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海量图数据上的可达性查询是图数据管理的基本问题。目前解决这个问题的基本方法是对可达关系传递闭包进行压缩存储,再辅以快速查询算法来回答两顶点是否可达。在此基础上,重点研究了稠密图条件下可达传递闭包的高压缩比存储和有效查询算法,提出了多跳(简称为X-Hop)压缩存储方法。通过采用生成树的结构对2-Hop中的中心顶点进行组织,X-Hop存储有效地降低了2-Hop方法中需要记录的索引点数量,从而极大地提高了压缩比。实验证明,X-Hop在索引的规模上要远远小于2-Hop存储,并且在查询效率上也取得优势。  相似文献   

图模型作为一种重要的数据结构,常被应用于众多不同领域并被广泛研究。随着图数据规模的日益增大,大图上的子图搜索问题变得极为重要。然而,目前已有的研究成果在大图上的执行效率并不太理想,而且没有考虑查询图上存在节点值可变的情况。为解决具有可变节点值的查询图在大图上的搜索问题,本文提出基于双索引的NVSA算法。首先通过合并相邻同类点构建CP索引和Vin索引,然后根据索引结构优化加速子图搜索算法。真实数据集上的实验表明,NVSA算法具有有效性和高效性。  相似文献   

刘凯洋 《计算机科学》2013,40(Z6):299-301,310
基于经典网络可达性问题的k可达性问题对于无线网络、社交网络等新型网络具有重要意义。最新提出的K-Reach[1]可以快速地计算任意两个顶点之间是否存在长度小于为k的路径。注意到随着K-Reach索引的逐步建立,已经计算过的顶点包含其所有可达顶点的路径信息。因此,提出一种改进的K-Reach索引创建算法,其充分利用了这些路径信息,避免了重复访问大量顶点,从而提升了算法效率。通过对不同实际数据进行的实验表明,改进算法所用时间明显小于原始算法。  相似文献   

[k]步可达性查询用于回答图[G]中从顶点[u]到达顶点[v]最多[k]步是否存在路径,但其多用于无权图的可达性研究。针对加权图,在图中构建了最早到达、逆向最早到达和最晚到达等三个索引,并应用这三个索引实现对不可达顶点的快速剪枝,从而有效地缩减了加权图的规模。运用该方法建立索引并剪枝顶点的时间复杂度与空间复杂度分别为[O(n+e)]和[O(n)],这里[n]和[e]分别为图中顶点的数目和边的数目。该方法可以与Dijkstra算法、Floyd算法和A*算法等多种传统算法相结合,并应用于最短路径求解,从而提高传统算法计算性能。最后以物流配送网络为例进行了实验验证,实验结果表明提出的方法可以正确并高效地对不必要计算的顶点进行剪枝,从而加快了最短路径求解速度,验证了提出方法的有效性。  相似文献   

标签图常用于智能交通网、生物信息网等新兴领域的建模。子图查询作为图数据分析的关键问题,引起了研究者的广泛关注。对现有子图查询算法的研究发现,随着图数据规模增大且频繁更新,传统子图查询算法普遍存在查询效率低,存储开销大,忽略顶点标签信息等问题。为此,提出了一种支持大规模动态标签图子图查询的层次序列索引(Dynamic Hierarchical Sequence,DHS),该索引提取数据图中带有顶点编号的层次拓扑序列关系以实现子图查询;针对图的动态变化,提出了更新点拓扑扩展式索引维护策略,仅从局部变化顶点及边开始进行增量式更新,大大降低了重建索引造成的巨大开销;提出了基于DHS索引的子图查询方法,仅需将查询图与数据图的层次序列进行匹配即可获得候选集,并在其上利用关系匹配策略获得最终查询结果。实验证明提出的方法在保证高效查询的同时降低了索引的创建及维护时间,提高了子图查询效率。  相似文献   

黄云  洪佳明  覃遵跃 《计算机应用》2012,32(7):1994-1997
越来越多的大型复杂网络使得图结构的研究变得日益重要,其中近似子图查询备受关注。为了提高查询效率,利用顶点的邻接关系特征为每个顶点建立索引,减少了匹配顶点的数量;并基于结构和标签对大型数据图进行划分,缩小了匹配时的搜索空间。利用离线时建立的双索引,查询时首先利用顶点间的近邻关系判定公式过滤掉大量不满足匹配关系的候选顶点,然后在一定的划分空间中进行边的匹配。真实数据集中的实验表明,与单纯的划分方法或近邻关系索引相比较,双索引机制对于查询的效率和准确率方面均有明显改善。  相似文献   

近年来,图的可达性查询已经成为一个研究热点。传统的可达性查询算法——GRAIL在处理k步可达性查询时具有较高的查询效率,但不适合处理不同分支顶点之间的k步可达性查询。为了解决上述问题,提出了一种新的双向双区间标签索引,进而实现了RE-GRAIL算法,从而有效解决了k步可达性查询问题。最后,在5个不同特征的数据集上进行实验,并从索引构建时间、索引大小、查询时间、扩展性4个方面进行验证。 实验结果表明,与众多同类算法相比,RE-GRAIL算法具有更好的性能。  相似文献   

可达性查询作为图中最常用的基本操作,在生物信息学、智慧交通等领域应用广泛,但在一些现实问题中,仅仅进行可达性查询并不能满足人们对距离信息的需求,K步可达性查询应运而生。目前已有的K步可达性查询的处理对象为有向无环图,无法充分反映顶点间的距离信息,并且无环图并不符合交通网络等实际应用情况。针对以上问题,提出一种针对带权有向图的K步可达性查询算法。通过求解近似最小顶点覆盖集,分别构建了顶点覆盖集内索引和顶点覆盖集外的双向最短路径索引,有效避免了查询时的I/O操作,提高了查询效率。在10个数据集上进行对比实验,并通过比较索引构建时间、索引规模、查询时间等指标证明了该算法的高效性。  相似文献   

挖掘时序图中的特定模式,能够有效地发现有价值的信息,并进行预测与决策支持,因此动态子图的查询及索引优化成为时序图研究的一个热点。研究了聚焦在动态子图的快速查询,着重探讨了索引优化,给出了查询模型的定义及基本查询算法。针对查询算法进行索引优化,提出了两种不同的建立索引的方法,波形索引及二叉树索引。为了验证索引的适用条件,设计了相应的实验,并使用随机数据集对实验程序进行测试,从时间消耗和空间占用的角度对两种索引的运行效率进行了验证分析。波形索引的优势在于存储结构简单,适用于边长度较长边数量不多的情况。二叉树索引的查询速度快,适用于边长度较短边数目较多的情况。  相似文献   

针对STL文件格式存在网格顶点数据冗余以及缺乏面片邻接信息等缺陷,提出一种基于多维动态空间索引的显式曲面拓扑重建算法,在消除网格顶点数据复本的过程中逐步构建网格曲面顶点的KD树,通过该索引提高顶点数据复本消除效率,并基于KD树叶节点层数据存储的开放性融入半边数据结构,实现曲面拓扑结构的快速重建。最后,对6个不同规模的数据模型进行实验:与采用R*-Tree、数组、散列表作为索引等方法相比,所提出的KD树与半边结构融合的动态空间索引在处理近百万面片的数据文件时,去除冗余顶点用时11.93 s,拓扑重建仅仅需要2.87 s,大大减少了冗余顶点的去除时间和拓扑重建时间,并且有效支持网格曲面拓扑邻域信息的快速查询,查询时间在1 ms之内,远小于对比算法所用时间。实验结果表明:所提算法能够提高网格曲面冗余顶点去除效率和拓扑重建效率,实现网格曲面拓扑邻域信息的快速查询。  相似文献   

针对k步可达性查询算法无法解决带距离约束的图可达性查询问题,提出基于参考节点嵌入的图可达性查询算法。首先,从所有节点中选出极少数有代表性的全局参考节点,预先计算所有节点与全局参考节点之间的最短路径距离;然后,采用最短路径树和范围最小值查询技术求得局部参考节点;接着,利用三角不等式关系得到查询点对距离范围;最后,根据查询条件中的距离值与查询点对距离范围上、下限值的大小关系,可快速得出可达性结论。针对社会关系网络和公路网络数据,将所提算法与Dijkstra算法、K-Reach算法进行实验对比测试。相较于K-Reach算法,其索引建立时间小4个数量级,其索引规模小2个数量级;相较于Dijkstra算法,在公路网络和社会关系网络中,直接得出可达性结论的比例分别为92%和78.6%,其查询时间大大缩短,分别降低了95.5%和92%。实验结果表明:所提算法能够通过使用较小的索引开销,实现在线查询计算复杂度的降低,可很好地解决既适用于有权图又适用于无权图带距离约束的可达性查询问题。  相似文献   

Reachability query plays a vital role in many graph analysis tasks. Previous researches proposed many methods to efficiently answer reachability queries between vertex pairs. Since many real graphs are labeled graph, it highly demands Label-Constrained Reachability (LCR) query in which constraint includes a set of labels besides vertex pairs. Recent researches proposed several methods for answering some LCR queries which require appearance of some labels specified in constraints in the path. Besides that constraint may be a label set, query constraint may be ordered labels, namely OLCR (Ordered-Label-Constrained Reachability) queries which retrieve paths matching a sequence of labels. Currently, no solutions are available for OLCR. Here, we propose DHL, a novel bloom filter based indexing technique for answering OLCR queries. DHL can be used to check reachability between vertex pairs. If the answers are not no, then constrained DFS is performed. So, we employ DHL followed by performing constrained DFS to answer OLCR queries. We show that DHL has a bounded false positive rate, and it’s powerful in saving indexing time and space. Extensive experiments on 10 real-life graphs and 12 synthetic graphs demonstrate that DHL achieves about 4.8–22.5 times smaller index space and 4.6–114 times less index construction time than two state-of-art techniques for LCR queries, while achieving comparable query response time. The results also show that our algorithm can answer OLCR queries effectively.  相似文献   

Given a large directed graph, rapidly answering reachability queries between source and target nodes is an important problem. Existing methods for reachability tradeoff indexing time and space versus query time performance. However, the biggest limitation of existing methods is that they do not scale to very large real-world graphs. We present a simple yet scalable reachability index, called GRAIL, that is based on the idea of randomized interval labeling and that can effectively handle very large graphs. Based on an extensive set of experiments, we show that while more sophisticated methods work better on small graphs, GRAIL is the only index that can scale to millions of nodes and edges. GRAIL has linear indexing time and space, and the query time ranges from constant time to being linear in the graph order and size. Our reference C++ implementations are open source and available for download at http://www.code.google.com/p/grail/.  相似文献   

伍转华 《计算机应用研究》2013,30(11):3374-3379
提出一种基于随机区间标记理论的可到达判定的方法RIABG, 它可以有效地处理非常大型的图, 并且具有良好的可扩展性。RIABG具有线性的检索时间和空间复杂度, 查询时间可以是常数时间, 也可以根据图的大小而进行线性变化。真实数据集上的实验表明, RIABG可以有效处理大规模有向图的可达性判定问题。  相似文献   

We proposed a novel solution schema called the Hierarchical Labeling Schema (HLS) to answer reachability queries in directed graphs. Different from many existing approaches that focus on static directed acyclic graphs (DAGs), our schema focuses on directed cyclic graphs (DCGs) where vertices or arcs could be added to a graph incrementally. Unlike many of the traditional approaches, HLS does not require the graph to be acyclic in constructing its index. Therefore, it could, in fact, be applied to both DAGs and DCGs. When vertices or arcs are added to a graph, the HLS is capable of updating the index incrementally instead of re-computing the index from the scratch each time, making it more efficient than many other approaches in the practice. The basic idea of HLS is to create a tree for each vertex in a graph and link the trees together so that whenever two vertices are given, we can immediately know whether there is a path between them by referring to the appropriate trees. We conducted extensive experiments on both real-world datasets and synthesized datasets. We compared the performance of HLS, in terms of index construction time, query processing time and space consumption, with two state-of-the-art methodologies, the path-tree method and the 3-hop method. We also conducted simulations to model the situation when a graph is updated incrementally. The performance comparison of different algorithms against HLS on static graphs has also been studied. Our results show that HLS is highly competitive in the practice and is particularly useful in the cases where the graphs are updated frequently.  相似文献   

《Computer Networks》2008,52(17):3284-3295
We propose a technique for reducing the number of message duplicates during network-wide broadcasting in wired networks. The key feature of our proposal is that each node keeps the information on hop-limited shortest path trees whose roots are within a certain number of hops from each node. When receiving the message, each node generates its duplicates and forwards them to a subset of neighbors, which are on the hop-limited shortest path tree rooted at the message source. The information on hop-limited shortest path trees is stored in message forwarding table of each node. We show that the hop-limited shortest path tree can be constructed in a fully-distributed manner by simply using dummy message flooding or exchanging distance vectors with poisoned reverse. Our proposal can largely reduce the number of message duplicates compared with the flooding while it is more scalable than the global-shortest-path-tree-based delivery. We also note that it guarantees the full reachability in static conditions and the time to reach of the proposal is the same as that of the flooding or the global-shortest-path-tree-based delivery. Duplicate reduction effect of our proposal is theoretically evaluated and numerically examined by simulation experiments.  相似文献   

In this paper, we have developed a HiTi (Hierarchical MulTi) graph model for structuring large topographical road maps to speed up the minimum cost route computation. The HiTi graph model provides a novel approach to abstracting and structuring a topographical road map in a hierarchical fashion. We propose a new shortest path algorithm named SPAH, which utilizes HiTi graph model of a topographical road map for its computation. We give the proof for the optimality of SPAH. Our performance analysis of SPAH on grid graphs showed that it significantly reduces the search space over existing methods. We also present an in-depth experimental analysis of HiTi graph method by comparing it with other similar works on grid graphs. Within the HiTi graph framework, we also propose a parallel shortest path algorithm named ISPAH. Experimental results show that inter query shortest path problem provides more opportunity for scalable parallelism than the intra query shortest path problem.  相似文献   

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