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随着经济的发展,我国电视新闻节目的传播模式也相应发生了变化。因而,在电视新闻节目中,人们开始能够从中了解到更多关于社会各领域的知识。但是,在新媒介生态环境的发展下,电视新闻节目仍然存在信息不及时、内容滞后的问题。所以,本文旨在分析媒介生态对电视新闻的影响,新媒介生态与协商式公共领域以及从单一传播到多元传播的发展变迁。  相似文献   

电视新闻评论节目作为电视媒体的一个重要组成部分,它向大众呈现最及时的新闻播报,承担着解读世间万象,揭露社会真相,引导公众舆论的社会职能。它的健康发展不仅关系到信息传递的有效性,还对社会的和谐发展起到其他行业不可比拟的作用。因此,电视新闻评论节目的发展一直受到公众的广泛关注。近年来,在各种电视节目的风起云涌的剧烈冲击下,电视新闻评论节目的发展遭遇危机,所以笔者就当前电视新闻评论节目出现的困境及其解决途径展开了详细分析。  相似文献   

随着科学技术的快速发展,不仅为电视新闻媒介的传播提供了广阔的空间,而且电视新闻媒介也成为公众获取信息的重要渠道。特别是近年来电视新闻无论是内容还是形式越来越呈现出多样化的特点,这也对电视新闻节目的制作工作提出更高的要求。文中分析了电视新闻节目的制作形式,并进一步对电视新闻制作中的控制要素进行了具体的阐述。  相似文献   

姚敏 《西部广播电视》2018,(16):153-154
随着新媒体时代的到来以及媒介融合进一步深入,受众的信息需求和信息接收渠道发生了巨大改变,广播电视等传统媒体面临的竞争压力日益增大,为吸引受众,提高电视新闻节目收视率,电视新闻记者需要多站在受众角度进行思考,从源头切实了解受众的真正需求,从而改进新闻采写技巧,丰富节目内容,创新电视新闻传播方式,增强电视媒体与受众粘性,力争为广大受众提供更优质的电视新闻节目。  相似文献   

随着信息技术的飞速发展以及互联网技术的日渐普及,大大提高了人们处理和交换各类信息的能力和速度,促使“信息消费”逐渐成为人们日常生活的重要组成部分.而电视新闻节目作为人们了解外界信息的主要途径之一,在新的社会环境下更是面临着巨大的冲击,致使传统的新闻电视传播方式已经逐渐不能满足人们对于信息的需求.本文从媒介生态环境对电视新闻节目的影响着手,就电视新闻传播方式的发展方向问题进行研究,以期为电视新闻节目的长远发展提供借鉴.  相似文献   

李又安 《西部广播电视》2014,(7):100-100,103
电视新闻谈话类节目作为一种内容独特、风格鲜明的节目形态,在长期的发展过程中形成了模式化、规律化的语体风格和语体结构,符合普通民众的信息接收方式,并成为各档电视新闻谈话节目建构内容的基本原则.因此,笔者对当前电视新闻谈话节目的语体进行了深入研究,由此对电视新闻谈话类节目的语言风格、语体机构与语体意义有一个深入的了解和认识,从一个崭新的视角看待当前的电视新闻谈话节目.  相似文献   

蔡雨坤 《科普研究》2017,12(5):50-57
为了认识我国新媒体科学传播的现状,本文对样本科学类微信公众号进行了量化分析,以了解其科 学信息传播内容和信息表现形式。结果表明,科学类微信公众号的出现拓展了科学传播的传播渠道。科学类 微信公众号在科学主题上均比较多元,同时也积极使用图片、动图和视频等多媒体元素以提高文章的生动性, 在内容建设和信息形式方面是积极向好的。  相似文献   

近年来,随着高科技逐渐走进人民群众当中,老百姓对科技的了解和运用也逐渐增多,对电视播放的节目要求也有着越来越多的要求,相应地对我国电视新闻专题节目要求也逐渐增加,因此更多的电视新闻专题的创作者们也就更加要开动脑筋,为满足广大群众的知识需求以及对新闻的了解热情做出努力,这也就使越来越多新闻创作者们在设计新闻专题时引用到"细节"问题进行叙事,这样既能充分满足广大群众对新闻的深入了解,也能让人们获取更多的新闻细节资迅,所以"细节"叙事在电视新闻节目中占据着越来越重要的地位。  相似文献   

电视新闻节目的重要作用之一是对社会热点问题进行及时跟踪和报道,并为民众提供全方位的信息服务,使民众能够更直接的了解社会热点问题的全貌,为民众提供基础的信息资料.从当前电视新闻节目来看,新闻就是要在事件发生第一时间做出报道,还原新闻事实,理清事件脉络.基于此,在电视新闻节目报道过程中,必须重视电视新闻节目的时效性,并结合新闻事件本身,做好充足的准备工作;在新闻节目播出过程中,增加报道内容的深度,拓展报道内容的广度,并提高报道内容的时效性.只有这样,才能发挥电视新闻节目的作用,满足受众的需求.  相似文献   

随着社会主义市场经济的飞速发展,社会大众越来越关注新媒体,其已经普遍应用于各个行业中,对我国经济的发展起到了良好的推动作用。在新媒体时代,为电视新闻专题节目的发展提供了全新的机遇,依托科学的媒体形式,促使人们更加认可电视新闻专题节目,并使人们的生活变得更加丰富,显著提高了视觉效果。然而,也促使了电视新闻专题面临更加严峻的挑战,需要强化提升收视率。本文依据我国电视新闻专题节目的具体情况,分析电视新闻专题的特征,提出新媒体时代电视新闻专题中所存在的问题,并制定了新媒体时代电视新闻专题收视率的提升措施。  相似文献   

Observers of the television news business have suggested that public judgments of the credibility of news stories and the news industry would suffer if audiences knew that external sources routinely provided story content. An experiment examined whether on‐screen labels identifying externally supplied video news release (VNR) content in television news can affect audience perceptions of the credibility of the news and the VNR provider. The results suggest that news audiences might not use the presence of VNR content in evaluations of news stories, news programs, and VNR producers. However, there is evidence that news audiences are concerned about the use of VNR content and support the use of labels.  相似文献   

Modeling Patterns of News Recognition and Recall   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study examines the influence of television news coverage, story attributes, and audience characteristics on public recognition and recall of the news. In the summer of 1989, survey respondents were asked, within 7 days of the dates on which 21 different news stories broke, whether they recognized a particular story, and, if so, what they could remember about it. Results indicate that (a) stories receiving heavier television news coverage are better recognized and recalled; (b) respondents who are generally well informed about public affairs succeed in learning most types of news, regardless of their reported levels of media use; and (c) news stories focused on personalities and domestic news items are better recognized and better recalled than other kinds of standard political news. these findings are discussed in light of research on "personalized bias" in news reporting and its impact on political it formation-holding and public opinion.  相似文献   

This article analyzes U.S. television news coverage of the last episode of the NBC program, Seinfeld , focusing specifically on the concept of "plugola," defined as self-interested news stories that promote entertainment events. Using the Lexis/Nexis database, stories devoted to Seinfeld that aired on the Big 3 television broadcast news networks, owned and operated stations in New York City, affiliate stations in a midsize market, and the cable networks CNBC and CNN were examined. The analysis revealed that news organizations with connections to Seinfeld covered the program's last episode more extensively than those without such connections. The article also discusses implications for the role of corporate media in modern democracy.  相似文献   

Framing European politics: a content analysis of press and television news   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
We investigated the prevalence of 5 news frames identified in earlier studies on framing and framing effects: attribution of responsibility, conflict, human interest, economic consequences, and morality. We content analyzed 2,601 newspaper stories and 1,522 television news stories in the period surrounding the Amsterdam meetings of European heads of state in 1997. Our results showed that, overall, the attribution of responsibility frame was most commonly used in the news, followed by the conflict, economic consequences, human interest, and morality frames, respectively. The use of news frames depended on both the type of outlet and the type of topic. Most significant differences were not between media (television vs. the press) but between sensationalist vs. serious types of news outlets. Sober and serious newspapers and television news programs more often used the responsibility and conflict frames in the presentation of news, whereas sensationalist outlets more often used the human interest frame.  相似文献   

Past evidence of suicidal contagion from news reports in the United States is based largely on national data prior to 1980 using proxies for suicide stories rather than local news sources. Our research examined more proximal effects of suicide news reporting for 4 months in 1993 in 6 U.S. cities controlling for a wide range of alternative sources of media and interpersonal influence. In addition, predictions for the effect based on suicide contagion theories were examined for 3 age groups (15–25, 25–44, and older than 44). Local television news was associated with increased incidence of deaths by suicide among persons younger than 25 years. Newspaper reports were associated with suicide deaths for both young persons and persons older than 44 years. An unexpected protective effect of television news reports was observed in the 25–44 age range; nevertheless, news reporting was associated with an aggregate increase in suicide deaths. The results support theories of media contagion but also suggest that media depiction can inhibit suicide among some audience members.  相似文献   

A survey of Los Angeles County adults was undertaken to determine whether exposure to the overrepresentation of Blacks as criminals on local news programs, attention to crime news, and news trust predicted perceptions of Blacks and crime. After controlling for a number of factors including the diversity of respondents' neighborhood and neighborhood crime rate, attention to crime news was positively related to concern about crime. In addition, attention to crime news was positively associated with harsher culpability ratings of a hypothetical race-unidentified suspect and a Black suspect but not a White suspect. Finally, heavier consumption of Blacks' overrepresentation as criminals on local television news was positively related to the perception of Blacks as violent. The theoretical implications of these findings are discussed in light of chronic activation and accessibility of stereotypical constructs.  相似文献   

Although newswork is usually accomplished through routine practices, some occurrences are far from routine. This study looks at how newsworkers at one local television station created their coverage of a major ("what-a-story") story. Data came from newsroom observation. To manage this non-routine occurrence, newsworkers improvised around well-established routines, rather than developing an entirely different work process. Typifying likely story elements and story actors was a key strategy underlying their efforts to negotiate the status of the occurrence and to create news stories.  相似文献   

This paper examines the linguistic intergroup bias (LIB) in the context of people's interpretations of a race-related television news story. The LIB suggests that people use more abstract language to describe stereotype-congruent behaviors, particularly when that person is a member of an out-group. This study of 208 White adults manipulates the race of a suspect in a TV news crime story and examines how race influences the abstractness of the language viewers use to describe the suspect. The findings offer support for the LIB being induced by crime news and show that news media use is significantly related to the presence of the LIB. This suggests that stereotypical news coverage may subtly influence the interpretations people make about members of other social groups.  相似文献   

This study adopted the theory of the niche to investigate the competitive relationship between three news media—Yahoo news, television news, and electronic newspapers. Two research methods, intensive interviews and a nationwide telephone survey, were employed to collect data for this study. The telephone survey resulted in 1002 valid telephone calls. This study found that Yahoo news did not produce its own news, but it was perceived by the respondents to be equivalent to television news and that the respondents perceived the strengths of Yahoo news and television news to be very different. Therefore, this study predicts that the two media would be able to coexist in Taiwan’s news media market. Furthermore, the data from the niche analysis show that Yahoo news and television news were generalists, while electronic newspapers were specialists.  相似文献   

陶贤都  李勤 《科普研究》2013,8(2):80-85
《东方杂志》是中国近代出版时间最长、具有重要影响力的综合性期刊。抗日战争时期《东方杂志》包含了较多的科技内容,积极进行科技传播。《东方杂志》科技类文章以述评为主,科技消息较少。科技类文章与战争和当时的社会环境密切相关,图文结合的方式提升了传播效果,巧用补白处刊登趣味性的科学小文章,广告和书籍推介版块也承担了一定的科普功能,设立"医事卫生顾问"栏目以灵活的问答形式进行医学卫生知识传播。虽然经历了抗日战争的动荡和波折,《东方杂志》仍然在促进中国社会科技的发展和提升民众的科学知识中发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

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