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At present, pumped hydro energy storage plays the dominant role in electrical energy storage. However, its development is clearly restricted by the topography and adverse impacts on local residents. Underground pumped hydro energy storage (UPHES) using abandoned mine pits not only can effectively remedy these drawbacks but is also constructive to the management of abandoned mine pits. In this paper, we firstly conduct a comprehensive analysis of conventional pumped hydro energy storage (CPHES) and UPHES, using life cycle sustainability assessment (LCSA). Sustainability indicators in this paper include economic indicators, environmental indicators, and social indicators. Among all the indicators, blue water footprint (BWF) and ecological footprint (EF) are included for the first time to assess the social performance of CPHES and UPHES. Then, this paper employs multi-attribute value theory (MAVT) and scenario analysis to evaluate the overall performance of energy storages. The results show that CPHES has better performance in economy and environment than UPHES because of the economies of scale, while the UPHES has better performance in social sustainability impact because of the absence of stages of excavation and backfilling. When using MAVT methodology, only when the weight for social indicator is three times higher than that of economy and environment; ie, the weight for social dimension is 0.6, and the weights for environmental and social dimension are 0.2; the score of UPHES is higher than CPHES.  相似文献   

The amount of solar PV installed capacity has steadily increased to 44.5 GW at the end of FY2017, since the introduction of the Feed in Tariff (FiT) to Japan in 2012. On the other hand, since the first curtailment of solar PV was conducted on October 13th, 2018 in the Kyushu area, the curtailment has been frequently executed including wind power after that. In this study, cross-regional interconnector and pumped hydro energy storage (PHES) are focused on mitigating curtailment.In Japan, there are 9 electric power areas which connected each other by cross-regional interconnectors. According to the historical operation, cross-regional interconnectors were secured as emergency flexible measures, but after the implicit auction was started from October 2018, it is used on merit order. Regarding a PHES in Japan, they have been built with nuclear power plants for several decades. Because the output of nuclear power generation is constant, so the PHES is used to absorb the surplus at nighttime when the demand declines. All nuclear power plants in Japan have been shut down after the accident at the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant following the Great East Japan Earthquake that occurred on March 11th, 2011. There are several nuclear power plants that have been restarted (9 reactors, as of August 2019).In this study, the amount of curtailment for solar PV in the Kyushu area is sent to the Chugoku area using the cross-regional interconnector (Kanmon line). Then, the PHES in the Chugoku area is pumping with low price. Because the spot price in the market is low when the curtailment is executed. After that, the PHES is generating at night with high price when the solar PV is not generating. It makes a profit by the deference for the cost of pumping and the revenue of generating by the PHES. As a calculation result, for one week from May 2nd to 8th, 2019, a profit becomes 152.2 million JPY (about 1.22 million EUR). For this purpose, it is necessary to raise the operation capacity of the cross-regional interconnector up to the rated capacity with the frequency control function of solar PV instead of the capacity to keep frequency in the event of an accident. This will allow the further introduction of solar PV in Japan.  相似文献   

There has been a renewed commercial and technical interest in pumped hydro energy storage (PHES) recently with the advent of increased variable renewable energy generation and the development of liberalized electricity markets. During the next 8 years over 7 GW of PHES capacity will be added to the European network while projects are also planned in the USA and Japan. This paper provides a review of existing and proposed PHES plant and discusses the technical and economic drivers for these developments. Current trends for new PHES development generally show that developers operating in liberalized markets are tending to repower, enhance projects or build ‘pump-back’ PHES rather than traditional ‘pure pumped storage’. Capital costs per kW for proposed PHES in the review region range between €470/kW and €2170/kW, however these costs are highly site and project specific. An emergence has also been observed in recent PHES developments of the use of variable speed technology. This technology, while incurring slightly higher capital costs, offers a greater range of operational flexibility and efficiency over conventional PHES. This paper has primarily been prompted by a lack of detailed information on PHES facilities worldwide and reviews current developments in the context of market and generation mix changes. The most recent large scale review of PHES faculties was undertaken by the American Society of Civil Engineers Hydro Power Task Committee on Pumped Storage in 1996. In the absence of data in the literature on new PHES plant development, this review draws primarily on publicly available information from utilities, government bodies and electricity regulators. In the same context this study is limited to a review region of the European Union, Japan and the United States as information on developments outside these areas is difficult to procure. This paper also gives a review of locations and proposed timelines for new PHES development and provides a thorough up-to-date overview of the development trends of this technology.  相似文献   

云南省新能源、可再生能源发展现状及对策   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
云南省拥有丰富的新能源、可再生能源资源,推进新能源和可再生能源的发展,对云南省的社会经济和环境都有着重要的意义。文章介绍了云南省新能源、可再生能源的开发利用取得的成效和显现出的问题。及时地调整新能源、可再生能源开发利用策略,有效地解决现存问题,对促进新能源、可再生能源的持续发展具有重要意义。  相似文献   

In this paper, we calculate the long-term profitability of a pumped hydro energy storage (PHES) plant that is planned to be built in an old mine. We model the optimal PHES operation for several scenarios with different wind power penetration levels. Our modelling approach first involves estimating wholesale electricity prices for the day-ahead, intraday and balancing market as a function of wind power penetration. The estimated price profiles are implemented in a dynamic programming model, where the PHES plant maximises its balancing market revenue given the optimal commitment in the day-ahead market. We show that increasing the wind penetration changes the optimal PHES operation and increases the PHES profits. Additionally, we quantify how the costs of wind power balancing are affected by the PHES investment. Policy implications are drawn based on the estimated private and social benefits from the investment.  相似文献   

黄河三角洲具有丰富的可再生能源,科学合理地开发利用可再生能源,对于黄河三角洲的可持续发展具有十分重要的意义。文章阐述了黄河三角洲风能、太阳能、地热能、生物质能等可再生能源资源及利用现状;深入分析了开发利用中存在的问题;有针对性地提出了加快制定黄河三角洲可再生能源专项规划、组建黄河三角洲可再生能源专门管理机构、制定黄河三角洲可再生能源利用运行机制、深化拓展黄河三角洲可再生能源开发利用和营造可再生能源开发利用的社会氛围等相关对策。  相似文献   

Y.M. Kim  D.G. Shin  D. Favrat 《Energy》2011,36(10):6220-6233
Energy storage systems are becoming more important for load leveling, especially because of the widespread use of intermittent renewable energy. Compressed air energy storage (CAES) is a very promising method for energy storage because CAES relies on existing technologies, is less expensive, and easier to site and permit, as compared to pumped hydro storage. But, in the case of CAES employing hard rock caverns or man-made air vessels, although the smallest possible cavern volume is desirable in order to minimize the construction cost and optimize utilization of the given space, the operating pressure range in the cavern must be limited in order to reduce the deterioration in efficiency of the CAES system at off-design conditions. In this paper, a new constant-pressure CAES system combined with pumped hydro storage was studied to address the current problem associated with the conventional CAES systems. An energy and exergy analysis of the novel CAES system was performed in order to understand the operation characteristics of the system according to several different compression and expansion processes; we then examined the effects of the height of the storage cavern and heat transfer between two media (air, water) and the cavern on the performance of the novel CAES system.  相似文献   

Jammu and Kashmir State of India is one of the energy starved states despite of having tremendous potential for utilization of renewable energy. The natural energy sources like sunshine, wind, vegetation, water flow, biomass and other biological wastes are abundantly available in the state yet are not being potentially harnessed resulting in very low per capita energy availability forcing peoples to use wood resulting into deforestation. The fossils fuels, which pollute the environment, are extensively utilized even though they are not sustainable. Developing and properly implementing renewable energy technologies in this state can provide secure energy supply for rapid domestic and industrial development which will attract new investments, thereby creates additional employment. It shall also generate additional state income by allowing the state to sell renewable energy trading certificates to other states. Therefore, it is important that the region moves to clear and sustainable energy. This paper presents an overview of the present status of renewable energy development and summarizes key issues in each of the major industrial segments. It also examines crucial gaps in the renewable energy market, describes the goals set out by various government programs, and estimates the resources and effort required to meet these goals.  相似文献   

This paper presents a grid-connected HRES using a hybrid controller with PHS for optimal power flow control and minimizing the production cost. The novelty of the proposed approach is the joined execution of the SSA and CSA named as SSA-CS are apparently a very new metaheuristic algorithm. Moreover, the proposed method is the cost-effective power production of the microgrids and effective utilization of renewable energy sources without wasting the available energy. Here, the energy sources in particular PV system, WT, MT and battery with PHS are utilized to generate the power of the MG system. In the proposed approach, the required power demand of the energy system is predicted by the ANN technique. After that, the production cost minimization is done in view of the anticipated load demand by utilizing the optimization approaches to be a specific SSA-CS algorithm. The result of the proposed approach is actualized in the MATLAB/Simulink working platform. The performance of the proposed approach is examined by comparing the current methodologies such as SSA and PSO with the proposed SSA-CS approach. The simulation results show that the proposed method generates maximum power and furthermore the proposed framework has less production cost in light of the power demand.  相似文献   

低成本储能技术是碳中和目标下高渗透率可再生能源系统的重要支撑技术.现有储能技术经济性研究一般基于储能产品技术参数评估平准化充放电成本(LCOS),缺少结合具体应用工况的储能技术路线对比分析.在未来以新能源为主体的新型电力系统中,储能的运行工况将发生明显变化,技术经济性定量预测研究是储能技术路线选择和激励政策设计的重要参...  相似文献   

This research investigates an energy management method utilized in a hydrogen and electric hybrid energy storage system (HESS), which is utilized as an ancillary system for renewable energy electricity generation. To suppress the performance degradation of the fuel cell (FC), the newly proposed energy management method deals with main FC degradation causes, such as low humidification and frequent and rapid voltage changes. The entire HESS's performance is demonstrated using the proposed energy management method. In addition, a simulation is conducted to evaluate the proposed energy management method's performance in terms of both suppressing the FC's degradation and ensuring system efficiency. The results of the experiment and simulation show that the proposed energy management method can suppress the FC's harmful working states while maintaining high system efficiency.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the benefit of optimally integrating wind power in Kenya with pumped hydro storage. The approach includes development of an optimal control strategy to deploy paired wind and pumped hydro storage resources, for the Lake Turkana Wind Power project. The stochastic model, which maximizes expected revenue over the planning horizon, is developed taking into the consideration the structure and running of the Kenya electricity market. The 300 MW Lake Turkana Wind Power wind farm is simulated using wind speed data from Marsabit, which is in close proximity to the Lake Turkana region. From the simulation of the wind farm, we find that the daily pattern exhibited by the wind speeds, does not match the average daily load pattern. Pumped hydro storage reduces the systems total power output shortage by 46%. This approach to operation could alleviate the significant economic burden of the take-or-pay purchase agreement that led to the removal of financial backing of the project by the World Bank. The use of pumped hydro storage in conjunction with the wind farm is also found to increase the expected daily revenue of the wind farm by over ten thousand dollars.  相似文献   

Marine renewable energies are promising enablers of a cleaner energy future. Some technologies, like wind, are maturing and have already achieved commercial success. Similar to their terrestrial counterparts, marine renewable energy systems require energy storage capabilities to achieve the flexibility of the 21st century grid demand. The unique difficulties imposed by a harsh marine environment challenge the unencumbered rise of marine renewable energy generation and storage systems. In this study, the fundamentals of marine renewable energy generation technologies are briefed. A comprehensive review and comparison of state‐of‐the‐art novel marine renewable energy storage technologies, including pumped hydro storage (PHS), compressed air energy storage (CAES), battery energy storage (BES), hydrogen energy storage (HES), gravity energy storage (GES), and buoyancy energy storage (ByES), are conducted. The pros and cons, and potential applications, of various marine renewable energy storage technologies are also compiled. Finally, several future trends of marine renewable energy storage technologies are connoted.  相似文献   

The introduction of pumped hydro storage (PHS) systems in isolated electrical grids, such as those found in island regions, appears to be a promising solution that is able to face both the high electricity production cost and the continuously increasing power demand encountered in these areas. In this context, the current work presents a methodology for the sizing of PHS systems that exploit the excess wind energy amounts produced by local wind farms, otherwise rejected due to imposed electrical grid limitations. The methodology is accordingly applied to the Greek island of Lesbos. Initially, a calculation of the wind power penetration ability to the local grid is carried out and the corresponding curtailments of existing and future wind farms are determined. An integrated computational algorithm is then presented which simulates the operation of the system during an entire year and gives in detail the hourly operational status as well as the various energy losses of the system main components. Based on the application results obtained, the ability of the wind energy to remarkably contribute to the electrification of the remote islands becomes evident.  相似文献   

While the share of renewable energy, especially wind power, increases in the energy mix, the risk of temporary energy shortage increases as well. Thus, it is important to understand consumers' preference for the renewable energy towards the continuous growing renewable energy society. We use a discrete choice experiment to infer consumers' preferences when the share of renewable energy increases. The study results indicate that consumers are generally willing to pay extra for an increasing share of renewable energy, but the renewable energy should come from a mixture of renewable energy sources. We also found that consumers prefer to trade with their current supplier rather than another well-known supplier. This study contributes to the energy portfolio theories and the theory of energy diversification in a consumer perspective. The managerial implications of this study are also discussed.  相似文献   

Lead-acid batteries are the main technology used in renewable energy systems (RESs) and autonomous power-supply systems due to their maturity and low cost, factors that will remain valid for the next few years. It is often stated, however, that batteries in RES applications exhibit shorter lifetimes than those expected by manufacturers’ data or those experienced in real traditional applications. Overall, in relation to all other components in RESs, the battery lifetime is quite short and has an intensive impact on the costs of the total system.  相似文献   

This paper studies how the control algorithm impacts the required capacity of battery energy storage system (BESS) to mitigate wind intermittency. We study a futuristic scenario in which wind generation is traded in the energy market on an hourly basis, and the wind power producer has to procure reserves to handle wind fluctuations. The wind power producer can avoid paying for conventional reserves by charging/discharging BESS to compensate for wind surplus and deficit. We develop control algorithms using the model predictive control (MPC) methodology, which incorporates wind forecasts for the next few hours when determining wind scheduling. The MPC algorithm is developed by solving a non‐linear optimization problem to minimize operation costs to the wind power producer. In addition to operation costs, the MPC algorithm considers two practical aspects: the efficiency loss of BESS and the smoothness in wind power scheduling. BESS sizing is studied by parametric analyses. Simulations show that BESS is more effective in reducing operation costs and reducing wind curtailment than conventional reserves. In addition, MPC is a horizon‐based control algorithm and can preview future information in its control action. Simulations also show that MPC consistently outperforms an instantaneous heuristic algorithm that does not use future information. Therefore, we confirm that MPC can reduce the BESS capacity required to cover wind uncertainties. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Main electrical energy sources of Turkey are thermal and hydraulic. Most of the thermal sources are derived from natural gas. Turkey imports natural gas; therefore, decreasing usage of natural gas is very important for both economical and environmental aspects. Because of disadvantages of fossil fuels, renewable energy sources are getting importance for sustainable energy development and environmental protection. Among the renewable sources, Turkey has very high wind energy potential. The estimated wind power capacity of Turkey is about 83,000 MW while only 10,000 MW of it seems to be economically feasible to use. Start 2009, the total installed wind power capacity of Turkey was only 4.3% of its total economical wind power potential (433 MW). However, the strong development of wind energy in Turkey is expected to continue in the coming years. In this study, Turkey's installed electric power capacity, electric energy production is investigated and also Turkey current wind energy status is examined.  相似文献   

The current energy trend indicates a strong thrust toward transforming renewable energy as a major power source.To achieve this mission,battery energy storage systems (BESSs) are indispensable.Although BESSs are expensive,cost reduction can be achieved by using BESSs for multiple purposes,such as load leveling,business continuity planning,frequency control,capacity market,arbitrage,and emergency power.In this paper,various applications of BESSs are classified.The possibility of achieving conflic...  相似文献   

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