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Ad hoc网络中的移动骨干网的建立和维护是一项复杂的工作.本文首先比较了两种不同类型的骨干网络,然后说明了移动骨干网络的构造目标,接着重点对Ad hoc网络中移动骨干网的建立和维护过程进行了详细的论述,最后对全文进行了小结.  相似文献   

基于分簇的Ad hoc网络分布式认证方案   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
认证是保证Ad hoc网络通信安全的重要技术。该文针对分布式认证方案分别运用在平面Ad hoc网络和分簇结构中的优缺点进行了比较研究,提出了一种区域认证方案,该方案采用分簇结构,将Ad hoc网络分割为相互独立的认证区域,既减少了网络开销,又增强了认证服务效率,且安全性和可扩展性较好,适用于大规模Ad hoc网络。  相似文献   

针对Ad hoc网络提出一种基于信息的调度策略。分组调度时,既考虑队列中剩余信息的多少又考虑原始的信息长度。仿真结果表明,算法改进了整个系统信息端到端的时延性能,并且不影响网络的吞吐量性能,不需要额外的通信开销。  相似文献   

移动Ad hoc网络路由协议标准   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过重点说明互联网工程任务组(IETF)已通过的两个移动Ad hoc网络路由协议标准,使得相关工程人员在对应用于此种网络的路由协议有一个整体认识基础之上,进一步加深对移动Ad hoc网络原理的理解.  相似文献   

在移动Ad hoc网络仿真研究中,节点移动模型直接决定了网络的拓扑结构,进而影响网络性能的评估,基于合理的节点移动模型的仿真结果才真实可靠。介绍了目前Ad hoc网络仿真研究中所应用的移动节点模型。  相似文献   

郑燕 《通信技术》2010,43(8):4-6
Ad hoc网络在军事、救灾等许多领域有广泛的实用价值。协同通信是近几年发展起来的,被认为是增强无线通信系统性能的一项重要技术。讨论了协同技术在Ad hoc网络中的应用。在物理层上,研究了基于协同的Adhoc网络的网络模型,分析了基于协同的Ad hoc网络拓扑结构,引入采用协同通信的拓扑控制,通过理论分析证实通过协同可增强无线网络的健壮性。在网络层上,给出了基于DSDV协同路由算法的扩展思路。  相似文献   

Ad hoc网络   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
本文首先介绍了Ad hoc网络的特点和应用领域。然后对Ad hoc网络的体系结构进行了研究,给出了结点和网络的几种组织结构。最后对Ad hoc网络面临的特殊问题进行了深入分析,并对这些问题的影响及引发的研究方向进行了讨论。  相似文献   

基于NS2的Ad hoc网络仿真研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ad hoc网络是一种不需要任何通信基础设施的典型的自组织网络,运用ns2对Ad hoc网络尤其是对其路由协议的研究成了广大网络研究者的一种重要手段.本文首先介绍了Ad hoc网络和ns2.然后给出了在ns2下进行Ad hoc网络仿真的步骤和方法.最后给出了AODV路由协议的仿真实例,结果说明了运用ns2研究Ad hoc网络的可行性和有效性.  相似文献   

基于博弈论的移动Ad hoc网络入侵检测模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着计算机技术尤其是网络技术的发展,人们面临着由于入侵而带来的一系列安全问题.该文将博弈理论引入到移动Ad hoc网络入侵检测系统中,建立网络安全博弈模型,经过理论推导和仿真实验得到该模型的纳什均衡解.实验结果表明,该模型有效地提高了检测率,降低了误检测率,网络开销较小,证明该方法的有效性和可行性.  相似文献   

动Ad hoc网络的独特网络特性导致其安全性特别脆弱,所以为其提供高安全的入侵检测系统势在必行。通过考虑在移动Ad hoc网络中入侵检测系统的分布式和协同工作的需要,提出了一种基于簇的多层分布式入侵检测技术,并给出模型。此模型采用统计学方法的异常检测技术结合数据挖据技术和簇技术对入侵进行检测.有效提高了移动Ad hoc网络的安全性和对分布式攻击的协同检测能力,并降低了网络的通信负荷。  相似文献   

A novel weighted cooperative routing algorithm (WCRA) is proposed in this article, which was on the basis of a weighted metric with maximal remaining energy (MRE) of the relays and the maximal received SNR (MRS) of the nodes. Moreover, a cooperative routing protocol was implemented on the basis of WCRA. Then simulation is done on network simulation (NS-2) platform to compare the performances of MRS, MRE and WCRA with that of noncooperative destination-sequenced destination-sequenced distance-vector (DSDV) protocol. The simulative results show that WCRA obtains a performance tradeoff between MRE and MRS in terms of delivery ratio and network lifetime, which can effectively improve the network lifetime at an acceptable loss of delivery ratio.  相似文献   

李冬妮  王亚沙  李喆  王光兴 《通信学报》2004,25(11):166-172
针对应用层故障提出了一种故障诊断算法——“基于簇的比较诊断算法”,该算法在分级ad hoc网络中利用簇首对簇内节点的集中控制功能优化了诊断过程,实现了诊断期问网络拓扑变化时对移动节点的诊断。证明了算法的正确性,并分析了算法的性能。仿真结果表明,该算法突破了“基于比较的故障诊断”在诊断过程中网络拓扑不能发生变化的限制,大大减小了“基于比较的故障诊断算法”由于诊断消息的洪泛导致的大量的系统开销。  相似文献   

移动分布式无线网络中具有QoS保证的UPMA协议   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
该文基于有效竞争预约接入、无冲突轮询传输的思想提出了支持节点移动性、多跳网络结构和服务质量(QoS)的依据用户妥善安排的多址接入(UPMA)协议。它大大提高了信道的使用效率,保证了发送节点能快速接入信道,同时,最大程度地保证所有实时业务的时延和带宽要求。最后,我们考察了它对Internet数据业务的支持性能。  相似文献   

Ad hoc网络两种按需路由协议性能分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵迪 《通信技术》2010,43(4):187-189
Ad hoc网络是一种无需依赖于事先布设的基础设施,而仅依靠网络内部节点之间的协作,就能够完成节点间通信的网络。比较了Ad hoc网络两种主流的按需路由协议:动态源路由协议,自组网按需距离矢量路由协议。使用基于ns-2的仿真模型进行仿真,并通过分组交付率、平均端到端时延、标准化路由负荷、对两种按需路由协议进行评估。实验结果表明即使DSR和AODV协议都是按需路由协议,但它们采取的路由机制的不同,导致它们的性能表现的巨大差异。  相似文献   

We propose and investigate the SPREAD scheme as a complementary mechanism to enhance secure data delivery in a mobile ad hoc network. The basic idea is to transform a secret message into multiple shares, and then deliver the shares via multiple paths to the destination so that even if a certain number of message shares are compromised, the secret message as a whole is not compromised. We present the overall system architecture and discuss three major design issues: the mathematical model for the generation and reconstruction of the secret message shares, the optimal allocation of the message shares onto multiple paths in terms of security, and the multipath discovery techniques in a mobile ad hoc network. Our extensive simulation results justify the feasibility and the effectiveness of the SPREAD approach.
Yuguang Fang (Corresponding author)Email:

The paper proposes a dynamic and hierarchical IPv6 address configuration scheme for a mobile ad hoc network (MANET). The scheme proposes the hierarchical architecture and combines the distributed and centralized address configuration approaches. In the architecture, a central node assigns IPv6 addresses for cluster heads that are distributed around a MANET, and distributed cluster heads assign IPv6 addresses for cluster members. The generation algorithm of a cluster is proposed, and it uses the number of potential cluster members as a measurement unit and minimizes the number of cluster heads. Therefore, the address configuration cost for cluster heads is reduced. A central node/cluster head uses the unicast communication mode to achieve the real‐time address recovery in order to ensure that it has enough address resources for assignment. The paper also proposes the low‐cost MANET merging/partitioning algorithm that guarantees that no address collision happens during the MANET merging/partitioning process. This paper analyzes the performance parameters of the proposed scheme, including the address configuration cost, the address configuration delay, and the number of MANET merging. The analytical results show that the proposed scheme effectively reduces the address configuration cost, shortens the address configuration delay, and decreases the number of MANET merging. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

王坚  陶洋  汪雅丽  袁马军 《通信技术》2008,41(1):71-73,123
无线自组织网不依赖固定的基础设施,其最主要的特点是无中心结构和高度的动态变化.文中在WCA和MSWCA算法的基础上,提出了EMSWCA(An Enhanced Maximum Stability Weighted Clustering Algorithm)算法.仿真结果验证了EMSWCA算法较WCA、MSWCA算法更具有优越性.  相似文献   

主要研究采用了定向天线的Ad-hoc网络中的节点发现策略,针对Ad-hoc网络中邻节点发现的阶段中,使用随机扫描算法带来的性能缺陷,提出了一种基于TDMA MAC协议的大步进节点发现扫描算法。该算法通过预先划分场景的区域,安排不同区域内的节点在不同扫描周期内扫描的顺序和方式,从而达到了加快邻节点发现的速度,减少建网时间,提高网络的性能。并通过理论推导、OPNET仿真和数据结果分析比较,验证了算法的性能。  相似文献   

在移动Ad Hoc网络中,信道接入公平性和吞吐率是MAC协议需解决的重要问题,而IEEE802.11等协议采用的二进制指数退避算法BEB难以满足公平性要求。本文提出了一种基于对节点竞争失败次数(无效RTS)进行计数的方法估计信道争用情况,动态地分配退避计数器初值,从而实现移动Ad Hoc网络的公平多址接入。研究表明,该接入方法能够有效地反映源节点特性,接入公平性好,同时在高负荷和低负荷的情况下,都能提高网络吞吐量,提供良好的QoS保障。  相似文献   

Mobile ad hoc networks are self-organised, infrastructure-less networks in which each mobile host works as a router to provide connectivity within the network. Nodes out of reach to each other can communicate with the help of intermediate routers (nodes). Routing protocols are the rules which determine the way in which these routing activities are to be performed. In cluster-based architecture, some selected nodes (clusterheads) are identified to bear the extra burden of network activities like routing. Selection of clusterheads is a critical issue which significantly affects the performance of the network. This paper proposes an enhanced performance and trusted weight-based clustering approach in which a number of performance factors such as trust, load balancing, energy consumption, mobility and battery power are considered for the selection of clusterheads. Moreover, the performance of the proposed scheme is compared with other existing approaches to demonstrate the effectiveness of the work.  相似文献   

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