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为了改善超宽带滤波器存在插入损耗较大,带外抑制特性较差等问题。采用中心加载折叠枝节多模谐振器结构,设计了一种新型超宽带滤波器。改变该滤波器多模谐振器的参数,可调节谐振器的谐振频率。该滤波器整体性能良好,具有结构紧凑,尺寸小,插入损耗小及带外抑制特性好等优点。仿真结果表明,该滤波器的中心频率为6.85GHz,通带为310.7GHz,实现相对带宽112%。实物测试结果与仿真结果基本一致。  相似文献   

本文提出了一种具有新型枝节加载谐振结构的超宽带滤波器,具有良好的超宽带特性,其3dB带宽为2.65GHz-10.95GHz,并且通带内3.18GHz-10.46GHz的范围内S11>20dB。通过仿真的结果可以表明使用本文采用的枝节加载形式,可以实现滤波器良好的的选择性以及阻带特性。  相似文献   

提出了一种新型平面三频带通滤波器,该滤波器由一个加载短路枝节的阶梯阻抗谐振器,一对加载开路枝节的背靠背E型谐振器,以及包含源负载直接耦合的馈电结构组成.所采用的枝节加载谐振器的多模工作特性使滤波器的体积大大减小,同时每个通带的位置及其耦合特性都能够独立调谐.另外,通过源负载直接耦合引入通带两侧的传输零点,实现了滤波器良好的频率选择性.最后设计并加工了一款高选择性小型化三频带通滤波器,其三个通带的中心频率分别为2.0GHz,3.95GHz和6.35GHz,插入损耗均小于2.5dB,带内回波损耗均优于14dB,实验结果与仿真结果吻合良好.  相似文献   

一种基于多模谐振器的超宽带带通滤波器设计   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
基于多模谐振器(MMR)理论,采用微带线-槽线混合结构,通过增加输入、输出之间耦合提高频率选择性,设计了一种结构紧凑体积小,频率选择性高的超宽带带通滤波器。利用电磁仿真软件HFSS对设计结果进行了仿真。仿真结果表明:该滤波器通带覆盖了3.5~10.4 GHz之间的频段,并具有较好的带内带外性能。对该滤波器进行了实物加工和测试,实测结果与理论分析和仿真结果吻合良好,该滤波器拥有较好的性能,可应用于超宽带无线通信系统。  相似文献   

该文提出了一种新型的非对称枝节加载环形谐振器,并研究了该谐振器的性质。基于提出的谐振器设计了一款双频带通滤波器,并进行了测试。测试结果表明:滤波器的两个通带的中心频率分别为2.38 GHz和5.19 GHz,带宽分别约为140 MHz和90 MHz,带内插损分别小于1.7 dB和2.2 dB,回波损耗分别大于15 dB和12 dB。4个传输零点按频率由低到高分别为1.78 GHz,3.34 GHz,4.98 GHz和5.96 GHz,这些零点极大地提高了滤波器的选择性。  相似文献   

基于新型的加载非对称开路枝节的阶梯阻抗谐振器,设计了一种具有高频率选择性的单频微带滤波器.该滤波器采用非对称的开路枝节作为容性负载,抑制高次杂散频率,具有较宽的上阻带,中心频率(2.4 GHz)处的插入损耗为0.6 dB.与传统结构相比,该滤波器在相同的谐振频率下尺寸减小了45%.调整新型阶梯阻抗谐振器的尺寸,还能实现中心频率为3.5 GHz单频和2.4 GHz/3.5 GHz双频带通滤波器.  相似文献   

黄操 《电子技术》2013,40(2):36-38,25
文章基于短路枝节模型设计了一个通带范围为3.1~10.6 GHz的超宽带滤波器.滤波器两侧的半波长传输线中集成低通单元以改善上阻带特性,其余的半波长传输线用蜿蜒线替代以减小纵向尺寸,缓解了传统短路枝节超宽带滤波器寄生通带过近和纵向尺寸偏大的问题.通过替代单元与半波长传输线在通带内特性等效,设计过程大大简化.滤波器的实测结果与仿真结果一致,在22.8GHz范围内上阻带抑制优于20dB.  相似文献   

许滔  朱鹉  丁海军 《现代雷达》2013,35(5):56-58
采用两个新型四阶阶梯阻抗谐振器设计出一种新型超宽带带通滤波器,四个1/4波长的耦合线被平行放置于输入输出端,起到增加耦合强度的作用,三个谐振频率被调整在超宽带带宽(3.1 GHz~10.6 GHz)内。通过优化后,该滤波器在通带内具有五个传输极点,频带宽度在3.6 GHz~10.5 GHz,通带内回波损耗优于15 dB,最小插入损耗为0.6 dB,满足超宽带的传输要求。仿真结果显示,文中设计的滤波器具有小型化、低插入损耗和较好的带外特性等优点。  相似文献   

从经典的多模谐振器出发,针对其插入损耗过大和阻带抑制较低的问题,提出了基于多模谐振器的超宽带带通滤波器新结构。通过奇偶模分析方法对其谐振特性和耦合特性进行了系统分析,利用ADS粗略仿真验证新结构的可行性,最后通过HFSS进行参数优化,设计了一个中心频率6.5 GHz、相对带宽约为120%的超宽带带通滤波器,该滤波器整体性能良好,带外衰减十分陡峭,在11.5 GHz处达到45.5 d B,阻带宽度很宽,且具有插入损耗小、结构紧凑和尺寸小等优点。  相似文献   

In this article, an ultra wideband bandpass filter using the dumbbell-etched stepped impedance resonator (SIR) is presented. The filter consists of a dumbbell-etched SIR with an impedance ratio K?>?1 and the enhanced coupled input/output lines. The SIR is folded into a dumbbell shape to achieve a smaller circuit size than the filter with conventional SIR. The bandwidth can be analysed using the image-parameter method to obtain the proper dimension of the coupled lines and verified using electromagnetic simulation. The measured 3?dB fractional bandwidth of 110% and insertion loss |S 21| less than 3?dB over the entire passband are achieved.  相似文献   

文中提出了一种新型的小型化微带带通滤波器设计方案.方案所提微带带通滤波器的基本结构是折叠多模谐振器,该谐振器不仅具有谐振元件的特性,还能作为开路短截线.新型微带带通滤波器能够实现宽频带的通带响应,并在通带内具有较低的插入损耗和良好的阻带匹配特性,且在通带外额外产生了一对传输零点.本文给出了滤波器的等效电路分析和初步设计方案.该滤波器的最大优点在于进一步减小了滤波器尺寸,同时改善了滤波器的衰减极点,其中心频率为5.2 GHz.  相似文献   

Resonant performances of the hexagonal resonators are analysed, and new tri-mode tri-band bandpass filter which operates at 2.5/2.8, 5.2/5.5 and 7.9/8.5 GHz with insertion loss of no more than 1.3 dB is presented by using a single fractal hexagonal resonator. It shows with fractal-shaped defection in hexagonal patch, filter performance is greatly improved and dual and tri-band bandpass filters can be implemented. The tri-band designs are demonstrated by experiment. The new hexagonal filter has outstanding advantages of multiple-band operation, miniature size, simple and compact structure without resonator coupling gaps. All these features are quite useful for applications in RF circuits.  相似文献   

提出了一种基于多模环形谐振器实现的平衡式带通滤波器, 其主要由加载了电阻和短路枝节的环形谐振器和两对平衡端口构成.所提出的滤波器能够以单个谐振器获得差模的双模响应, 并且具有结构简单, 共模抑制高, 带宽可进行有限控制(4% ~ 9%)的优点.为验证理论预期的可实现性, 在RO4003C基板上设计了一个工作在1.87 GHz的平衡式带通滤波器.实验结果表明该滤波器的20-dB阻抗匹配带宽为8.9%, 中心频率处的插入损耗为0.86 dB, 在1 ~ 3 GHz频率范围内的共模抑制大于30 dB.  相似文献   

A new compact ultra wideband (UWB) bandpass filter (BPF) using modified multi-mode resonator (MMR) is presented. The filter consists of a multi-mode resonator with dual spur-lines for providing the dual notch bands at 5.2 and 5.8 GHz and connected with a stepped impedance structure for controlling the transmission zeros at lower and higher passband edge. The interdigital coupling input/output (I/O) lines are used for coupling enhancement. The |S21|-magnitude and the frequencies of notch bands can be well determined by tuning the dimensions of the dual spur-lines. The designed procedures are discussed and good agreement between the measurement and EM simulation are compared.  相似文献   

A novel compact dual-band bandpass filter based on mixed coupling of the hybrid quasi-lumped resonator is proposed. The filter is composed of two independent signal paths, each can generate one passband with two identical hybrid quasi-lumped resonators. The proposal combines the mixed electric and magnetic coupling technology with this novel resonator in the filter design. Analysis of the filter has been done with the equivalent circuit method. To validate the approach, a dual-band bandpass filter operating at 2.4/5.2 GHz has been fabricated. Both passbands were realised with mixed coupling. An additional transmission zero is generated at either passband. Final fabricated filter has good band skirt, low insertion loss and good out-of-band performance. Reasonable agreement is found between the calculated, simulated and measured results. The implementation area is 0.21λg × 0.12λg.  相似文献   

A configuration of wideband bandpass filter (BPF) with multiple notched bands is presented. Proposed BPF is based on stepped-impedance resonator. By utilising dual stepped-impedance resonators in folded topology a rectangular-ring resonator is formed. Two notched bands in the passband are achieved without using asymmetrical coupled lines. In other words, the filter configuration is capable of producing notched bands. It should be noted that additional information on filter performance and design is presented. Measurement results are presented to approve propounded filter characteristics. The measured passband of the second proposed filter is from 3.68 to 10.2 GHz with insertion loss of –1.76 dB in the first passband at the centre frequency of 4.45 GHz. The measured notched band frequencies are about 5.45 and 7.95 GHz with rejection of –21.77 and –20.82 dB, respectively. The return loss in the passband is better than –11.4 dB.  相似文献   

A miniaturized microstrip bandpass filter based on a rectangular dual spiral resonator (DSR) is proposed in this paper. The rectangular DSR bandpass filter is centered at 3.65 GHz to suit for Wireless LAN (IEEE802.11y) application. The proposed filter offers transmission zero at the high side of out-of-band response. Across the bandwidth, the measured minimum insertion loss is about 1.7 dB, while the measured return loss is better than 19 dB. Measurement results are good agreement and closed to the simulated ones. The total circuit size of the miniaturized bandpass filter is about 0.145λg by 0.135λg, where λg is the guided wavelength at 3.65 GHz.  相似文献   

金海陆  李良荣  李奇  黄绳雄  张旭 《电子设计工程》2012,20(16):152-154,157
利用阶跃阻抗谐振器(SIR)结构设计波导带通滤波器。该方法减小体积,又可以将杂散谐振频率向高端推移,从而增加阻带宽度,使得结构的设计获得很大的自由。最后,利用电磁场仿真软件对结构尺寸进行优化仿真,并实际制作一个中心频率为780 MHz(通带差损小于0.7 dB)的SIR带通滤波器。实测结果和仿真结果吻合良好,达到预计指标参数。该滤波器具有体积小,结构简单易于加工等优点。  相似文献   

Bandpass filter (BPF) and diplexer, which are required to be compact size and high performance, are widely used in modern wireless communication systems. In this article, novel BPF and diplexer are designed using the proposed resonator called spiral compact microstrip resonator cell (SCMRC)-loaded stepped-impedance resonator (SIR). The SCMRC-loaded SIR is proposed using the slow-wave structure SCMRC to replace the low-impedance section of the conventional SIR. Compared with the conventional SIR, the new SCMRC-loaded SIR has a compacter size and can generate a transmission zero above its fundamental resonant frequency. As examples, a BPF with the central frequency at f 0?=?1?GHz and a diplexer operating at 0.9/1.57?GHz are designed and fabricated. The fabricated BPF occupies a compact size of 0.07 λ 0?×?0.035 λ 0 and has a??60?dB rejection level wide stopband from 1.2 f 0 to 3.8 f 0. The fabricated diplexer occupies a compact size of 0.076 λ 0?×?0.128 λ 0 and has an up to??50?dB output isolation. Good agreement can be observed between the simulations and the measurements.  相似文献   

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