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该文提出一种基于多线性子空间KL(Karhunen-Loeve)变换的可伸缩视频压缩算法。该算法将纹理不同的图像子块投影到多个线性子空间中去,然后分别进行KL变换编码,使得每个子空间内变换系数更接近高斯分布,从而最大限度地在变换编码阶段提高压缩效率。同时,该算法结合多尺度小波分解,实现了质量可伸缩的视频编码,提高了视频压缩率。通过与DCT、小波变换以及多向DCT算法进行比较,证明该算法可获得更好的率失真性能。  相似文献   

基于I,P,B帧中所有帧内预测宏块与整数离散余弦变换DCT(Discrete Cosine Transform)提出了一种融合加密方案。判断当前宏块的属性是帧内预测宏块,则将其DCT系数分层即宏块系数矩阵进行转置变换,获得16个新的4×4子宏块,用混沌系统产生的密钥序列置乱子宏块后再加密子宏块中的系数符号。实验结果表明,该融合加密方案不仅能有效防止块间相关性攻击和密钥攻击,同时也能满足视频的安全性和传输的实时性要求。  相似文献   

基于I、P、B帧中所有帧内预测宏块与整数离散余弦变换DCT(Discrete Cosine Transform)提出了一种融合加密方案。判断当前宏块的属性是帧内预测宏块,则将其DCT系数分层即宏块系数矩阵做转置变换,获得16个新的4×4子宏块,用混沌系统产生的密钥序列置乱子宏块后再加密子宏块中的系数符号。实验结果表明,这种融合加密方案不仅能有效防止块间相关性攻击和密钥攻击,同时也能满足视频的安全性和传输的实时性要求。  相似文献   

一种基于H.264/AVC的视频可逆脆弱水印算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合H.264压缩编码标准的特性,该文提出一种新的基于H.264/AVC的视频可逆脆弱水印算法。算法先计算当前宏块预测残差块量化的离散余弦变换(DCT)系数的哈希值生成认证码,再把认证码作为水印信息嵌入到下一个相邻宏块活性最大的4′4块的最后一个非零量化DCT系数中。在解码端,通过比较认证码和提取的水印信息进行视频数据完整性的认证。实验结果表明,该算法对视频质量和码率的影响较小,并且能对认证通过的视频数据进行还原和对认证失败的视频Ⅰ帧遭篡改区域进行有效的定位。  相似文献   

杜耀刚  蔡安妮 《通信学报》2007,28(7):123-128
提出了一种新DCT域任意m:n比率的下采样方法,即直接找出输入m^2个块与下采样输出的n^ 2个的块的DCT系数关系式。实验结果表明:本方法的重构图像的峰值信噪比(PNSR)优于Park方法0.5dB,且有较低的计算复杂性,适用于任何基于DCT压缩的视频转码方案。  相似文献   

随着数字视频水印技术被广泛应用于视频信息的版权保护,提出一种基于H.264码流的数字视频水印方案.根据经典算法 H&G 算法的部分解码的思想,通过纹理复杂度参数和帧内预测方向在每个宏块中选择合适的4×4块,并根据DCT系数特点,选择4×4块的一个中频系数来嵌入水印.结合常用的内置式水印的嵌入方法,通过调制 DCT 系数的一个中频系数的奇偶性关系,完成水印在 I 帧的嵌入.通过对标准视频序列的测试,证明了该算法在H.264标准上的可行性.  相似文献   

随着数字电视的发展与普及,不同编码视频的转码变得越来越重要.研究DCT域中空间分辨率下采样的关键技术,包括DCT域图像尺寸下采样、DCT域的运动补偿、运动矢量重用等,并以软件方式实现了HDTV到SDTV的转码.  相似文献   

刘伟峰  庄奕琪  郭锋   《电子器件》2007,30(5):1670-1672
在研究了离散余弦变换的频域分辨率与时域分辨率的转换关系的基础上,提出了一种基于自适应降阶IDCT的低复杂度视频解码方法.根据DCT系数块中非零系数的个数,对DCT系数进行自适应降采样.对降采样后的DCT系数块进行降阶的IDCT变换,再对变换后的块在时域中进行线性插值,最终实现解码.降阶IDCT处理降低的解码时间弥补了插值耗费的时间,还使解码的整体复杂度降低.测试结果表明,该方法解码时间可以节省60%-80%,而PSNR损失仅为0.3~0.7dB.  相似文献   

在H.264/AVC视频编码标准框架下,提出一种基于H.264宏块内码率控制的视频隐写算法,根据CSF函数对DCT变换频率进行分类,判别DCT变换块的不敏感频率,并对DCT块进行分类,最后通过秘密信息比特位指导DCT块不敏感频率系数的舍弃和选取。实验中进行了隐写容量测试、信噪比损失测试和视频压缩码流大小测试。实验表明,该算法在损失信噪比较小的情况下能嵌入较多的信息,并能保持原视频编码器的压缩特性。  相似文献   

陆寄远  朝红阳  黄承慧  侯昉 《电子学报》2014,42(8):1495-1502
不同硬件设备具有不同的计算能力,能否在任意给定计算能力约束下达到最好的编码效率,是当前视频编码研究领域的一个极具挑战性问题.同时,随着分块结构越来越灵活的编码标准不断出现(如:HEVC,H.264等),运动估计不得不反复地应用在大小不同的各种分块上,导致其对编码总体计算复杂度的影响愈加重要.在此背景下,本文提出了一种针对运动估计的计算能力可伸缩(Complexity scalable)优化算法.我们通过对运动估计过程中预测失真度和计算复杂度的变化规律建模,发现根据各宏块的特性设置不同的预测失真度阈值可以优化地分配计算资源.而该阈值的大小则恰恰是各宏块的最小预测失真度加上一个由复杂度约束统一决定的偏移量.有鉴于此,我们进一步构造了计算能力可伸缩的优化运动估计算法,在不增加额外计算量的前提下,快速地得到各个宏块所对应的优化阈值,并完成运动估计.通过实验分析,该算法不仅具备自动适应不同计算复杂度约束的能力,而且在任意给定的复杂度约束下,都能提供优化的编码性能.  相似文献   

一种改进的可分级视频编码方法及其网络传输研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
该文提出了一种改进的可分级视频编码方法。为了适应流媒体的分层传输要求,该方法通过对DCT系数量化残差的位平面编码产生视频流的增强层部分,其基本层码流由更多的子基本层组成,各子基本层通过宏块级DCT系数重排及VLC重组生成。同时,该文设计了一种针对该分层视频流数据的网络传输自适应不等重丢包保护(AUPLP)策略,在估计当前可利用带宽资源的基础上,实时调整不同层数据的保护力度,并控制传输截断的层数。仿真结果表明,与传统方法相比该文方案在低带宽时可获得平均1.2dB的编码增益,AUPLP的应用也大大改善了视频流媒体的传输质量。  相似文献   

We introduce a highly scalable video compression system for very low bit-rate videoconferencing and telephony applications around 10-30 kbits/s. The video codec first performs a motion-compensated three-dimensional (3-D) wavelet (packet) decomposition of a group of video frames, and then encodes the important wavelet coefficients using a new data structure called tri-zerotrees (TRI-ZTR). Together, the proposed video coding framework forms an extension of the original zero tree idea of Shapiro (1992) for still image compression. In addition, we also incorporate a high degree of video scalability into the codec by combining the layered/progressive coding strategy with the concept of embedded resolution block coding. With scalable algorithms, only one original compressed video bit stream is generated. Different subsets of the bit stream can then be selected at the decoder to support a multitude of display specifications such as bit rate, quality level, spatial resolution, frame rate, decoding hardware complexity, and end-to-end coding delay. The proposed video codec also allows precise bit rate control at both the encoder and decoder, and this can be achieved independently of the other video scaling parameters. Such a scheme is very useful for both constant and variable bit rate transmission over mobile communication channels, as well as video distribution over heterogeneous multicast networks. Finally, our simulations demonstrated comparable objective and subjective performance when compared to the ITU-T H.263 video coding standard, while providing both multirate and multiresolution video scalability  相似文献   

结合视频压缩编码的动态图像水印方案   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文提出了一种新的、结合视频压缩编码的动态图像水印方案。在嵌入水印时,充分考虑动态图像压缩编码的特性,对帧内编码帧(I帧),将水印信息嵌入到DCT低额系数中;面对帧间编码帧(P、B帧),结合动态补偿/离散余弦变换(MC/DCT)混合编码,把水印信息嵌入到运动补偿后的残差图象的直流成分中。同时,在水印嵌入时,采用扩频技术与多维水印相结合的方法,并通过相关检测的方法判断水印的存在。由于水印的检测是对视频码流直接实施的,不需要对压缩数据进行完全解码,从而大大降低了计算量,提高了视频数据水印的适用性。  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a block-based frequency scalable technique for efficient hierarchical coding. The proposed technique divides an image into its multiple resolution versions, based on the spectral properties of discrete cosine transform (DCT) kernels. We present that spectral decomposition, downsampling, and DCT operations are performed effectively over input DCT coefficients of one-dimensional (1-D) and two-dimensional (2-D) signals by using the proposed transform matrices. The proposed image coder is observed to reduce the computational complexity and the memory buffer size with a higher peak signal-to-noise ratio (PSNR), when compared with the traditional hierarchical image coder. In addition, the proposed architecture can preserve compatibility easily with the previous DCT-based image coder.  相似文献   

FGS编码方法具有细粒度的可扩展能力,能很好地适应网络带宽的动态变化,被认为是一种适合于网络视频传输的编码方案.但现有的MPEG-4 FGS编码标准效率低,限制了其进一步的推广应用.因此,本文面向视频应用中常见的头肩序列图像,实现了一种质量可精细扩展的视频编码方法.该方法采用H.26L对基本层进行编码,采用基于DCT变换的SPIHT方法对原始图像与基本层重建图像之间的残差进行编码得到增强层的码流.然后将复杂背景下的人脸检测与跟踪技术与选择性增强技术结合起来,对人脸区域优先编码.实验结果表明,该方法不仅编码效率高于现有的MPEG-4 FGS标准,码流具有可精细扩展的特性,还可以选择性地提高人脸区域重建图像的主观感受水平.  相似文献   

This paper introduces the 3D color set partitioning in hierarchical trees (3D-CSPIHT) low bit rate embedded video coding scheme. The codec exploits the correlation between temporal and spatial wavelet coefficients and the interdependency between luminance and chrominance components to code color video sequences without the need for explicit bit allocation. Besides offering rate scalability, the new codec also produces multi-resolution scalable code streams. The hierarchical variable size block matching motion estimation technique is also integrated to demonstrate the motion estimation option with 3D-CSPIHT. The coding results show that 3D-CSPIHT produces better performance and visual quality compared to 3D-SPIHT.  相似文献   

In this paper, we propose a fast motion vector re-estimation for transcoding MPEG-1 to MPEG-4 with lower spatial resolution. This task can be performed in the pixel-domain or in the discrete cosine transform (DCT) domain. In this paper, we concentrate on the DCT-domain approach, which requires lower delay and complexity than those in the pixel-domain. For the DCT-domain transcoding to lower spatial resolution pictures, DCT-domain down-sampling filter is applied and a base motion vector (BMV) for the down-sampled MPEG-4 macroblock is to be calculated from the input motion vectors operating on the higher spatial resolution image. Quality can be significantly improved by refining the BMV. Starting with the BMV, the motion vector refinement (MVR) scheme searches for a delta motion vector within a significantly reduced search area. We propose a fast MVR scheme for video down-sampling in the DCT-domain based on minimizing the number of required check points, and a computationally efficient method for extracting motion compensated DCT block. We also show an efficient scheme for selecting a coding mode for a macroblock in the lower resolution video from those of the corresponding higher resolution video.  相似文献   

The coding efficiency of currently scalable video coding is very high at the cost of high coding complexity. Therefore, it is extremely important to improve the coding speed. By making use of the advantage of the quality scalable video coding (QSVC) structure, we propose a new fast Intra coding algorithm for QSVC. Based on the coding structure of QSVC, temporal, spatial and inter-layer correlations are employed together to predict candidate macro-block (MB) modes and their encoding orders to exclude low possible modes, and then three new early termination methods are proposed. In addition to MB modes, temporal, spatial and inter-layer correlations are also adopted together to estimate weight values and orders of all directional modes. Experimental results demonstrate that the coding speed of the proposed algorithm can be improved by 63.58 % in average with negligible coding loss.  相似文献   

Although most of the proposals for implementing motion-compensated temporal filtering (MCTF) schemes are based on the wavelet transform, in this paper, we propose an MCTF framework based on the discrete cosine transform (DCT). Using DCT decimation and interpolation, several temporal decomposition structures named motion-compensated DCT temporal filters (MCDCT-TF) are introduced. These structures are able to employ filters of any length with particular emphasis on 5/3 DCT and 7/4 DCT. The proposed MCDCT-TF and the two-dimensional (2D) DCT decimation technique are incorporated into H.264/AVC to provide spatio-temporal scalability. Compared with the current MCTF-based lifting schemes such as Haar, and 5/3 wavelet filters, simulation results show that the proposed MCDCT-TF utilizing longer tap DCT filters achieves a significant improvement in coding gain. The impact of odd/even group of frames, the decimation/interpolation ratios, and motion-compensated connectivity on the MCDCT-TF performance are also analyzed. Moreover, simulation results show that the performance of the presented scalable video coding is close to the single layer H.264/AVC and is slightly inferior to the temporal scalability supported in JSVM, the state-of-the-art scalable video coding standard, that gets its gain from Hierarchical B-pictures. However, our spatio-temporal coding scheme outperforms the spatio-temporal supported in JSVM even if it uses hierarchical B-pictures to improve its gain.  相似文献   

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