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摩擦强度对薄膜表面形态的作用:原子力显微镜下的观察   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
郑文军 《液晶与显示》2002,17(6):422-428
展示了摩擦强度对聚酰亚胺薄膜表面形态的影响,原子力显微图像显示,机械摩擦会使聚酰亚胺薄膜表面上形成微沟槽,这些沟槽的表面具有丰富的表面精细构造。原子显微图像还揭示了机械摩擦可以改变被磨擦聚酰亚胺膜的表面形态。  相似文献   

Atomic force microscopy was applied to the in-situ observation of the etching process of human teeth by acid agents. The change of surface morphology was observed consecutively before and during etching for the same area in the same specimen. The course of the etching process in enamel from dissolution of smear layer just after injection of acid agent, appearance of enamel prisms and progress of demineralization were quantitatively analysed for three fundamental acid agents of 2% phosphoric acid, 10% citric acid and 10% polyacrylic acid. Then the depth profile, etching amount, etching rate and thickness of smear layer were evaluated. Observation by scanning electron microscopy was also done and compared with the results by atomic force microscopy.  相似文献   

The morphology of CdS-indium tin oxide (ITO) and CdS-ZnO bilayers has been investigated by atomic force microscopy in order to obtain a better understanding of their behaviour as window coatings in solar cells. Chemical bath-deposited CdS layers with t hicknesses ranging between 0.05 and 0.12 μm and RF-magnetron-sputtered ITO and ZnO films have been independently analysed before the study of the combined materials. A CdS thickness below 0.1 μm has been found to be optimal for avoiding the adhesi on of large solution particles from the chemical bath, and thus for achieving a homogeneous CdS layer useful as a polycrystalline substrate to improve the transparent conductive oxide (TCO) grain size.  相似文献   

Device and interconnect electrical failures often occur in the form of short or open circuits which produce hot or cold spots under voltage bias. With the minimum device feature size shrinking to 0.25 μm and less, it is impossible to locate the exact position of defects by traditional thermal or optical techniques such as infra-red emission thermometry, liquid crystals or optical beam induced current. We have used a temperature-sensing probe in an atomic force microscope to locate a hot spot created by a short-circuit defect between the gate and the drain of a Si MOSFET with a spatial resolution of about 0.5 μm. The technique has the potential to produce spatial resolutions in the range of 0.05 μm and efforts are underway to reach this goal  相似文献   

自1986年发明原子力显微镜以来,它已成为材料、生物以及纳米科技等许多领域的重要工具。由于常规原子力显微镜成像速度缓慢,在动态过程观测、工业生产线原位测量以及高密度信息存储等领域的应用受到限制,因此发展高速原子力显微术近年来已引起国内外的高度关注。本文综述了高速原子力显微术关键技术(包括:微小探针、高速扫描器设计和控制方法)以及应用等方面的最近进展。  相似文献   

Local oxidation of titanium films by non-contact atomic force microscopy   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Characteristics of local nanolithography on oxidative titanium dots and wires were studied using an amplitude modulation atomic force microscopy in the non-contact mode. Nanolithographic experiments were conducted to investigate the influence that different experimental parameters had on the height, the width, the growth rate, the morphology, and the composition of the nanostructures using Auger electron spectroscopy. The results indicate that anodization time, applied voltage, and tip-sample distance are proportional to the heights and widths of the dots. When the tip-sample distance was too close during continued anodization, concave dots appeared because the oxide that enclosed the tip. Carbon nanotube probe fabricated dots are also presented and compared.  相似文献   

CSPM 930b型多功能扫描探针显微镜经常需要进行手动激光光路调整。该仪器使用说明书[1] 介绍的调整方法可操作性差、手续繁琐、过程冗长 ,且难以判断激光束是否准确照射到微悬臂针尖背面的镀金层上 ,往往造成误判而导致微悬臂针尖被撞断裂。而且 ,按照原有方法操作者需要长时间全神贯注观察激光斑 ,使用者眼睛极易疲劳甚至造成损伤。笔者使用该仪器过程中 ,对光路调整方法进行了大量试验 ,摸索出了一套操作方便 ,容易准确判断针尖位置的有效方法。现总结交流如下。调整方法CSPM 930b扫描探针显微镜AFM部分激光光路如图 1所示。…  相似文献   

本文研究了制作碳纳米管原子力显微镜针尖的方法和过程。在光学显微镜下,通过两个微工作台操纵将纯化后的多壁碳纳米管粘结在传统的原子力显微镜的Si针尖上。运用电蚀的方法优化碳管针尖的长度使其达到高分辨率的要求。我们运用制作的碳纳米管针尖在敲击模式下时G型免疫球蛋白进行扫描成像,结果显示了其典型的Y形结构,这是传统AFM的Si针尖无法获得的。  相似文献   

相变诱发塑性(TRIP)钢比双相钢具有更高强度和塑性,因此TRIP钢在汽车工业中的应用对于汽车轻量化有重要的经济意义。TRIP钢的高强度和高延展性主要来源于钢中复杂的显微组织以及应变条件下亚稳态的残余奥氏体(A1)向马氏全(M)的转变,即相变诱发塑性。钢中各相组织的正确鉴别显得尤为重要,特别是钢中残余奥氏体的含量、分布及其稳定性直接关系到TRIP钢性能的好坏。根据目前使用的常规鉴别方法、  相似文献   

纳米颗粒填充的PTFE微结构的原子力显微镜测量   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文报道了用原子力显微镜(AFM)研究多种纳米微粒填充的聚四氟乙烯(PTFE)材料的结构组成,观察了在纳米颗粒填充的PTFE中,纳米微粒的分散不均匀性以及纳米粉末在与PTFE混合、压制后发生的团聚现象。  相似文献   

海藻酸薄膜表面超微结构的原子力显微镜研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文采用原子力显微镜(AFM)对海藻酸生物薄膜表面的超微结构进行了实验研究,选择出最佳观察方法。结果发现薄膜上分布不规则的微孔,其长短孔径之比大约为3:2,微孔的中心距为孔径的2倍。  相似文献   

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