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为解决卷烟消费者数据采集与分析难问题,提出了一种全新的基于时空网格技术的消费人群大数据采集分析方法。通过商圈网格划分和数据标签特征工程,实现企业消费者大数据资源的高效融合,建立卷烟消费大数据标签体系,提高了数据的使用价值和复用性。基于大数据、时空网格、可视化技术构建卷烟市场数字孪生体,设计实现了六大画像系统。以玉林市场为例,实现了5237个商圈画像、19544个终端画像、42个品牌画像、169个产品画像以及12种商圈类别画像、24种卷烟分类画像。基于系统对某卷烟品牌实施精准投放实验,该产品的货源利用率从35%提升至59%。  相似文献   

应用XLSTAT 2009统计分析软件,分析了甲、乙、丙3个城市1500名消费者对零售价为10元/盒的A、B、C、D 4个卷烟产品的吸食口味测试的调查问卷,研究了消费者吸食口味的特征和对各产品的喜好程度以及不同消费者在口味上的要求与差异。结果表明:(1)消费者对4个卷烟产品的评价得分差别不大,A香气浓度略浓,B烟香协调性略高,D和C略有轻微苦涩感,且刺激度略大。总体认为4个卷烟产品均没有较大的香料味道、苦涩感和刺激度。(2)该价位卷烟的消费者可分为4类。第1、4类消费者的偏好较为一致,喜好产品B和A,甲、丙城市居多;第2类消费者更加偏好没有香料味道的卷烟,偏好B,丙城市居多;而第3类消费者则对于卷烟中的香料味道更加偏好,有别于其他三类,丙城市居多。(3)从口味测试结果来看,无论在规模、区域适应性、消费者喜好度等方面A和B均优于C和D。   相似文献   

应用XLSTAT 2009统计分析软件,分析了甲、乙、丙3个城市1500名消费者对零售价为10元/盒的A、B、C、D 4个卷烟产品的吸食1:3味测试的调查问卷,研究了消费者吸食口味的特征和对各产品的喜好程度以及不同消费者在口味上的要求与差异.结果表明:(1)消费者对4个卷烟产占占的评价得分差别不大,A香气浓度略浓,B烟香协调性略高,D和C略有轻微苦涩感,且刺激度略大.总体认为4个卷烟产品均没有较大的香料味道、苦涩感和刺激度.(2)该价位卷烟的消费者可分为4类.第1、4类消费者的偏好较为一致,喜好产品B和A,甲、丙城市居多;第2类消费者更加偏好没有香料味道的卷烟,偏好B,丙城市居多;而第3类消费者则对于卷烟中的香料味道更加偏好,有别于其他三类,丙城市居多.(3)从口味测试结果来看,无论在规模、区域适应性、消费者喜好度等方面A和B均优于C和D.  相似文献   

近年来,随着我国卷烟工业科学技术的发展,卷烟产品的花色品种不断增加。除传统的烤烟型产品在品种、风格上的多样化以外,混合型卷烟,外香型卷烟、疗效药物卷烟,雪茄型卷烟等类型的产品不断问世,而且质量也在迅速提高,受到广大消费者的欢迎。目前,尽管我国消费者仍以消费烤烟型产品为主,然而,其它类型的卷烟产品在一定程度上对消费者也起到了潜移默化的作用。也就是说,在一定程度上加剧了产品的竞争,单调的、几十年一贯制的产品已远远不能满足消费市场的需求。  相似文献   

为研究不同卷烟规格消费人群的购买动机,针对2015年在销的3个价档、4个卷烟规格的品牌形象、价值(价格)、社交应酬、健康、新品、产品和渠道/宣传促销七大类因素进行问卷调研,并采用自组织GMDH算法进行购买因素分析,结果表明:不同卷烟规格最重要的购买因素主要分布在品牌形象和价值(价格)两个大类中,其中3个价档卷烟的购买因素侧重点分别体现在产品价值、品牌知名度和身份地位的象征性上,而4个产品的购买因素侧重点分别体现在产品价值、品牌历史形象、社交应酬优势和产品性价比上。该结果可为工业企业新产品市场投放和老产品提质维护方面提供参考。   相似文献   

因子分析法在卷烟感官评吸中的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为研究消费者的消费心理及其对卷烟产品在感官质量方面的需求差异,为新产品开发和老产品改造提供依据,选取10个牌号的国产烤烟型名优卷烟产品,对符合调研要求的22名消费者进行了感官评吸测试,并利用因子分析法对经过甄别的评吸结果进行了分析。结果表明,利用因子分析法可将原来的12个感官质量属性表达为4个有明确意义的新属性——口感及飘逸性因子、杂气/刺激性因子、香气类型及香气量因子和香气丰富性因子。不同卷烟产品的因子得分大小,能够反映其在该属性方面的特点;因子总得分的大小,能够反映出该卷烟产品的综合感官质量。  相似文献   

从马斯洛需求层次理论出发,将卷烟消费者细分为5类消费群体,即生理需求型、安全需求型、社交需求型、尊重需求型和自我实现型,并在卷烟消费者细分的基础上探讨差异化营销策略的构建。  相似文献   

广西农村卷烟零售市场专卖管理的现状及分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前我国卷烟消费者约3.5亿,其中2亿多在农村,比重达60%。由此看来,广大消费群体在农村,广大卷烟经营户在农村,农村零售市场就如同一块"大蛋糕",如果我们对这块"蛋糕"熟视无睹,不主动管好农村市场,不主动为农村经营户提供服务,那么我们多年来苦心经营的销售网络必然会逐渐萎缩,农村无证经营现象必然会逐渐蔓延,各种非法卷烟必然会以农村为主战场,进而逐渐向城市泛滥。因此加强对当前农村卷烟零售市场的调研,加强农村卷烟零售市场的专卖管理,切实解决农村卷烟零售市场存在的问题,已经成为当前专卖管理部门的一项重要工作,这项工作能否取得实效,将直接关系到我们销售网络的运行质量能否切实提高,能否更好地坚持"两个维护"和实践"三个代表"。  相似文献   

为探究儿童学习椅线上市场现状和消费者需求偏好,运用相关数据采集及分析软件进行消费现状调研。以家用儿童学习椅为研究对象,使用后羿采集器、某参谋、集搜客等软件获取电商平台儿童学习椅的产品基本信息、线上销售情况、用户在线评论及消费者用户画像,分析家用儿童学习椅的消费现状、产品功能设计点和消费者支付偏好。研究发现消费人群主体聚焦在青年女性群体,对产品需求偏向以现代简约为主要风格和满足多功能适应性等,根据在线评论的可视化分析显示消费者更注重产品质量、气味和功能点等。研究结果可对儿童学习桌椅及其相关领域的产品设计和研发提供借鉴意义,从而提高消费者使用舒适度及购买率。  相似文献   

正烟包作为卷烟产品的"外衣",其印刷质量对于品牌形象的塑造与提升起着重要作用,也是消费者鉴别卷烟真伪的重要特征。随着卷烟产品结构的提升,目标消费者对烟包质量的关注度越来越高,烟草集团对烟包印刷质量的要求日趋严格。印刷色相是烟包印刷的关键质量控制指标,各烟草集团均将色差作为A类检测指标进行严格管控。随着检测技术的不断革新,印刷色相  相似文献   

目的:研究不同消费群体对酸奶的健康相关因素的关注程度,以及对酸奶消费的影响。方法:以随机访问的方式对北京市615名消费者进行问卷调查,数据使用SPSS 18.0进行分析。结果:女性、教育程度较高、接受过健康培训和关注营养信息者对酸奶的健康益处了解较全面。女性、较年轻、有过健康培训、关注健康信息的人群饮用酸奶的频率较高。年龄、人均月收入、教育程度、健康培训与酸奶风味和口感的重视程度呈显著负相关,而与营养价值和保健价值的重视程度呈显著正相关。女性、月收入高、教育程度高、接受过健康培训、关注健康信息的人群倾向于选择带有营养声称的酸奶。结论:不同消费群体对酸奶的消费选择特点有显著差异。  相似文献   

High consumption of bread provides a lot of salt, but it can also provide a lot of fiber to the diet. The use of labels on bread could encourage consumers to choose bread with improved nutritional value, i.e., with reduced salt and increased fiber content. The aim of the study was to explore the impact of the different nutritional information on preferences regarding bread (wheat plain roll) with reduced sodium content and bread enriched with fiber. The survey was carried out among a group of 330 adult consumers in 2015 in the southern part of Poland. The conjoint analysis design included four product attributes – two nutritional claims (“Low salt content” and “Source of dietary fiber”), fiber content, and salt content. The mean part-worth utilities of individual product attributes and the relative importance of attributes within the sample were calculated using SAS procedures. Next, cluster analysis, based on the individual utilities, was undertaken to identify groups (clusters) of consumers with similar preferences. Salt content had higher relative importance for the participants in comparison with both claims, while the relative importance of dietary fiber content was the lowest. The relative importance of both nutritional claims was almost equal, namely 25.5% for the fiber claim and 25.4% for the salt claim. The results of cluster analysis showed strong heterogeneity in consumer reactions to the attributes of the tested product. To conclude, providing information about the salt and fiber content of bread is necessary to encourage a healthy choice, but the claims placed on bread packaging seem to be insufficient as they contribute to the avoidance of the product. Increasing consumer awareness of nutrition claims of foods is required.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2022,105(1):154-169
The consumption of ice cream and frozen desserts in the “better-for-you” (BFY) category has grown rapidly over the past few years, even as traditional ice cream sales remain stagnant. To better understand consumer preferences within the BFY category, an online survey (n = 1,051) was conducted with ice cream and frozen dessert consumers, followed by consumer acceptance testing of commercial BFY frozen dairy desserts. Consumers of BFY frozen desserts (n = 578) completed an adaptive choice-based conjoint survey and MaxDiff exercise to identify the attributes that drive purchase of BFY frozen desserts. MaxDiff exercises were also used to determine which attributes all frozen dessert consumers (n = 1,051) perceived to make a frozen dessert BFY and which stabilizers or emulsifiers were most attractive on an ice cream or frozen dessert label. Subsequently, a consumer acceptance test (n = 186) was conducted using 4 commercial vanilla-flavored frozen dairy desserts made with different sweetening systems (sugar, sucralose + acesulfame K, monk fruit + allulose, and stevia + erythritol). Half of consumers were primed or informed with the sweeteners and basic nutritional information for the frozen desserts before tasting, and the other half of consumers evaluated samples blinded, where they were only informed that they were tasting a vanilla-flavored frozen dessert. Sweetener type and base (dairy vs. plant) were the most important attributes to BFY consumers when selecting a BFY frozen dessert (n = 578). For all ice cream and BFY dessert consumers (n = 1,051), sweetener-related claims (naturally sweetened, reduced sugar, no added sugar), along with “all natural” and a short ingredient list, were the top attributes that contributed to perception of a “healthier” frozen dessert. When BFY frozen desserts were tasted by consumers, purchase intent decreased after tasting, suggesting that frozen desserts made with natural non-nutritive sweeteners did not meet consumer expectations. Flavor of BFY frozen desserts remains more important than perceived healthiness. Consumers perceive frozen desserts, even those in the BFY category, as an indulgence. Frozen dessert manufacturers should focus on naturally sweetened, dairy-based desserts with minimal sweetener-related flavor defects when designing products for the BFY category.  相似文献   

This study determined and compared drivers of liking for unflavored soymilk with different U.S. consumer groups. A highly trained panel documented appearance, mouthfeel and flavor attributes of 26 commercial soymilks. Twelve representative soymilks were then selected for evaluation by consumers from 3 age/cultural categories (n = 75 each category; Caucasian/African American females aged 18 to 30 y; Asian females aged 18 to 30 y; Caucasian/African American females aged 40 to 64 y). Consumers evaluated overall liking and liking and intensity of specific attributes. Results were evaluated by analysis of variance, followed by internal and external preference mapping. Age had no effect on overall liking, while ethnicity did (Caucasian/African American compared with Asian; P < 0.05). Caucasians/African Americans differentiated soymilks more than Asians and assigned a wider range of liking scores than Asians (2.1 to 7.2 compared with 4.0 to 6.1). Three consumer clusters were identified. Sweet taste with vanilla/vanillin and sweet aromatic flavors and higher viscosity were preferred by most consumers and differences between consumer clusters were primarily in drivers of dislike. Drivers of dislike were not identified for Cluster 1 consumers while Clusters 2 and 3 consumers (n = 84, n = 80) disliked beany, green/grassy and meaty/brothy flavors and astringency. Cluster 3 (n = 80) consumers scored all soymilks higher in liking (P < 0.05) than Cluster 2 consumers, and were willing to overlook disliked attributes with the addition of sweet taste, whereas the Cluster 2 consumers were not. These findings can be utilized to produce soymilks with attributes that are well liked by target consumers and to tailor attributes for segments of the population that have not yet been accommodated.  相似文献   

《Journal of dairy science》2021,104(12):12427-12442
Conscious consumerism is growing, along with consumer demand for socially conscious dairy products or dairy alternatives. To successfully position dairy products (especially conventional dairy) in this changing marketplace, dairy producers and processors must understand how to strategically use both on- and off-package messaging aligned with consumer perceptions. However, consumer perception of attributes such as sustainable, natural, and healthy is complex, and varies between product categories as well as among products within a category. The objective of this study was to characterize consumer definitions of the terms “sustainable,” “natural,” and “healthy” as they pertain to dried dairy ingredients. To meet this objective, we conducted an online survey with 3 maximum difference scaling exercises to determine the importance of 63 label claims to consumer definitions of the terms sustainable, natural, and healthy. The role of priming with dried ingredient processing information on consumer perception of these terms was also explored. Within the dried dairy ingredients category, there is extensive cognitive overlap between the terms sustainable, natural, and healthy. Priming did not affect consumer definitions of any of these terms. Certification-related claims were considered among the least important claims for consumer definitions of sustainable, natural, and healthy, whereas claims that were simple to read and visualize were considered among the most important. Claims related to animal welfare and happiness or simple, minimal ingredients and processing were considered by consumers to be important for all 3 terms. For each of these terms, there was a cluster of consumers who defined the term primarily by simple ingredients and minimal processing, and another cluster who defined the term primarily by happy cows and conscious farming practices. The terms sustainable and healthy each had a third, unique consumer cluster. This third definition cluster defined sustainability primarily by environmental effects, whereas this cluster defined healthy primarily in fitness and nutrition terms. Age and to a lesser extent, gender, affected importance placed on these 3 terms and also affected definition of the term. Understanding these consumer definitions provides insight on how to formulate marketing and educational messaging to speak to each consumer segment.  相似文献   

The drivers of liking of lemon‐lime carbonated beverages were investigated with regular and diet beverage consumers. Ten beverages were selected from a category survey of commercial beverages using a D‐optimal procedure. Beverages were subjected to consumer testing (n = 101 regular beverage consumers, n = 100 diet beverage consumers). Segmentation of consumers was performed on overall liking scores followed by external preference mapping of selected samples. Diet beverage consumers liked 2 diet beverages more than regular beverage consumers. There were no differences in the overall liking scores between diet and regular beverage consumers for other products except for a sparkling beverage sweetened with juice which was more liked by regular beverage consumers. Three subtle but distinct consumer preference clusters were identified. Two segments had evenly distributed diet and regular beverage consumers but one segment had a greater percentage of regular beverage consumers (P < 0.05). The 3 preference segments were named: cluster 1 (C1) sweet taste and carbonation mouthfeel lovers, cluster 2 (C2) carbonation mouthfeel lovers, sweet and bitter taste acceptors, and cluster 3 (C3) bitter taste avoiders, mouthfeel and sweet taste lovers. User status (diet or regular beverage consumers) did not have a large impact on carbonated beverage liking. Instead, mouthfeel attributes were major drivers of liking when these beverages were tested in a blind tasting. Practical Application : Preference mapping of lemon‐lime carbonated beverage with diet and regular beverage consumers allowed the determination of drivers of liking of both populations. The understanding of how mouthfeel attributes, aromatics, and basic tastes impact liking or disliking of products was achieved. Preference drivers established in this study provide product developers of carbonated lemon‐lime beverages with additional information to develop beverages that may be suitable for different groups of consumers.  相似文献   

In our daily life, we use our senses to acquire information about the objects that surround us. However, the information processing that allows for the recognition and consecutive classification of those objects into categories remains unclear. Our purpose is to analyze the categorization mechanism taking into account: (a) package visual metrics and (b) consumer perceptions of this basic visual information. First of all, we quantitatively analyzed the physical characteristics of 52 bottle silhouettes of seven soft drink categories: sports drinks, water, flavored water, sodas, fruit juices, malt drinks and tea. We found that measures of the shape of the bottles can model the membership to a product category. Our first experiment tested how accurately consumers could recognize product category from real bottle silhouettes. We found that the visual characteristics that differentiate product category silhouettes are lid width and bottle shape (body kurtosis). Our second experiment tested the capacity of consumers to recognize artificially created bottle silhouettes. When basic information, such as the product shape is modified, consumers are not always capable of recognizing its corresponding category. We concluded that the physical attributes of bottles are related to the categorization process of the bottle content made by consumers. These findings may provide guidelines for new bottle designs that capitalize on existing categorization rules based on consumer perception.  相似文献   

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