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吴君钦  邬亮 《电视技术》2016,40(3):17-21
针对小波阈值图像去噪会引入量化噪声和阈值选取不当会损失图像本身有用信息的问题,提出一种新的融合小波变换与低秩矩阵恢复(Low Rank Matrtix Recovery,LRMR)的图像去噪算法.不同于传统的单一阈值的去噪算法,所提出的算法在单一阈值上结合了低秩矩阵恢复算法,这样不仅能进一步消除噪声,同时还能修复被噪声损坏的数据,而且更能适应各种不同的噪声环境.首先,选取固定阈值对图像矩阵进行小波去噪处理.其次,采用增广拉格朗日乘子算法最小化矩阵核范数.最后,将矩阵分解为低秩逼近矩阵和稀疏误差矩阵.实验结果表明,算法获得了较高的峰值信噪比,在不同噪声环境下有较高的鲁棒性.  相似文献   

高宇轩  孙华燕  张廷华 《激光与红外》2018,48(10):1307-1313
针对基于全变分压缩成像算法重构的图像存在虚假边界以及边缘信息对比度低的问题,提出了一种基于全变分成像模型的增广拉格朗日双边全变分压缩成像重构算法。在全变分正则化思想基础上引入双边滤波技术,并加入拉格朗日函数算子,将目标函数转化为增广拉格朗日函数,利用交替方向法求解函数模型的最优解。迭代过程中选用最速下降法对梯度进行求解,对算法进行优化,提高算法运行速度。实验结果表明,算法改进后可以更加精确的重构出原始图像,重构图像的峰值信噪比提高2 dB,重构错误率降低10%,结构相似度提高0.1,并且对噪声具有较好的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

冯伟  陈健 《通信技术》2008,41(5):145-148
文中针对现有去噪算法存在的问题,提出了一种基于双正交小波和边缘加权的新的图像去噪算法.该算法对图像进行基于图像移位相关性的自适应二叉分解,研究了白高斯噪声在双正交小波分解下的功率谱,并结合图像的边缘信息,对不同区域的去噪阈值以不同权重加权.实验结果表明,文中算法去噪所得图像的MSE优于小波变换全局阈值去噪,视觉效果明显优于维纳滤波去噪.  相似文献   

李亚峰 《电子学报》2015,43(9):1841-1849
针对图像具有不同特征的成分,提出一种基于图像分解的多区域图像分割模型和算法.首先将图像分解项引入到图像分割模型中,递减了纹理和噪声对分割的影响;其次使用稀疏正则化方法保持分割区域的边缘几何结构;最后基于增广Lagrange乘子法,给出一种由扩散流引导的小波迭代阈值图像分割算法.一系列实验结果表明,提出的方法抗干扰能力强,对噪声具有更好的鲁棒性.提出的方法不仅能够分割结构图像,并且能够分割较复杂的纹理图像.  相似文献   

针对现有中值滤波算法对于高密度噪声图像以及纹理细腻图像的边缘处理能力欠佳的缺陷,提出一种基于噪声检测的自适应中值滤波算法.新算法根据噪声点与周围信息的关联程度将噪声点滤波值进行调整,从而更好的处理图像的细节部份.新算法中的自适应策略加强了滤波算法的去噪性能,使其对于含有任意噪声密度的图像也能很好的进行噪声滤除.通过仿真分析,新算法对于细节丰富的图像以及高密度噪声的图像滤波效果良好,有效的提高图像的峰值信噪比,其去噪效果相比其他方法更加优秀.  相似文献   

针对实木地板的图像获取过程中,所产生的噪声问题,引入了K-SVD字典的学习算法,提出了一种图像的有用信息稀疏分解去噪的方法,目的是有效的保留实木地板的有用纹理信息,并抑制其中掺杂的噪声。通过对图像稀疏分解后得到的值,来进行图像重构,就可以达到图像的去噪目的。首先,构造一个初始化的DCT字典,对图像分块处理;接着,在这个初始化字典的基础之上,进行纹理信息的稀疏分解,同时,对它们之间的残差值进行奇异值分解,更新字典;最后,利用得出的最优化字典,采用正交匹配重构算法,完成去噪图像的重建。实验表明,该算法得出的图像主观效果好,减少了去噪后的模糊程度及保留更多细节信息,在不同程度的噪声下,PSNR较高。  相似文献   

去噪是图像处理中的一个重要技术,一般的去噪算法会造成图像边缘信息被平滑,为了有效地抑制噪声而同时又保护好边缘信息,在多小波变换的基础上,提出了一种新的去噪算法,它结合了多小波变化和各向异性扩散(P-M扩散)两者的优点,利用多小波变换把纹理图像分解为高频子带和低频子带,然后根据子带图的特点分别采用不同的各向异性扩散方法,实验结果表明,该算法去噪效果好,改善了图像的峰值信噪比(PSNR)和最小均方误差(MSE),同时更好地保留了图像的纹理和细节.  相似文献   

沈荻帆  张育  任佳 《信号处理》2020,36(3):463-470
为抑制合成孔径雷达(SAR)图像成像过程中形成的相干斑噪声,提出了一种基于低秩分解和改进的非局部平均的SAR图像相干斑去噪方法。首先将SAR图像进行对数处理,将乘性噪声转换为加性噪声;然后利用低秩稀疏分解将对数图像分解成低秩图像部分和稀疏图像部分;接着对含噪严重的稀疏图像部分分析其结构张量,生成非局部平均滤波所需的衰减因子,进行改进的非局部平均滤波去噪;最后再做图像合成,经指数变换得到去噪后的SAR图像。实验结果表明,该方法经视觉评价、边缘保持指数(EPI)和等效视数(ENL)等方面评测,具有较好的抑制噪声和保持边缘及纹理细节的能力。   相似文献   

数字图像边缘检测是图像分割、识别等图像分析和理解领域中的重要基础。针对图像边缘检测中噪声抑制与细节保留之间的矛盾,提出了一种基于小波变换和数学形态学改进的含噪图像边缘检测算法。该算法对含噪图像分别采取小波变换法和数学形态学法进行边缘提取,将所得图像进行小波分解,对高低频系数分别采取不同融合规则进行融合,通过逆小波变换得到融合图像。通过实验对比不同算法对含噪图像的边缘检测效果图,结果表明,该算法提取的图像边缘轮廓信息连续完整,在较大程度上能够抑制噪声,较好地保留了图像的细节信息。  相似文献   

针对传统图像去噪中会破坏边缘纹理特征的现实问题,提出了一种基于梯度增强扩散的线形纹理图像的去噪算法。算法主要针对含有线形结构的纹理图像,在基于偏微分扩散方程的去噪过程中引入了结构分析,并根据局部梯度变化,重新定义了扩散系数,能在有效增强边缘特征的同时去除图像中的小尺度噪声。仿真实验表明,与传统的高斯平滑去噪算法相比,在实现对线形纹理图像去噪的同时,能较大程度保留图像的线形纹理信息,具有一定的应用价值。  相似文献   

This paper presents an efficient image denoising method that adaptively combines the features of wavelets, wave atoms and curvelets. Wavelet shrinkage is used to denoise the smooth regions in the image while wave atoms are employed to denoise the textures, and the edges will take advantage of curvelet denoising. The received noisy image is firstly decomposed into a homogenous (smooth/cartoon) part and a textural part. The cartoon part of the noisy image is denoised using wavelet transform, and the texture part of the noisy image is denoised using wave atoms. The two denoised images are then fused adaptively. For adaptive fusion, different weights are chosen from the variance map of the denoised texture image. Further improvement in denoising results is achieved by denoising the edges through curvelet transform. The information about edge location is gathered from the variance map of denoised cartoon image. The denoised image results in perfect presentation of the smooth regions and efficient preservation of textures and edges in the image.  相似文献   

The mathematical characterization of the texture component plays an instrumental role in image decomposition. In this paper, we are concerned with a low-rank texture prior based cartoon–texture image decomposition model, which utilizes a total variation norm and a global nuclear norm to characterize the cartoon and texture components, respectively. It is promising that our decomposition model is not only extremely simple, but also works perfectly for globally well-patterned images in the sense that the model can recover cleaner texture (or details) than the other novel models. Moreover, such a model can be easily reformulated as a separable convex optimization problem, thereby enjoying a splitting nature so that we can employ a partially parallel splitting method (PPSM) to solve it efficiently. A series of numerical experiments on image restoration demonstrate that PPSM can recover slightly higher quality images than some existing algorithms in terms of taking less iterations or computing time in many cases.  相似文献   

基于边缘恢复和伪像消除的正则化图像复原   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
由于各种原因复原图像不可避免地会存在一定程度的Gibbs效应、颗粒噪声及边缘振铃等伪像, 为此该文基于边缘恢复和消除伪像提出一种新的正则化图像复原方法。该方法在保留传统的平滑正则化约束项前提下, 首先将降质图像划分为边缘区、纹理区和平坦区, 然后以图像复原后边缘区局部方差的增加量构建正则化约束项作为对边缘恢复的约束, 而以平坦区局部方差的减少量构建正则化约束项作为对伪像消除的约束。实验结果表明, 在增加上述两个正则化约束项后其复原效果要明显优于传统的正则化复原方法。  相似文献   

In this paper, we address the image restoration case that includes both blurring and impulse noise. To recover an image with abundant features, we propose an L0 regularized cartoon-texture model for the simultaneous deblurring and impulse noise removal problem. We propose an L0 regularized framelet-based sparse representation and L0 regularized discrete cosine transform (DCT)-based sparse approximation to model the cartoon and texture of images, respectively. Unlike other cartoon-texture decomposition based-restoration approaches, our method does not depend on local features but globally controls the important non-zero components of the cartoon and texture in the framelet and DCT domain. Furthermore, we develop an alternating half-quadratic splitting method to solve the proposed L0 regularized cartoon-texture deblurring and impulse noise removal model (L0_RCTDINR) by introducing an alternating algorithm into the half-quadratic method. Experiments show the effectiveness of L0_RCTDINR on deblurring and impulse noise removal compared with existing state-of-the-art methods.  相似文献   

孟浩  李博  杨耀森 《激光与红外》2020,50(3):374-379
红外图像在成像过程中,由于成像系统本身的因素以及电子噪声、热噪声等,会造成图像质量下降,对红外目标信息的识别造成影响。针对以上问题,本文提出了一种基于刃边法的图像信息复原方案。首先建立红外系统的复原模型,采用刃边法来计算系统的复原参数;接着使用Prewitt锐化算子检测刃边,再利用三次样条插值以及Savitzky-Golay滤波优化边缘扩散函数,得到系统的点扩散函数;最后采用维纳与盲卷积复原算法对红外图像进行处理,比较两种方法的热噪声特性,并通过边缘锐度与标准差来量化复原效果。实验结果表明:维纳滤波相比于盲卷积在复原效果上的提升更为明显,约为1倍,且热燥声改善也优于盲卷积,复原方案切实可行。  相似文献   

The purpose of image retargeting is to automatically adapt a given image to fit the size of various displays without introducing severe visual distortions. The seam carving method can effectively achieve this task and it needs to define image importance to detect the salient context of images. In this paper we present a new image importance map and a new seam criterion for image retargeting. We first decompose an image into a cartoon and a texture part. The higher order statistics (HOS) on the cartoon part provide reliable salient edges. We construct a salient object window and a distance dependent weight to modify the HOS. The weighted HOS effectively protects salient objects from distortion by seam carving. We also propose a new seam criterion which tends to spread seam uniformly in nonsallient regions and helps to preserve large scale geometric structures. We call our method salient edge and region aware image retargeting (SERAR). We evaluate our method visually, and compare the results with related methods. Our method performs well in retargeting images with cluttered backgrounds and in preserving large scale structures.  相似文献   

Multi-focus image fusion is an effective method of information fusion that can take a series of source images and obtain a fused image where everything is in focus. In this paper, a multi-focus image fusion method based on image texture that adopts a modified Pulse-Coupled Neural Network (PCNN) approach is proposed. First, the texture of an image is obtained by means of image cartoon and texture decomposition. An ignition image is then acquired by inputting the image textures into a modified PCNN. Ignition images are compared to each other to obtain an initial decision map. A small object detection and bilateral filter is then applied to the initial decision map to reduce noise and enable smoother processing. Finally, the source images and decision map are used to produce the fused image. Experimental results demonstrate that the proposed method effectively preserves the source images information while delivering good image fusion performance.  相似文献   

A new operator for restoring digital images corrupted by impulse noise is presented. The proposed operator is a hybrid filter obtained by appropriately combining a median filter, an edge detector, and a neuro-fuzzy network. The internal parameters of the neuro-fuzzy network are adaptively optimized by training. The training is easily accomplished by using simple artificial images that can be generated in a computer. The most distinctive feature of the proposed operator over most other operators is that it offers excellent line, edge, detail, and texture preservation performance while, at the same time, effectively removing noise from the input image. Extensive simulation experiments show that the proposed operator may be used for efficient restoration of digital images corrupted by impulse noise without distorting the useful information in the image.  相似文献   

A framework and an algorithm are presented in order to remove stationary noise from images. This algorithm is called variational stationary noise remover. It can be interpreted both as a restoration method in a Bayesian framework and as a cartoon+texture decomposition method. In numerous denoising applications, the white noise assumption fails. For example, structured patterns such as stripes appear in the images. The model described here addresses these cases. Applications are presented with images acquired using different modalities: scanning electron microscope, FIB-nanotomography, and an emerging fluorescence microscopy technique called selective plane illumination microscopy.  相似文献   

针对传统的图像非真实感渲染制作受场所、设备的限制以及依赖人工绘制的周期长、效率低的不足,研究了彩色图像的非真实感渲染方法.提出了一种基于边缘融合的彩色图像非真实感渲染方法.根据非真实感图像的特殊性质,在进行渲染时必须考虑边缘和颜色两个重要因素.方法首先将RGB彩色图像转换为Lab彩色图像,并对L通道进行梯度滤波,获取边缘梯度图.然后对L通道进行灰度量化,并合并量化后的L、a、b三个通道,将其转换为RGB图像,最后将边缘梯度图和量化后的RGB图像融合,得到非真实感渲染后的图像.实验结果表明,与前人提出的基于扫描线的非真实感渲染算法相比,方法能克服扫描出现的颜色突兀跳变与虚假条纹,有一定的实用意义.  相似文献   

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