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大学生核心价值观的培养是一个非常重要的工作,关系到大学生的成长,也关系到社会发展、国家进步和民族兴旺。本文主要针对目前我国大学生创业存在的问题进行了深入研究,对核心价值观指导下大学生创业的现状提出了几点解决措施,切实把解决思想问题与解决实际问题地结合起来,坚持以社会主义核心价值体系建设为指引,鼓励大学生自主创业,促进以创业带动就业。  相似文献   

大学生创新训练课题,为培养大学生的创新能力,全面提高学生综合素质提供了平台。本文结合自己作为社团指导教师指导大学生创新课题的实践体会,以金山相声社形象设计项目为例,全面展示项目的研究目标、研究过程、研究成果、研究心得,希望能从社团建设入手,为今后大学生创新项目的不断完善提供新的尝试和有益的帮助。  相似文献   

为丰富校园文化生活,激发学生们对影视创作的热爱,使同学们了解国际及全国影视传媒专业学生的创作水平。值“科讯杯”十周年之际,科讯公司特联合全国各高校,共同举办“科讯杯”国际大学生优秀影视作品巡回展映活动,共同致力于大学生原创影视作品的创作教学及指导、实践能力培养。  相似文献   

宋文斌 《电子世界》2012,(6):148-149,152
大学生素质培养是一个系统性的工程,有效的人才培养体系能积极地促进学生的综合素质的提升,从而提升学生的职场竞争力。本文从分析用人单位对我院毕业生整体质量评价报告入手,指出影响大学生就业的根本原因在于学生综合素质能力不足,提出了基于TOPCARES-CDIO教育教学改革理念指导的,以提升大学生综合素质能力为核心的人才培养思路和方法。结合大连东软信息学院学生就业的实际情况,论述了该理论对学生综合素质培养的指导作用。  相似文献   

本文将电气工程专业课程分成授课型和设计型两类,讨论二者的联系与区别,以及各自在培养电气工程学生工作能力和创新能力方面的作用。授课型课程为学生建立宽厚的教育根基,是培养学生创新能力的前提条件。设计型课程鼓励学生主动学习,促进创新实践,是培养大学生工作与创新能力的载体。本文在明确当前大学生状况和教师职责的基础上,提出了一个...  相似文献   

全国大学生电子设计竞赛的目的是培养大学生的创新能力、综合能力和协作精神,为优秀人才脱颖而出创造条件.这与建构主义学习理论提倡“情境、协作、会话和意义建构”是一致的。将建构主义学习理论用于指导电子设计竞赛的培训工作,通过情境的创建、学习者的协作、资料搜索与分析,提出设想和进行验证,发现规律,积累经验,可以更为理性、更加系统地组织好赛前培训及竞赛的组织实施。同时,该理论体系可推广应用到普通实验教学工作中去。  相似文献   

豆全丽 《电子世界》2013,(6):168-169
笔者根据多年的工作经验,针对理论和实践过程中出现的主要问题,提出高职院校学生职业生涯规划教育的对策解决的对策,本文围绕学生理念的培养、课程设置、专业辅导人员、机构的设置、校园文化等方面建立职业生涯规划教育的具体方法。构建了大学生个人职业生涯规划、高校职业生涯规划教育服务体系相互协调的大学生职业生涯规划教育全程指导体系。这对构建和谐社会有积极稳定的意义。  相似文献   

高强  张闯  禹瑞雪 《电子测试》2022,(5):138-140+137
为落实高校向培养应用型人才转型,提升学生实践能力、创新精神最终达到学以致用。进一步提高实验设备利用率,以实验室开放为基础,结合创新创业教育,探索新式教学方法。本文以设计一种新颖生动电磁实验器材为目的,由学生申请大学生创新创业训练计划项目,借助实验室开放过程中可以使用的设备及老师在全程给与的指导,使学生真正以社会需求为出发点,综合参与大学生创新创业训练及校内实验室开放,融合运用机械设计、机械制造、电气控制等理论知识,加工制作出实物,并调试成功。为中小学校实验教学提供一整套电磁实验设备,帮助中小学生更有效果的学习电磁方面的知识,用简洁明了的方式让中小学生了解电磁弹射装置,使电磁弹射原理通过模型生动的体现出来,可以更有效激发学生的实验兴趣,培养学生的研究能力。  相似文献   

传统文化融入党建工作是新形势下高职大学生党建工作必不可少的部分。以对泰州职业技术学院300名大学生党员和培养对象的问卷调查为依据, 分析当前传统文化融入高职大学生党建工作中存在的问题, 提出要将弘扬传统文化与大学生党性培养相结合, 帮助学生树立文化自觉与自信, 提升道德修养。  相似文献   

杨子 《无线互联科技》2014,(12):223-223
高校体育教学能够有效的提升学生社会适应能力的发展,其学科优势非常的明显。培养高校大学生社会适应能力的就需要在实际实施的过程中,以大学生的兴趣爱好、运动项目的特征与教育规律为基础,进行科学的优化与选择,以此来促进高校大学生社会适应能力的发展。本文以高校大学生社会适应能力的发展与培养为研究对象,以体育教学为载体进行了深入的分析。  相似文献   

Adaptive channel allocation for wireless PCN   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In cellular networks, forced call terminations due to handoff call blocking are generally more objectionable than new call blocking. In order to maintain an acceptable call dropping probability rate, we propose, in this paper, two new guard channel schemes: an adaptive one – New Adaptive Channel Reservation (NACR) – and a dynamic one – Predictive Reservation Policy (PRP). In NACR, for a given period of time, a given number of channels is guarded in each cell for handoff traffic. In PRP, the number of reserved channels depends on the actual number of calls in progress in the neighboring cells. An approximate analytical model of NACR is presented. A Tabu search method has been implemented in order to optimize the Grade of Service. Discrete event simulations of PRP and NACR were run. The effectiveness of the proposed methods is emphasized on a complex configuration.  相似文献   

The cell membrane is the most important protective barrier in living cells and cell membrane targeted therapy may be a high‐performance therapeutic modality for tumor treatment. Here, a novel charge reversible self‐delivery chimeric peptide C16–PRP–DMA is developed for long‐term cell membrane targeted photodynamic therapy (PDT). The self‐assembled C16–PRP–DMA nanoparticles can effectively target to tumor by enhanced permeability and retention effect without additional carriers. After undergoing charge reverse in acidic tumor microenvironment, C16–PRP–DMA inserts into the tumor cell membrane with a long retention time of more than 14 h, which is very helpful for in vivo applications. It is found that under light irradiation, the reactive oxygen species generated by the inserted C16–PRP–DMA would directly disrupt cell membrane and rapidly induce cell necrosis, which remarkably increases the PDT effect in vitro and in vivo. This novel self‐delivery chimeric peptide with a long‐term cell membrane targeting property provides a new prospect for effective PDT of cancer.  相似文献   

Delayed wound healing has a profound impact on patients, healthcare, and society. Platelet-rich plasma (PRP) gel, as a preparation for regenerative medicine, has proven to be of clinical value in various wound treatments. Nevertheless, its weak mechanical properties and consequent burst release effect have restricted its application and efficacy. Here, an engineered PRP dual-network hydrogel (named DN gel) based on sodium alginate is constructed through a simple “one-step” activation process. Its improved gelling property and sustained release of growth factors may be beneficial for clinical use. Evaluations in rats indicate that DN gel promote wound healing in terms of rapid re-epithelialization, up-regulated growth factor levels and early transitions in the wound healing and angiogenesis stages. As a proof of concept, DN gel also exhibits superior healing efficiency in a porcine wound model. These results demonstrate the great potential of transforming this hydrogel into the next generation of PRP-based bioactive wound dressing.  相似文献   

We propose a non-cooperative game theory based algorithm for spectrum management problem in cognitive radio networks taking into account the spectrum handoff effects. The objective is to minimize the spectrum access time of Secondary Users (SUs) which are competing for spectrum opportunities in heterogeneous environment. In this paper, the preemptive resume priority (PRP) M/G/1 queuing model is used to characterize the multiple handoff and data delivery time of SUs. Also an explicit solution for channels selection probabilities of each SU is extracted for PRP M/M/1 model specifically. The effect of handoffs is considered as the interrupted packets which return to the SUs’ low priority queue when the high priority Primary User’s packets are arrived to take service. The queuing delay of SUs’ and the effect of these returned packets are considered in order to balance the load of SUs on channels so that the minimum spectrum access time is sensed by each SU. The non-cooperative spectrum load balancing with handoff management game is proposed to find a distributed solution for each SU. It is shown that this game has a unique Nash equilibrium point which can be achieved by SUs as decision makers. At this equilibrium, each SU incurs the minimum delay on all channels while the free spectrum holes of channels are utilized efficiently. Simulation results are provided to evaluate the performance of the proposed scheme in terms of spectrum access delay, fairness, and channels spectrum holes utilization.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a new MAC protocol, called proxy relay-enabled MAC (PR-MAC), to improve the capacity of multi-rate WLANs. PR-MAC introduces a new entity called Proxy Relay Point (PRP), which serves as a relay between the AP and stations. The cooperation of the AP with PRP replaces direct transmissions for low-rate stations with fast two-hop transmissions while the stations think that they communicate directly with the AP. Our experiment and simulation results showed that PR-MAC can significantly improve the throughput of legacy stations without any modification on the MAC operation of the stations.  相似文献   

为满足次用户不同时延需求并提高信道利用率,该文提出一种基于次用户分级的PRP M/G/m排队论频谱切换模型。首先,根据次用户主要业务的时延需求不同,对次用户进行分级评价,将次用户分为时延敏感型和非时延敏感型用户,时延敏感型次用户具有更高的优先级来接入信道。其次,采用PRP M/G/m排队论来建立基于用户分级的频谱切换模型。同时推导和分析了该模型下不同优先级次用户扩展数据传输时间,进而提出了面向各级次用户自适应频谱切换策略。仿真结果表明,相较于已有频谱切换策略,该模型能有效降低次用户切换时延以及扩展数据传输时间,保证高优先级次用户的服务质量,提升次用户频谱切换的综合性能。  相似文献   

目的:探讨复方樟柳碱联合氪激光早期治疗缺血型视网膜中央静脉阻塞(CRVO)患者血液动力学参数和中心视力的影响。方法:缺血型CRVO患者57例(57眼),随机分为治疗组29例(29眼)和对照组28例(28眼),所有患者均使用PRP治疗,治疗组另加用复方樟柳碱患眼侧颞浅动脉旁注射,14天一个疗程,连续2个疗程,治疗前后通过彩色多普勒超声检测视网膜中央动脉(CRA)的收缩期峰值血流速度(peak systolic velocity,PSV)、舒张末期血流速度(end diastolic velocity,EDV)和阻力指数(resistance index,RI)及视网膜中央静脉(CRV)的最大流速(Vmax)和最小流速(Vmin),并通过比较治疗前后视力恢复的有效率来判断疗效。结果:两组在治疗后,CRA的PSV和EDV都能有效提高(P0.05),而RI仅在复方樟柳碱治疗组有显著改善(P0.05),复方樟柳碱治疗组可以明显改善CRV的Vmax和Vmin(P0.05),对照组在CRV的本次研究涉及的动力学参数没有影响;复方樟柳碱治疗组在治疗后视力改善有效率达96.55%,对照组为86.71%。结论:复方樟柳碱治疗组能有效改善缺血型视网膜中央静脉阻塞的血流动力学,在改善中心视力上也具有优势。  相似文献   

This article proposes a new routing protocol called Peripheral Routing Protocol (PRP) for the scenario where the mobile destination (D) moves at the wireless sensor network (WSN) periphery for gathering data. From a connectivity point of view, when D follows the marginal mobility model (MMM), the WSN becomes a hybrid network: a sparse network, because of the interrupted connectivity between D and the rest of the nodes and a well-connected network, because of the connectivity between all the other nodes of the WSN except D. It will be proven through MATLAB simulations that, for a military application scenario where D’s connectivity to the WSN varies between 10% and 95%, compared with the 100% case, PRP outperforms routing protocols recommended for Mobile Ad-hoc Networks (MANET) in three ways: it maintains an average Packet Delivery Ratio (PDR) over 90%, a below 10% and 5% increase for the Average End to End Delay (AETED) and energy per transmitted packet.  相似文献   

We initiate a study of on-line ciphers. These are ciphers that can take input plaintexts of large and varying lengths and will output the i th block of the ciphertext after having processed only the first i blocks of the plaintext. Such ciphers permit length-preserving encryption of a data stream with only a single pass through the data. We provide security definitions for this primitive and study its basic properties. We then provide attacks on some possible candidates, including CBC with fixed IV. We then provide two constructions, HCBC1 and HCBC2, based on a given block cipher E and a family of computationally AXU functions. HCBC1 is proven secure against chosen-plaintext attacks assuming that E is a PRP secure against chosen-plaintext attacks, while HCBC2 is proven secure against chosen-ciphertext attacks assuming that E is a PRP secure against chosen-ciphertext attacks.  相似文献   

主要研究对比波长一致条件下分布式波长预留问题中传播时延对几种主要方案的影响,并在一种现有的PRP预留方式的基础上提出了新的预留方式,这种方式能够有效地减少传播时延对预留冲突的影响。  相似文献   

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