles were removed. The new building and the renovation were performed using construction materials that were approved with respect to content of restricted chemicals. SVOC substance groups were measured in indoor air and settled dust and included phthalates and alternative plasticizers, organophosphate esters (OPEs), brominated flame retardants, and bisphenols. The most abundant substance groups in both indoor air and dust were phthalates and alternative plasticizers and OPEs. SVOC concentrations were lower or of the same order of magnitude as those reported in comparable studies. The relative Cumulative Hazard Quotient (HQcum) was used to assess the effects of the different reduction measures on children's SVOC exposure from indoor air and dust in the preschools. HQcum values were low (1.0–6.1%) in all three preschools and decreased further after renovation and article substitution. The SVOCs concentrations decreased significantly more in the preschool renovated with the approved building materials than in the preschool where the SVOC-containing articles were removed.  相似文献   

Consumer products and building materials emit a number of semivolatile organic compounds (SVOCs) in the indoor environment. Because indoor SVOCs accumulate in dust, we explore the use of dust to determine source strength and report here on analysis of dust samples collected in 30 US homes for six phthalates, four personal care product ingredients, and five flame retardants. We then use a fugacity‐based indoor mass balance model to estimate the whole‐house emission rates of SVOCs that would account for the measured dust concentrations. Di‐2‐ethylhexyl phthalate (DEHP) and di‐iso‐nonyl phthalate (DiNP) were the most abundant compounds in these dust samples. On the other hand, the estimated emission rate of diethyl phthalate is the largest among phthalates, although its dust concentration is over two orders of magnitude smaller than DEHP and DiNP. The magnitude of the estimated emission rate that corresponds to the measured dust concentration is found to be inversely correlated with the vapor pressure of the compound, indicating that dust concentrations alone cannot be used to determine which compounds have the greatest emission rates. The combined dust‐assay modeling approach shows promise for estimating indoor emission rates for SVOCs.  相似文献   

This study investigates the effectiveness of night ventilation technique for residential buildings in hot-humid climate of Malaysia. This paper firstly presents the results of a survey on usage patterns of windows and air-conditioners in typical Malaysian residential areas. Secondly, the effects of different natural ventilation strategies on indoor thermal environment for Malaysian terraced houses are evaluated based on the results of a full-scale field experiment. The results show that the majority of occupants tend to apply not night ventilation but daytime ventilation in Malaysian residential areas. It can be seen from the field experiment that night ventilation would provide better thermal comfort for occupants in Malaysian terraced houses compared with the other ventilation strategies in terms of operative temperature. However, when the evaporative heat loss of occupants is taken into account by using SET*, the night ventilation would not be the superior technique to the others in providing daytime thermal comfort mainly due to the high humidity conditions. Therefore, the indoor humidity control during the daytime such as by dehumidification would be needed when the night ventilation technique is applied to Malaysian terraced houses. Otherwise, full-day ventilation would be a better option compared with night ventilation.  相似文献   

We examine transients caused by sudden changes in heat load in a naturally ventilated chamber. The space we consider has an isolated heat source, modeled as an ideal plume, and is connected to the exterior via openings at the top and bottom. Pressure differences between the exterior and interior that arise due to the buoyancy in the space drive a natural ventilation flow through the space that generates a two-layer system with buoyant (warm) fluid in the upper layer and ambient fluid in the lower layer. We develop two mathematical models, one assuming perfect mixing of each layer, the other accounting for stratification. We compare both models to small scale laboratory experiments. Neither model is significantly better than the other, and both give good agreement with the experiments.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to characterize the relationship between Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) and ventilation in French classrooms. Various parameters were measured over one school week, including volatile organic compounds, aldehydes, particulate matter (PM2.5 mass concentration and number concentration), carbon dioxide (CO2), air temperature, and relative humidity in 51 classrooms at 17 schools. The ventilation was characterized by several indicators, such as the air exchange rate, ventilation rate (VR), and air stuffiness index (ICONE), that are linked to indoor CO2 concentration. The influences of the season (heating or non‐heating), type of school (nursery or elementary), and ventilation on the IAQ were studied. Based on the minimum value of 4.2 l/s per person required by the French legislation for mechanically ventilated classrooms, 91% of the classrooms had insufficient ventilation. The VR was significantly higher in mechanically ventilated classrooms compared with naturally ventilated rooms. The correlations between IAQ and ventilation vary according to the location of the primary source of each pollutant (outdoor vs. indoor), and for an indoor source, whether it is associated with occupant activity or continuous emission.  相似文献   

The impacts of various ventilation strategies and facade designs on indoor thermal environment for naturally ventilated residential buildings in Singapore are investigated in this study based on thermal comfort index. Four ventilation strategies, nighttime-only ventilation, daytime-only ventilation, full-day ventilation and no ventilation were evaluated for hot-humid climate according to the number of thermal discomfort hours in the whole typical year on the basis of a series of TAS simulations. Parametric studies of facade designs on orientations, window to wall ratios and shading devices were performed for two typical weeks by coupled simulations between building simulation ESP-r and CFD (FLUENT). The results indicate that full-day ventilation for indoor thermal comfort is better than the other three ventilation strategies. With various facade design studies, it was found that north- and south-facing facades can provide much comfortable indoor environment than east- and west-facing facades in Singapore. It is recommended that optimum window to wall ratio 0.24 can improve indoor thermal comfort for full-day ventilation and 600 mm horizontal shading devices are needed for each orientation in order to improve thermal comfort in further.  相似文献   

During 13 winter weeks, an experimental archeology project was undertaken in two Danish reconstructed Viking Age houses with indoor open fireplaces. Volunteers inhabited the houses under living conditions similar to those of the Viking Age, including cooking and heating by wood fire. Carbon monoxide (CO) and particulate matter (PM2.5) were measured at varying distances to the fireplace. Near the fireplaces CO (mean) was 16 ppm. PM2.5 (mean) was 3.40 mg/m3, however, measured in one house only. The CO:PM mass ratio was found to increase from 6.4 to 22 when increasing the distance to the fire. Two persons carried CO sensors. Average personal exposure was 6.9 ppm, and from this, a personal PM2.5 exposure of 0.41 mg/m3 was estimated. The levels found here were higher than reported from modern studies conducted in dwellings using biomass for cooking and heating. While this may be due to the Viking house design, the volunteer's lack of training in attending a fire maybe also played a role. Even so, when comparing to today's issues arising from the use of open fires, it must be assumed that also during the Viking Age, the exposure to woodsmoke was a contributing factor to health problems.  相似文献   

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