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基于WCDMA上行链路的多信标辅助定位   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
顾杰  龚耀寰  何芳 《信号处理》2002,18(5):438-441
本文提出了在蜂窝小区中加入辅助定位信标实现W-CDMA环境下的移动定位,并提出了一种实用性强的定位实现算法。该方案另一优点是实现代价小,一改传统需要多个基站参与定位的做法,从而避免了WCDMA中相邻小区之间的同信道干扰。本文还给出了利用该实现方案和算法在W-CDMA环境下的仿真结果和性能分析。  相似文献   

移动台定位技术是未来移动通信的方向。为了实现动态连续定位跟踪服务和提高定位精度,提出了一种在蜂窝网络中非视距(NLOS,Non-line of Sight)环境下对移动台(MS,Mobile Station)的定位跟踪算法。在用经典定位算法获得定位初始估计值后,利用卡尔曼滤波器对移动台的初始位置估计值进行修正,并配合检测门限对移动台进行跟踪。仿真结果表明,该跟踪算法能够实现对移动台动态定位跟踪,并且取得了良好的效果。  相似文献   

陈宝全  毛永毅 《电信科学》2013,29(10):98-102
无线定位中,信号的非视距传播(NLoS)很大程度上决定了移动台的定位精度,而小波分析理论在信号处理中有较为明显的优点,提出了一种在蜂窝网络中非视距环境下对移动台(MS)的定位及跟踪算法。利用小波变换对信号的分解和重构,实现了对TDOA测量值误差的修正,再利用经典Chan算法对移动台位置进行估计,配合相应的距离门限值对移动台的位置进行跟踪定位。仿真结果表明,该算法能够有效地实现对移动台位置的静态定位和动态跟踪,并明显优于同等环境下经典算法的仿真结果,有效提高了定位精度。  相似文献   

文章提出了一种支持直放站覆盖区域内移动台定位的观测到达时间差(OTDOA)方法.该方法首先在直放站中配置直放站相关信息,导入服务无线网络控制器(SRNC)侧定位实体数据库,并以OTDOA定位算法获得一个移动台的位置估计;然后利用除参考基站或直放站之外的两个基站或直放站之间的双曲线验证获得另外一个位置估计,并记两次位置估计距离为误差;取所有假设通路方式误差的最小值为实际误差,此时的估计位置即为最终的移动台位置.通过该方法可提高直放站范围内移动台的定位精度.  相似文献   

蜂窝网移动定位是根据蜂窝网自身的位置信息进行移动台定位与跟踪一种技术,是未来移动通信的方向,本文考虑到复杂信道环境中的非视距(NLOS)噪声误差的因素,提出了一种基于到达时间差(TDOA)的粒子滤波方法。仿真结果表明,与无损卡尔曼滤波对比,采用粒子滤波的跟踪方法能明显改善移动目标的定位精度。  相似文献   

一种在NLOS环境下提高精度的TDOA定位方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据NLOS传播环境下附加传播时延和均方根时延扩展的统计特性,对NLOS误差的均值和方差进行了估计,并对TDOA(到达时间差)的测量值和方差进行了修正,在一定程度上消除了NLOS误差的影响.采用Chn算法对移动台(MS)位置进行定位.仿真结果表明,该方法能够提高Chan算法在NLOS传播环境下的定位精度.  相似文献   

为了克服CDMA移动台(MS)定位估计中面临的远近效应问题,该文提出了一种在服务基站(BS)附近布置一种天线阵列,采用TSOA/AOA混合定位技术对MS进行定位估计的方法,分析了采用不同定位法的GDOP分布, 并给出了相应的TSOA/AOA混合定位算法。不同条件下的仿真结果表明,只要AOA测量值达到一定精度,采用这种方法就能对MS进行准确定位。  相似文献   

谢川  毛永毅 《电子科技》2014,27(11):8-10,13
提出了一种在非视距传播环境中基于遗传神经网络的到达角定位跟踪算法。首先使用遗传算法优化后向传播神经网络的初始权值,将优化后的GA-BP神经网络对AOA测量值进行修正,用最小二乘算法确定移动台的位置,再用卡尔曼滤波器配合相关检测距离门对移动台实施跟踪。仿真结果表明,该算法能有效地实现移动台的动态跟踪,且性能优于传统BP神经网络和LS算法。  相似文献   

伍阳 《信息技术》2010,34(8):27-31
目前,移动用户对基于无线定位技术的新业务的需求不断增加,提高无线定位系统容量和减少干扰已是一个重要课题,针对智能天线的预多波束切换方式,提出了一种同时测向测距的定位方法。该方法利用接收信号的功率特性估计移动台方位角,利用信号到达时间估计基站与移动台之间的距离。同时研究了多种环境下,信道衰落、非视距、多用户干扰等对这一系统定位精度的影响。该方法提高了同时定位用户数,计算复杂度小,有利于对用户快速定位、跟踪。  相似文献   

本文提出一种抗NLOS干扰的TDOA定位算法。基于混沌优化算法对TDOA算法做了改进,采用混沌优化算法计算初值,再利用Taylor级数展开法进行定位。根据产生混沌序列的两种映射Logistic映射和Kent映射的特点,提出了Kent-Logistic模型修正Logistic映射用于定位。在移动台距服务基站较近时,直接采用该模型进行定位。通过和传统蜂窝定位算法的仿真结果进行比较,表明提出的算法能够提高NLOS传播环境下的定位精度。  相似文献   

Mobility tracking is concerned with finding a mobile subscriber (MS) within the area serviced by the wireless network. The two basic operations for tracking an MS, location updating and paging, constitute additional load on the wireless network. The total cost of updating and paging can be minimized by optimally dividing the cellular area into location registration (LR) areas. In current systems broadcast paging messages are sent within the LR area to alert the MS of an incoming call. In this paper we propose a selective paging strategy which uses the MS mobility and call patterns to minimize the cost of locating an MS within an LR area subject to a constraint on the delay in locating the MS. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

针对目前监狱安防监控系统存在的问题,文章以CC2430/CC2431芯片为系统核心模块,设计了无线定位网络中参考节点、定位节点和网关节点方框图,给出基于RSSI混合定位算法的流程图,设计基于紫蜂(ZigBee)的监狱人员定位跟踪系统,设置监狱人员定位与跟踪轨迹、人数清点和报警等功能。  相似文献   

Location update optimization in personal communication systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mobility tracking is concerned with finding a mobile subscriber (MS) within the area serviced by the wireless network. The two basic operations for tracking an MS, location updating and paging, constitute additional load on the wireless network. The total cost of updating and paging can be minimized by optimally dividing the service area into location registration (LR) areas. There are various factors affecting this cost, including the mobility and call patterns of the individual MS, the shape, size and orientation of the LR area, and the method of searching for the MS within the LR area. Based on various mobility patterns of users and network architecture, the design of the LR area is formulated as a combinatorial optimization problem. The objective is to minimize the location update cost subject to a constraint on the size of the LR area. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Mobility Tracking in Cellular Networks Using Particle Filtering   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mobility tracking based on data from wireless cellular networks is a key challenge that has been recently investigated both from a theoretical and practical point of view. This paper proposes Monte Carlo techniques for mobility tracking in wireless communication networks by means of received signal strength indications. These techniques allow for accurate estimation of mobile station's (MS) position and speed. The command process of the MS is represented by a first-order Markov model which can take values from a finite set of acceleration levels. The wide range of acceleration changes is covered by a set of preliminary determined acceleration values. A particle filter and a Rao-Blackwellised particle filter are proposed and their performance is evaluated both over synthetic and real data. A comparison with an extended Kalman filter (EKF) is performed with respect to accuracy and computational complexity. With a small number of particles the RBPF gives more accurate results than the PF and the EKF. A posterior Cramer Rao lower bound (PCRLB) is calculated and it is compared with the filters' root- mean-square error performance.  相似文献   

A method of reducing the wireless cost of tracking mobile users with uncertain parameters is developed in this paper. Such uncertainty arises naturally in wireless networks, since an efficient user tracking is based on a prediction of its future call and mobility parameters. The conventional approach based on dynamic tracking is not reliable in the sense that inaccurate prediction of the user mobility parameters may significantly reduce the tracking efficiency. Unfortunately, such uncertainty is unavoidable for mobile users, especially for a bursty mobility pattern. The two main contributions of this study are a novel method for topology-independent distance tracking, and a combination of a distance-based tracking with a distance-sensitive timer that guarantees both efficiency and robustness. The expected wireless cost of tracking under the proposed method is significantly reduced, in comparison to the existing methods currently used in cellular networks. Furthermore, as opposed to other tracking methods, the worst case tracking cost is bounded from above and governed by the system, such that it outperforms the existing methods. The proposed strategy can be easily implemented, and it does not require a significant computational power from the user.  相似文献   

The feasibility of received signal strength (RSS) methods for locating handset calls in a complicated wireless cellular environment is demonstrated. An extensive measurement campaign conducted on the Georgia Tech campus indicates that RSS location techniques can locate handset calls within 100 m error distance to its ground truth 78% of the time for a network with a majority of indoor users. A received signal strength aggregate (RSSA) method for identifying and locating indoor handsets is also proposed.  相似文献   

余成波  杨翼驹  王帅  肖丹  柯艳红 《半导体光电》2014,35(5):932-936,940
针对眼角膜内皮细胞分析仪手动定位跟踪眼球,提出了一种基于嵌入式自动定位跟踪系统的设计方法,采用图像处理与红外测距相结合的方法,对目标物体进行了实时定位跟踪实验,实现了对目标物体的自动定位跟踪,x、y轴定位误差不超过7个像素点,z轴定位误差不超过3mm。经临床证实该方法具有高可靠性、实时性和可实施性。  相似文献   

柯炜  吴乐南 《信号处理》2010,26(12):1858-1863
在蜂窝无线定位中,由于非视距(non-line-of-sight, NLOS)误差是影响定位精度的主要因素之一,所以如何减轻NLOS误差影响成为当前无线定位研究的热点。本文针对NLOS环境下的定位跟踪问题,提出一种基于扩展卡尔曼滤波(extended Kalman filter ,EKF)的定位跟踪算法。该算法首先在最小二乘准测下推导出估计测量值中NLOS误差的直接计算公式,然后使用约束加权最小二乘(constrained weighted least squares, CWLS)方法计算出每一个测量值中所含的NLOS误差,最后利用NLOS误差估计值去修正EKF滤波,以便适应NLOS环境下的定位跟踪,并获取高的定位精度。这种方式不依赖于特定的NLOS误差分布,也无需视距(line-of-sight, LOS)和非视距识别。数值结果表明该算法相比较于经典EKF算法和基于NLOS迭代的EKF算法可以快速有效地抑制定位误差,并且可以在极为恶劣的NLOS环境下满足FCC的定位要求。另外,复杂性实验表明该算法可适用于实时跟踪。   相似文献   

研究了平流层三站测时差无源定位系统对海面远距离运动目标定位与跟踪的滤波算法问题。将IMM滤波器应用到平流层三站测时差定位系统中,采用三模型组合的IMM滤波算法,首先通过时差测量参数计算出粗略的定位结果,接下来采用IMM滤波算法逐步估计出运动辐射源的速度,并修正初始的定位结果,提高定位精度。仿真结果表明,基于IMM滤波器的三站时差定位系统具有较快的收敛时间、较高的跟踪精度和适中的计算复杂度,能够对不同强度的机动目标进行定位与跟踪,很好地解决了三站时差定位系统对海面远距离运动辐射源定位跟踪的算法问题。还提出了利用回归处理的方法进一步提高固定目标定位精度的思想。  相似文献   

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