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本文从有线数字电视的标准、优点,我国发展有线数字电视的政策,发展有线数字电视急需解决的问题,有线数字电视内容的建设,有线数字电视的有条件接收,有线数字电视在我国的发展情况等方面,详细地介绍了有线数字电视的应用与发展。  相似文献   

中国数字电视发展现状研究 中国数字电视主要由有线数字电视、地面数字电视、卫星数字电视、IPTV网络电视四类通道构成,由于国内目前是有线数字电视为主体的发展方向,所以在有线数字电视正处于高速发展之中,中国数字电视的高速发展主要依靠有线数字通道拉动.  相似文献   

随着我国有线数字电视的不断深入发展,数字电视技术维护也自然成为有线数字电视技术工人的必须技能之一.笔者结合实践经验,总结出有线数字电视技术维护中出现频率比较高的问题,并给出了解决策略,以保证有线数字电视信号安全传输.  相似文献   

近年来,随着社会经济和科学技术的迅猛发展,有线数字电视由于其自身所具备的众多优势而逐渐发展成为一种大众传媒的重要方式,并日益在传媒行业得到了迅速发展和广泛普及。本文首先概述了有线数字电视的定义及其发展优势,然后对有线数字电视的应用进行了深入分析,最后展望有线数字电视的发展前景,希望能够有效推动有线数字电视技术的进一步发展壮大。  相似文献   

建设南平市有线数字电视平台的构想   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本根据国内外有线数字电视的发展情况及国家、省有线数字电视发展有关政策,对有关有线数字电视的“整体平移”时间表、有线数字电视的标准及规范,以及相关的技术进行了介绍。同时,根据南平市广播电视发展水平,对南平市的市级有线数字电视平台的建设提出构想.对平台包括的南平市有线数字电视前端系统、网络系统、用户终端三大部分进行了具体介绍,并提出了对南平市的县级有线数字电视平台建设的设想。  相似文献   

本文从县级有线数字电视的提出与工作准备入手,分析了一个县级广电发展有线数字电视过程中存在的问题,面临困难时能及时调整思路,抓住时代机遇,成功实施转型,进一步促进了有线数字电视的发展,同时,对"十二五"有线数字电视发展思路、如何发展进行了深入细致地探讨.  相似文献   

综述2010年,有线数字电视、IPTV、地面数字电视、卫星数字电视虽然呈现多元化发展态势,但各个领域的发展并不均衡。其中,有线数字电视独领风骚,仍保持快速发展状态,有线数字化无论在规模及纵深上都取得了较好的成绩,用户规模净增长约2300万户,  相似文献   

2007年中国有线数字电视用户市场得到全面启动和快速发展,用户已经达到约2 600万户,随着2008年奥运的召开,会极大促进数字电视媒体的发展,预计有线数字电视用户翻倍.2008-2010年将是有线数字电视长足发展的几年.  相似文献   

我国在信息化产业领域处于世界领先地位,同时基于有线数字电视行业的快速发展也促使各行各业的互相融合,在“互联网+”时代背景下有线数字电视技术发展日新月异,相关人员应充分重视有线数字电视未来的信息传播渠道,提升有线数字电视前端机房设备管理效能。本文结合作者的相关思考提出有线数字电视前端机房设备维护发展趋势,旨在为我国的通信传输覆盖以及行业融合提供更多的思考角度。  相似文献   

总局批准武汉、长沙等8个城市为第二批有线数字电视试点城市为加快推动建立有线数字电视技术新体系,根据中宣部部务会精神和总局党组会议通过的《全国有线数字广播影视业务发展总体方案》要求,按照网络发展年的总体部署,充分考虑当前各地有线数字电视工作进展情况,9月初,总局批准武汉、长沙、衡阳、太原、兰州、合肥、石家庄和绵阳8个城市作为第二批有线数字电视试点城市。试点工作的主要任务包括建立有线数字电视示范网,建设符合广播电视标准和有关技术规范、管理规定的有线数字电视服务平台,开展有线数字电视接入服务,按照《我国有线电视…  相似文献   

Delivering interactive services via a digital TV infrastructure   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article discusses an architecture for interactive service delivery to the home via the digital television (DTV) infrastructure in systems with and without return channels. This approach relies on a broadcast computing model adapted to suit the DTV environment. The model works even with low-cost user terminals, such as the basic DTV set-top boxes with limited computational and graphics capability and no local disk storage  相似文献   

分析认为,中国现行的数字电视发展战略实质上是城市数字有线电视优先战略.尽管国家广电部门对发展农村数字电视作出了很大努力,但当前的实际情况不尽如人意.分析了农村数字电视发展缓慢的问题实质,提出一种创新的发展思路,即推动以地面数字电视为主体的有偿公益运营模式,以加速农村的数字电视发展.  相似文献   

王尧  刘勋  张文军 《电视技术》2003,(5):55-56,73
图形显示模型设计是数字电视中间件系统开发中的关键。提出了一种基于Java技术的数字电视图形显示模型方案,介绍了该模型的框架结构以及实现该模型所需的类库轻量化改造、类库重新配置、本地窗口系统适配、多媒体图形库等关键技术。实验证明了设计的可行性。  相似文献   

We investigated whether watching two-dimensional television (2DTV) or three-dimensional television (3DTV) resulted in differences in the brain’s processing of sensory information. We divided 25 participants into 2DTV (n = 13) and 3DTV (n = 12) groups. Participants watched 2DTV or 3DTV for 1, 2, or 3 h on different days. Before and at the end of each session, electroencephalography (EEG) was recorded for 10 min. The Simulation Sickness Questionnaire (SSQ) and the Visual Analog Scale (VAS) were used to assess general discomfort before and after watching. Each frequency band of the resting EEG was transformed into a standardized low-resolution electromagnetic tomographic (sLORETA) image. In the 2DTV group, 2 h of watching increased theta power in the central cortex and 3 h of watching increased beta power in the occipital cortex. In the 3DTV group, 3 h of watching increased delta power in the parahippocampal gyrus and middle frontal cortex. Theta power was significantly higher in the insular cortex after 3 h of 3DTV than after 3 h of 2DTV. SSQ scores were significantly higher after 1 h of 2DTV than after 1 h of 3DTV. Watching 2DTV vs. 3DTV triggered different time-dependent activity patterns. Watching 3DTV for 3 h increased slow-wave activity in the prefrontal cortex, while watching 2DTV increased fast-wave activity in the occipitoparietal cortex. Up to 2 h of 3DTV watching did not cause major changes in fatigue or EEG activity compared with 2DTV. Our findings promise to be useful in designing safety guidelines for watching 3DTV.  相似文献   

We introduce a high‐definition three‐dimensional television (3DTV) broadcasting system that is fully compatible with the existing transmission system of high‐definition television (HDTV). Specifically, we developed high‐definition 3DTV broadcasting subsystems including a 3DTV camera, 3DTV video multiplexer and demultiplexer, 3DTV receiver, and 3DTV outdoor broadcast van. To verify the developed subsystems, we performed experimental services of 3DTV broadcasting during the 2002 FIFA World Cup Korea/Japan.. According to our subjective evaluation test, 88% of 273 viewers rated the perceived depth of 3DTV as “Good,” and 36% of the viewers preferred 3DTV to other digital broadcasting services.  相似文献   

介绍了有线电视正在兴起的数字电视业务,阐述了数字电视的主要优点及数字电视的调制方式,以及数字有线电视的有条件接收和数字机顶盒,并简述了六盘水数字有线电视传输方案和发展数字电视的意义。  相似文献   

The FCC DTV spectral emission mask is analyzed with an NTSC subjective noise weighting function to determine the desired NTSC to undesired adjacent channel DTV signal ratio at the threshold of visibility of interference. Factors which alter the NTSC/DTV adjacent channel signal ratio at various receiving locations within the NTSC service are examined: (1) the azimuth patterns of the NTSC and DTV broadcast antennas; (2) the elevation patterns of the NTSC and DTV broadcast antennas; and (3) the centers of radiation of the NTSC and DTV broadcast antennas. These factors together with the NTSC/DTV authorized power ratio may make the DTV spillover spectrum exceed acceptable picture (and sound) interference levels even though compliance with the FCC DTV spectral emission mask is met. Spectral shaping solutions are examined by use of the NTSC subjective noise weighting  相似文献   

With the development of display technology, the healthy problems caused by watching 2D/3DTV have received more and more attention. This paper utilized resting-state functional magnetic resonance imaging to study the changes of small-world brain network before and after one-hour 2D/3DTV watching, and explored the brain fatigue mechanism caused by watching 2D/3DTV. We conclude that one-hour watching of 2DTV will not increase the burden of brain. On the contrary, one-hour watching of 3DTV requires the brain to regulate the efficiency of brain areas, such as temporal lobe and occipital lobe, which may explain the fact that watching 3DTV can easier cause brain fatigue than watching 2DTV.  相似文献   

提出了有线网络开展3DTV直播、点播、节目注入和有线网络传输、机顶盒解码显示等系列技术方案,介绍了3D影像的技术路标,给出了有线网络开展3DTV技术方案,包括3D电视直播、点播平台以及3DTV传输格式与信道编码.对设计方案进行了应用验证,同时对开展3DTV的商用性进行了分析.  相似文献   

在介绍数字电视基本概念的基础上,分析了数字电视的特点和现状及模拟电视到数字电视的过渡,最后介绍了数字电视的标准及其发展前景。  相似文献   

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