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埃博拉,一种高致死率的病毒,首先于1976年在非洲被确认。体内出血导致人高热发烧的埃博拉出血热,由某一种埃博拉病毒导致发病,而这种病毒只是五种埃博拉病毒中的一种。五种埃博拉病毒中的四种能引起人和动物发生严重的疾病。第五种,称之为Reston的病毒,只感染某些动物,而不涉及人类。  相似文献   

埃博拉病毒是一种极易传播且死亡率极高的传染病,2014-2016年在几内亚等3个中非国家,感染人数接近3万,死亡超过11000人。因为埃博拉是一种罕见的疾病,致死率高,又没有治疗手段,这些特性让它注定会引起人们的谈“病”色变。2014年,美国曾出现感染埃博拉病毒人员死亡病例,促使出台许多应对措施。  相似文献   

<正>埃博拉病毒(Ebola virus)埃博拉病毒是丝状病毒的一种,可导致埃博拉病毒出血热,罹患此病可致人于死,包含数种不同程度的症状,如恶心、呕吐、腹泻、肤色改变、全身酸痛、体内出血、体外出血、发烧等。感染者症状与同为纤维病毒科的马尔堡病毒极为相似,具有50%至90%的致死率。致死原因主要为中风、心肌梗塞、低血容量性休克或器官衰竭。埃博拉病毒,生物安全等级为4级,是对人类危害级别最高  相似文献   

基于中日两国空调领域在应对新冠病毒疫情方面的相关研究动态,梳理若干社会关注的热点问题并展开讨论。基于典型COVID-19集聚型感染案例讨论了新冠病毒疫情传播路径与空调系统的关联问题,并梳理了空调通风应对措施及最新研究动态,为今后开展相关研究提供参考。  相似文献   

王谦 《今日消防》2021,6(7):116-118
火灾事故调查工作是法律赋予消防救援队伍的一项重要职能,是消防工作中一项基础性工作.文章结合工作实际,在落实火灾事故调查处理工作中,对如何加强火灾事故倒查追责,推动以落实消防安全责任制为目标,构建适应新时代、新发展阶段的火灾事故调查处理的法律法规体系进行了简要阐述.  相似文献   

Risk factors for fatal residential fires   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
Residential fires are the most important cause of fire-related mortality in the United States. Previous research has concentrated on fatal fires in urban areas; considerably less is known about fatal fires in rural areas.We studied fatal and nonfatal residential fires in predominantly rural areas. Using a casecontrol design, we compared all 151 fatal fires (cases) in single-family dwellings in North Carolina during a 13-month period with a sample of nonfatal fires (controls). Case fires were identified through the medical-examiner system, and control fires that occurred within a few weeks of the case fires were chosen from the records of randomly selected fire departments statewide. For each fire, fire officials were interviewed about the dwelling, the fire, the people involved, and the fire-response system.Although heating incidents were the leading cause of fires, fatal fires were more likely to have been caused by smoking (31% of fatal fires vs. 6% of nonfatal fires). Mobile homes posed a higher risk of death if a fire occurred (odds ratio, 1.7; 95% confidence interval, 1.1 to 2.6), as did the absence of a smoke detector (odds ratio, 3.4; 95% confidence interval, 2.1 to 5.6). Smoke detectors were more protective against death in fires involving young children and when no one present was impaired by alcohol or drugs or had a physical or mental disability. The presence of an alcohol-impaired person was the strongest independent risk factor for death in the case of a fire (odds ratio, 7.5; 95% confidence interval, 4.4 to 12.7).In conclusion, residential fires are most likely to be caused by heating equipment or smoking materials. The risk of death is greatest in fires in mobile homes, in those involving alcoholimpaired persons, and in those in houses without smoke detectors. Reprinted with permission from The New England Journal of Medicine, 1992 Sep 17, 327 (12), pp. 859–863.  相似文献   

王旭 《今日消防》2021,6(7):122-124
文章利用模拟实验的方法,在对火灾现场进行细致勘验的基础上,选取相似起火环境,设置相同起火物,分别从内部故障起火和外来火源引燃两个方面进行实验验证,根据实验结果,结合起火物燃烧特点,通过分析比对现有火灾痕迹[1],为火灾原因的最终认定提供了有力的帮助.  相似文献   

介绍一起使用香火不慎亡人火灾事故调查,结合证人证言和现场勘验中木材、金属、烟熏等多种痕迹物证,运用分析、推理、模拟实验等方法进行综合分析,认定了火灾原因。  相似文献   

曹刚  林桂斌 《今日消防》2021,6(12):109-111
通过对一起XPE泡棉火灾事故的调查,利用环境勘验、初步勘验、细项勘验及专项勘验分析了火灾发生的过程,在详细了解产品生产工艺流程和物质理化性质的基础上,火灾调查人员利用排除法,结合模拟实验、技术鉴定及专家组意见深入剖析了火灾发生的原因,最终认定起火部位和原因,为后期同类火灾事故调查提供了可借鉴的宝贵经验.  相似文献   

对一起散货船亡人爆炸事故进行现场勘查,运用X射线粉末衍射仪(XRD)、手持式X射线荧光合金成分分析仪(XRF)等手段,结合电化学、生物化学等理论知识探讨发生爆炸的机理,最终认定了事故的爆炸原因,同时提出了开展船舶类爆炸事故现场调查的建议及加强散货船的安全管理对策.  相似文献   

Examination of real-fire data has indicated that, compared to both their share in the general population and older children, very young children are at an increased risk of becoming a dwelling fire fatality; however, detailed research focused specifically on very young fire fatalities is almost non-existent. This paper presents an analysis of the circumstances surrounding fatal dwelling fires involving children aged 5 years and under which has been gleaned from coronial reports. Although fatalities among children aged 5 years and under were relatively rare, i.e. 14 during the 11 year period studied, the circumstances surrounding these deaths were similar and recurrent and it is important to understand these fully so that fire prevention efforts can be focused appropriately. This paper presents a unique insight into those circumstances and includes not only quantitative data but also detailed qualitative information gathered from the abundance of rich data within the coronial reports that, more often than not, goes unreported. The paper considers fire incident trends and the fatality's demographics, locations and behaviours, with additional focus on the home environment and warning signs such as persistent fire interest. The analysis indicates that the most common cause of fires for this age group was child fire-play (using smokers' materials), with inadequate supervision and relaxed attitudes to fire safety in the home both playing a contributory role. This paper considers these trends and discusses the implications for focusing fire prevention efforts for this age group. The findings suggest that such efforts may be best focused on parents/carers who were smokers and improving attitudes to fire safety in the home.  相似文献   

介绍一起亡人火灾事故的调查过程,分析视频监控录像证据在案件调查工作中的证明作用。通过综合应用火灾视频直接比对法、火灾视频特征比对法、火灾视频光影追踪法、火灾视频时空锁定法和火灾视频试验验证法等多种视频分析技术,准确认定起火时间、起火部位和起火原因。进一步探讨视频监控录像在火灾调查工作中的证明价值和运用方法以及视频分析技术在火灾事故调查工作中的应用。建议应提升视频及电子数据恢复提取能力,加强视频分析的思维深度,规范火灾事故调查过程中视频资料的取证。  相似文献   

农村消防工作是社会消防工作的一项重要内容,它直接关系着农村社会稳定和经济建设的健康发展。近年来,农村火灾事故造成的损失和影响呈上升趋势,消防安全形势不容乐观。农村火灾事故常常是由小火引起,此类火灾在当前消防监管模式重塑重构的背景下,已成为制约农村地区消防工作发展的“沉疴顽疾”,容易酿成人员伤亡和财产损失。文章通过对农村火灾事故的成因进行分析,提出防范处置对策,旨在更好地预防和减少农村小火亡人事故的发生,为乡村振兴提供积极有效的安全保障。  相似文献   

各有关单位:为进一步贯彻国务院办公厅《关于在重点行业和领域开展安全生产隐患排查治理专项行动的通知》,落实交通部、建设部、国家安全监管总局《关于湖南省凤凰县"8.13"堤溪大桥垮塌特别重大事故的通报》,以及建设部《关于认真开展建设系统安全隐患排查进一步加强安全监管工作的紧急通知》等文件精神,坚决遏制  相似文献   

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