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The "Industry Forum" is a series created by the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IES) to focus on industry directions and the use of emerging technologies in industry products. Traditional IES technology areas are covered, including informatics, sensors and control, robotics, factory automation, and power electronics. In addition, the forum motivates discussion with applications of IES technologies into diverse usage areas such as robotics for the consumer, remote sensor control in the home, etc. This is particularly valuable to the Society in building a bridge between industrial product directions and research focus. We plan to discuss research and product requirements among our diverse, highly international Society Members. These presentations and other activities of the Industry Forum are created to add value and interesting functions to our industry members. Our first Industry  相似文献   

Expanding on the experience gained at 2006 IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Conference (EMBC'06) in New York, the 30th IEEE Annual International Conference of the Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBS), held on 24 August 2008, hosted the second Industry--Academia Partnership Roundtable. The panel that pioneered the EMBC'06 efforts, with members from academic and industry communities, debated topics related to the following: · reciprocal value that academia and industry can offer in medical device new product development · the basics of starting up your own company · clash of cultures (industry versus academia): what obstacles academicians may face in reaching entrepreneurship? · intellectual property (IP) joint development and sharing between industry and academia · quick tutorial on use of provisional patents. How are patents used by companies?  相似文献   

The reference to wireless medical telemetry includes measurement and recording of physiological parameters and other patient-related information via radiated electromagnetic signals. This paper discusses matters concerning the design of such wireless systems and review several existing and future clinical applications. The potential advantages of remote monitoring of implantable devices could include timely monitoring of clinical events and symptoms, a reduction in routine patient follow-up, closer monitoring of device longevity that may extend usage, and reduced patient transport costs. The development of new diagnostics techniques could highly benefit from the wide deployment of wireless solutions as data computation and analysis tasks could be seamlessly shared between the implanted devices and their paired external appliances.  相似文献   

Neuromuscular incapacitation (NMI) devices deliver electric shocks that disrupt muscle functions in order to immediately stop a truly pain-resistant, aggressive, focused, or combat-trained attacker. Improvements made to shock waveforms secure temporary incapacitation by capturing motor nerves and causing clonic muscular contractions. Suspects can recover immediately after cessation of current delivery. This article discusses NMI topics with a focus on TASER devices. Current models of TASER devices known as electronic control devices (ECD), utilize compressed nitrogen to propel toward the subject two small probes at a speed of about 48 m/s. A special-waveform electrical signal is transmitted through trailing wires to where the probes make contact with the body or clothing. This signal directly stimulates pre-endplate motor nerve tissue resulting in an immediate loss of the person's neuromuscular control, with the initial reaction being a gravitational dysreflexia (i.e., fall to the ground) and loss of ability to perform coordinated action for the duration of the pulse. This provides the law enforcement officers with an opportunity to subdue the resisting suspect. This section address aspects related to the design of ECDs and medical safety concerns raised by their use in the field.  相似文献   


The environmental concerns due to conventional power plants have given impetus for widespread utilization of renewable energy based distributed generation technologies. As a consequence, the concepts pertaining to a smart grid with advanced functional architecture are evolving to incorporate these technologies. Many such smart grid strategies are focused on maximum utilization of renewable energy sources compared to conventional fossil or nuclear fuels for meeting real-time load demand. The diverse characteristics of renewable energy based distributed generation technologies compared to conventional power plants have led to many operational stability concerns for the smart grid. This article discusses these stability concerns in smart grid with distributed generation technologies.  相似文献   

正《天工开物》宋应星曾言:"开物成务,盖人巧造成异物也"。中国历来是一个重视技术进步,工艺创新的民族,而在新时代"中国创造"的感召下,更是形成各行业百花齐放,百家争鸣的创新胜景,家电行业更是走在这一潮头的前端。2014中国家用电器创新评选特设"技术创新奖",褒奖那些在为产业发展带来新风的家电技术,成就了家电行业的一款饕餮大餐。  相似文献   

基于PC的控制技术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
如今的生产制造业比以往越来越需要有更加高效、灵活的生产模式以适应产品用户化和产品更快推向市场的需要。  相似文献   

综述了聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)的性能特点以及不同的PTFE成型工艺方法。介绍了PTFE的烧结,化学复合镀,柱塞冲压挤出,冷拉伸、热收缩,超临界CO2辅助挤出成型的方法。  相似文献   

节能降耗与自动化技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
专家分析认为,2006年中国经济有“六大看点”:一是经济增长不一味追求过高速度;二是产能过剩成宏观调控“重点指向”;三是努力拓宽消费领域和改善消费环境;四是投资开始向农村基础设施倾斜;五是重要领域改革将要有新的突破;六是“能源、环境消耗指标”成为经济决策的“风向标”。  相似文献   

汞排放控制的基础技术及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
田贺忠 《国际电力》2005,9(5):65-68
介绍美国电科院(EPRI)与美国能源部国家能源技术实验室(DOE-NETL)联合进行的电厂排汞控制技术研究项目。研究涉及所有污染物排放控制基础技术的综合利用,并示出排汞控制效果、成本及潜在的负面影响。该篇为综述性介绍,下期将系列详细报道具体项目的研究情况。  相似文献   

质子放射用于放射肿瘤治疗有良好效果,需要用到质子加速器。介质壁加速器(DWA)是一种基于固态脉冲形成线、光导开关和绝缘介质壁等关键技术为一体的新概念直线加速器,可用于质子肿瘤治疗。为此,介绍了研发新型医疗加速器的必要和介质壁加速器用于肿瘤治疗的优势:质子用于肿瘤治疗时,有明确的射程,可以使辐射剂量主要沉淀在肿瘤区域,提高治疗效果,降低对非肿瘤区正常组织的伤害;介质壁加速器加速梯度最高可达100 MV/m,可以有效实现加速器的小型化、紧凑化,降低建造以及运行维护成本。此外,重点介绍了中国工程物理研究院流体物理研究所在介质壁加速器关键技术研究所取得的进展,包括固态脉冲形成线技术,高梯度绝缘介质壁技术,光导开关及其触发技术,以及一种300 k V的脉冲功率源等。  相似文献   

目前市场上小型断路器种类繁多,不胜枚举.如何评价小型断路器,已成为大家较为关心的问题.本文基于西门子小型断路器技术,分析了小型断路器的有关技术、性能指标和应用中的问题.  相似文献   

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