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泛型是Java SE 1.5的新特性,从表面上看,无论语法还是应用的环境,泛型类型(或者泛型)都类似于C++中的模板,但实际上它们之间有着本质的区别,其本质区别就在于Java泛型的类型擦除,本文重点介绍Java泛型的类型擦除以解决泛型中常见的令人迷惑的和使人头疼的问题。  相似文献   

Lack of parametric polymorphism has been a major obstacle for making Java a viable database programming language. Regrettably, a recently accepted solution for genericity in Java 5.0 has far-reaching negative implications for persistent and database systems because of static and dynamic type violations. Severe implications occur in typical database transactions when processing a variety of database collections. Well-known approaches to persistence in Java, including Java’s own persistence mechanism, do not perform correctly due to incorrect dynamic type information that gets promoted to persistence along with objects. Dynamic checking of types of objects fetched from the persistent store may now lead to unexpected type violations. Further problems occur in reflective transactions as Java Core Reflection now allows dynamic type violations without detecting them or throwing standard exceptions. All of this shows that extending Java with parametric polymorphism has not made Java a more viable database programming language. Both legacy systems, such as those based on the Java binding of the ODMG or JDO, and future Java-related persistent and database technologies will be affected. The source of these problems is in an implementation idiom called type erasure. This paper provides formal proofs of the above implications of type erasure along with specific samples of code in Java 5.0 illustrating these violations. The limitations of the virtual platform and extensions required for persistent systems to solve this problem are also elaborated.  相似文献   

Support for generic programming was added to the Java language in 2004, representing perhaps the most significant change to one of the most widely used programming languages today. Researchers and language designers anticipated this addition would relieve many long-standing problems plaguing developers, but surprisingly, no one has yet measured how generics have been adopted and used in practice. In this paper, we report on the first empirical investigation into how Java generics have been integrated into open source software by automatically mining the history of 40 popular open source Java programs, traversing more than 650 million lines of code in the process. We evaluate five hypotheses and research questions about how Java developers use generics. For example, our results suggest that generics sometimes reduce the number of type casts and that generics are usually adopted by a single champion in a project, rather than all committers. We also offer insights into why some features may be adopted sooner and others features may be held back.  相似文献   

The JR concurrent programming language extends Java with additional concurrency mechanisms, which are built upon JR's operations and capabilities. JR operations generalize methods in how they can be invoked and serviced. JR capabilities act as reference to operations. Recent changes to the Java language and implementation, especially generics, necessitated corresponding changes to the JR language and implementation. This paper describes the new JR language features (known as JR2) of generic operations and generic capabilities. These new features posed some interesting implementation challenges. The paper describes our initial implementation (JR21) of generic operations and capabilities, which works in many, but not all, cases. It then describes the approach our improved implementation (JR24) uses to fully implement generic operations and capabilities. The paper also describes the benchmarks used to assess the compilation and execution time performances of JR21 and JR24. The JR24 implementation reduces compilation times, mainly due to reducing the number of files generated during JR program translation, without noticeably impacting execution times.  相似文献   

Providing runtime information about generic types–that is, reifying generics–is a challenging problem studied in several research papers in the last years. This problem is not tackled in current version of the Java programming language (Java 6), which consequently suffers from serious safety and coherence problems. The quest for finding effective and efficient solutions to this problem is still open, and is further made more complicated by the new mechanism of wildcards introduced in Java J2SE 5.0: its reification aspects are currently unexplored and pose serious semantics and implementation issues.In this paper, we discuss an implementation support for wildcard types in Java. We first analyse the problem from an abstract viewpoint, discussing the issues that have to be faced in order to extend an existing reification technique so as to support wildcards, namely, subtyping, capture conversion and wildcards capture in method calls. Secondly, we present an implementation in the context of the EGO compiler. EGO is an approach for efficiently supporting runtime generics at compile-time: synthetic code is automatically added to the source code by the extended compiler, so as to create generic runtime type information on a by need basis, store it into object instances, and retrieve it when necessary in type-dependent operations. The solution discussed in this paper makes the EGO compiler the first reification approach entirely dealing with the present version of the Java programming language.  相似文献   

林帅  林雄 《电脑开发与应用》2012,25(3):63-65,68
2004年2月,Sun公司(2010年10月已被Oracle收购)在它发布的J2SE1.5版中加入了泛型,允许对类型进行抽象,程序员只需声明一个接受可变数目参数的方法,便可得到强类型在编译时刻进行类型检查的好处,简化了程序的开发。阐述了泛型基本概念和作用,介绍了在Java类、接口和方法中使用泛型的方法,通过实例比较使用泛型和不使用泛型的区别,最后指出使用泛型时要注意的问题。  相似文献   

Type-directed programming is an important and widely used paradigm in the design of software. With this form of programming, an application may analyze type information to determine its behavior. By analyzing the structure of data, many operations, such as serialization, cloning, adaptors and iterators may be defined once, for all types of data. That way, as the program evolves, these operations need not be updated—they will automatically adapt to new data forms. Otherwise, each of these operations must be individually redefined for each type of data, forcing programmers to revisit the same program logic many times during a program's lifetime.The Java language supports type directed programming with the instanceof operator and the Java Reflection API. These mechanisms allow Java programs to depend on the name and structure of the run-time classes of objects. However, the Java mechanisms for type-directed programming are difficult to use. They also do not integrate well with generics, an important new feature of the Java language.In this paper, we describe the design of several expressive new mechanisms for type-directed programming in Java, and show that these mechanisms are sound when included in a language similar to Featherweight Java. Basically, these new mechanisms pattern-match the name and structure of the type parameters of generic code, instead of the run-time classes of objects. Therefore, they naturally integrate with generics and provide strong guarantees about program correctness. As these mechanisms are based on pattern matching, they naturally and succinctly express many operations that depend on type information. Finally, they provide programmers with some degree of protection for their abstractions. Whereas instanceof and reflection can determine the exact run-time type of an object, our mechanisms allow any supertype to be supplied for analysis, hiding its precise structure.  相似文献   

Since version 1.5, generics (parametric polymorphism) are part of the Java language. However, the combination of parametric polymorphism and inclusion polymorphism is complicated, particularly so for Generic Java. Indeed, the main Java compilers, Eclipse??s ejc and Sun??s javac, do not even accept the same set of programs. Moreover, experience with these compilers shows that the error messages provided by them leave more than a little to be desired. To alleviate the latter problem, we describe how to adapt the type inference process of Java to obtain better error diagnostics for generic method invocations. Although the extension by itself already helps to improve type error messages to some extent, another major advantage of the new type inference process is that it also paves the way for further heuristics can provide additional diagnostic information. The extension has been implemented into the JastAdd Extensible Java Compiler.  相似文献   

We present a graph-basedmodel of a generic type system for an OO language. The type system supports the features of recursive types, generics and interfaces, which are commonly found in modern OO languages such as Java. In the classical graph theory, we define type graphs, instantiation graphs and conjunction graphs that naturally illustrate the relations among types, generics and interfaces within complex OO programs. The model employs a combination of nominal and anonymous nodes to represent respectively types that are identified by names and structures, and defines graph-based relations and operations on types including equivalence, subtyping, conjunction and instantiation. Algorithms based on the graph structures are designed for the implementation of the type system. We believe that this type system is important for the development of a graph-based logical foundation of a formal method for verification of and reasoning about OO programs.  相似文献   

After several years from Sun Microsystems' call-for-proposals for adding generics to the Java Programming Language, JDK 1.5 will be finally shipped with a compile-time support for generics. However, differently e.g. from the current implementation of .NET Common Language Runtime, run-time support to generics — also commonly referred to as reification of type parameters — is not provided, leading to a number of well-known inadequacies which might potentially be critical. In this paper we present the EGO compiler (Exact Generics on Demand). This is the result of a project developed in collaboration with Sun Microsystems as an effort to provide run-time generics in a smooth way, without requiring any change on the JVM or on any other run-time support. The core solution is a sophisticated translation of code based on the type-passing style, where run-time type information is automatically created on a by-need basis, limiting as most as possible run-time overhead while retaining interoperability with legacy Java code.We present the main aspects of this development, from basic design to implementation and deployment issues. Many relevant aspects that typical raise when implementing advanced type systems over a mainstream programming language are discussed, shading light to some effective implementation techniques.  相似文献   

Java泛型应用研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析非泛型的Java系统存在的数据类型转换安全问题,提出基于Java泛型的解决方案。通过对泛型的原理分析,探讨Java泛型的实际应用。并在此基础上,总结Java泛型的的特点。  相似文献   

分析非泛型的Java系统存在的数据类型转换安全问题,提出基于Java泛型的解决方案。通过对泛型的原理分析,探讨Java泛型的实际应用。并在此基础上,总结Java泛型的的特点。  相似文献   

This paper develops modular verification rules for Ada generics which are proven to be sound and complete. The generic mechanism in Ada allows modules to be parameterized by types, procedures and functions. The modularity property allows a generic to be verified once, and then exported to other modules which assume that it is correct. This requires the generic to have a specification which is used in verifying other modules, but its implementation cannot be used for this purpose. Thus, modular verification cannot be based on removing generics by macro expansion which requires the use of the generic's implementation. The main difficulty with specifying and verifying a generic is that the specification language may need to be extended with a new theory for specifying and reasoning about properties of objects whose type is a parameter to the generic. Such theories must be part of the specification of the generic, and this raises the possibility that the extended specification language may not be expressive, even if it was before the extension. The use of strings in our specification language prevents this from happening, which is proven in the paper; this is a major step toward establishing the completeness of our rules. Modularity also had a large impact on our semantics for programming constructs which is quite different from the usual semantics in the literature, even though it is still based the denotational semantics of Scott and Strachey. The main reason for this is that we had to modify the standard definition of validity. Modularity requires that validity depend on certain internal assertions in a program, such as the precondition of a procedure invoked in the program.  相似文献   

刘峻 《计算机仿真》2005,22(3):232-235
该文围绕即将加入Java语言规范的泛型特性进行了讨论,JSR-14就是这一特性的实现。文章首先展示了在Java中使用泛型的语法,包括泛型类、泛型方法以及极具特色的受限类型参数;然后深入揭示了JSR-14实现泛型的内部机制——用擦拭法将源文件翻译成为与原先字节代码兼容的形式。并讨论了在不同情况下擦拭法的具体实现方式;最后讨论了该实现的优点和限制。着重分析了它的限制,指出这些限制正是由于擦拭法所产生的,并分别分析了每种限制的具体原因。  相似文献   

泛型编程是面向对象的进一步发展,从更高的角度对世界进行抽象,为面向对象的不足之处提供了解决之道.它可让你重复运用既有的算法,而不必在环境类似的情况下再重新撰写相同代码,使得处理的问题更加抽象化,是一种优美而又不失效率的通用型程序设计方法.JDK 1.5中引入了对Java语言的多种扩展,泛型(generics)即其中之一.本文讨论JDK 1.5的泛型实现.  相似文献   

This paper presents Java language from an object-oriented software construction perspective. It explains the implications of banning generics and multiple inheritance of classes, and explores the patterns and the idioms used by the Java designers and programmers to redeem their benefits. The paper also discusses an alternative to multiple inheritance, as incorporated in Lava, which extends Java with constructs for type-safe automatic forwarding.  相似文献   

本文将Tava技术与XML技术进行有机结合,研究了数据库操作中,XML技术映射数据库中表与Jaya类的方法,通过Java技术动态解析XML映射,为操作数据库建立对象查询语句,并应用Jaya技术对对象查询语句转换为标准SQL语句提出了新的实现方法。  相似文献   

本文将Java技术与XML技术进行有机结合,研究了数据库操作中,XML技术映射数据库中表与Java类的方法,通过Java技术动态解析XML映射,为操作数据库建立对象查询语句,并应用Java技术对对象查询语句转换为标准SQL语句提出了新的实现方法。  相似文献   

本文阐述了Java中泛型的概念和特点,介绍了简单泛型创建和使用,探讨了泛型应用中存在的陷井。泛型最重要的特点是类型安全,泛型还可以消除类型转换等。泛型的创建和使用比较简单,但在使用中存在一定的陷阱,需要引起程序员的注意。  相似文献   

使用Stripes开发Web应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Stripes是一种基于Java语言的Web应用框架,它充分利用了Java5的注释和泛化特性,使开发者不必维护外部配置文件,提高了开发效率。本文阐述了Stripes框架的工作原理,并且应用Stripes框架设计了一个简单的Web应用。  相似文献   

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