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长期使用环境中交变温度载荷引起的结构热疲劳会显著影响挠性基板叠装互联组件的结构强度和使用寿命.以挠性基板叠装互联组件为研究对象,基于ANSYS软件参数化建模方法建立了挠性基板叠装互联组件三维有限元模型,针对互联组件六种内部芯片布局方案进行了互联结构热特性分析并进行对比.然后基于正交试验方法分析了多种影响因素对互联组件热...  相似文献   

应用于IC封装(Integrated Circuit,集成电路)的FPC(F1exible Printing Circuit,挠性印制电路)称为挠性基板。随着电子产品向高密度、小型化、高可靠性方向发展,挠性基板因其优良的弯折性能,可实现三维互连的优点,已广泛应用于军事航天、医疗、汽车及消费类电子等领域。  相似文献   

组件的模态分析和随机振动分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
论述了用ANSYS有限元分析软件对组件进行模态分析和随机振动分析的方法。通过模态分析确定了部件的振动特性即固有频率和振型,它是其他动力分析如频谱分析的起点。通过随机振动分析确定了结构随机振动载荷的结构响应,通过随机振动分析得到结构的3σ定向变形、3σ定向加速度响应、3σ等效应力参数。根据振动响应中的最大应力计算结构的安全裕度,验证其设计能否成功克服共振现象和振动引起的不良效果。通过模态分析和随机振动分析可以优化结构提高可靠性、缩短研制周期。  相似文献   

应用于IC封装(Integrated Circuit,集成电路)的FPC(Flexible Printing Circuit,挠性印制板)称为挠性基板。随着电子产品向高密度、小型化、高可靠性方向发展,挠性基板线路制造工艺也从传统的减成法发展到半加成法,同时,一些新型的薄型挠性基板及埋嵌器件挠性基板也逐渐应用于航天、医疗及消费类电子等领域[1]。  相似文献   

概述了由PET,高耐热树脂和铜箔组成的透明挠性基板“SPET”的开发,生产,特征和应用以及今后的展开.  相似文献   

挠性印制电路(FPC)在IC封装中的应用,推进了电子产品小型化、轻量化、高性能化的进程,同时也推动了FPC向高密度方向发展。本文概述了基于挠性印制电路的芯片级封装技术,包括平面封装和三维封装技术,以及芯片级封装技术的发展对挠性载板的影响。  相似文献   

今年六月底朋友送我一本日本沼仓研史先生著的《高密度挠性基板入门》一书,本人经过月余的时间把该书全部译成中文,但由于知识产权和版权问题故无法出版。但为了使我们印制板行业特别从事挠性印制板工作的技术人员能了解国外有关挠性印制板的技术信息,现将该书的主要内容简要介绍如下,以便能对我国挠性印制板的发展有所益。  相似文献   

采用挠性传输载体代替现有的线缆互联实现整机内部信号传输是解决目前整机内部互联杂乱和组装以及测试困难的有效手段.通过对采用挠性传输载体实现整机内信号互联研究,主要对实现互联的影响因素及解决措施、实现可行性和工艺方法等进行了探讨,并进行了可靠性分析及试验验证.为整机互联技术革新提供了思路.  相似文献   

近二、三年,高密度挠性基板的产量急速上升.其中,HDD浮动磁头的无线化和IC器件的CSP化对此贡献很大.今后,伴随电子设备的轻便化,对挠性基板的需求会进一步增加;预计2002年全世界的市场规模会超过40亿美元,到2003年会超过传统挠性板的产量.在技术方面,将对挠性板提出全新的功能要求.本文将试述挠性板市场主要的技术动向.  相似文献   

在本文中龙门是测量回转体直径的关键结构,其设计的合理性将直接影响测量结果的准确性和精确度。利用有限元分析软件ANSYS Workbench对已建立好的龙门三维模型进行模态分析,通过提取前六阶模型模态的分析结果,得出现有龙门结构上的缺陷和不足,并对龙门结构进行适当优化,使其优化后结果能够避开外部激励所引起的共振,并减小模态振型中的位移量,为提高龙门结构的测量精度提供一种设计方法。  相似文献   

High-density interconnect integrated circuits (ICs) have been realized on flexible organic substrate with the demonstration of excellent electrical yield and well maintained reliability. Long metal-via chain structures were pre-fabricated with 0.18-/spl mu/m Cu-backend technology on Si-substrate and later transferred onto the organic substrates with wafer-transfer technology. By optimizing the transfer process with thin FR-4 (4 mil /spl ap/0.1 mm), our results demonstrate that both Cu/USG and Cu/low-/spl kappa/ [Black-Diamond (BD)]-based interconnects can be reliably realized over the organic substrate. For via chain structures with via size /spl sim/0.26 /spl mu/m and via number /spl sim/10/sup 4/, the yields were /spl ges/90% and 85% at room temperature and at 100/spl deg/C, respectively. The dielectric breakdown field of the Cu/USG transferred interconnect ICs has been characterized to be /spl ges/5 MV/cm, which is comparable with the results on Si-substrate.  相似文献   

利用ABAQUS有限元分析软件,对不同结构参数下PBGA焊点的随机振动响应进行了分析。结果表明:在随机振动载荷作用下,PBGA封装焊点的最大应力位于焊点阵列的拐角处,而且在靠近PCB板的一侧;焊点的最大应力值与焊点高度成正比,与焊点直径和焊点间距成反比;当焊点直径为0.66 mm、高度为0.6 mm、间距为1.27 mm时,焊点的最大应力达到最大值842.4 MPa。  相似文献   

Microelectronic packaging compliant interconnects offer increased reliability when compared to traditional rigid solder ball interconnects. These interconnects are subject to various forms of mechanical damage including thermal cycle fatigue, drop impact shock, and vibration environments that often lead to mechanical or electrical failure. Second-level compliant interconnects seek to alleviate this issue by decoupling the substrate and board, facilitating independent deformation while experiencing lower stresses and strains. In order to develop compliant interconnects as an effective alternative to rigid solder balls, various design optimization, thermal cycling test, and drop impact studies have been performed. However, the area of vibration characterization and analysis is lacking for microelectronic packaging and nonexistent for compliant interconnects. Therefore, this paper will present a complete vibration analysis of a particular multi-path compliant interconnect design, the 3-Arc-Fan compliant interconnect. This design features three electroplated copper arcuate beams that provide a spring-like effect to increase compliance and mechanical reliability. Experimental vibration characterization was performed and used to validate the simulation model. Following which a random vibration analysis method wais established, and the samples were tested at various conditions. Finally, both experimental and simulation results were integrated to develop a preliminary fatigue life prediction model to demonstrate the increased reliability.  相似文献   

This paper presents the full analysis and the complete development of a system for mechanical vibration reduction in a kitchen hood by using piezoelectric actuators. The control system is based on a feedback controller whose action depends on a single acceleration sensor collocated with the actuator. A model of the collocated actuator-sensor pair mounted on the hood and a model of the disturbance are provided. A Minimum Variance (MV) controller is able to provide the theoretically best performance in terms of noise reduction. A single-tones Minimum Variance controller (resonant controller) provides quasi-optimal performance while maintaining the stability of the system. Two different resonant control laws have been designed: the first one operates without the information of the hood motor velocity; the second one is a more sophisticated controller, which also exploits the velocity information. Both controllers are effective in reducing the mechanical vibration with performances that well approximate those achievable with an MV controller. Overall, through the motor velocity’s information, the best performances are guaranteed with an 85% vibration reduction. The resonant control system without the motor velocity information provides the best compromise in terms of performances (75% of reduction) and complexity of the implemented system. Tests held in an anechoic chamber have shown the vibration reduction’s influence upon the acoustic noise.  相似文献   

This study was designed to investigate the modal characteristics of the human spine. A 3-D finite element model of the spine T12-Pelvis segment was used to extract resonant frequencies and modal modes of the human spine. By finite element modal analysis and harmonic response analysis, several lower vibration modes in the flexion-extension, lateral bending, and vertical directions were obtained and its vibration configurations were shown in this paper. The results indicate that the lowest resonant frequency of the model is in the flexion-extension direction. The second-order resonant frequency is in the lateral bending direction and the third-order resonant frequency of the T12-Pelvis model is in the vertical direction. The results also show that lumbar spinal vertebrae conduct the rotation action during whole body vibration (WBV). The vibration configurations of the lumbar spine can explore the motion mechanism of different lumbar components under WBV and make us to understand the vibration-induced spine diseases. The findings in this study will be helpful to understand WBV-related injury of the spine in clinics and the ergonomics design and development of mechanical production to protect human spine safety.  相似文献   

An investigation was made into the occurrence of substrate surface defects, such as surface pits, low-density regions and burrs, and their effect on fine-line thin-film conductor patterns fabricated on the substrate. Substrate surface quality was characterized through examination of fine-line thin-film test patterns (50-µm lines on 100-µm centers). The results of these observations are summarized in terms of N-, the substrate surface defect density, and f, the frequency of resultant conductor-line imperfections greater in width than some critical size δ. The parameter f is directly related to the expected yield Y for a thin-film interconnect circuit with fine-line conductor length L. A quantitative model is developed which accurately relates N and f to N-(x), the size distribution of surface voids; δ, the critical extent of defect overlap on a conductor line; and D, the width of the conductor line. Application of the model to prediction of the dependence of f and Y on various parameters led to the conclusion that it is important to establish objective criteria as to what constitutes a conductor-line imperfection. A change in definition from the extent to which a conductor line appeared to be open to the overlap of a substrate defect on a conductor line resulted in a tenfold increase in f. This change would result in a fourfold decrease in Y for the case of an interconnect pattern with 500 cm of 50-µm lines. A change in δ from D/3 to 2D/3 resulted in a sixfold decrease in f and a corresponding increase in yield from 20 to 80 percent for the same interconnect circuit.  相似文献   

文中针对柔性电子中硅等无机脆性材料与柔软的弹性基底黏附形成的柔性复合层结构进行了力学分析。采用有限元软件建立了复合层结构分析模型,得到了该结构在弯矩作用下各层的应力应变分布信息,分析了PDMS层的应变隔离作用大小及其影响因素,为柔性电子结构的设计和优化提供了参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

鉴于晶片电子封装结构的一些精细电磁现象如复杂互连结构的不连续性、寄生效应带来的信号完整性等问题,采用电磁分析软件CST微波工作室,建立了封装与PCB复杂互连结构的物理模型,对信号传输性能进行仿真分析,并对简单等效电路模型进行改进。结果表明:增大焊球半径,采用低介电常数基板材料,可提高互连结构的信号传输效率。采用软件ADS模拟电路模型,其结果与软件CST的结果趋势基本吻合。  相似文献   

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