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本刊讯 甘孜移动分公司2009年的“村通工程”建设取得了阶段性的胜利,在最后的“攻坚战”中,建设队伍不畏艰辛,攻坚克难,创造了一个又一个“村通奇迹”。仅今年9月就开通188个基站,创下甘孜移动人在高原开通村通基站的新纪录。  相似文献   

由于大部分没有开通电话的乡村地处边远贫困的山区,恶劣的交通和地质条件,使铺设光纤或建设基站进行覆盖遇到了很大困难,各电信运营商不约而同地选择了使用卫星通讯系统作为实现村通工程重要手段。本文重点介绍了村通卫星通信系统防雷的解决方案。  相似文献   

刘翔 《通信电源技术》2007,24(6):100-103
文中从电信企业村村通基站的实际出发,结合雷击产生原因,探讨基站引入雷害的主要途径,着重讨论村村通基站防雷工程的主要措施以及在材村通基站工程建设中雷害防护的设计方法。  相似文献   

江西:一切以抗灾为中心 截至1月30日,江西因停电影响的移动基站5778个,占所有移动基站比例35.1%.其中退服2828个,占所有移动基站的17.2%.小灵通基站退服3998个,村通基站179个不能运行.  相似文献   

重庆移动大足分公司积极响应公司村通工程的整体部署,1月25日分公司及时召开了2008年村通工程启动会。在工程建设中,分公司通过确立“工程建设领导小组”明确各部门职责和任务,同时改变以住的建设模式,工会及时开展了“A+网络——我建设”劳动竞赛活动,与片区属地化结合.让各片区营销中心都充分参与进来,将村通工程一、二期的基站选址、  相似文献   

重庆移动村通工程建设正在深入推进,公司领导表示,将在10月底全面完成132个高山偏远移动通信基站的建设工作,占今年重庆市村通任务总量的七成多。  相似文献   

四川移动结合村通实际创新维护手段中国移动四川公司针对农村通信中基站电力得不到保障、盗窃猖獗、基站所在地自然灾害频繁等情况,创新维护手段,取得了良好效果。他们的主要做法是:一、保障基站供电,减少停电故障。通过安装自启动油机、发展公司外部的发电力  相似文献   

2月21日,中国移动重庆公司2008年村通工程开工会召开,拉开了2008年村通工程的建设序幕,35个分公司分别在万州、黔江、涪陵、合川4个分会场参加了会议。会上,工程建设部着重对工程的背景、组织计划、基站建设、物资管理、财务管理以及宣传和市场跟进等方面提出了具体要求。公司耿学锋副总经理出席了在万州召开的会议。  相似文献   

本刊讯近日,伴随着四川移动在全省最后一个未通电话行政村——甘孜州丹巴县邛山二村的G网基站顺利开通,四川移动行政村“村通工程”圆满完成,全省行政村电话普及率达到100%。  相似文献   

CDMA网络中搜索窗优化是非常重要且比较常用的优化手段。搜索窗设置是否合理,关系到系统的搜索速度,系统质量等。本文从终端和基站两个层面具体分析涉及到的搜索窗的作用和设置,并结合工程上的优化案例进行说明,探讨村通CDMA系统搜索窗的优化思路。  相似文献   

本节讲座介绍了5G通信中的载波调制和编码技术,包括二相相移键控、四相相移键控、正交振幅调制,低密度奇偶校验码和极化码等,多址技术包括正交多址和非正交多址,说明其基本原理和特点及应用场合。  相似文献   

At present, big data is very popular, because it has proved to be much successful in many fields such as social media, E-commerce transactions, etc. Big data describes the tools and technologies needed to capture, manage, store, distribute, and analyze petabyte or larger-sized datasets having different structures with high speed. Big data can be structured, unstructured, or semi structured. Hadoop is an open source framework that is used to process large amounts of data in an inexpensive and efficient way, and job scheduling is a key factor for achieving high performance in big data processing. This paper gives an overview of big data and highlights the problems and challenges in big data. It then highlights Hadoop Distributed File System (HDFS), Hadoop MapReduce, and various parameters that affect the performance of job scheduling algorithms in big data such as Job Tracker, Task Tracker, Name Node, Data Node, etc. The primary purpose of this paper is to present a comparative study of job scheduling algorithms along with their experimental results in Hadoop environment. In addition, this paper describes the advantages, disadvantages, features, and drawbacks of various Hadoop job schedulers such as FIFO, Fair, capacity, Deadline Constraints, Delay, LATE, Resource Aware, etc, and provides a comparative study among these schedulers.  相似文献   

运动估计算法分析   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
对常用的运动补偿图像算法(如全搜索法、三步法、共轭方向搜索法、两维对数下降法等)从各个方面进行了比较,最终选出最快、最准确的算法-两步搜索法。  相似文献   

孙丽 《电子质量》2012,(2):50-54
通过对电子元器件企业"可靠性、维修性、保障性、测试性、安全性和环境适应性"的审核,帮助企业识别"可靠性、维修性、保障性、测试性、安全性和环境适应性",认识"可靠性、维修性、保障性、测试性、安全性和环境适应性"在产品设计开发中的重要性,实现产品的"可靠性、维修性、保障性、测试性、安全性和环境适应性"指标。  相似文献   

在数字化中国的大背景下,在公司个人宽带与互动电视在线交费用户均突破300万户的情况下,为解决我们的用户总找不到自己喜欢看的节目,记不住频道名称和喜欢的节目,提升公司竞争力。通过对前端的点播系统、AAA系统、EPG系统、PORTAL系统、ISMP系统、媒资系统、机顶盒终端的功能进行剥离、整合和详细设计,最后完成终端用户语音操控电视直播、点播、时移、回看、页面操控、系统设置,并支持普通话和四川话方言的目的。达到提升用户体验,增加公司竞争力,促进业务的发展。系统试运行后,用户体验效果得到很大提升,完全达到预期设计目的。  相似文献   

A dynamic, interactive map has been developed of the life cycle of a number of metals, from mining through to minerals processing, metal production, product manufacturing, recovery, and waste management. While the existing metal process network and waste management infrastructure provide substantial scope for (product) design, these also limit change because of the strong path dependency of industry and infrastructure development. Therefore, models for dynamic simulation were constructed that allow the specification and evaluation of the metal process network and waste management infrastructure “products” over a longer time span. The model has been constructed using a bottom-up approach, to enable assessment of the environmental aspects of metallurgy, and to simulate changes in the system structure and technology, i.e., from the reactor or individual process step up to integrated material cycles. This dynamic interconnected model is used to investigate the impact of the removal of lead from solders on the coupled flows of the metals Ag, Au, Bi, Cu, Fe, Ni, Pb, Sn, Zn, and PGMs.  相似文献   

国际音频技术研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过对第117届、118届、119届、120届AES大会的统计分析,介绍了国际上关于扬声器、传声器、信号处理、音频编码、空间感及处理、仪器与测量、扩声、高清音频、多通道声、心理声学感知与听音试验、汽车音响等方面音频技术研究的最新进展。  相似文献   

In recent years, handheld devices have become one of the fastest growing communication gadgets. Mobile technology is becoming widespread and research in this area is urgently needed. Using a survey instrument, the thoughts of male and female students regarding the importance and costs of mobile devices were investigated. It was found that students tend to consider the following features important: battery life, mp3 player, video camera, photo camera, storage memory, Bluetooth, design and elegance, clock, calendar, organizer and reminder. Also, they are eager to spend an amount of money so as their mobile device to support them. On average, both genders would pay extra money for such features. However, the majority of females think less of the price than males do. On the contrary, most of the respondents do not consider the following important: touch screen, voice commands, chat, teleconference, encryption and cryptography, common use of files, printing. Therefore, they would not spend any money for these features. Interested decision makers would try to increase their interest on such features. Moreover, all respondents appear to own a mobile phone while most of them do not have Internet connection at home. In general, some gender differences are found in the importance and costs of the mobile devices, but they are not statistically significant.  相似文献   

论述了IP网络的现状,包括承载网、业务、协议标准和接入技术的现状。分析了IP网络的发展趋势,包括宽带化、业务多样化和分类化、网络结构层次化、统一MPLS协议标准、数据化、IP化和融合的趋势。  相似文献   

Adhering hydrogels to various materials is fundamental to a large array of established and emerging applications. The last few years have seen transformative advances in achieving strong hydrogel adhesion, which is a supramolecular phenomenon. Two adherends connect through covalent bonds, noncovalent complexes, polymer chains, polymer networks, or nanoparticles. Separating the adherends dissipates energy through cascading events across length scales, including bond cleavage, chain retraction, and bulk hysteresis. A unifying principle has emerged: strong hydrogel adhesion requires the synergy of chemistry of bonds, topology of connection, and mechanics of dissipation. This synergy characterizes hydrogel adhesion to various materials (another hydrogel, tissue, elastomer, plastic, metal, glass, and ceramic) in various operations (cast, coat, print, attach, pierce, and glue). Strong adhesion can be made permanent, reversible, degradable, or on‐demand detachable. The development of hydrogel adhesion and its applications adheres disciplines, discovers interlinks, and forges cohesion. Discussed throughout the review are immediate opportunities for fundamental studies and practical applications.  相似文献   

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