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针对高链路分组丢失率下HLAR (hash lookup assisted retransmission)等重传方法存在的编码率低、算法性能下降等缺陷,提出了一种改进的基于机会网络编码的广播重传方法.该方法根据接收节点反馈的丢失分组情况,不仅能够通过散列查找快速选择丢失分组组合进行编码重传,并优先重传能让最多接收节点恢复其丢失分组的单个重传分组,而且基于邻域关联充分挖掘编码机会,允许节点从多个重传分组中恢复丢失分组,从而在保持较低算法复杂度的情况下,有效地提高重传性能.仿真结果表明,相对于已有算法,该方法能有效减少重传次数,提高传输效率.  相似文献   

为了提高无线广播网络中数据传输的效率,该文提出了一种新颖的基于机会式网络编码的重传方法。将机会式网络编码技术应用于丢包的重传,并采用高效的丢包组合策略生成重传包。根据网络终端的丢包情况,首先创建丢包的哈希表,再根据哈希表快速选择满足一定编码条件的丢包以生成重传数据包,从而在提高重传性能的同时,有效地降低了重传方法的复杂度。仿真结果表明该方法相比已有算法能有效地减少重传次数,并提高重传包发送和接收的效率。  相似文献   

在无线广播网链路状态不同和丢包率高的条件下,基于机会网络编码的数据分发策略面临传输效率低和计算复杂度高的问题。针对这一问题,该文提出一种新的基于机会网络编码的加权广播重传(Weighted Opportunistic Network Coding Retransmission, WONCR)方案。该方案通过构建加权数据包分布矩阵(Weighted Packet Distribution Matrix, WPDM),在重传过程中采用新的调度算法进行编码数据包的选取,并将选取的数据包进行XOR编码后再重传。机会仿真结果表明,WONCR方案提高了传输效率,且计算开销较小,实现了无线广播网中高效、可靠的数据分发。  相似文献   

为了提高无线广播网络中数据包的传输效率,提出了一种新的基于二进制网络编码的高效无线广播重传方法(WBRBNC).法基于数据包分布矩阵(PDM),在广播重传过程中使用一种新的数据包算法选取编码包,对这些丢包采用二进制网络编码方法进行编码,然后再进行广播,使一次广播重传可以使多个具有不同丢包的接收机受益.分析和仿真表明,该方法能有效保证接收节点的编码可解性,使重传次数显著减少,更接近于理论值,从而大大提高了传输效率.另外,该方法计算开销小,很适合应用在卫星广播网和无线传感器网等资源受限的系统中.  相似文献   

物理层网络编码机会中继及中断性能分析   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
该文研究了频率非选择性瑞利衰落信道中的物理层网络编码系统容量问题。基于放大转发机制提出了一种基于最大最小互信息准则的机会中继策略。在瑞利衰落信道环境下,从双向通信的角度,通过理论分析得出其中断概率解析式,同时推导了理想物理层网络编码和传统直接传输系统的中断概率解析式。通过理论分析,发现在某些节点发射功率条件下,系统中断概率将完全取决于单向链路。在此基础上完成了数值仿真实验,结果表明所提策略的中断性能与理想物理层网络编码和传统直接传输相比有了显著的提高。  相似文献   

梁文文  田华  徐友云  许魁 《通信技术》2011,(10):38-40,43
采用机会,给出了在译码转发方式下基于网络编码的双向多中继系统平均中断概率表达式,通过Monte Carlo仿真,验证了理论分析的正确性。随后分析了功率分配因子与信噪比和中继节点个数在不同情形下的系统中断性能,指出了功率分配因子与系统总功率和中继节点的内在关系。仿真结果表明,在双向多中继系统中采用网络编码和机会中继时,功率分配因子取值在0.6或0.6附近时能够获得最优的系统中断性能。  相似文献   

物理层网络编码分组的机会中继   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为提升物理层网络编码方案的抗衰落性能,该文提出了一种基于物理层网络编码的机会中继方案(Opportunistic Relaying based-on Physical-layer Network Coding,PNC-OR),该方案利用物理层网络编码的基本思想、有效提升网络吞吐的同时,通过中继节点的分布式选择,也能够使系统获得多用户分集增益,提高了系统的抗衰落性能。针对双向无线中继信道中端到端信息交换的情形,推导了准静态衰落环境下PNC-OR中多个目的节点接收信息的和容量。数值结果显示:和机会中继、传统网络编码两种方案相比,PNC-OR具有更高的频谱效率,并且随着中继节点的增多,频谱效率也越高。  相似文献   

在无线网络中,采用现用机制(ARQ)带宽利用率并不是很高。针对这种情况,提出了一种将网络编码思想融入到重传机制中的方式———NC-ARQ,来提高单跳无线网络(例如WiMAX、WLAN等)的带宽利用率。此外,高误比特率下,在NC-ARQ基础上将网络编码与信道编码结合,即NC-HARQ,可以进一步改善无线网络的带宽利用率。分析了在传统反馈重传机制和信道编码中加入网络编码后,多播网络带宽利用率的增益。理论和仿真都证明了加入网络编码后,反馈重传机制的带宽利用率能得到较大改善。  相似文献   




基于网络编码的无线网络广播重传方法   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
提出了一种适用于无线广播的基于网络编码的重传方法--NCWBR,通过网络编码组合不同的丢失包进行重传.理论分析表明,该方法能保证接收节点的编码可解性,同时重传次数较原方法更优;模拟测试结果表明,与逐个重传的方法相比,NCWBR有效地减少了信息包的平均传输次数,提高了传输效率.  相似文献   

针对采用Epidemic机制的机会网络路由算法在数据分组传送阶段存在通信冗余的问题,提出了一种基于网络编码的高效路由算法--NCBER(network-coding-based epidemic routing)。NCBER在传送数据分组的过程中使用主动异或网络编码和多播,并取消了 Request(请求)控制分组,从而减少数据分组的转发次数和控制分组数量,降低网络开销,缩短分组传输时延。理论分析和仿真结果表明,NCBER 算法在网络开销和数据分组端到端时延性能方面优于经典的Epidemic路由算法及其改进算法MRRMR(message redundancy removal of multi-copy routing),并且使数据传送成功率保持在100%。  相似文献   

为了提高无线网络广播传输的效率,针对单跳无线网络提出了采用编码方法的广播传输算法。在传统的无线广播传输模型的基础上,分别实现了基于机会式网络编码的单组合分组广播传输算法和多组合分组广播传输算法。它们采用不同的策略选择多个丢失分组编码组合成重传分组,并通过从编码组合数据分组中恢复丢失分组的方式来提高广播传输的吞吐量。仿真结果表明,新算法在不同无线信道传输模型下相比已有的算法有效地降低了广播传输所需的传输带宽。  相似文献   

In wireless multicast,network coding has recently attracted attentions as a substantial improvement to packet retransmission schemes.However,the problem of finding the optimal network code which minimizes the retransmissions is hard to solve or approximate.This paper presents two schemes to reduce the number of retransmissions for reliable multicast efficiently.One is retransmission using network coding based on improved Vandermonde matrix(VRNC),the other is retransmission using network coding based on adaptive improved Vandermonde matrix(AVRNC).Using VRNC scheme the sender selects the packets all receivers have lost and encodes them with improved Vandermonde matrix;when receivers receive enough encoded retransmission packets,all the lost packets can be recovered.With AVRNC scheme,the sender can obtain the recovery information from all the receivers after sending out per retransmission packet,and then the improved Vandermonde matrix can be updated,thus reducing the complexity of encoding and decoding.Our proposed schemes can achieve the theoretical lower bound assuming retransmission packets lossless,and approach the theoretical lower bound considering retransmission packets loss.Simulation results show that the proposed algorithms can efficiently reduce the number of retransmissions,thus improving transmission efficiency.  相似文献   

Solving wireless packet retransmission problem (WPRTP) using network coding (NC) is increasingly attracting research efforts. However, existing NC‐based schemes for WPRTP are with high computational complexity resulting from computation on larger Galois field (GF(2q)), or the solutions on GF(2) found by the schemes are less efficient. In this paper, combining the basic ideas in two existing schemes, denoted as ColorNC and CliqueNC, respectively, we present a new scheme named as ColorCliqueNC. The advantages of ColorCliqueNC include the following: (i) it is suitable for all kinds of WPRTP instances; (ii) it works on GF(2); thus, it is computationally efficient than the schemes working on larger Galois fields; and (iii) the solutions found by ColorCliqueNC usually have fewer packet retransmissions than those by ColorNC and CliqueNC despite that they all work on GF(2). Theoretical analysis indicates that ColorCliqueNC is superior to ColorNC and CliqueNC. Simulation results show that ColorCliqueNC generally outperforms ColorNC and CliqueNC. Compared with ColorNC, ColorCliqueNC can save up to 10% packet retransmissions. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Solving wireless packet retransmission problems (WPRTPs) using network coding (NC) approach is increasingly attracting research efforts. However, existing researches are almost all focused on solutions in Galois field GF(2), and consequently, the solutions found by these schemes are usually less optimal. In this paper, we focus on optimal NC‐based scheme for perfect WPRTPs (P‐WPRTPs) where, with respect to each receiver, a packet is either requested by or already known to it. The number of retransmitted packets in optimal NC‐based solutions to P‐WPRTPs is firstly analyzed and proved. Then, random network coding‐based optimal scheme (RNCOPT) is proposed for P‐WRPTPs. RNCOPT is optimal in the sense that it guarantees to obtain a valid solution with minimum number of packet retransmissions. Furthermore, in RNCOPT, each coding vector is generated using a publicly known pseudorandom function with a randomly selected seed. The seed, instead of the coding vector, is used as decoding information to be retransmitted together with the coded packet. Thus, packet overhead of RNCOPT is reduced further. Extensive simulations show that RNCOPT distinctively outperforms some previous typical schemes for P‐WPRTPs in saving the number of retransmitted packets. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The digital video broadcasting‐handheld (DVB‐H) standard is developed by European Telecommunications Standards Institute to broadcast digital videos to handheld devices, but data loss is a critical issue due to the broadcast behavior. On the other hand, DVB‐Internet protocol datacasting (DVB‐IPDC) integrates DVB‐H with an Internet protocol‐based wireless network to provide bidirectional communication. We adopt this wireless network to deal with data retransmission and call it a recovery network. The paper argues that network coding can improve retransmission efficiency of the recovery network because DVB‐H packet loss often exhibits high correlation. In addition, DVB‐H packets may be heterogeneous in the sense that they have different importance. According to these two arguments, the paper considers that DVB‐H packets are associated with different profit depending on their importance and proposes an αmaximum profit network coding problem. It asks the base station in the recovery network to use no more than α coded packets for handheld devices to retrieve the lost DVB‐H packets such that the overall profit is the maximum. An efficient exclusive‐or coding scheme, namely the profit‐based exclusive‐or network coding (PEN) algorithm, is proposed to solve this problem. Extensive simulation results also verify the effectiveness of the PEN algorithm. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

陈静  宋学鹏  刘芳 《通信学报》2014,35(8):21-178
通过理论分析,看出基于反馈的重传方法比定量重传的方法有更低的解码延迟。提出了一种新型的基于反馈的网络编码(FNC)重传机制,利用seen机制中的隐含信息来获取接收方解码所需的重传分组个数,并改变了编码规则使部分分组可以提前解码。该机制不仅可以处理有固定误码率的随机分组丢失,还可以有效地应对大量突发性分组丢失。仿真结果显示,该机制在高误码率下也能保持较高的吞吐量,且极大地减少了解码延迟,传输过程基本不受分组丢失的影响,有效地对拥塞控制协议隐藏了链路错误。算法简单有效,更适于在实际系统中应用。  相似文献   

姚玉坤  冯鑫  甘泽锋  满巧 《电讯技术》2021,61(6):689-696
针对D2D无线网络中多终端并发协作重传过程中平均解码时延较高的问题,提出了一种牺牲节点的协作重传策略.在重传阶段,发送终端在立即可解网络编码(Instantly Decodable Network Coding,IDNC)图上根据接收终端与发送终端的链路质量、终端数据包权重和接收终端的连通度选择出发送终端的最优编码包,...  相似文献   

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