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一种新的基于最大流的无线Mesh网络信道分配算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在无线Mesh网络中,为节点配置多接口多信道MAC协议成为提高网络性能、扩大网络容量的有效手段之一。有效的信道分配策略在多信道无线Mesh网络中显得尤为重要。本文提出一种基于最大流的信道分配算法。该算法通过最大流计算网络中可达到的最大吞吐量,以此作为网络负载标准进行信道分配,将降低整个网络的总体干扰作为目标函数进行优化。仿真结果表明,即使在网络负载较重的情况下,算法仍能保持较好的性能。  相似文献   

提出了一种协作中继网络的交互式中继节点选择(IRS)策略。用户首先分布式构造基于信道状况及中继节点负载情况的中继选择函数,选择最优的中继节点;中继节点再根据资源分配情况、业务优先级以及加权信道调度算法进行反向用户选择。仿真结果表明,相比于已研究的算法,所提出的IRS算法结合了信道状况、MAC层资源与用户业务状况等因素,利用用户和中继之间的两步式交互中继选择来调节小区内的用户负载分布,获得了小区吞吐量与用户公平性之间的折衷。  相似文献   

针对水声网络(UAN)媒体访问控制(MAC)协议采用RTS/CTS握手机制,导致信道利用率和网络吞吐量较低的问题,提出一套信道访问规则,基于该规则设计了节点状态感知的水声网络MAC(RP-MAC)协议.当接收节点不在收发状态,并且其他邻居节点也都不在接收状态时,发送节点才会尝试发送一到多个报文给接收节点.节点通过侦听和...  相似文献   

为了解决无线Mesh网络中的信道分配问题,提出了一种基于博弈论的信道分配算法.该算法将网络中每一个节点模型化为一个博弈者,每个博弈者的策略为信道的分配方案,并将整个网络的吞吐量作为效用函数的目标,效用函数的物理意义则是在给定流量需求矩阵下传输的成功率.博弈者通过相互博弈来优化收益函数以最大化网络吞吐量.通过NS2.34仿真分析得出,GBCA算法在收敛性、丢包率和吞吐量上都要优于当前的算法.  相似文献   

紫外光自组织通信网络是把紫外光与自组织网络相结合的,能够利用自组织网络的多跳特性来克服紫外光距离有限性的通信网络。为了使紫外光自组织通信网络中各个节点能够对有限的信道资源进行充分与公平的利用,需要对网络协议栈中的第二层——媒介接入控制层上的传统算法进行优化。本文以媒质接入控制层(MAC,Media Access Control)传统上采用的二进制指数退避算法为基础,以提高公平性为目的,提出了依据退避计数器值的随机选取是否合理,继而采取相应的奖励惩罚机制的新算法。研究结果表明:新算法提高了无线紫外光自组织通信网络中各节点接入信道的公平性,并在信道吞吐量和信道接入公平性之间达到了一个较好的折衷。  相似文献   

无线mesh网络中的信道分配会极大地影响网络的性能。为了解决无线mesh网络中的信道分配问题,提出了一种基于博弈论的信道分配(GBCA)算法。该算法将网络中每一个节点模型化为一个博弈者,每个博弈者的策略为信道的分配方案,并将整个网络的吞吐量作为效用函数的目标,效用函数的物理意义则是在给定流量需求矩阵下传输的成功率。博弈者通过相互博弈来优化收益函数,以最大化网络吞吐量。并针对GBCA算法的不足,提出了一种改进算法———GBCA-TP算法。通过NS2.34仿真分析得出,GBCA算法和GBCA-TP算法在收敛性、分组丢失率和吞吐量上都要优于当前的算法。  相似文献   

基于节点接入能力的ad hoc网络按需路由协议   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
官骏鸣  陆阳  盛锋  王俊伟 《通信学报》2007,28(10):32-37
基于802.11协议MAC层重传策略,提出一个衡量节点接入能力的参数CAM(capacity of access to medium),以体现节点周围信道的繁忙程度及其抢占信道能力。在此基础上,联合MAC层和网络层进行跨层设计,提出了一个拥塞感知路由CAOR(congestion aware on-demand routing)协议。仿真表明:该协议能够在降低开销的前提下,显著增加网络吞吐量,并降低平均端到端的时延。  相似文献   

洪璐  洪锋 《通信学报》2013,34(Z1):162-169
休眠机制是传感器网络节点节约能量、延长工作寿命的重要手段之一。现存的水下传感器网络MAC协议主要考虑提高网络传输性能,对休眠机制的研究和涉及较少,并且仅有的一些休眠策略存在着因节点工作时间较为分散而导致的节点休眠-唤醒频繁的问题。节点频繁唤醒不仅会浪费额外的能量来启动电路,折损硬件寿命,还会增加数据传输冲突的概率。针对水声网络信道的独特性质,提出了一个基于树形拓扑结构的水下传感器网络节点休眠算法,该算法能够有效缩短节点唤醒次数,延长休眠时间,并保证端到端的传播延迟不受休眠时间的影响。该算法无冲突也无需预约信道,保证了较高的网络流量。最后,通过仿真实验验证了算法的可用性和效能。  相似文献   

针对传感器网络中三重隐终端问题,提出了一种基于自适应占空比的多信道MAC协议—MCR,MCR通过多信道预约机制高效地解决了该问题。在理论分析中,通过最小化节点平均信道切换次数的下界得出了节点的最优占空比。为验证MCR中多信道预约和自适应占空比机制的性能,进行了模拟和真实实验,实验结果表明,与其他MAC协议相比,随着信道数及网络负载的增加,MCR提高了网络吞吐量,降低了传输所消耗的能量。  相似文献   

802.11DCF MAC机制为单速率网络节点提供相同的信道接入机会,保证节点公平地使用信道。在多速率网络中依然沿用该接入机制,会导致低速率的节点长期占用信道,高速传输的优势得不到充分利用,使得多速率网络中所有节点的吞吐量都等于低速率节点的吞吐量,这就是著名的多速率网络"性能异常"问题。针对这一问题,通过分析建模,提出CCDa P(Change the CWmin according to Data rate and Packet-size)MAC优化机制以改善多速率网络中的节点的吞吐性能。仿真结果表明,该接入机制不仅可以保证节点公平性,还能提高网络整体吞吐量。特别地,在数据包长度不等的多速率WLAN中,该机制能够保证网络节点吞吐量的比例公平。  相似文献   

On the lifetime of wireless sensor networks   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
We derive a general formula for the lifetime-of wireless sensor networks which holds independently of the underlying network model including network architecture and protocol, data collection initiation, lifetime definition, channel fading characteristics, and energy consumption model. This formula identifies two key parameters at the physical layer that affect the network lifetime: the channel state and the residual energy of sensors. As a result, it provides not only a gauge for performance evaluation of sensor networks but also a guideline for the design of network protocols. Based on this formula, we propose a medium access control protocol that exploits both the channel state information and the residual energy information of individual sensors. Referred to as the max-min approach, this protocol maximizes the minimum residual energy across the network in each data collection.  相似文献   

In order to establish a route supporting multi-constrained quality of service(QoS), increase network throughput and reduce network energy consumption, an improved ant colony-based multi-constrained QoS energy-saving routing algorithm(IAMQER) is proposed. The ant colony algorithm, as one of the available heuristic algorithms, is used to find the optimal route from source node to destination node. The proposed IAMQER algorithm, which is based on the analysis of local node information such as node queue length, node forwarding number of data packets and node residual energy, balances the relationship between the network throughput and the energy consumption, thus improving the performance of network in multi-constrained QoS routing. Simulation results show that this IAMQER algorithm can find the QoS route that reduce average energy consumption and improves network packet delivery ratio under the end-to-end delay and packet loss ratio constraints.  相似文献   

In view of the problem that existing Media Access Control (MAC) protocols can not provide real-time monitor on network conditions, this paper puts forward a new MAC protocol??Predict and Feedback MAC (PFMAC) which can predict the channel??s congestion level reasonably. The dominant idea of the new scheme is to record the channel??s busy or idle situation in the backoff stage by sending Sensor Nodes (SNs), and according to the congestion level every SN can change the contention window adaptively when send packets successfully to minimize collisions, saving energy and channel resources. The result of simulation shows that compared with other MAC protocols, the PFMAC protocol can improve network throughput and reduce energy consumption in high speed network environment.  相似文献   

With the development of wireless communication technology, the spectrum resource is becoming more and more scarce, which results in the increase of network co-interference and then incurs the increase of data retransmission probability. Hence, the single channel based algorithms are facing a myriad of challenges. Moreover, reducing the energy consumption and prolonging the network lifetime is the key issue for wireless sensor network. In order to alleviate the interference while reducing and balancing the energy consumption, we tend to design a multi-radio multi-channel algorithm that joint the topology control and channel allocation. Firstly, we study the interactions between topology control and channel allocation, which lay the basis for the further reduction of transmission power and interference. We take account of the radio power, node residual energy and node interference to construct a cooperative control game model of topology and channel allocation. This game model has proven to guarantee the existence of Nash equilibrium. And then based on this game model, a distributed Cooperative Control Algorithm of Topology and Channel allocation (CCATC) is developed, which can converge to Nash Equilibrium and preserve the network connectivity. Furthermore, the simulation results demonstrate that CCATC can not only greatly reduce the interference but also prolong the network lifetime by balancing the energy consumption of nodes. The reduction of interference comes with the improvement of network throughput. Besides, CCATC has many other attractive features such as the higher channel utilization, the better robustness, the fairer channel allocation and the less end-to-end delay.  相似文献   

在射频供能无线传感器网络中,提高网络能效和吞吐率是一个重要的研究问题.该文统筹考虑信道分配、节点的能量阈值以及MAC(Medium Access Control)帧分块重传机制,提出高能效和高吞吐率的数据收集方案;推导了节点的充电时间、节点传输一个MAC帧的平均能耗和平均时延、网络能效和吞吐率,定义了网络效用函数,形成了最大化网络效用的优化问题.通过调整效用系数并求解优化问题,可以获得使网络能效和吞吐率最大化的最优能量阈值和MAC帧最优分块个数.仿真结果表明,所提方案的能效和吞吐率高于已有方案.  相似文献   

Wireless mesh network (WMN) can sense information and realize end‐network transmission. It consists of numerous wireless sensors, the energy and communication ability of which are limited. A kind of novel VPF‐based energy‐balanced routing strategy for WMN has been presented in this paper. Most of the existing energy‐efficient routing strategy always forwards packets along the minimum energy path to the sink to merely minimize energy consumption, which causes an unbalanced distribution of residual energy among sensor nodes, and eventually results in a network partition. We design the energy‐balanced routing strategy by setting up a mixed virtual potential field in terms of depth and energy by using the physical potential concept. The strategy can force packets to move toward the sink through the dense energy area and protect the nodes, which has relatively low residual energy. By comparing to the other energy‐efficient routing strategy in our designed scenarios, the experimental results show that energy balance and throughput can be improved. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

介绍了一种采用移动代理的无线传感器(WSN)网络,该网络系统由移动代理节点负责复杂数据处理、接入处理、数据转发传输、路由维护等工作,与一般WSN网络相比具有节能优势。该网络系统MAC层采用S-ALOHA协议,不仅网络吞吐量低而且能耗大,依据网络结构特点提出了采用基于信噪比(SNR)的信道Sift协议。仿真验证该协议大大提高了网络吞吐量和降低了网络系统能耗。  相似文献   

In this paper, we discuss an interference aware multichannel MAC (IAMMAC) protocol assign channels for communication in wireless sensor‐actor networks. An actor acts as a cluster head for k‐hop sensors and computes the shortest path for all the sensors. Then, the actor partitions the cluster into multiple subtrees and assigns a noninterference channel to each subtree. The actor 1‐hop sensors are represented as relay nodes. The actor selects a relay node as a backup cluster head (BCH) based on the residual energy and node degree. After selecting a BCH from the relay nodes, the actor broadcast this information to the remaining relay nodes using the common control channel. The relay sensors use the same channel of BCH to communicate with it. However, the other cluster members do not change their data channel. Further, interference‐aware and throughput‐aware multichannel MAC protocol is also proposed for actor–actor coordination. The performance of the proposed IAMMAC protocol is analyzed using standard network parameters such as packet delivery ratio, goodput, end‐to‐end delay, and energy dissipation in the network. The obtained simulation results indicate that the IAMMAC protocol has superior performance as compared with the existing MAC protocols. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In a regular wireless ad hoc network, the Medium Access Control (MAC) protocol coordinates channel access among nodes, and the throughput of the network is limited by the bandwidth of a single channel. The multi-channel MAC protocols can exploit multiple channels to achieve high network throughput by enabling more concurrent transmissions. In this paper, we propose a hybrid and adaptive protocol, called H-MMAC, which utilizes multi-channel resources more efficiently than other multi-channel MAC protocols. The main idea is to adopt the IEEE 802.11 Power Saving Mechanism and to allow nodes to transmit data packets while other nodes try to negotiate the data channel during the Ad hoc Traffic Indication Message window based on the network traffic load. The analytical and simulation results show that the proposed H-MMAC protocol improves the network performance significantly in terms of the aggregate throughput, average delay, fairness and energy efficiency.  相似文献   

An energy harvesting (EH) and cooperative cognitive radio (CR) network (CRN) is studied in this paper where CR users transmit data through a primary user (PU) channel if the channel remains idle, else an optimal number CRs helps in transmission of PU. To achieve the optimum number of CRs (ONCR) involved in cooperation, a novel scheme based on a combination of channel censoring and total error is proposed. The performance of the proposed scheme is investigated under RF harvesting scenario. The EH is dependent on sensing decision and a CR source harvests energy from PU's RF signal. The harvested energy (HE) is split into two parts: One part is used by the CR network (CRN) for its own transmission, and the other part is used for supporting PU. The effect of the energy allocation factor on total throughput is also investigated. New expressions for optimal number of CRs and throughput are developed. The effect of network parameters such as sensing time, censoring threshold, and energy allocation parameter (EAP) on throughput is investigated. Impact of distance between nodes is also studied.  相似文献   

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