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尚清涛 《世界电信》2002,15(5):31-33
简要介绍了韩国的电信管制机构、电信市场的开放过程以及韩国目前各个业务市场的运营商情况。  相似文献   

电信重组划定了电信市场新的竞争格局,中国电信、中国移动及中国联网都将成为全业务运营商。中国移动在移动网络的绝对强势地位在工业和信息化部非对称管制政策的管制下,面临着来自中国电信和中国联通的挑战;而中国联通也将对中国电信的固网业务和宽带业务发起冲击。他们之间的竞争可从以下几个方面分析:  相似文献   

1997年7月1日,中国政府半恢复对香港行使主权,香港的电信发展前景引人注目。本文回顾香港通信的发展简史,剖析了香港今天的电信管制和业务市场,并勾绘出香港通信的未来前景。  相似文献   

泰国电信业近几年进行了一系列改革,市场也部分开放,并建立了独立的管制机构NTC。但迄今为止,泰国的电信运营商仍然行使部分管制机构的职权。TOT和CAT负责大部分电信网络设备的测试和入网许可,TOT占固定电话领域一半以上的份额,CAT则在国际电信业务方面占垄断地位。泰国移动通信发展迅速,市场竞争相对激烈。目前TOT准备引进3G。  相似文献   

在跟踪研究包括欧洲、美国、加拿大以及日本等主要发达电信市场VoIP监管实践基础上,分析了圆外VoIP管制的先进经验。同时结合我国VoIP管制现状及困绕监管的因素,对我国电信监管部门就VoIP管制提出了策略建议。  相似文献   

电信资费的管制及变革   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
电信资费一直是社会各界普遍关注的热点问题之一,消费者、企业、专家和政府在这一问题上争论很多,意见差距很大.本文对我国电信资费管制的历史进行了分析,借鉴国外的电信资费管制经验,提出应该从整个电信市场发展和市场结构出发来研究电信资费政策,进而提出未来电信资费管制的具体建议.  相似文献   

何霞 《世界电信》2005,18(9):11-13
从管制机构与管制政策两个方面介绍了电信市场管制的基本情况.从非对称管制、资费管制、要求移动运营商提供用户手机号码薄以及对移动信息内容的管制四方面阐述了韩国政府的管制政策.说明了韩国移动市场的发展情况以及韩国近期的购并活动.  相似文献   

高迎春 《通信世界》2003,(25):21-22
我国通信业引入竞争以来,电信服务质量得以提高,电信资费水平随之下降,市场活力日益增强。在市场竞争力度逐渐加大,市场竞争格局基本形成以后,主张依靠市场“这只看不见的手”规范秩序.使政府管制让位于市场调节,代表了一部分人对电信管制的看法。但当我们审视当前电信市场出现的诸多不规范竞争问题时,不得不对政府管制这只“有形之手”强硬起来充满期待,这也是行业内外的共同呼声。笔认为,在电信市场竞争尚处在初始阶段.经营政策法规意识较为淡薄的当下,以强制型管制手段“治乱”应是必然选择。  相似文献   

加强电信管制、实现有效竞争   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张明德 《世界电信》2002,15(8):26-31
由于电信具有规模经济性、外部经济性、标准兼容性和资源有限性等特点,因此电信领域的调控除了市场的作用外,还应有政府的参与。多年来,全球范围的电信改革,总趋势是放松管制;但多数国家的管制机构不但仍然存在,且发挥着积极的作用。管制过度放松产生的重复建设和市场泡沫等弊端,也引起了人们对电信自由化政策的反思。  相似文献   

何霞 《世界电信》2005,18(10):13-15
说明了电信管制的基本情况.从固定通信市场以及移动通信市场两个方面介绍了澳大利亚电信市场的发展情况.阐明了电信资费管制的上限管制、对于潜在弱势群体的保护以及新技术与新兴技术的资费管制情况.叙述了澳大利亚3G的发展与管制情况.  相似文献   

The development of telecommunications in China   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This article reviews the achievements and history of telecommunications development in China, and analyzes the development of the telecommunications services market in China. The analysis is mainly focused on total turnover of telecommunications services, the development of telecommunications services, and competition in the market. Finally, it analyzes issues on policies and regulations for telecommunications, and gives development targets for the future  相似文献   

罗明伟 《中国通信》2008,5(3):25-27
 本文参考国际电信业非对称管制案例和经验,结合我国法律环境和电信市场竞争实际情况,分析了非对称管制对于电信市场竞争和发展的特殊作用,并提出了当前在我国可能采取非对称管制的可行措施。  相似文献   

电信竞争三部曲   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
随着国内电信产业竞争日益加剧,电信运营企业的竞争方式正在潜移默化地发生着并且将要发生本质上的变化。电信市场的竞争方式从价格竞争开端,演变为质量竞争,最终将升级为全新的价值竞争阶段,从而形成了电信竞争的三部曲,本通过对电信市场竞争,用户满意和两种价值链的分析,阐述了电信竞争由价格竞争,质量竞争过渡到价值竞争的内在必然性,同时也对电信运营企业在新形势下成功地开展价值竞争提出了新的思路和建议。  相似文献   

Reference to the international cases and experiences of asymmetric regulation in telecommunications industry,based on China's legal environment and telecommunications competition in the market,give analysis to the role of asymmetric regulation for the development of china telecommunications market,put forward feasible measures to asymmetric regulation in China.  相似文献   

This paper qualitatively and quantitatively examines the effectiveness of regulations currently in place in the Korean mobile telecommunications market by comparing their intended objectives with the actual outcome, particularly with respect to the performance of market participants. The results show that the regulations have generally been effective in lowering the average revenue per user of carriers. However, the managed competition efforts of the government have also resulted in increased revenues for the top two carriers in the market without significantly affecting their general business operations.  相似文献   

Microelectronics has revolutionized the architecture and design concepts of telecommunications products dramatically. Its strength is based on the combination of three different disciplines: technology, design automation and device architecture. The evolution in all these topics will be described and illustrated with several examples of telecommunications applications. At present vlsi circuits are used in three important business segments of the telecommunications market: switching, transmission and end-user systems. The technology requirements for these applications are followed by a brief discussion on reliability requirements and future technology trends.  相似文献   

Tandon  V. 《Spectrum, IEEE》1998,35(10):43-48
On January 1st 1998, by decision of the European Union's 15 member states, all of their telecommunications markets were to have been opened to full competition. In practice, it will take longer in many of the countries, sometimes quite a bit longer. The objective was to create a deregulated and harmonized single market in telecommunications. The former phone monopolies lost most of their exclusive rights and new operators were given the right to compete within a pro-competitive framework. In time, the 15 countries in the European Union (EU) will become a single, unified telecommunications market. By year-end, 13 will be open to competition (Portugal and Greece have received extensions to 1 January 2000 and 1 January 2001, respectively). The new regime will pit existing telecommunications players (such as the former telephone monopolies, cable TV operators, managed network service providers, foreign telecom operators, and major Internet service providers) against new players, including rail and power companies and entrants backed by industrial interests. All are fighting for a share of a European telecommunications market estimated at US $105-$110 billion  相似文献   

在携号转网前期试验阶段,发现部分电信运营商存在因携号转网服务引发的扰乱市场秩序行为,这些行为大大降低了用户体验、影响了行业形象,理应在全国推广过程中加以重视并积极规制。梳理了推广过程中可能出现的几类扰乱市场秩序行为,根据不同类型的行为提出了针对性处置建议。  相似文献   

Previous years have brought interesting developments in the field of telecommunications all over the world. Countries in transition have experienced it in their own way. Croatia is an interesting example of such a country. After gaining independence in 1991 and setting course toward the open market economy, the development of telecommunications was particularly fast. Related legislative changes as well as changes in the ownership structure of Croatian telecom will surely have a significant impact on the future development of telecommunications in Croatia, which will be based on our own experiences as well as the experiences of other countries in transition and developed countries. The planning methodology will include the techno-economic evaluation of minimum-risk introductory routes for new services as defined within the European Union projects. An overview of the development of Croatian telecommunications during the '90s as well as plans for future development are presented. A comparison with other countries in development as well as with developed countries is given, too. A survey of the development of telecommunications within the County of Split and Dalmatia, including economic aspects, is given. An overview of research and development activities is also given  相似文献   

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