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华德福不仅是一种教育理念,更是一种生活方式。华德福教育是博大的人智学里的一个重要分支,人智学关心和涉足的领域还包括:“有机企业,有机建筑,人智学医学等等。在成熟的形态下,华德福会以社区的形式出现,社区里不仅有幼儿园,学校,还有农场,医院,治疗中心,商店,等等。在社区里,有共同理念的人群生活在一起,彼此关心,帮助,交流,成长。  相似文献   

2008年5月12日14时28分,四川汶川,突如其来的八级大地震,震撼中国,震惊世界。 一方有难,八方支援。中华民族的优秀传统,在全中国涌动。此刻,与四川山水相依,情同手足的重庆,更是心急如焚。全力支援四川灾区兄弟姐妹,成为全市人民的共同心声和迅速行动。作为灾区通信抢险,保障灾区通信的救援力量之一.中国电信重庆公司立即成立抗震救灾领导小组,上下一心,紧急动员。  相似文献   

常言道:忙人恨时短,闲汉愁夜长。匆匆促促,送旧迎新,韶光一年又逝去。世界经济在前年大不景的阴影下,去年仍然温温吞吞,难言复苏。尽管国内经济持续稳好发展,可全球电子信息产业寒夜未尽,PC首见衰退,半导体仅微有增长,影响之下,国内即使是最强大的信息技术媒体,也浩叹光景不如以前。暴利时代已成过去,随之跨入平均利润阶段。2002年风风雨雨的一年,我们刊物进行了大整合,修正方向,开拓新业,多方调度,悉心准备,为迎接未来的繁荣。在新的一年里,编辑部同仁,群策共力,讨论再三,决心尽心竭智,办好刊物,迎接她的十周岁…  相似文献   

越过辽阔天空,啦啦啦,飞向遥远群星,来吧,阿童木,爱科学的好少年。菩良勇敢的,啦啦啦,铁臂阿童木,十万马力,七大神力,无私无畏的阿童木。穿过广阔田地,啦啦啦,潜入深深海洋,来吧,阿童木,爱和平的好少年,善良勇敢的,啦啦啦,铁臂阿童木,我们的好朋友啊,无私无畏的阿童木,我们的好朋友啊,无私无畏的阿童木……  相似文献   

无间地狱,又称阿鼻地狱,位于十八层地狱的最底层,被打入其中的灵魂,必定无法逃脱,将永世在此遭受无尽的折磨。这里,时无间,空无间,平等无间,生死无间。这里,没有现在,没有未来,第一步也许就成为最后一步。  相似文献   

“我看青山多妩媚,料青山,看我应如是。”美景因观赏者的参与而赋予了灵气,有了人,景才会活。有了人的驻足,注目,才会有景的赏心悦目。中国先哲一直强调“天人合一”。景与人,一静一动,人赏景,景感人,动静相衬。如何挖掘,勾勒,呈现这幅壮观的天人合一图,对执笔者绝对是个挑战。对于成功执导奥运会开闭幕式的张艺谋导演来说,应对这种挑战也并非易事。  相似文献   

历经风云变幻,2003年,中国电信业的发展站在了一个新的起点。新的一年,承改革成就,借十六大东风,百万信息产业大军将与时俱进,开拓创新,激情演绎电信业的2003,为电信业走出冬天,走向新的辉煌而奋战。站在这新的起点,畅想电信业未来一年的发展,我们渴望电信业的发展能峰回路转,红红火火,波澜壮阔,蒸蒸日上,希望每一位通信人都前程似锦,事业发达。  相似文献   

纪汶汐 《新潮电子》2009,(9):160-161
春晓展现给外界看的,是一个曼妙的精灵。美丽,精彩,眩目。可那些只是符号,在另一个世界里,她真实的存在,天真,成熟,简单,复杂,安静,冲动……那个世界似乎遥远,却很自由……  相似文献   

知知 《数码》2007,(5):176-179
坚持是一种品德,坚持冒险,坚持挑战,坚持追求。然而变通是一种能力,变冒险为放松,变挑战为习惯,变追求为学习。有些技能需要我们慢慢掌握,例如适应极地之前先走到郊外,例如出发野营之前先享受野餐。五月,爱车,蓝天,草地,氧气,野味,我们一项不落,周密计划,完美演出,这便是DIY生活的最大乐趣所在。  相似文献   

亮丽泉城,秋高气爽。9月22日,第二届中国(济南)国际信息技术博览会在济南舜耕国际会展中心隆重开幕。本次博览会由联合国及太平洋经济社会委员会,信息产业部,中国工程院,山东省政府主办,由济南市政府,信息产业厅,计算机世界传媒集团承办,博览会的主题是“应用,创新,合作,发展”。联合国副秘书长,亚太经社委员会执行秘书金学洙,山东省委副书记,省长韩寓群,信息产业部副部长娄勤俭,中国工程院副院长邬贺铨以及国内外IT界精英齐现本届盛会,IBM,NOKIA,Nortel等信息技术的“豪门”也悉数登场。  相似文献   

MPLS技术是一项具有多协议支持的技术,它综合利用了网络核心的交换技术和网络边缘的IP路由技术各自的优点,它将标记分配给多协议的数据桢以便在基于我展品信元的网络中传输。它能够提供现有传统IP路由技术所不能支持的要求保障QoS的业务,通过MPLS技术,我们可以提供各种新兴的增值业务,有效的实施流量工程和计费管理措施,扩展和完善更高等级的基础服务。  相似文献   

In the Paper, we proposed a threshold mult- proxy multi-signature with share verification.In the scheme,a subset of original signers allows a designated group to proxy signers to sign on behalf of the original group, A message m has to be signed of proxy signers who can represent the proxy group. Then, the proxy signature is sent to the verifier group.A subset of verifiers in the verifier group can also represent the group to authenticate the proxy signature.In othe words,some threshold values will be given to indicate the number of persons to represent a group to authorize the signing capability or to sign a messagye or to verify the proxy signature.  相似文献   

In this article, a novel approach to sensing static electric fields has been presented. The approach is extremely interesting due to the low cost of the technology and the simplicity of the architecture. The purpose of the article is to highlight the strategic role of behavioral models in the development and design of E-field sensors. It is important to observe that simulation results must always be supported by experimental evidence to confirm the predicted behaviors. A good solution to perform a reliable investigation, if allowed, is to model the main blocks of the system separately and at the same time to experimentally assess their real behavior to confirm theoretical expectations.  相似文献   

Mobile ad-hoc networks require nodes to cooperate in the relaying of data from source to destination. However, due to their limited resources, selfish nodes may be unwilling to forward packets, which can deteriorate the multi-hop connectivity. Different reputation-based protocols have been proposed to cope with selfishness in mobile ad-hoc networks. These protocols utilize the watchdog detection mechanism to observe the correct relaying of packets, and to compile information about potential selfish nodes. This information is used to prevent the participation of selfish nodes in the establishment of multi-hop routes. Despite its wide use, watchdog tends to overestimate the selfish behavior of nodes due to the effects of radio transmission errors or packet collisions that can be mistaken for intentional packet drops. As a result, the availability of valid multi-hop routes is reduced, and the overall performance deteriorates. This paper proposes and evaluates three detection techniques that improve the ability of selfishness prevention protocols to detect selfish nodes and to increase the number of valid routes.  相似文献   

Technical communicators need to be prepared for the challenges of international communication. This tutorial focuses on the need for technical communication faculty to prepare students to be skilled intercultural communicators and to play a role on the translation team. The tutorial begins with a discussion of the importance of writing for translation in the international workplace and then presents specific assignments designed to instruct students in intercultural communication and give them experience writing for translation. In addition to introducing students to the cultural issues that impact the creation of documentation for international audiences, these assignments also serve to reinforce core skills recognized as vital to professional success in the field of technical communication. Taken together, these assignments can be used as the basis for a course in international technical communication. An appendix to the tutorial includes numerous resources available to faculty who want either to develop a course in international technical communication or to include some of the assignments in existing technical communication courses.  相似文献   

Organizational transformations have been widely adopted by firms who wish to improve their competitive advantage to be better prepared to face external challenges. This research has chosen Communities of Practice (CoPs) as the subject of discussion for an assessment model to reform organizations that undertake CoPs for collective knowledge to enhance their core competencies. Given the interrelationships between criteria, this research uses the nonadditive fuzzy integral to develop a framework for the CoPs performance assessment. The purposes of this paper are to identify the key dimensions/criteria in the CoPs, to use fuzzy logic method to analyze the relative importance of each criterion, and to rank the criteria so that proper resources can be allocated while managing the CoPs. Through interviews with experts, four strategy alternatives and 16 criteria along four dimensions are generated. A survey of the CoPs practitioners is then conducted to compare the results of each criterion. The results will not only help organizations that intend to initiate changes via the CoPs activities to decide the ranking of their appraisal criteria, but it can also assist them in guiding the behavior of their staff while effectively monitoring and improving the performances of the CoPs  相似文献   

遗留系统是企业建立新信息系统时,面临的首要问题。在简单介绍了中间件技术的基础上,提出利用中间件技术通过构件化实现对遗留系统改造的方法,改造过程包括4个阶段:恢复遗留系统的软件体系结构;设计目标系统的软件体系结构;重新构造目标系统的构件;实现基于构件的目标系统。实践证明,该方法对遗留系统的再工程具有较大的实用价值。  相似文献   

Due to the mechanical coupling between the body segments, it is impossible to see with the naked eye the causes of body movements and understand the interaction between movements of different body parts. The goal of this paper is to investigate the use of induced acceleration analysis to reveal the causes of body movements. We derive the analytical equations to calculate induced accelerations and evaluate its potential to study human postural responses to support-surface translations. We measured the kinematic and kinetic responses of a subject to sudden forward and backward translations of a moving platform. The kinematic and kinetics served as input to the induced acceleration analyses. The induced accelerations showed explicitly that the platform acceleration and deceleration contributed to the destabilization and restabilization of standing balance, respectively. Furthermore, the joint torques, coriolis and centrifugal forces caused by swinging of the arms, contributed positively to stabilization of the Center of Mass. It is concluded that induced acceleration analyses is a valuable tool in understanding balance responses to different kinds of perturbations and may help to identify the causes of movement in different pathologies.  相似文献   

以PMBOK项目管理思想为基础,结合集成类IT项目的具体实践,经过多个项目摸索,寻找CMMI模型与集成类IT项目管理过程之间的映射关系.在此基础上进行归纳、总结、提炼,提出了一个初步的、基于CMMI模型的集成类IT项目管理体系架构.  相似文献   

期货套期保值是利用期货规避现货交易风险的一种有效策略,投资者在具体操作过程中,需要通过数学模型求出最优期货量进行套期保值方案的设计.VaR套期保值模型是用风险价值来度量套期保值风险,并且使VaR风险达到最小确定最优期货量的数学模型.基于期货套期保值VaR风险的最优期货量的算法设计与实现,对相对庞大的期货数据价格进行数值分析,为确保模型算法的精确性,选用了数值分析领域广泛应用的Matlab作为实现语言.  相似文献   

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