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新冠疫情的爆发对人们消费行为产生了巨大的影响。如何顺应消费需求,调整包装设计策略,保持市场竞争力,已经成为每个企业当前的危机公关课题。从分析由于消费行为变化而对快消品包装产生的影响入手,归纳迎合消费需求的包装形式,从设计电商专用包装、聚焦"健康设计"、推行"瘦身"包装等方面探究包装设计急需解决的问题,提出调整快消品包装设计的新策略。针对快消品市场消费需求,更新设计理念、创建设计新策略,才能使企业在疫情之后的经济复苏中重新焕发活力。  相似文献   

李振宇  王安霞 《包装工程》2018,39(12):63-67
目的从易读角度对中英文印刷字体笔划构造设计进行比较分析,旨在找出两者异同,阐明宋体字笔划构造优势,探讨中文字体设计借鉴英文字体设计的可能性。方法采用实例比较研究法,分别从两种字体的笔划数量和笔划密集度对易读性的影响,笔划末角形状对笔划长短的影响,笔划粗细及笔划末角装饰对视线影响,笔划末端线放射比较等6个方面展开研究,整理归纳其各自易读性优势,尝试探寻其借鉴的可能性。结论文字线的数量、密度、笔划末端形状和装饰,以及笔划的放射等均对两种文字产生了不同的影响,要充分发挥宋体字笔划设计易读优势,合理借鉴新罗马易读优势,根据版面易读需求合理对文字笔划进行设计,为改善中文字体设计提出更多切实可行的理论参考。  相似文献   

目的 为了针对性地解决疫情期间宠物照养问题,本文将对疫情背景下的社区宠物服务需求及其优先级进行研究,为相应服务设计提供依据。方法 首先通过深度访谈法探索挖掘疫情背景下宠物服务需求,然后通过问卷调查法验证需求的合理性并明确优先级。结果 (1)在疫情严控期间,紧急需求型的用户对于应急宠物救助的效率方面的需求很高,同时用户对于救助体系的安全性与可靠性也有比较高的需求;(2)在疫情常态化时,日常需求型的用户对于社区宠物服务更多转变为日常需求,对于宠物情感方面的抚慰更为关注,并且对于服务的品质有一定要求。结论 社区宠物服务机构可以从紧急救助效率、体系的安全可靠性、服务的品质以及情感需求方面着手进行触点设计,并针对不同疫情防控场景,通过增减服务种类来灵活变通,使整体服务系统的普适性更强。  相似文献   

黄晶 《湖南包装》2020,(2):30-33
近年来,公共卫生突发事件层出不穷,对公众健康和社会安全造成了极大的危害。为了减少公共卫生突发事件带来的危害,加强公共卫生设施建设和公共卫生防护工作,文章以2020年新冠肺炎疫情为例,对我国垃圾分类现状和现有分类垃圾桶存在的问题进行了调查分析,整理归纳了普通生活垃圾桶和"防疫废弃物"专用桶的设计要点,最终对新型分类垃圾桶在功能、造型、结构、标识上提出了新的设计构思。  相似文献   

新型冠状病毒肺炎是新发现的乙类传染病,实行甲类传染病预防、控制措施。零售药店作为抗击疫情的特殊群体,面对购药者和咨询者接触病毒的风险很大。本文以包头市零售药店新冠肺炎疫情防控地方标准为例,分析了零售药店疫情防控需求,以标准化助推防控工作,推动规范化管理,同时构建了疫情期间零售药店标准化管理的框架,并提出了标准化的设想。  相似文献   

在全国抗击新冠肺炎疫情的非常时期,随着各类企事业单位的复工复产,作为经中国合格评定国家认可委员会(CNAS)认可的检测和校准实验室应对其引起的潜在风险进行识别和应对。本文分析了实验室受"新冠疫情"影响而产生的各类风险点,通过建立风险评价矩阵,制定了应对和预防措施以减少对实验活动的不利影响,从而推进了实验室风险管理体系的优化。  相似文献   

胡英 《包装工程》2008,29(3):198-199,206
包装设计要素中的图形是具有直观性、有效性、生动性的丰富表现力、标明个性的形象化语言,包装图形设计要素往往是构成包装视觉形象的主要部分,在市场环境激烈的竞争中,商品除了功能上的实用和品质上的精美,其外包装更应具有对消费者的吸引力和说服力,凭借图形的视觉影响,将商品的内容和相关信息传达给消费者,从而促进商品的销售.通过介绍图形设计要素在传达商品信息中的重要性及其基本原则,进而对包装设计要素中图形的表现形式与方法的分类研究.对于正确认识包装设计中的图形要素、指导设计实践具有重要的现实意义.  相似文献   

图形是一种用于设计的图画式语言,亦与文字语言同样具有表意作用,因此,将文学修辞与设计艺术语言进行跨学科研究是本文重点。文章先对图形及相关概念简要概述,其后分析图形设计创意语言与文学修辞手法的关系,然后将文学修辞联系图形创意加以图例分析,得出常见几种文学修辞手法中的图形创意语言,为图形设计创意提供一种行之有效的方法,亦为日后的平面设计实践提供指导。  相似文献   

赖虹竹  汪泳 《工业工程设计》2020,2(2):39-43, 49
通过对新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情信息和数据的分析,探讨地理信息在疫情可视化设计中的方法及其艺术与社会价值。运用可视化、地图学的相关理论,辅以案例分析与实践性研究。从地理信息的位置、数量、关系等角度出发,聚合疫情信息和数据,借鉴信息可视化的方法,构建视觉语言的颜色、尺寸、形态等视觉化变量,完成对疫情地图的设计创作。将地理信息作为信息的模型与维度,探究可视化设计,提出疫情可视化设计的具体方法。疫情地图提高了时间与空间的信息精度,增强了用户的理解,可以为疫情区域防控决策提供一定的参考和支持。  相似文献   

围绕疫情数据可视化这一主题,研究如何针对突发事件的海量数据进行数据分析和可视化表达。在数据量大、内容繁杂的背景下,基于可视化设计的方法论,探讨数据可视化在突发公共卫生事件数据报道中的优势,并以“重庆市新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情数据可视化分析”设计为案例,具体分析数据可视化从设计方法到结论的过程。分析、整理适用于突发公共卫生事件下的疫情可视化设计数据分析和表达方法,为突发公共事件的设计介入、数据可视化的设计方法提供一定的补充。  相似文献   

In Wuhan, China, a novel Corona Virus (COVID-19) was detected in December 2019; it has changed the entire world and to date, the number of diagnosed cases is 38,756,2891 and 1,095,2161 people have died. This happened because a large number of people got affected and there is a lack of hospitals for COVID-19 patients. One of the precautionary measures for COVID-19 patients is isolation. To support this, there is an urgent need for a platform that makes treatment possible from a distance. Telemedicine systems have been drastically increasing in number and size over recent years. This increasing number intensifies the extensive need for telemedicine for the national healthcare system. In this paper, we present Tele-COVID which is a telemedicine application to treat COVID-19 patients from a distance. Tele-COVID is uniquely designed and implemented in Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) to avoid the problem of interoperability, vendor lock-in, and data interchange. With the help of Tele-COVID, the treatment of patients at a distance is possible without the need for them to visit hospitals; in case of emergency, necessary services can also be provided.  相似文献   

杨雨时  胡书可 《包装工程》2020,41(12):50-54
目的在当前全球爆发的新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情,以及频发的地震灾害的背景条件下,基于服务设计思想对突发灾害及突发公共卫生事件情况下的救灾安全进行分析。方法从服务设计的概念出发,研究用户在突发灾害及突发公共卫生事件下的动态需求。结论在对突发灾害及突发公共卫生事件下用户救灾安全的服务设计过程中,对于物理触点、救灾产品来说,应该保证其有易用、通用、美观及适用的特点,同时应该加强灾前的预防教育。数字触点设计上应该保障公众的知情权,提高公众的控制感;人工触点的设计上,采取心理干预服务,对于肺炎患者应该采用短程整合式的疗法。对于老年人出现的逆反心理要耐心地引导。在未来的发展中,设计与人类安全的关系值得深入挖掘。  相似文献   

Given the scarcity of safe and effective COVID-19 vaccines, a chief policy question is how to allocate them among different sociodemographic groups. This paper evaluates COVID-19 vaccine prioritization strategies proposed to date, focusing on their stated goals; the mechanisms through which the selected allocations affect the course and burden of the pandemic; and the main epidemiological, economic, logistical, and political issues that arise when setting the prioritization strategy. The paper uses a simple, age-stratified susceptible–exposed–infectious–recovered model applied to the United States to quantitatively assess the performance of alternative prioritization strategies with respect to avoided deaths, avoided infections, and life-years gained. We demonstrate that prioritizing essential workers is a viable strategy for reducing the number of cases and years of life lost, while the largest reduction in deaths is achieved by prioritizing older adults in most scenarios, even if the vaccine is effective at blocking viral transmission. Uncertainty regarding this property and potential delays in dose delivery reinforce the call for prioritizing older adults. Additionally, we investigate the strength of the equity motive that would support an allocation strategy attaching absolute priority to essential workers for a vaccine that reduces infection-fatality risk.  相似文献   

基于传播心理学的新型冠状病毒肺炎防治信息科普图形设计的简介性与有效性、共通性与沟通性、特色性与共鸣性的创作定位。展开新型冠状病毒肺炎防疫信息科普的图形设计,探索传播心理学下,特殊防治信息科普图形的色彩研究、元素研究和表现手法研究。实现互联网新媒体时代下防疫信息图形的传播媒介、传播受众、传播场所的具体应用剖析。立足艺术设计专业加强防疫符号辨识,形成积极防疫心理暗示,助推新型冠状病毒肺炎疫情防治及舆情宣传的传播效应。  相似文献   

The COVID-19 pandemic has caused higher educational institutions around the world to close campus-based activities and move to online delivery. The aim of this paper is to present the case of Global College of Engineering and Technology (GCET) and how its practices including teaching, students/staff support, assessments, and exam policies were affected. The paper investigates the mediating role of no detriment policy impact on students’ result along with the challenges faced by the higher educational institution, recommendations and suggestions. The investigation concludes that the strategies adopted for online delivery, student support, assessments and exam policies have helped students to effectively cope with the teaching and learning challenges posed by the COVID-19 pandemic without affecting their academic results. The study shows that 99% of students were able to maintain the same or better level of performance during the 1st COVID-19 semester. One percent of students had shown a slight decrease in their performance (about 1%–2%) with respect to their overall marks pre-COVID-19. The no detriment policy has succoured those 1% of the students to maintain their overall performance to what it used to be pre-COVID-19 pandemic. Finally, the paper provides the list of challenges and suggestions for smooth conduction of online education.  相似文献   

While the pathological mechanisms in COVID-19 illness are still poorly understood, it is increasingly clear that high levels of pro-inflammatory mediators play a major role in clinical deterioration in patients with severe disease. Current evidence points to a hyperinflammatory state as the driver of respiratory compromise in severe COVID-19 disease, with a clinical trajectory resembling acute respiratory distress syndrome, but how this ‘runaway train’ inflammatory response emerges and is maintained is not known. Here, we present the first mathematical model of lung hyperinflammation due to SARS-CoV-2 infection. This model is based on a network of purported mechanistic and physiological pathways linking together five distinct biochemical species involved in the inflammatory response. Simulations of our model give rise to distinct qualitative classes of COVID-19 patients: (i) individuals who naturally clear the virus, (ii) asymptomatic carriers and (iii–v) individuals who develop a case of mild, moderate, or severe illness. These findings, supported by a comprehensive sensitivity analysis, point to potential therapeutic interventions to prevent the emergence of hyperinflammation. Specifically, we suggest that early intervention with a locally acting anti-inflammatory agent (such as inhaled corticosteroids) may effectively blockade the pathological hyperinflammatory reaction as it emerges.  相似文献   

This article aims to assess health habits, safety behaviors, and anxiety factors in the community during the novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic in Saudi Arabia based on primary data collected through a questionnaire with 320 respondents. In other words, this paper aims to provide empirical insights into the correlation and the correspondence between socio-demographic factors (gender, nationality, age, citizenship factors, income, and education), and psycho-behavioral effects on individuals in response to the emergence of this new pandemic. To focus on the interaction between these variables and their effects, we suggest different methods of analysis, comprising regression trees and support vector machine regression (SVMR) algorithms. According to the regression tree results, the age variable plays a predominant role in health habits, safety behaviors, and anxiety. The health habit index, which focuses on the extent of behavioral change toward the commitment to use the health and protection methods, is highly affected by gender and age factors. The average monthly income is also a relevant factor but has contrasting effects during the COVID-19 pandemic period. The results of the SVMR model reveal a strong positive effect of income, with R2 values of 99.59%, 99.93% and 99.88% corresponding to health habits, safety behaviors, and anxiety.  相似文献   

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