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在Hg1-xCdxTe材料的AES分析中,由于分析电子束辐照作用,可诱导表面Hg原子的脱附和热升华,导致短时间内样品表面严重失Hg,使AES定量分析结果产生很大的误差。实验结果表明,在超高真空中分析电子束辐照下局部Hg元素的挥发损失以负指数关系进行。通过选择离子束溅射速率大于电子束蒸发速率,并在溅射的同时进行俄歇信号收集,则可减小或消除分析电子束对元素Hg的蒸发作用,获得稳定的俄歇信号,实验结果还  相似文献   

研究了电子束、离子束作用于Al2O3表面时成分的变化,表明无论电子束或离子束都能使Al2O3发生分解,产生导电的元素Al。实验在PHI610·SAM上进行,电子束轰击下(3keV,O.5μA,入射角60°)10s就有元素Al分解出来,2min以后就达到饱和,分解析出量随时间成a(1-e-bt)的关系。离子束轰击下同样发生元素Al的分解,但当Ei>3keV时,由于剥离速率加大,溅射5min时表面Al峰反而比1min时要弱。这时表面Al含量处于分解析出与溅射剥离的动态平衡中。实验还发现了Al2O3的解析与表面成分有关(如碳的含量)。最后讨论电子束与离子束的解析机理。  相似文献   

基于相对灵敏度因子,提出了一个无需直接借助于标样的含基体效应修正的俄歇定量计算方法,为保证该方法的实用有效性,两个必要性条件是测量数据的统计重复性好以及对合金电化学状态敏感的修正因子的恰当选择,作者用此法成功地进行了Ni76Al24和Ni76Al24-B两种合金的定量分析。  相似文献   

氧化锌纳米薄膜材料的制备及AES,XPS研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用直流气体放电活化反应蒸发方法制备了ZnO纳米薄膜,运用多种分析手段研究了ZnO纳米薄膜的表面形貌、组成、结构以及表面性质,讨论了ZnO纳米薄膜的AES和XPS普线宽度与粒径之间的关系,解释谱线加宽的基本原因。  相似文献   

利用直流气体放电活化反应蒸发方法制备了ZnO纳米薄膜,运用多种分析手段(AES,XPS,SEM,XRD等)研究了ZnO纳米薄膜的表面形貌、组成、结构以及表面性质,讨论了ZnO纳米薄膜的AES和XPS谱线宽度与粒径之间的关系,解释谱线加宽的基本原因。  相似文献   

ITO薄膜的XPS和AES研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
分别用 XPS和 AES分析了ITO薄膜真空退火前后各元素化学状态的变化和深度分布情况.研究表明,退火前后Sn和In处于各自相同的化学状态中.O以氧充足和氧缺乏两种化合状态存在,其结合能值分别为(529.90±0.30)eV和(531.40±0.20)eV.氧缺位状态主要分布在薄膜表层各元素在薄膜体内分布均匀而在膜基界面存在金属富集  相似文献   

在俄歇电子能谱仪超高真空室内,采用离子束溅射沉积方法在多晶cu上沉积了铀薄膜,采用俄歇电子能谱技术(AES)研究铀薄膜的生长方式,铀、铜的相互作用及退火引起u膜成分结构变化.沉积初期观察到铀与铜发生相互作用,随着铀薄膜厚度的增加,UOPV/CuLMM俄歇跃迁峰强度值变化说明铀薄膜为层状+岛状生长.退火促进了界面扩散,随着温度的升高,铀与铜发生了相互作用和扩散,温度继续升高,铀与碳形成了铀碳化物.  相似文献   

金刚石膜上电子束蒸镀Ti/Ni/Au多层膜   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
经过相图分析提出了CVD金刚石膜上蒸镀Ti/Ni/Au的体系。采用该体系、富氧预处理工艺和电子束真空镀膜方法,金刚石膜和多层金属膜之间获得了良好结合强度。研究发现:富氧预处理对多金属膜和金刚石膜之间的结合强度影响显著。进一步利用俄歇电子能谱(AES)证实:C向Ti中扩散层有150nm之多,并出现了厚度约为90nm稳定含量层,说明有确定化学比的反应产物生成;富氧处理在金刚石膜与Ti金属层之间增加了氧的含量,为形成TiO和TiC提供了合适的条件。  相似文献   

低能离子溅射是表面分析中清洁固体表面和深度剖面分析的主要手段之一。由于离子溅射改变了固体表面化学成分,引起表面成分的再分布,使俄歇电子谱、X射线光电子谱以及二次离子质谱等表面分析手段,对溅射后固体表面成分的定量分析结果与实际结果有较大的差别。本文以离子溅射合金表面成分达到平行时择优溅射、离子轰击诱导偏析和增强扩散效应之间动态平衡状态的假设为基础,得到了一个与择优溅射、离子轰击诱导偏析和增强扩散修正因子有关的离子溅射修正因子的分析表达式,并将其应用于Ag-Pd合金的离子溅射定量修正计算,发现计算结果能够与实验结果较好地吻合。解释了合金离子溅射修正因子随离子参数的变化。  相似文献   

本文以HgTe-CdTe伪二元相图为基础,分析了Hg_(1-x)Cd_xTe单晶生长过程中分凝特性及扩散规律。从维持平面生长界面的角度出发,确定了不同温度梯度下生长速度选择的上限,并从获得成分均匀晶体的角度出发讨论了晶体生长速度下限的选择条件。  相似文献   

In this paper, we give some results related to interaction mechanism between the elements V such as antimony or phosphorus with the metal indium. We used both powerful spectroscopy methods the Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) and the electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) for which the spectra were recorded in direct mode N(E). The antimony was evaporated on pure In metal or on cleaned InP surface involving the In metal because of its cleaning by the argon ion bombardment at low energy 300 eV. The antimony flow composed of Sb4 species arrived with a thermal energy on the In metal surface. Such an energy was sufficient to their diffusion into the In matrix because of the low melting point of In metal (123 °C). A nucleation phenomenon occurred between Sb4 and the In metal to form small islands of antimony metal in bulk. Further antimony evaporation enabled to increase the size of these islands towards the surface. However, the antimony evaporated on cleaned InP reacted chemically with the In metal distributed on the InP surface to form a thin layer of InSb. The inner stoichiometric layers of InP and the size of Sb4 species and also the stability of InP versus the temperature impeded the interdiffusion phenomenon of antimony to occur deeply into the InP matrix. The InSb layer played the role to stabilise the surface of the InP compound versus the heating at 450 °C and the electron irradiation of 4 KeV energy. But, the phosphorus evaporation on In metal or on cleaned InP led to form chemical bonds InP. The phosphorus flow included chemical species P and P2 with a thermal energy able to stimulate the chemical reactivity process between indium and phosphorus to form the InP compound.  相似文献   

A Rh/Al model catalyst was prepared by depositing rhodium atoms onto polycrystalline aluminium substrates. The plasmon loss associated with the Al (LMM) Auger peak was measured and the plasmon gain was successfully resolved. The loss channel at 16-17 eV which occurs in electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) as well as in Auger electron spectroscopy (AES) was established to be a Rh 4 d→p transition. The spectral shape of the Rh N2,3 (4p) states generated by inner-shell transitions, is identical in both samples (polycrystalline Rh foil and Rh deposited onto Al foil), suggesting similar local electronic environment for Rh atoms although the macroscopic electronic structure of these samples are essentially different. The dramatic changes found during the sample heating and CO adsorption/desorption experiments by AES and TDS can be correlated to EELS results showing a gradual suppression of plasmon losses characteristic of Rh and an increase of the concentration of nearly free electrons at the surface. A Rh-Al alloy is probably formed on the surface after annealing to 673 K.  相似文献   

综述近十余年来关于Bridgman-Hg(1-x)CdxTe晶体生长过程中场量的数值分析工作,评价一般Bridgman系统的数值分析,总结和归纳计算模型及边界条件处理方法,指出存在的问题及今后应开展的研究工作.  相似文献   

BRIDGMAN—Hg1—xCdxTe晶体生长时场量数值分析的进展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
综述近十余年来关于Bridgman-Hg1-xCdxTe晶体生长过程中场量的数值分析工作。评价一般Bridgman系统的数值分析,总结和归纳计算模型及边界条件处理方法,指出存在的问题及今后应开展的研究工作。  相似文献   

原子的芯能级电子吸收能量后被激发 ,经过退激发过程发射出的俄歇电子波在传播过程中被周围的原子散射 ,带有周围原子结构信息的散射波 (物波 )与未被散射的电子波 (参考波 )相干涉形成的衍射图即俄歇电子全息图 ,通过全息图的重现 ,可获得原子级分辨率的三维结构信息。本文在合理的物理模型下 ,以Cu单晶以及高温超导YBCO中的Y原子近邻的一些原子簇为计算实例 ,首次就受激原子周围单层近邻原子散射和多层原子散射产生的俄歇电子全息进行了计算机模拟和数值重现 ,获得了三维晶格结构参量 ,并讨论了不同原子序数的原子在全息图形成及重现中的作用。本工作有助于材料微结构的研究  相似文献   

J.S. Tsay  A.B. Yang  F.S. Shiu 《Thin solid films》2007,515(22):8285-8289
The surface structure and composition of semiconductor/Cu(111) films prepared by thermal evaporation in an ultrahigh vacuum condition have been investigated. As Si atoms were deposited on a Cu(111) surface, diffused spots were observed up to 2 monolayers while 1 × 1 spots become dimmer as revealed using low-energy electron diffraction technique. Because of a larger electron affinity of Si than that of Cu, the Cu L3M45M45 Auger line shifts to a lower kinetic energy. Annealing treatments at 425 K causes a splitting of the Cu L3M45M45 line. This shows the interdiffusion at the Si/Cu interface and the formation of a Cu-rich surface layer. After annealing treatments, the domains grow and aggregate to form larger domains as revealed by the decreasing full-width at half maximum of diffraction spots. Ge/Cu(111) shows 1 × 1 structure as annealing up to 500 K. Lack of a dominant structure and a large valence diameter of Ge result in different structures as compared to Si/Cu(111).  相似文献   

Govind Mahesh Kumar 《Vacuum》2008,82(12):1452-1456
The control of adsorption kinetics and post growth treatments yield several stable superstructural phases in heteroepitaxial growth, and are being exploited to form novel nanostructures with controlled shape, size and position assembly. In this paper, we report the study of the interface formation in the sub-monolayer Sb adsorption in UHV on the trenched template of the high index Si (5 5 12) − (2 × 1) reconstructed surface. The interface formation is monitored in-situ by Auger Electron Spectroscopy (AES), Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy (EELS), and Low Energy Electron Diffraction (LEED). The trenches formed by the (337) and (225) facets separated by primary silicon rows are used to form 1D nanostructures. Performing adsorption, onto substrates held at various temperatures, has enabled us to observe several ordered superstructural phases. Evidence is provided to show that the pathways adopted in the formation of the interface determine the superstructural phases with characteristic electronic properties of this technologically and scientifically important interface.  相似文献   

R. Szukiewicz 《Vacuum》2004,74(1):55-68
The thermal stability of Ta(1 1 1) face covered with Pd layers of different thickness was examined by the complementary scanning tunnelling microscope (STM), low-energy electron diffraction (LEED), Auger electron spectroscopy and Δφ techniques. It has been found that for thin layers of θ<3 monolayer (ML) heated to 450 K, uplifts appear on the surface that may be treated as an agglomerated form of Pd adsorbate. For layers thicker than θ>3 ML, facets of the {1 1 0} type were observed upon heating to 700 K. Regardless of the conditions of investigation the faceting of the {2 1 1} type did not appear. During the adsorbate desorption the STM images revealed an ordered arrangement of surface atoms in the form of micropyramids composed of 10 atoms each and equally oriented towards the substrate. The appearance of the pyramids on the surface did not affect the observed LEED pattern.  相似文献   

将渐进因子分析法应用于俄歇深度剖面的化学态研究。通过对Au/Ni/Si薄膜样品深度剖析过程的渐进因子分析,最终获得了各元素的化学状态和深度分布,并发现Au/Ni/Si样品中Ni/Si界面在室温下已发生反应,生成富Si的NixSi化合物层。样品经真空退火处理后,Ni/Si界面进一步反应生成Ni2Si合金,而原有的NixSi化合物含量相对减少,并向Si基体侧扩展,同时Ni穿透Au膜在样品表面富集。渐进因子分析的结果与XPS分析相一致。  相似文献   

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