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孙杰  郭伟  唐伟 《通信学报》2011,32(11):110-116
为解决无线多跳网络在固定频谱分配方式下所固有的信道冲突等问题,利用认知无线电的动态频谱分配技术,提出了一种适用于次用户组成的无线多跳网络的、underlay方式下的全分布式频谱分配算法。该算法将频谱分配问题建模成静态非合作博弈,证明了纳什均衡点的存在,并给出了一种求解纳什均衡点的迭代算法。大量仿真实验证明,该算法能实现信道与功率的联合分配,在满足主用户干扰功率限制的同时,保证次用户接收信干噪比要求。  相似文献   

贾亚男  岳殿武 《电子学报》2017,45(4):844-854
为最大化认知小蜂窝基站的能量效率,本文基于博弈论模型分析了下行联合频谱资源块和功率分配行为.在干扰受限环境下,多个基站采用分布式结构共享空闲频谱资源.为避免累加干扰损害主用户的通信,算法中引入了功率和干扰温度限制.由于具有耦合限制的分数形式的能量效用函数是非凸最优的,通过将其转化为等价的减数形式进行迭代求解.给定频谱资源块分配策略后,主博弈模型可被重新建模为便于求解发射功率的等价子博弈模型,并通过代价的形势解除耦合限制.仿真结果表明,本文所提算法能够收敛到纳什均衡,并有效提高了系统资源利用率和能量效率.  相似文献   

贾亚男  岳殿武 《通信学报》2016,37(4):116-127
在认知小蜂窝网络框架下,对基于OFDMA技术的下行联合频谱资源块和功率分配问题进行了研究。小蜂窝基站在分布式结构下采用开放式接入方式共享空闲频谱资源以最大化其能量效率,基站间的竞争关系使系统资源的动态分配过程可建模为非合作博弈模型。由于最大化具有多个限制条件的分数形势的能量效用函数属于非凸最优问题,可通过将其转化为等价的减数形势,并从串行和并行迭代的角度进行求解。在给定资源块分配策略后,原有博弈模型可被重新建模为便于独立求解发射功率的等价子博弈模型。仿真结果表明,所提算法在干扰受限的通信环境下能收敛到纳什均衡,并有效提高了系统资源利用率和能量效率。  相似文献   

IEEE802.22 WRAN网络中基于拍卖的频谱租借算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李红岩 《现代电子技术》2010,33(3):76-77,82
在IEEE802.22WRAN网络中,基站间的频谱共享是一个重要的研究方向。若每个WRAN基站伺机占用信道,将带来信道分配不均的问题。利用拍卖理论激励基站间平衡信道分配,提出一种动态的频谱租借算法。该算法将频谱共享情况建模为一个拍卖基站和多个竞拍基站的拍卖模型,同时考虑竞拍基站间的信道需求和拍卖基站的收益,建立频谱共享的数学优化模型。仿真结果表明,与已有的频谱拍卖机制相比,该算法能获得较高的拍卖收益。  相似文献   

李彤  苗成林  吕军  史猛 《电讯技术》2019,59(4):375-382
为了解决多主用户和多次级用户共存网络的频谱资源分配问题,提出了一种基于斯塔科尔伯格(Stackelberg)博弈的动态频谱接入控制算法。该算法通过三阶段Stackelberg博弈模拟主用户频谱竞价,博弈过程中次级用户以最大化传输速率为目的接入主用户频谱,同时设计了一种迭代过程来求解纳什均衡。实验计算与结果分析证明了纳什均衡唯一存在性的充要条件,并说明了迭代过程的收敛性以及主用户最佳效用的影响因素。  相似文献   

针对认知无线电技术中的频谱分配问题,考虑一个主用户和多个次用户的认知场景,提出一种基于合同理论的动态频谱分配模型,并引入粒子群优化算法对模型进行求解。模型中,主用户对不同次用户提供不同质量的频谱资源以获得收益最大化,达到优化资源分配、提高频谱利用率的目的。经仿真分析验证,该模型下获得的系统效用接近理论上可获得的最大系统效用,具有实际应用的可行性。  相似文献   

提出了基于静态、半静态和动态频谱资源共性特征指标的频谱可用性定义方法,并借鉴改进的最大加权时延优先(modified largest weight delay first,M-LWDF)算法的QoS需求定义方法,定义了用户的业务需求指标.在此基础上,提出了结合频谱可用性和用户业务需求的频谱分配方法和二次分配方法,其核心思想是将用户需求和频谱资源的可用性按照一定的方式量化,再采用简单的按大小一一对应的方式进行分配.与随机分配方案、先静后动的频谱分配方案的仿真对比表明,本方案在平均失败次数、平均总速率等性能方面具有明显的改善.  相似文献   

周雄  冯穗力 《信号处理》2014,30(11):1257-1262
针对异频组网的双层分级蜂窝网,提出了一种基于纳什谈判解法的最优频谱分配与定价策略,该策略能激励家庭基站采用开放用户组模式,最大化频谱效益。通过Stackelberg博弈建模,分析了频谱定价与用户需求的关系。通过纳什谈判解法,获得了最佳的频谱分配与定价策略,按需地为宏基站与家庭基站分配了带宽资源,定量地分析了家庭基站所提高的频谱效益。仿真结果表明,该策略相比非合作博弈方法,可有效提高运营商以及家庭基站拥有者所能获得的频谱效益,部署家庭基站将提高蜂窝网络的总效益。   相似文献   

为了解决认知无线电网络中的频谱分配问题,提出了一种基于用户体验质量的合作强化学习频谱分配算法,将认知网络中的次用户模拟为强化学习中的智能体,并在次用户间引入合作机制,新加入用户可以吸收借鉴其他用户的强化学习经验,能够以更快的速度获得最佳的频谱分配方案;并且在频谱分配过程中引入了主用户和次用户之间的价格博弈因素,允许主用...  相似文献   

认知无线网络中基于OFDMA的次系统(SS)与LTE-A主系统(PS)以重叠方式共享频谱的问题越来越受到学术界重视,该文关注上述场景中的资源分配和干扰避免问题。该问题的困难在于资源分配子问题中带耦合干扰的功率分配问题是NP-难的。为了满足研究场景提出的时延约束,该文将提出两阶段资源分配算法:子载波分配阶段的最大权匹配方法和功率分配阶段的干扰量化分配方法,简记为MQRA算法。理论分析和仿真结果表明,该文提出的MQRA算法能够很好地平衡性能和复杂性,并适用于LTE-A主系统下的频谱共享问题。  相似文献   

The problem of power allocation in cognitive radio networks plays an important role to improve the efficiency of spectrum utilization. However, most of previous works focus on the power allocation for secondary users in spectrum sharing overlay or spectrum sharing underlay, which needs to frequently handoff between the idle spectrum bands or considers the interference constraints in all spectrum bands respectively. In order to reduce the handoff and fully utilize the spectrum resource, we propose a new spectrum sharing paradigm which not only can just need to adjust the transmit power in spectrum bands instead of frequently handoff between idle spectrum bands, but can fully utilize the spectrum resource as we only consider the interference power constraints in active spectrum bands rather than in all spectrum bands. Then based on this new spectrum sharing paradigm and the constraint conditions, we study the distributed power allocation for secondary users and formulate the optimization problem as a non-cooperative game problem, after that the variational inequality approach is used to solve this game problem and a Nash equilibria solution is got, finally simulation results are illustrated to demonstrate the performance of the proposed scheme.  相似文献   

Li ZHANG  Tian LIAO  Yejun HE 《通信学报》2005,41(9):170-178
In order to solve the complex spectrum allocation problem,a dual-target whale optimization algorithm (WOA) with strong parallel computing capabilities was introduced,and a Stackelberg game model was proposed that could effectively reflect the actual spectrum requirements,and a dual-target WOA optimized distributed antenna system (DAS) spectrum sharing scheduling algorithm was designed.Simulation results show that performance comparison is performed from multiple indicators such as optimal pricing and user benefits.The proposed algorithm has a good spectrum sharing allocation effect,can achieve fair and effective spectrum allocation,and provides an important reference for the future communication network spectrum sharing mode.  相似文献   

在软件定义小蜂窝网络(Software-defined Small Cell Network, SDCN)中,面对小蜂窝间的干扰问题,现有基于编码和协作的缓存资源管理方案均未结合网络拓扑进行研究,也未考虑用户设备(User Equipment, UE)的接收缓存数,使得资源分配依旧面临不平衡的严峻挑战。针对上述问题,基于SDCN中的拓扑管理功能,运用贪婪算法以是否存在重叠干扰为判定条件对小基站(Small Base Station, SBS)进行划分。此外,以平衡UE接收编码缓存数量为目标,建立平衡调度缓存模型来调节不同区域SBS的分发时间,并借助二分搜索算法寻找其最优解。最后,通过设计自适应编码缓存策略,以应对网络负载的变化。仿真结果表明,所提方案在平衡资源分配与自适应方面性能优势明显,节约了网络资源,增加了网络的吞吐量。  相似文献   

In recent years, cooperative communications have been widely used to improve the spectrum efficiency in cognitive radio networks. In this paper, we propose a new cooperative model involving primary and secondary users, where a primary transmitter may select a number of the secondary users to act as relays in order to maximize its data rate and to transmit at lower energy level, thereby saving energy and reducing interference at the secondary base station. The cooperative transmission is a multiple two‐hop relaying scheme, which guarantees an achievable data rate exceeding that in the direct transmission. In the proposed approach, the problem of joint relay selection and power allocation is formulated as a Stackelberg game, which converges to a unique optimal Nash equilibrium. Performance evaluation shows that this model offers benefit to both sides, where the primary users achieve higher data rate at lower energy consumption and the signal to interference plus noise ratio at the secondary base station is increased significantly. In addition, the results show that the proposed solution outperforms the investigated models in terms of achievable data rate.  相似文献   

By using spectrum allocation technology of cognitive radio into integrated satellite and terrestrial networks,the satellite communication network can share spectrum with the terrestrial network and improve utilization efficiency of frequency spectrum in the satellite communication system.Firstly,a spectrum resource sharing model in integrated satellite and terrestrial networks was introduced,and the scenery that cognitive satellite downlinks use the vacant spectrum of terrestrial network was analyzed.Then,the interference and signal model was analyzed.Finally,considering different priority types of satellite terrestrial terminals,a spectrum allocation scheme based on priority was proposed,which could ensure the total throughput in satellite downlink communication and increase the throughput of high-priority terrestrial terminals.  相似文献   

Bangwon Seo 《Signal processing》2011,91(11):2623-2629
We consider a single-user multiple-input multiple output (MIMO) transmission from secondary base station (SBS) in cognitive radio network where there is one primary user to which spectrum is licensed. It is assumed that coexistence of secondary network is allowed if interference power from the secondary network measured at primary user (PU) can be kept below a given threshold. In this paper, joint design problem of precoder and receiver is treated using mean-squared error (MSE) criterion between transmitted signal and its estimate at the receiver. Due to constraint on interference power measured at the PU, it is not possible to find an optimal solution in closed form. Therefore, a suboptimal solution with low complexity is proposed in closed form. Simulation results show that the MSE and bit error rate (BER) performances of the proposed scheme are 1.5-4.0 dB better than those of a conventional capacity-maximization scheme when the received signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) is high, and they converge to their lower bounds, i.e., those of an MSE-based scheme without considering the PU interference constraint, as the received SNR increases.  相似文献   

蒋华  马立川  严定宇  潘楠 《通信学报》2014,35(Z2):27-202
主要研究分布式认知无线电网络中的频谱切换,并提出一种主动的频谱切换方案。认知用户通过感知结果与历史信息建立授权用户的活动模型,预测频谱的使用情况。在不对授权用户产生干扰的前提下,提前安排频谱切换。同时,采用基于蚁群任务分工算法的频谱选择方法,使得认知用户综合考虑通信参数,实现认知用户的按需切换,保证不间断的传输。仿真表明,提出的方案能够提前执行切换,并在较短的时间内完成业务量的传输,同时具备较高的灵活性,适用于分布式认知无线电网络。  相似文献   

This paper studies the joint relay selection and spectrum allocation problem for multi-user and multi-relay cellular networks, and per-user fairness and system efficiency are both emphasized. First, we propose a new data-frame structure for relaying resource allocation. Considering each relay can support multiple users, a \(K\) -person Nash bargaining game is formulated to distribute the relaying resource among the users in a fair and efficient manner. To solve the Nash bargaining solution (NBS) of the game, an iterative algorithm is developed based on the dual decomposition method. Then, in view of the selection cooperation (SC) rule could help users achieve cooperation diversity with minimum network overhead, the SC rule is applied for the user-relay association which restricts relaying for a user to only one relay. By using the Langrangian relaxation and the Karush–Kuhn–Tucker condition, we prove that the NBS result of the proposed game just complies with the SC rule. Finally, to guarantee the minimum rate requirements of the users, an admission control scheme is proposed and is integrated with the proposed game. By comparing with other resource allocation schemes, the theoretical analysis and the simulation results testify the effectiveness of the proposed game scheme for efficient and fair relaying resource allocation.  相似文献   

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