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随着计算机辅助语言教学方法的发展与普及,多媒体教学手段越来越受到教师的青睐,但外语教师应该辩证地看待这一先进的教学手段.因此,本文从建构主义理论出发,在分析多媒体外语教学手段优势及其存在问题的基础上,提出了我们应结合传统教学方法,合理运用多媒体教学手段以提高学生的语言实际应用能力.  相似文献   

本文对中职英语教学中运用多媒体辅助教学的必要性进行了探讨,对多媒体辅助教学与传统教学方式在中职英语课堂教学中的运用效果进行了比较调查研究,结果表明在中职英语课堂教学中运用多媒体辅助教学,可有效激发学生学习兴趣,调动学生学习积极性,提高教学效果.  相似文献   

当今中学校园,使用多媒体进行教学已经成为一种时尚,多媒体教学固然有诸多优点,但是它不可能完全取代传统教学,更不可能改变教师的主导作用.只有将多媒体教学和传统教学的方法结合起来,取长补短,以学生为教学主体,充分发挥教师的主导作用,调动学生的学习兴趣,才能达到提高教学质量和教学水平的目的,培养和提高学生综合素质.  相似文献   

引进多媒体辅助手段,是电工教学模式的一次变革.结合实施多媒体辅助教学在电工教学中的实践,分析了多媒体辅助教学形式的特点,以及仿真软件在"电工学"多媒体教学中的应用.  相似文献   

多媒体已成为当前计算机在教育领域中应用的新潮流,计算机、投影仪、摄录机等等现代化的教学工具纷纷登场.将多媒体课件运用于数学教学,弥补了传统教学方式在直观性、立体感和动态感等方面的不足,有效地突破教学重难点,提高学生能力,能取得传统教学方法无法取得的效果.但是运用多媒体对进行数学课堂教学也存在忽视师生之间的情感交流等一些问题.因此,我们应当理性地看待多媒体手段在小学数学教学中的辅助作用,清醒地认识其在小学数学教学运用过程中的误区,让多媒体教学的优势得到更有效地发挥.  相似文献   

随着科技不断进步,现代化信息技术迅猛发展,在推动社会信息化步伐的同时,也给传统的教学模式带来了新的挑战.由于多媒体形象、直观、生动等独特魅力,越来越多的教师在课程教学中采取了现代化的多媒体电教手段.虽然这种计算机辅助教学手段可以给原本单一沉闷的教学环节带来更多的新鲜感和视觉冲击力,但这种模式并不一定能够顾全大局.在教学中,从本课程的目标和学生的具体情况出发,合理使用教学手段,充分发挥学生的主动性和创造性,灵活运用多种教学策略,有针对性地组织和引导学生在实践中学会学习,这才是一堂好课的最终目标.因此,计算机辅助的多媒体教学方式,到底在教学过程中应如何发挥其作用,应如何使用正确的教学方法,是我们必须要认真探讨的问题.下面我就自己的教学实践浅谈一下我对传统教学方式与现代多媒体教学的体会.  相似文献   

多媒体教学是借助多媒体计算机,利用多媒体课件开展的课堂教学活动,比传统教学方式内容更丰富、信息量更大,但是也存在一些弊端,如灵活性不足,消弱教师主导地位,提高教学效率有限,设施更新快,费用高等。解决多媒体教学中出现问题的最好方法是坚持教师是教学中主导者的理念,将多媒体作为教学的辅助手段。  相似文献   

随着现代科技的飞速发展,多媒体辅助技术的应用在某种程度上缓解并改变了传统的教学模式,加强了学生学习英语的主动性和积极性,确立了学生在教学过程中的主体地位.在高职外语教学中应用多媒体辅助技术具有重要意义和实践价值.多媒体技术手段的运用是现代外语教育的一个重要发展方向,为真正实施外语素质教育提供了比较理想的语言教学环境.多媒体技术的应用使课堂教学内容相应增加,多通道的信息输入有利于学生从各个不同角度去理解和掌握课堂教学内容.我们引入多媒体外语教学手段作为高职外语教学改革的突破口,将多媒体教学与传统的教学方式相结合,对外语教学进行了探索性的改革实验.本文就如何恰当的在高职外语中引讲多媒休教学谈几点想法:  相似文献   

随着计算机技术的发展,多媒体教学得到了广泛的使用,而且收到了良好的教学效果.但在具体运用中,还存在着不尽人意的情况,有些教师往往对多媒体教学的目的认识不明确,过分重视技术,产生依赖性,滥用多媒体.教师成了放映员或解说员,学生成了知识的灌输对象,这必定导致忽视学习主体,严重影响教学质量.走出多媒体教学误区,优化教学环节,才能收到预期的良好教学效果.  相似文献   

多媒体授课在一定程度上提高了课堂教学效率,改善了教学效果.但也有相当一部分并没有取得预期的教学效果,出现了部分教师过多依赖多媒体、自制课件粗、制滥造等教学弊端.要改进多媒体教学,一是要提高教师的认识;二是提高教师运用多媒体的能力;三是注重发挥教师的人格影响力.  相似文献   

比较了多媒体辅助英语教学和传统英语教学的利弊,提出英语教学发展的一种新模式:多媒体辅助教学和传统课堂教学有机结合,该模式在充分发挥两者自身优势的同时,又能做到两者相互兼容,取长补短,相得益彰.  相似文献   

This study examined teachers' experience of autonomous motivation for teaching and its correlates in teachers and students. It was hypothesized that teachers would perceive various motivations posited by E. L. Deci and R. M. Ryan's (2000) self-determination theory as falling along a continuum of autonomous motivation for teaching. Autonomous motivation for teaching was predicted to be associated positively with teachers' sense of personal accomplishment and negatively with emotional exhaustion. Most important, teachers' self-reported autonomous motivation for teaching was expected to promote students' self-reported autonomous motivation for learning by enhancing teachers' autonomy-supportive behavior, as indicated by students' reports. Results from a sample of 132 Israeli teachers and their 1,255 students were consistent with the hypotheses. Discussion focuses on the importance of the experience of autonomous motivation for teaching for teachers and students. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

[Correction Notice: An erratum for this article was reported in Vol 59(6) of Journal of Personality and Social Psychology (see record 2008-10627-001). In the article, Figure 1 on page 922 is labeled incorrectly. The entries have been corrected and are included in the erratum.] Examined the hypothesis that students would show performance impairment when they were exposed to teachers who were pressured to maximize student performance level and who used controlling strategies. For this purpose, 4th-grade teachers and their students participated in a field experiment in which teachers either were pressured to maximize student performance or were told simply to help their students learn. In addition, the teaching sessions were videotaped to assess teachers' use of controlling strategies, as rated by blind coders. Following the teaching sessions, student performance on tasks initially taught by teachers as well as on a generalization task was assessed by blind experimenters. As predicted, the data indicated that students evidenced performance impairment during the subsequent testing session only when they were exposed to pressured teachers using controlling strategies. Results are discussed within the context of self-determination theory. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Reports an error in "Controlling teaching strategies: Undermining children's self-determination and performance" by Cheryl Flink, Ann K. Boggiano and Marty Barrett (Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 1990[Nov], Vol 59[5], 916-924). In the article, Figure 1 on page 922 is labeled incorrectly. The labels in both the left and right panels of the figure should be reversed so that No Pressure Condition is the label for the broken lines and Pressure Condition is the label for the solid lines. The following abstract of the original article appeared in record 1991-13808-001.) Examined the hypothesis that students would show performance impairment when they were exposed to teachers who were pressured to maximize student performance level and who used controlling strategies. For this purpose, 4th-grade teachers and their students participated in a field experiment in which teachers either were pressured to maximize student performance or were told simply to help their students learn. In addition, the teaching sessions were videotaped to assess teachers' use of controlling strategies, as rated by blind coders. Following the teaching sessions, student performance on tasks initially taught by teachers as well as on a generalization task was assessed by blind experimenters. As predicted, the data indicated that students evidenced performance impairment during the subsequent testing session only when they were exposed to pressured teachers using controlling strategies. Results are discussed within the context of self-determination theory. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Examined individual differences in the differential behavior of 12 3rd-grade teachers toward higher- and lower-achieving students for consistent patterns and their relation to the perceptual and attitudinal characteristics of teachers and their quality of teaching. Teachers had an average of 14.3 yrs of teaching experience. Interactions between teachers and students were coded by observers who also rated teachers on the quality of their instruction. Measures of teachers' perceptions and attitudes were gathered from questionnaires. Correlations showed that teachers were moderately consistent in their individual patterns of differential behavior. Favored students (higher or lower achievers) received a combination of both rewarding and demanding teacher behavior. Correlations of an index of teachers' overall differential behavior with the teacher questionnaire responses, although not statistically significant, suggested that teachers who showed more concern for lower achieving students tended to have more flexible and accurate perceptions of students. These same teachers were rated significantly lower on their quality of teaching, which suggests that these 2 sets of skills may be difficult to combine. (33 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To evaluate whether clinical-teaching skills could be improved by providing teachers with augmented student feedback. METHOD: A randomized, controlled trial in 1994 included 42 attending physicians and 39 residents from the Department of Medicine at the Indiana University School of Medicine who taught 110 students on medicine ward rotations for one-month periods. Before teaching rotations, intervention group teachers received norm-referenced, graphic summaries of their teaching performances as rated by students. At mid-month, intervention group teachers received students' ratings augmented by individualized teaching-effectiveness guidelines based on the Stanford Faculty Development Program framework. Linear models were used to analyze the students' mean ratings of teaching behaviors at mid-month and end-of-month. Independent variables included performance ratings, intervention status, teacher status, teaching experience, and interactions with baseline ratings. RESULTS: Complex interactions with baseline performance were found for most teaching categories at mid-month and end-of-month. The intervention-group teachers who had high baseline performance scores had higher student ratings than did the control group teachers with similar baseline scores; the intervention group teachers who had low baseline performance scores were rated lower than were the control group teachers with comparable baseline scores. The residents who had medium or high baseline scores were rated higher than were the attending physicians with comparable baseline scores; the performance of the residents who had low baseline scores was similar to that of the attending physicians with comparable baseline scores. CONCLUSION: Baseline performance is important for targeting those teachers most likely to benefit from augmented student feedback. Potential deterioration in teaching performance warrants a reconsideration of distributing students' ratings to teachers with low baseline performance scores.  相似文献   

This research focused on exploring the metaphors nursing students use to express their experience of university teachers' practice. A social constructivist approach to meaning underlies the process of interpreting student language in this study. The following evolved as major research questions: What are the metaphors students use to describe teaching? How do these metaphors operate? The research concluded that: students readily use metaphors to describe their experiences of teaching within the nursing degree programme; there is a pattern to the choice of metaphors; some of these images function as incremental or constructive metaphors, extending understanding of what it means to teach; others support current understandings and reflect taken-for-granted notions of teaching. Specific metaphors used by students to describe teaching were contextually analysed. A number of them may offer teachers of nursing insight, into their craft. Metaphors such as teacher as umpire, teacher as student, teaching with distance and teaching the big picture may be useful images for teachers to think about to guide their practice.  相似文献   

把典型的工作任务或工作项目作为课程的内容,在教师的指导下,学生自主完成由计划到实施的全过程,这样可以有效的完成综合职业知识的教学,同时还能够很好的培养学生的职业能力,这是现代职业教育的一个方向。文章针对包头钢铁职业技术学院的实际,选择了一个专业的主干课程群进行先行的探索,使教学团队建设、理实一体化教室建设、自编教材开发、教学方法和手段创新等一系列环节得以有效融合,创新了理论和实践教学的模式,提高了学生学习的积极性。  相似文献   

Investigated the influence of student sex and ethnicity and teacher sex, ethnicity, and teaching level on referrals to special education. Responses of 320 teachers enrolled in graduate courses to a systematically varied protocol showed that recommendations were influenced by teacher ethnicity and teaching level but not by student sex or race. Also, teacher ethnicity and student sex showed significant interaction. Black and White teachers recommended more males, whereas Hispanics recommended more females for special education. Results fail to replicate an earlier study by S. Tobias et al (see record 1982-22036-001) who found an interaction between teacher and student race in which teachers recommended fewer students of their own background for special education. (2 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

When teachers are more supportive of autonomy and less controlling, students demonstrate higher levels of intrinsic motivation and self-determination. The purpose of this study was to examine social-contextual conditions that led teachers (N=254) who taught classes from Grades 1 to 12 to be more autonomy supportive versus controlling with their students. Using structural equation modeling, the authors observed that the more teachers perceive pressure from above (they have to comply with a curriculum, with colleagues, and with performance standards) and pressure from below (they perceived their students to be nonself-determined), the less they are self-determined toward teaching. In turn, the less they are self-determined toward teaching, the more they become controlling with students. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

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