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本调查是在深圳市中国科学院仙湖植物园为纪念2009年世界环境日举办主题科普展览期间开展的。调查结果显示,参观科普展览的受众群体文化层次较高、年龄层次偏小,多为21~30岁人群,男女比例基本一致;接近一半的受众有主动了解环境保护知识的需求,植物园举办科普展览满足了受众观光休闲、学习的双重要求。举办一个优秀的科普展览要对展览的主题、宣传、内容、形式以及对象等进行认真考虑是这次科普展览的重要经验。  相似文献   

李丹特  莫扬 《科普研究》2017,12(4):53-59
全国科普日是我国影响力较大的大型科普活动,近年来它的线上新媒体应用也有了快速的发展。本 研究对全国科普日官方微博、官方微信公众账号的发展现状进行梳理,对其影响力以及影响其影响力的因素 进行分析,并且借鉴国内其他活动官方微博及微信公众账号的经验提出了建议。分析发现:全国科普日的官 方微博及微信公众号的内容特色及服务功能与其他节事活动相比有差距,但在信息权威性上有一定的优势。 官方微博、官方微信公众号在活动的传播推广中发挥了积极作用,本文借鉴其他节事活动运用“两微”的经 验与优势,结合全国科普日活动自身特点提出建议,使我国大型科普活动得到更好地发展。  相似文献   

潘龙飞  周程 《科普研究》2016,11(6):48-56
大型科普活动的效果评估中,如何准确获取公众和媒体对于活动的评价一直是评估难点。北京大学评估组 利用新媒体手段对2015 年全国科普日活动进行评估,利用微信收集公众评价,利用微博和传统新闻报道考察媒体 评价,较好地获取了相关数据,为大型科普活动的评估拓展了新方法,并结合调研内容讨论了优化大型科普活动的 相关建议。  相似文献   

谭超 《科普研究》2011,6(3):80-83
大型科普活动已经成为提高全民科学素质的一个重要渠道,以2010年全国科普日北京主场活动的宣传评估工作作为案例,探讨了前期宣传效果评估对于大型科普活动绩效改进及可持续性运作的指导意义。  相似文献   

9月15日是全国第5个科普日。今年科普日的主题是"节约能源资源、保护生态环境、保障安全健康"。这天,全国各地围绕这一主题开展了形式多样、内容丰富的科普活动。在科普日北京主会场高碑  相似文献   

2013年12月22日,全国“少年电子技师”科普活动组织委会在山东青岛举办了导师培训活动,有近30人参加了本次导师培训班。与往届导师培训不同的是,本次导师培训吸引了青岛农业大学和青岛大学的师生参与到培训中,  相似文献   

从施教者和学习者的关系来看,教育形式主要有“以施教者为中心”的灌输式教育和“以学习者为中心”的自主式教育。“以学习者为中心”的教育方式以建构主义理论为基础,重视学习者创造力的激发和提出问题能力的培养。为评价其在植物园科普教育应用中的效果,中科院西双版纳热带植物园围绕“以学习者为中心”的理念设计了一次尝试性的科普活动,并通过行为观察、问卷调查和访谈法等多种形式对项目进行初步的效果评估。  相似文献   

随着经济的发展、生活水平的提高以及环境、食品安全问题的日益突显,健康传播受到越来越多的关注.健康传播由于其内容的专业性,因此,对传播媒介也提出了特殊的要求.而电视,由于其可视化、从业人员的专业化、占有资料的权威性的特点,满足了健康传播对于媒介的要求.多数电视健康类节目的目标受众为中老年人,北京卫视推出的《我是大医生》节目的目标受众却定位在青年受众群体.通过对传统健康类节目《养生堂》和新型健康类节目《我是大医生》的比较,探究电视养生类节目是如何根据目标受众的需求进行节目编排,满足受众需求的,根据不同的目标受众电视养生类节目的节目构成又有何不同.  相似文献   

翟俊卿 《科普研究》2013,8(6):48-53
现代植物园对植物学的研究、生物多样性的保护及社会公众的科普教育等方面起到了至关重要的作用。本研究回顾了英国植物园教育的发展历程,对教育项目的设置、教学实践进行了述评,并在此基础之上对我国植物园教育的发展提出如下建议:(1)强化植物园的教育功能;(2)制定与国家课程标准相结合的学校教育项目;(3)增强植物园与当地学校的合作伙伴关系;(4)为当地学校提供教师在职培训。  相似文献   

受众是电视新闻节目服务的对象,其需求不仅影响新闻传播活动,也影响新闻编辑工作的发展.为推动电视新闻编辑在内容和形式上的创新,栏目组应当深入调研不同受众群体的需求,挖掘富有吸引力的新闻题材,编辑高质量的精品新闻节目.  相似文献   

陈珂珂 《科普研究》2014,9(3):58-64
采用文献研究、功能分析、专家访谈与经验总结的研究方法,总结了近年来中国科普基础设施在硬件建设、科普活动、评估体系三个方面取得的成就。简要分析了我国科普基础设施快速发展的原因:政策引领与需求推动。对科普基础设施的未来发展进行了预测:综合性科技馆实现免费开放,"科技馆体系"理念逐步形成,新媒体与科普基础设施建设结合成为研究的热点。  相似文献   

周婧  张志敏 《科普研究》2013,8(2):61-65
本文基于一次"水"主题科普活动的教育效果分析,讨论科普活动对于学校科学教育产生的作用和价值。研究表明,科普活动能够促进学生理解科学—技术—社会关系、完善科学知识结构、激发科学学习兴趣。文章同时从拓展参与校外科普活动渠道、营造校外科学学习环境等角度出发,提出利用科普活动促进学校科学教育的建议。  相似文献   

大学生科技创新活动的研究与探索   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
科技创新已经成为高等学校人才培养的重要内容,培养现阶段具有创新意识的人才具有重要的战略意义。对组织学生开展科技创新活动的经验进行了详细介绍和深入分析,科学的工作流程是学生科技创新活动顺利开展的基本条件,人才梯队是学生科技创新活动健康持续发展的重要保障,稳定的科技创新基地为学生科技创新活动提供可靠的平台和资源。最后,提出了开展大学生科技创新活动中存在的问题及改进的意见。  相似文献   

科学技术就是生产力,在科学技术快速发展的今天,科研工作是促进技术发展的重要活动。该课题采用ASP.NET技术设计与实现了科研网络平台,用于在实践中将教学和科研有机的结合起来,让科研更好的服务于教学,给教师和学生提供一个实践的科研的平台。  相似文献   

The Earth Observing System (EOS) Microwave Limb Sounder (MLS) is an atmospheric remote sensing experiment led by the Jet Propulsion Laboratory of the California Institute of Technology. The objectives of the EOS MLS are to learn more about stratospheric chemistry and causes of ozone changes, processes affecting climate variability, and pollution in the upper troposphere. The EOS MLS is one of four instruments on the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) EOS Aura spacecraft launched on July 15, 2004, with an operational period extending at least 5 years after launch. This paper describes the architecture and capabilities of the Science Data Processing System (SDPS) for the EOS MLS. The SDPS consists of two major components-the Science Computing Facility and the Science Investigator-led Processing System. The Science Computing Facility provides the facilities for the EOS MLS Science Team to perform the functions of scientific algorithm development, processing software development, quality control of data products, and scientific analyses. The Science Investigator-led Processing System processes and reprocesses the science data for the entire mission and delivers the data products to the Science Computing Facility and to the Goddard Space Flight Center Earth Science Distributed Active Archive Center, which archives and distributes the standard science products. The Science Investigator-led Processing System is developed and operated by Raytheon Information Technology and Scientific Services of Pasadena under contract with Jet Propulsion Laboratory.  相似文献   

A discussion of the noise optimisation of the fast charge sensitive amplifier (CSA) for imaging systems using highly segmented semiconductor detectors is presented. In such systems a limited power dissipation per single channel is available while a good noise performance and a fast signal processing time are required. This paper describes the CSA noise optimisation for several CMOS technology generations with the minimum transistor gate length ranging from 0.13μm to 0.8μm and for a detector capacitance in the range from 0.5 pF to 12 pF. In a well-designed CSA, followed by a fast shaper stage, an equivalent noise charge (ENC) is dominated by the thermal noise of an input MOS transistor. In the applications considered the input transistor usually works in a moderate inversion region where no simple formula for the noise performance exists. Our analyses are made using a simplified EKV model and are compared with HSPICE simulations using BSIM3v3 models. We show several novel aspects of the noise optimisation of the CSA regarding the optimum transistor width and the sensitivity of the ENC to this width. Paweł Gryboś was born in Bielsko-Bielsko, Poland, in 1967. He received M.Sc. degree in electronics in 1991, Ph.D. degree in physics in 1995 and habilitation Ph.D. degree in electronics in 2004 from the AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow, Poland. His current research interests are in the areas of designing and testing of low noise, multichannel ASICs for physics and neurobiology applications. Marek Idzik graduated in Electronic Engineering (1990) at University of Science and Technology of Cracow and in Theoretical Physics (1991) at Jagiellonian University of Cracow, Poland. Received his Ph.D. in Experimental Physics (1995) at University of Science and Technology of Cracow. Since 1995 Assistant Professor at University of Science and Technology of Cracow. Research activity: design of VLSI electronics, physics of semiconductor detectors, heavy ion physics. Teaching activity in international schools: ICFA (1997) Leon, Mexico, ICFA (2004) Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. More than 50 scientific publications on international journals. Andrzej Skoczeń was born in Cracow, Poland, on February 25, 1962. He is an assistant professor in Nuclear Electronics Department at the Faculty of Physics and Applied Computer Science at the AGH University of Science and Technology in Cracow. He received his Ph.D. in physics in the field of semiconductor devices in May 1993. He is involved with problems concerning project and design of integrated circuits for physics experiments at DESY (Hamburg), GSI (Darmstadt) and CERN (Geneva). He deals with radiation sensors applications, CAD modeling, characterization, and VLSI mixed signal design. At his home institution he works also as a lecturer in the field of introduction to physics and electronics.  相似文献   

刘嘉麒 《科普研究》2012,7(5):29-30
科学是生产力,科学技术普及是经济发展和社会进步的一种巨大推动力,哪里的科普做得好,哪里的社会经济发展得就快,人们的精神面貌就好。在推动文化大发展大繁荣的同时,必须加强科学普及,倡导科学理念,弘扬科学精神,赋予或增添文化的科学内涵,以避免或减少庸俗文化的滋生和传染,促进文化的健康发展。科学普及是亿万大众的事,其重要性几乎人人皆知,但实施起来却不那么容易,应当采取有效措施鼓励科学家参与科普。  相似文献   

胡芳  金峥华  刘哲  宋娴 《科普研究》2014,9(2):33-38
随着社会经济的飞速发展,人们的文化素养也得到了很大的提升,人们在社会中参与公共事务的愿望不断增强,对科技知识的要求也越来越高。本调研以2013年科技周期间上海向公众开放的科研机构实验室为调查样本,了解其对公众开放的情况以及开放效果,以期对今后相关工作提供切实可行的建议。调研发现虽然开放机构涉及各个专业,且展示形式多样,但开放期间的观众流量仍然偏低,建议在以后的开放活动中,应加大对活动的宣传力度;开放机构应与周边相关机构联动以扩大影响力;同时要对开放效果好的实验室予以奖励,以提高相关机构对开放活动的积极性。  相似文献   

The Science User Resource Expert (SURE), which is currently being developed by the Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics at the University of Colorado-Boulder, is one of three components composing the Science User Resource Planning and Scheduling System (SURPASS). SURPASS is a software tool enabling distributed planning and scheduling and is based on resource allocation and optimization. SURPASS was written in Ada and uses an X-based DECwindows user interface, the INGRES database management system, and the CLIPS/Ada expert system production shell. SURPASS is designed to support a wide range of science applications and can be easily tailored via database modifications, DECwindows updates, and rule specifications for the SURE system.

SURE will be used by the SURPASS to build a daily science plan and activity schedule for the University of Colorado's SOLar-STellar Irradiance Comparison Experiment (SOLSTICE), a solar observing instrument that will fly on the Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS). The SURE will also be used in a prototyping effort with NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center to demonstrate distributed planning and scheduling for a similar instrument on the Earth Observing System (EOS) platform.

This paper describes the goals of the SURE system, the software architecture, issues in development, knowledge acquisition, and the UARS SOLSTICE application.  相似文献   

A new reconfigurable architectural template is presented. Such a template is composed of coarse-grained and fine-grained reconfigurable datapath and control to obtain performances at custom designed chip level. To show the adaptability/performance of such architectural template, the architecture has been customized (i.e. datapath and control features of the template have been properly sized) for multimedia application domain. To evaluate complexity and maximum clock frequency of the proposed architecture, it has been synthesized using Synopsys Design Compiler on a standard-cell 0.18 μ m technology. Estimated number of transistors is 335 K, while maximum allowable frequency is 460 MHz. Performances have been evaluated comparing the number of clock cycles and the processing time required to process application domain dominant kernels with commercial devices: we obtained up to 95% reduction with respect to ARM and up to 94% reduction with respect to TMS320C5510 in terms of clock cycles. Salvatore M. Carta (1997 Electronic Eng. Master. 2002 Electronics and Computer Science PhD) joined the Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering of the University of Cagliari, Italy in 1998 as PhD student. From 2005 he has been assistant professor in Department of Mathematics and Computer Science of the University of Cagliari. His research interests focus mainly on architectures, software and tools for embedded and portable computing, with particular emphasis on: languages, architectures and compilers for reconfigurable and parallel computing; Networks-on-chip; Operating systems for multiprocessor-systems-on-chip; low power real-time scheduling algorithms. Danilo Pani (2002 Electronic Eng. Master, 2006 Electronics and Computer Science PhD) joined the Department of Electrical and Electronics engineering of the University of Cagliari, Italy in 2002 as Electronics and Computer Science PhD student. His primary research interests are in the area of Digital Signal Processing architectures and systems, Biomedical Engineering, Reconfigurable Systems and Cooperative VLSI architectures for distributed computing. Luigi Raffo (1989 Master, 1994 Electronics and Computer Science PhD) joined Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering of the University of Cagliari, Italy in 1994 as assistant professor. From 1998 he has been professor of Digital System Design, Integrated Systems Architectures and Microelectronics at the same Department. His research activity is mainly in the design of low-power analog and digital architectures/chips. He has been project manager of many local and international projects. He is author of more than 50 international papers in the field.  相似文献   

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