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The noncanonical amino acid S‐allyl cysteine (Sac) is one of the major compounds of garlic extract and exhibits a range of biological activities. It is also a small bioorthogonal alkene tag capable of undergoing controlled chemical modifications, such as photoinduced thiol‐ene coupling or Pd‐mediated deprotection. Its small size guarantees minimal interference with protein structure and function. Here, we report a simple protocol efficiently to couple in‐situ semisynthetic biosynthesis of Sac and its incorporation into proteins in response to amber (UAG) stop codons. We exploited the exceptional malleability of pyrrolysyl‐tRNA synthetase (PylRS) and evolved an S‐allylcysteinyl‐tRNA synthetase (SacRS) capable of specifically accepting the small, polar amino acid instead of its long and bulky aliphatic natural substrate. We succeeded in generating a novel and inexpensive strategy for the incorporation of a functionally versatile amino acid. This will help in the conversion of orthogonal translation from a standard technique in academic research to industrial biotechnology.  相似文献   

A series of N‐(4‐cyano‐3‐trifluoromethyl‐phenyl)‐2‐ethoxy‐6‐alkyl (and alkenyl) benzamides related to the anacardic acid derivative CTPB have been prepared from 2,6‐dihydroxybenzoic acid with a Suzuki coupling and addition of the anion of 4‐cyano‐3‐trifluoromethylphenylamine to a benzodioxinone as the key steps. In U937 cells, these analogues, in particular 7 c , 7 d , 7 f and 7 j , induced cell‐cycle arrest in the G1 phase, caused apoptosis in about 20 % of the cells, and increased the acetylation levels of H3. These activities correlate with the enzymatic activation of histone lysine acetyltransferases (KATs): CBP and PCAF.  相似文献   

Genetic code expansion and reprogramming methodologies allow us to incorporate non-canonical amino acids (ncAAs) bearing various functional groups, such as fluorescent groups, bioorthogonal functional groups, and post-translational modifications, into a desired position or multiple positions in polypeptides both in vitro and in vivo. In order to efficiently incorporate a wide range of ncAAs, several methodologies have been developed, such as orthogonal aminoacyl-tRNA-synthetase (AARS)–tRNA pairs, aminoacylation ribozymes, frame-shift suppression of quadruplet codons, and engineered ribosomes. More recently, it has been reported that an engineered translation system specifically utilizes an artificially built genetic code and functions orthogonally to naturally occurring counterpart. In this review we summarize recent advances in the field of ribosomal polypeptide synthesis containing ncAAs.  相似文献   

A new method has been developed to reassign the rare codon AGA in Escherichia coli by engineering an orthogonal tRNA/aminoacyl–tRNA synthetase pair derived from Methanocaldococcus jannaschii. The tRNA mutant was introduced with a UCU anticodon, and the synthetase was evolved to correctly recognize the modified tRNA anticodon loop and to selectively charge a target noncanonical amino acid (NAA) onto the tRNA. In order to maximize the efficiency of AGA codon reassignment, while avoiding the lethal effects caused by global codon reassignment in cellular proteins, an inducible promoter (araBAD) was utilized to provide temporal controls for overexpression of the aminoacyl–tRNA synthetase and switch on codon reassignment. Using this system, we were able to efficiently incorporate p‐acetylphenylalanine, O‐methyl‐tyrosine, and p‐iodophenylalanine into proteins in response to AGA codons. Also, we found that E. coli strain GM10 was optimal in achieving the highest AGA reassignment rates. The successful reassignment of AGA codons reported here provides a new avenue to further expand the genetic code.  相似文献   

Methanosarcina species pyrrolysyl‐tRNA synthetase (PylRS) attaches Pyl to its cognate amber suppressor tRNA. The introduction of two mutations (Y384F and Y306A) into PylRS was previously shown to generate a mutant, designated LysZ‐RS, that was able to attach N‐benzyloxycarbonyl‐L ‐lysine (LysZ) to its cognate tRNA. Despite the potential of LysZ derivatives, further LysZ‐RS engineering has not been performed; consequently, we aimed to generate LysZ‐RS mutants with improved LysZ incorporation activity through in vitro directed evolution. Using a liposome‐based in vitro compartmentalization (IVC) approach, we screened a randomly mutagenized gene library of LysZ‐RS and obtained a mutant that showed increased LysZ incorporation activity both in vitro and in vivo. The ease and high flexibility of liposome‐based IVC should enable the evolution of not only LysZ‐RS that can attach various LysZ derivatives but also of other enzymes involved in protein translation.  相似文献   

The effect of codon context on amber codon‐guided incorporation of noncanonical amino acids (NAAs) has been previously examined by antibiotic selection. Here, we re‐explored this effect by screening a library in which three nucleotides upstream and downstream of the amber codon were randomised, and inserted within the lacZ‐α gene. Thousands of clones were obtained and distinguished by the depth of blue colour upon exposure to X‐gal. Large‐scale sequencing revealed remarkable preferences in nucleotides downstream of the amber codon, and moderate preferences for upstream nucleotides. Nucleotide preference was quantified by a dual‐luciferase assay, which verified that the optimum context for NAA incorporation, AATTAGACT, was applicable to different proteins. Our work provides a general guide for engineering amber codons into genes of interest in bacteria.  相似文献   

Growing evidence is showing that acetylation plays an essential role in cancer, but studies on the impact of KDAC inhibition (KDACi) on the metabolic profile are still in their infancy. Here, we analyzed, by using an iTRAQ-based quantitative proteomics approach, the changes in the proteome of KRAS-mutated non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) A549 cells in response to trichostatin-A (TSA) and nicotinamide (NAM) under normoxia and hypoxia. Part of this response was further validated by molecular and biochemical analyses and correlated with the proliferation rates, apoptotic cell death, and activation of ROS scavenging mechanisms in opposition to the ROS production. Despite the differences among the KDAC inhibitors, up-regulation of glycolysis, TCA cycle, oxidative phosphorylation and fatty acid synthesis emerged as a common metabolic response underlying KDACi. We also observed that some of the KDACi effects at metabolic levels are enhanced under hypoxia. Furthermore, we used a drug repositioning machine learning approach to list candidate metabolic therapeutic agents for KRAS mutated NSCLC. Together, these results allow us to better understand the metabolic regulations underlying KDACi in NSCLC, taking into account the microenvironment of tumors related to hypoxia, and bring new insights for the future rational design of new therapies.  相似文献   

We describe a new expression system for efficient non‐canonical amino acid mutagenesis in cultured mammalian cells by using the pyrrolysine tRNA synthetase/tRNACUAPyl pair. A significant improvement in the incorporation of non‐canonical amino acids into proteins was obtained by combining all the required genetic components into a single and compact vector that can be efficiently delivered to different mammalian cell lines by conventional transfection reagents.  相似文献   

In the last decades, it has become clear that the canonical amino acid repertoire codified by the universal genetic code is not up to the needs of emerging biotechnologies. For this reason, extensive genetic code re-engineering is essential to expand the scope of ribosomal protein translation, leading to reprogrammed microbial cells equipped with an alternative biochemical alphabet to be exploited as potential factories for biotechnological purposes. The prerequisite for this to happen is a continuous intracellular supply of noncanonical amino acids through synthetic metabolism from simple and cheap precursors. We have engineered an Escherichia coli bacterial system that fulfills these requirements through reconfiguration of the methionine biosynthetic pathway and the introduction of an exogenous direct trans-sulfuration pathway. Our metabolic scheme operates in vivo, rescuing intermediates from core cell metabolism and combining them with small bio-orthogonal compounds. Our reprogrammed E. coli strain is capable of the in-cell production of l -azidohomoalanine, which is directly incorporated into proteins in response to methionine codons. We thereby constructed a prototype suitable for economic, versatile, green sustainable chemistry, pushing towards enzyme chemistry and biotechnology-based production.  相似文献   

Driving macrophage (M?) polarization into the M2 phenotype provides potential against inflammatory diseases. Interleukin‐4 (IL‐4) promotes polarization into the M2‐M? phenotype, but its systemic use is constrained by dose‐limiting toxicity. Consequently, we developed IL‐4‐decorated surfaces aiming at sustained and localized activity. IL‐4 muteins were generated by genetic code expansion; Lys42 was replaced by unnatural amino acids (uAAs). Both muteins showed cell‐stimulation ability and binding affinity to IL4Rα similar to those of wt‐IL‐4. Copper‐catalyzed (CuAAC) and copper‐free strain‐promoted (SPAAC) 1,3‐dipolar azide–alkyne cycloadditions were used to site‐selectively anchor IL‐4 to agarose surfaces. These surfaces had sustained IL‐4 activity, as demonstrated by TF‐1 cell proliferation and M2, but not M1, polarization of M‐CSF‐generated human M?. The approach provides a blueprint for the engineering of cytokine‐activated surfaces profiled for sustained and spatially controlled activity.  相似文献   

Capuramycins are one of several known classes of natural products that contain an l ‐Lys‐derived l ‐α‐amino‐?‐caprolactam (l ‐ACL) unit. The α‐amino group of l ‐ACL in a capuramycin is linked to an unsaturated hexuronic acid component through an amide bond that was previously shown to originate by an ATP‐independent enzymatic route. With the aid of a combined in vivo and in vitro approach, a predicted tridomain nonribosomal peptide synthetase CapU is functionally characterized here as the ATP‐dependent amide‐bond‐forming catalyst responsible for the biosynthesis of the remaining amide bond present in l ‐ACL. The results are consistent with the adenylation domain of CapU as the essential catalytic component for l ‐Lys activation and thioesterification of the adjacent thiolation domain. However, in contrast to expectations, lactamization does not require any additional domains or proteins and is likely a nonenzymatic event. The results set the stage for examining whether a similar NRPS‐mediated mechanism is employed in the biosynthesis of other l ‐ACL‐containing natural products and, just as intriguingly, how spontaneous lactamization is avoided in the numerous NRPS‐derived peptides that contain an unmodified l ‐Lys residue.  相似文献   

A quantitative understanding of how system composition and molecular properties conspire to determine the fidelity of translation is lacking. Our strategy directs an orthogonal tRNA to directly compete against endogenous tRNAs to decode individual targeted codons in a GFP reporter. Sets of directed sense codon reassignment measurements allow the isolation of particular factors contributing to translational fidelity. In this work, we isolated the effect of tRNA concentration on translational fidelity by evaluating reassignment of the 15 least commonly employed E. coli sense codons. Eight of the rarely used codons are reassigned with greater than 20 % efficiency. Both tRNA abundance and codon demand moderately inversely correlate with reassignment efficiency. Furthermore, the reassignment of rarely used codons does not appear to confer a fitness advantage relative to reassignment of other codons. These direct competition experiments also map potential targets for genetic code expansion. The isoleucine AUA codon is particularly attractive for the incorporation of noncanonical amino acids, with a nonoptimized reassignment efficiency of nearly 70 %.  相似文献   

养殖业的发展带动了赖氨酸需求的不断增长 ,国际和国内赖氨酸市场竞争也越来越激烈。本文从生产与消费双增长 ;价格波动幅度巨大 ;技术水平提高、产品出现多样化 ;以及生产多极化、市场竞争激烈等几个方面介绍了世界赖氨酸的发展趋势。我国将从赖氨酸进口大国发展成为供应大国 ,并成为国际赖氨酸市场上的中坚力量  相似文献   

By evolving the N‐terminal domain of Methanosarcina mazei pyrrolysyl‐tRNA synthetase (PylRS) that directly interacts with tRNAPyl, a mutant clone displaying improved amber‐suppression efficiency for the genetic incorporation of N?‐(tert‐butoxycarbonyl)‐l ‐lysine threefold more than the wild type was identified. The identified mutations were R19H/H29R/T122S. Direct transfer of these mutations to two other PylRS mutants that were previously evolved for the genetic incorporation of N?‐acetyl‐l ‐lysine and N?‐(4‐azidobenzoxycarbonyl)‐l ‐δ,?‐dehydrolysine also improved the incorporation efficiency of these two noncanonical amino acids. As the three identified mutations were found in the N‐terminal domain of PylRS that was separated from its catalytic domain for charging tRNAPyl with a noncanonical amino acid, they could potentially be introduced to all other PylRS mutants to improve the incorporation efficiency of their corresponding noncanonical amino acids. Therefore, it represents a general strategy to optimize the pyrrolysine incorporation system‐based noncanonical amino‐acid mutagenesis.  相似文献   

The nonribosomal peptide synthetase PF1022‐synthetase (PFSYN) synthesises the cyclooctadepsipeptide PF1022 from the building blocks D ‐lactate, D ‐phenyllactate and N‐methylleucine. The substrate tolerance of PFSYN for hydroxy acids was probed by in vitro screening of a set of aliphatic and aromatic α‐D ‐hydroxy acids with various structural modifications in the side chain. Thus, new PF1022 derivatives for example, propargyl‐D ‐lactyl‐PF1022 and β‐thienyl‐D ‐lactyl‐PF1022 were generated. The promiscuous behaviour of PFSYN towards aliphatic and aromatic α‐D ‐hydroxy acids is considerably larger than that of related enniatin synthetase (ESYN) and thus gives rise to the enzymatic generation of various new PF1022 derivatives.  相似文献   

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