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李想 《数码》2004,(6):166-167
近年来,随着数字影像技术的进步和人们生活水平的提高,小型数码摄像机(Digjital Video)日益普及。DV身影在人们的生活里几乎随处可见,各类DV作品的制作和播放亦日趋活跃。DV作为一种新的传播和表达方式.固其个性化和易操作的特点.吸引了越来越多的爱好者,他们用自己独特的、生活化的视角,记录和展现着真实的生活。DV就像一支记录影像的笔,为人们实现自己的影像梦想,  相似文献   

高昱光 《信息通信》2011,(3):149-150
DV创作是一种普通大众都能参与的影视创作,近年来被当代大学生所喜爱.大量的校园DV创作由于缺乏有效的组织和指导,也显现出作品主题不够明确、题材单一、范围狭小等弱点.针对上述特点提出了加强大学生DV实践选题指导的办法,同时在客观上也创新了第二课堂实践教育的手段,发挥了校园DV作品拓展实践的意义.  相似文献   

DV,Digital Video的简称,也就是我们通常所说的"数码摄像".同一个概念却有三层含义.其一,DV是一种格式,是消费类数字视频的统一标准.其二,DV是一种设备,是应用数字技术记录影音数据的摄录机.  相似文献   

广播是一种独特的传播媒介,以声音为传播介质和传播源,其传播的内容、语速、音效和语言等要素对广播播音的传播效果有很重要的作用,广播播音员作为体现广播播音语言艺术性的主体,要努力提升自身的修为能力、语言灵活运用能力,充分发挥广播播音的语言艺术性.本文主要分析广播播音,并对广播播音的语言艺术价值进行一些研究.  相似文献   

1.项目构成情况综合介绍: 创新-NET网络硬盘播出系统是一种基于完整的DV格式编辑环境,具有专业的采集站点、编辑站点、审片站点、节目管理站点、双机备份硬盘播出站点。兼容所有DV25、MPEGII、DV50,压缩无压缩混合编辑,任意接口,任意格式综合解决方案。  相似文献   

在广播电视传播中的声像系统中,播音主持人是直接面向受众的,他们以媒介传播者的身份出现,通过语言并辅以形象进行信息传播.因此,他们的语言质量直接影响到信息传播、娱乐欣赏、咨询服务、知识教育等广播电视功能的实现.同时,作为一种传播介质,广播电视的权威性、影响性、普适性更影响到播音主持人在众多媒体及公众心目中的威望.正是由于广播电视对受众具有潜移默化的舆论导向、文化品位、审美情趣以及语言水准等影响,因此,播音主持人的语言在传播中是不可或缺的.  相似文献   

2004年第9期76一直以来,专业摄像机由于昂贵的价格、庞大的体积和复杂的操作与调整步骤而被局限于广播电视系统,掌握在少数专业人手中;因为存在的诸多不便,从电视事业开始时,电视工作人员就梦想着更便宜、更轻巧灵活、操作更简单的摄像机出现,实现电视人随意拍、任意编的愿望。DV机的出现与普及改变了这种状况,使电视人的梦想变为可能,非专业人员使用它也不再是难事了。DV机的出现与普及改变了我们的生活方式和工作方式,改变了一切。于是,一种新的文化形态——DV文化逐渐形成。1 DV—不仅仅是技术的产物,更是一种书写日记的新方法DV是D…  相似文献   

近日,雅美森电子推出一款既可电视接收又可处理数字和模拟信号的全新三台—DV电视卡—DV.combo系列之TV梦工场。该卡配备有IEEE 1394接口、AV和S端子,具备电视接收、DV输入输出、模拟视频输入功能。采用了第五代电视接收芯片(Philips  相似文献   

目前大家对待DV的态度主要有两种.一种是作为独立的影像方式发挥它影像编辑方便、设备小巧的优势作为一种特殊的艺术形式或表达方式,另一种是作为各种记录材料(胶片.VHS、BETACAM……)中的一种.利用自身优势,比较廉价地制作影片,前者多为先锋、实验者后者则是一有机会就使用比DV更高级的记录材料然而无论是哪一种态度,我们都想把自己的作品拍好,把手中的DV发挥到极致下面我就结合自己拍摄的《乌鹊》和《立秋》两部短片跟大家探讨有关DV短片的拍摄。  相似文献   

为了综合DC、DV两者的特长,各个厂商也是八仙过海,各显神通。Panasonic有一款DV曾经在当时引起了不少消费者的兴趣,它就是EX-21。简单地说,这部DV有点像“组合玩具”,镜头部分与机身是分离的,可以按照用户需要把相应的附件连接起来———原本重约555克、标准的直立式DV转眼就能变成一部102万像素,仅重约345克的DC,这可算是机身分离式DV的鼻祖了!与DV部分相连,EX-21是一部标准的DV;与DC部分相连,使用SD/MMC卡记录,缩小了体积。由于上文所述的原因,EX-21虽然在功能上实现了两种产品一体化的要求,但由于使用的是1/4英寸ccd,拍摄出…  相似文献   

Following the success of the audio video standard(AVS) for 2D video coding,in 2008,the China AVS workgroup started developing 3D video(3DV) coding techniques.In this paper,we discuss the background,technical features,and applications of AVS 3DV coding technology.We introduce two core techniques used in AVS 3DV coding:inter-view prediction and enhanced stereo packing coding.We elaborate on these techniques,which are used in the AVS real-time 3DV encoder.An application of the AVS 3DV coding system is presented to show the great practical value of this system.Simulation results show that the advanced techniques used in AVS 3DV coding provide remarkable coding gain compared with techniques used in a simulcast scheme.  相似文献   

DV-Hop 算法是解决无线传感器网络节点定位问题的一种经典算法。文中根据经典的DV-Hop 算法提出了一种改进算法,通过引入更优的误差矫正和双曲线定位算法,减少了经典算法中多跳过程中积累的定位误差。比较和分析了经典DV-Hop 算法和改进后算法的仿真结果可以看出,改进后的DV-Hop 算法定位精度提高显著,在给定条件下的定位误差下降了约50%。  相似文献   

The Moving Picture Experts Group(MPEG) has been developing a 3D video(3DV) coding standard for depth-based 3DV data representations,especially for multiview video plus depth(MVD) format.With MVD,depth-image-based rendering(DIBR) is used to synthesize virtual views that are based on a few transmitted pairs of texture and depth data.In this paper,we discuss ongoing 3DV standardization and summarize coding tools proposed in the responses to MPEG’s call for proposals on 3DV coding.  相似文献   

Multistage interconnection networks are employed in data centres to interchange information between the processors and memory elements. Data Vortex (DV) is a multistage minimum logic network which can be used in data centres. DV satisfies the requirements of the interconnection networks such as scalability and throughput. However, the latency is on higher side, and reduction in latency can lead to higher throughput. In the present paper, we describe the feasibility and performance analysis of DV architecture in reverse direction. The routing and the possible hardware model of the node switch have been discussed. We present the performance analysis of Reverse Data Vortex (RDV) architecture in terms of throughput, latency and latency distribution. A comparative study with DV on throughput, latency and latency distribution is also presented. The simulation result shows that the decrease in latency of RDV is about 50 % that of DV and this leads to an increase in injection rate of RDV to values more than two times that of DV.  相似文献   

家用数码摄录机是指供个人消费使用的以数字方式记录视、音频信号的摄录一体机。目前在家用数码摄录机中除了用得最多的DV格式之外 ,还有Digital 8(数码 8mm)格式。分析了DV格式摄录机的技术特点、性能、信号质量及新功能 ,同时介绍了Digital 8格式摄录机的基本特征、技术特点和声像效果  相似文献   

传感器网络的任务双效节能调度研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
能源供应有限性是局限传感器网络的性能和存活寿命的重要因素,本文从传感器网络节点的任务调度出发,提出动态能量管理DPM和动态电压/频率调节DV/FS的双效处理器节能调度算法,即DV/FS-RM和DV/FS-EDF调度算法;在DPM动态控制空闲任务进入休眠的同时,在保证节点的实时性的前提下,通过DV/FS-RM或DV/FS-EDF算法降低处理器频率,达到更好的节能效果.实验显示,该节能任务调度算法使以电池为能源的传感器网络节点的生存期成倍地延长.  相似文献   

Rate–distortion optimization (RDO) is utilized to select the optimal coding parameters in multi-view video coding (MVC), which employs a Lagrange multiplier to balance the relationship between the distortion and the bitrate. In this paper, an efficient RDO method for the dependent view (DV) in multi-view video (MVV) is proposed based on inter-view dependency. First of all, by investigating the sources of the distortion in the DV, a new distortion model for the DV is established. In addition, based on the proposed distortion model, an efficient Lagrangian multiplier decision for B frame is proposed by considering the inter-view dependency. Finally, the optimized Lagrangian multiplier for P frame is designed using the scaling factor which is deduced to have a linear relationship with the disparity between I frame and P frame. Experiment results demonstrate that compared with the original HTM-16.0 encoder, the proposed overall method reduces 12.19% BD-rate for the DV on average, bringing 0.40 dB BD-PSNR gain.  相似文献   

Error control techniques like error resilience (ER) and error concealment (EC) are efficient techniques to ameliorate the lost macroblocks (MBs) in the 3D video (3DV) communication system. In this paper, we propose efficient and adaptive hybrid ER‐EC algorithms for 3DV transmission over error‐prone wireless channels. At the encoder, adaptive preprocessing ER mechanisms are proposed through using the context adaptive variable length coding entropy, slice structured coding modes, and explicit flexible macroblock ordering mapping. They are used to assist the suggested EC techniques at the decoder to accurately reconstruct the erroneous MBs and frames. At the decoder, an efficient postprocessing EC technique with multiproposition methods is proposed to dynamically select the convenient EC hypothesis method based on the size of the lost MBs, the faulty view, and the frame type. It conceals the received erroneous MBs of intra‐encoded and inter‐encoded frames of the transmitted 3DV by exploiting the temporal, spatial, and inter‐view correlations among frames and views. To further improve the decoded 3DV quality, a weighted overlapping block motion and disparity compensation technique is used to reinforce the performance of the suggested ER‐EC techniques. Experimental results on various 3DV streams prove that the suggested techniques have considerably acceptable subjective and objective 3DV performance. They achieve an improved average peak signal‐to‐noise ratio gain by almost 2.85 dB compared to the conventional error control algorithms at a packet loss rate = 40%.  相似文献   

DV摄像机在旅游中的技术处理与拍摄技巧应用是众多旅游爱好者共同关注的问题,从分析DV摄像机技术特性、摄像中的技术处理和技巧应用等几方面介绍如何拍摄旅游景点中优美独特的风光景色、记录景点的人文景观、捕捉愉快有趣的旅游情景,从而增强旅游摄像画面的表现力,使旅游生活更具意义和情趣.  相似文献   

Modern high-performance computing systems require networks with high capacity, extremely high throughput and low latency in order to pass messages between thousands of processors and memory elements. Optical Interconnection Networks (OIN) offer a potentially viable solution to this requirement. An all-optical packet switched interconnection network called a Data Vortex (DV) switch has already been proposed by Yang et al. for the purpose of large scale photonic interconnections. For any interconnection network, fault tolerance and reliability are crucial issues, evaluation of which lacked attention for the case of the DV switch. In our earlier work we therefore presented the results for fault tolerance and reliability analysis of the primary DV switch. We also proposed a new Augmented Data Vortex (ADV) switch fabric, to improve the fault tolerance of the primary DV switch. The performance as regards fault tolerance of the ADV switch was computed and detailed results were obtained. In this paper, performance of ADV is investigated with reference to parameters such as latency and injection ratio (throughput) by means of numerical simulations. A uniform random traffic model has been used for the performance evaluation. The results obtained are compared with the results reported for the DV switch. The results show that the ADV switch with enhanced fault tolerance also improves the performance regarding latency. For same switch sizes (i.e. the same number of angles A, and height H) the injection ratios (throughput) for the DV and the ADV switches are comparable. Hence it can serve as a suitable candidate for high performance computing.  相似文献   

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