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利用射频辉光放电法,通过周期性交替切换两种耦合电极的方式,制备了μc-Si∶H/a-Si∶H多层膜.低角度X射线衍射(LAXRD)测试表明,这种多层膜具有良好的周期性结构.观察了上述多层膜的光学性质及电导率与温度的关系,发现其吸收边随着a-Si∶H层的减薄而蓝移,低温下的电导激活能Ea随着a-Si∶H层的减薄而减小  相似文献   

在不同功率密度下用甚高频化学气相沉积(VHF-PECVD)法制备了一系列微晶硅(μc-Si:H)薄膜,并对薄膜的微观结构进行了研究.重点研究了在较低的功率密度下,功率密度的改变对薄膜沉积速率和结晶状况的影响.结果表明,随着功率密度的提高,沉积速率逐渐加大,进一步提高功率密度时,沉积速率趋于饱和;与此同时,薄膜的孵化层厚度和形核密度随功率密度而变化.  相似文献   

在不同功率密度下用甚高频化学气相沉积(VHF-PECVD)法制备了一系列微晶硅(μc-Si:H)薄膜,并对薄膜的微观结构进行了研究.重点研究了在较低的功率密度下,功率密度的改变对薄膜沉积速率和结晶状况的影响.结果表明,随着功率密度的提高,沉积速率逐渐加大,进一步提高功率密度时,沉积速率趋于饱和;与此同时,薄膜的孵化层厚度和形核密度随功率密度而变化.  相似文献   

应用计算机数值模拟方法计算p+(μc-Si:H)/n(c-Si)及p+(μc-Si:H)/i(a-Si:H)/n(c-Si)异质结太阳能电池中的电场强度分布,说明μc-Si/c-Si异质结电池制造中μc-Si:H膜厚选择,进而对嵌入a-Si:H薄层的μc-Si/c-Si异质结太阳能电池设计进行分析,包括a-Si:H薄层p型掺杂效应及本底单晶硅的电阻率选择,最后讨论μc-Si/c-Si异质结太阳能电池稳定性.  相似文献   

利用射频辉光放电法 ,通过周期性交替切换两种耦合电极的方式 ,制备了 μc- Si∶ H/a- Si∶ H多层膜 .低角度X射线衍射 (L AXRD)测试表明 ,这种多层膜具有良好的周期性结构 .观察了上述多层膜的光学性质及电导率与温度的关系 ,发现其吸收边随着 a- Si∶ H层的减薄而蓝移 ,低温下的电导激活能 Ea 随着 a- Si∶ H层的减薄而减小 .  相似文献   

采用高压高功率的超高频等离子体增强化学气相沉积(VHF-PECVD)技术,在腐蚀后的7059玻璃、低晶化和高晶化的微晶硅(μc-Si:H)p型材料3种衬底上,通过改变沉积时间的方法,高速(沉积速率约为1 nm/s)沉积了不同厚度的μc-Si:H薄膜材料.测试其表面形貌及晶化率,比较了不同衬底上高速生长的μc-Si:H薄膜生长机制及微结构的差异,最后得到适于高速沉积pin μc-Si:H太阳电池的μc-Si:H p型材料应具备的条件.  相似文献   

王玉玲  张青 《半导体学报》1988,9(3):325-327
本文介绍了 C_yF_(14)+ O_2等离子刻蚀 a=Si:H/a-C:H 超晶格的工艺原理及方法,简便可行.  相似文献   

采用等离子化学气相淀积方法,改变SiH4和N2O的流量比制备含有不同氧浓度的a-Si:H,O薄膜.用离子注入方法掺入铒,经300一935℃快速热退火,在波长1.54μm处观察到很强的室温光致发光.氧的加入可以大大提高铒离子的发光强度,并且发光强度随氧含量的变化有一个类似于高斯曲线的分布关系,不是单调地随氧含量的增加而增强.研究了掺铒a-Si:H,O薄膜和微结构,讨论了发光强度与薄膜微结构的关系.  相似文献   

以带有中间层的Si基薄膜叠层电池为研究对象,模拟了中间层对入射光在叠层电池中传播和分配的影响,对中间层的材料选择提出了优化方案,并以ZnO作中间层,实验验证了其对入射光的管理作用.模拟结果表明,引入适当的中间层,既能提高短波段的反射率,又能明显增加长波段光的透过率.加入ZnO中间层,可使厚为200 nm的顶部非晶硅(a-Si)电池的短路电流提高14.1%.  相似文献   

本文首次报道成功地实现了非晶态半导体准周期(无平移对称性)超晶格结构.利用辉光放电汽相淀积技术,由两种超薄的a-Si:H层和a-SiN_x:H层按Fibonacci序列程序淀积而构成一维准周期超晶格.其中两种一维周期格子的调制波长比为黄金分割τ=(1+5~(1/2))/2.剖面电子显微像和相应的电子衍射花样揭示出这类新型非晶态半导体超晶格的奇异性质.简单的理论计算给予实验衍射图像以明确的物理解释.  相似文献   

Optical and electrical simulations were carried out for thin film silicon solar tandem cells with intermediate reflector layer (IRL) between top and bottom cell and compared with experimental external quantum efficiency and current voltage characteristics results. Reference data were collected from a series of tandem cells with different thicknesses of the top cell absorber layer (160–240 nm), the bottom cell absorber layer (1750–2100 nm), and the transparent conductive oxides based IRL (10–80 nm). It turned out that for capturing correctly the influence of the IRL on the light management as a function of the IRL thickness, the conventional semicoherent approach is not sufficient. Whereas the optical properties of a very thin IRL are governed by interference effects that are best calculated using a fully coherent model, increasingly thicker IRL show a more and more incoherent behavior. By taking into account, the interface morphology and angular light distribution within the cell stack an algorithm for the effective IRL reflectivity was proposed that explains the experimental findings very well. The consecutive electrical simulations were carried out with the device simulator ASA. The dependence of short circuit current density jsc and fill factor FF on the thickness dIRL of the IRL is in qualitative agreement between simulation and experiment showing coincident extrema in jsc(dIRL) and FF(dIRL) at the current matching point. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

为充分利用太阳光谱能量,在玻璃衬底的PIN型a-Si/a-SiGe电池中直接引入了微晶硅(μc-Si:H)底电池.从透明导电氧化物(TCO)衬底的光透过率估算了PIN型a-Si:H/a-SiGe:H/μc-Si:H三结电池实现高转化效率的可行性.通过调整μc-Si:H底电池厚度考察三结电池的性能变化,结果发现,受中间电...  相似文献   

Wide band gap and highly conducting n-type nano-crystalline silicon film can have multiple roles in thin film solar cell. We prepared phosphorus doped micro-crystalline silicon oxide films (n-μc-SiO:H) of varying crystalline volume fraction (Xc) and applied some of the selected films in device fabrication, so that it plays the roles of n-layer and back reflector in p-i-n type solar cells. It is generally understood that a higher hydrogen dilution is needed to prepare micro-crystalline silicon, but in case of the n-μc-SiO:H an optimized hydrogen dilution was found suitable for higher Xc. Observed Xc of these films mostly decreased with increased plasma power (for pressure<2.0 Torr), increased gas pressure, flow rate of oxygen source gas and flow rates of PH3>0.08 sccm. In order to determine deposition conditions for optimized opto-electronic and structural characteristics of the n-μc-SiO:H film, the gas flow rates, plasma power, deposition pressure and substrate temperature were varied. In these films, the Xc, dark conductivity (σd) and activation energy (Ea) remained within the range of 0–50%, 3.5×10−10 S/cm to 9.1 S/cm and 0.71 eV to 0.02 eV, respectively. Low power (30 W) and optimized flow rates of H2 (500 sccm), CO2 (5 sccm), PH3 (0.08 sccm) showed the best properties of the n-μc-SiO:H layers and an improved performance of a solar cell. The photovoltaic parameters of one of the cells were as follows, open circuit voltage (Voc), short circuit current density (Jsc), fill-factor (FF), and photovoltaic conversion efficiency (η) were 950 mV, 15 mA/cm2, 64.5% and 9.2% respectively.  相似文献   

In this study, we report an appreciably increased efficiency from 6% up to 9.1% of hydrogenated amorphous silicon germanium (a-SiGe:H) thin film solar cells by using a combination of different p-doped window layers, such as boron doped hydrogenated amorphous silicon (p-a-Si:H), amorphous silicon oxide (p-a-SiOx:H), microcrystalline silicon (p-µc-Si:H), and microcrystalline silicon oxide (p-µc-SiOx:H). Optoelectronic properties and the role of these p-layers in the enhancement of a-SiGe:H cell efficiency were also examined and discussed. An improvement of 1.62 mA/cm2 in the short-circuit current density (Jsc) is attributed to the higher band gap of p-type silicon oxide layers. In addition, an increase in open-circuit voltage (Voc) by 150 mV and fill factor (FF) by 6.93% is ascribed to significantly improved front TCO/p-layer interface contact.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present a novel way of texturing glass facilitated by ZnO:Al thin film as sacrificial layer for thin film silicon solar cell application. We name this technique zinc oxide‐induced texturing (ZIT). The texturing of glass was achieved by wet etching of ZnO:Al covered glass with HF and HNO3 as etchants. We investigated the influence of the ZnO:Al layer sputtering condition, the layer thickness, and the etchant composition on the surface morphology of the textured glass. We demonstrate that we are able to control the roughness of the ZIT glass over a wide roughness range, ranging from 20 to 400 nm. Highly efficient microcrystalline silicon n‐i‐p solar cells were deposited on ZIT glass. The influence of the substrate morphology on the solar cell performance is also discussed. The highest efficiency for a single junction n‐i‐p microcrystalline silicon solar cell obtained in this work is 10.64% (Active area). Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

PI衬底柔性透明硅薄膜太阳能电池的制备及性能   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用硬质玻璃为载板,采用传统硅薄膜太阳能电池生产设备,在聚酰亚胺(PI)塑料薄膜衬底上沉积了B掺杂的ZnO(BZO)薄膜,并以此作为前电极制备了单节电池结构及多节串联一体结构的非晶硅(a-Si)太阳能电池;研究了PI衬底上BZO薄膜的光学及电学性能。结果表明,PI衬底上沉积BZO薄膜后在300~1 200 nm波长范围的透光率为76.63%,方块电阻19.7?/□。所制备的单节和多节串联一体结构的a-Si薄膜太阳能电池的转化效率分别达到6.45%和5.1%,封装后电池组件具有一定的透光性,透光率约达到30.2%。  相似文献   

Silver nanoparticles embedded in a dielectric material have strong scattering properties under light illumination, due to localized surface plasmons. This effect is a potential way to achieve light trapping in thin‐film solar cells. In this paper we study light scattering properties of nanoparticles on glass and ZnO, and on silver coated with ZnO, which represent the back reflector of a solar cell. We find that large nanoparticles embedded in the dielectric at the back contact of amorphous silicon solar cells lead to a remarkable increase in short circuit current of 20% compared to co‐deposited cells without nanoparticles. This increase is strongly correlated with the enhanced cell absorption in the long wavelengths and is attributed to localized surface plasmons. We also discuss the electrical properties of the cells. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Substrate configuration allows for the deposition of thin film silicon (Si) solar cells on non‐transparent substrates such as plastic sheets or metallic foils. In this work, we develop processes compatible with low Tg plastics. The amorphous Si (a‐Si:H) and microcrystalline Si (µc‐Si:H) films are deposited by plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition, at very high excitation frequencies (VHF‐PECVD). We investigate the optical behaviour of single and triple junction devices prepared with different back and front contacts. The back contact consists either of a 2D periodic grid with moderate slope, or of low pressure CVD (LP‐CVD) ZnO with random pyramids of various sizes. The front contacts are either a 70 nm thick, nominally flat ITO or a rough 2 µm thick LP‐CVD ZnO. We observe that, for a‐Si:H, the cell performance depends critically on the combination of thin flat or thick rough front TCOs and the back contact. Indeed, for a‐Si:H, a thick LP‐CVD ZnO front contact provides more light trapping on the 2D periodic substrate. Then, we investigate the influence of the thick and thin TCOs in conjunction with thick absorbers (µc‐Si:H). Because of the different nature of the optical systems (thick against thin absorber layer), the antireflection effect of ITO becomes more effective and the structure with the flat TCO provides as much light trapping as the rough LP‐CVD ZnO. Finally, the conformality of the layers is investigated and guidelines are given to understand the effectiveness of the light trapping in devices deposited on periodic gratings. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this paper, fabrication of a non‐continuous silicon dioxide layer from a silica nanosphere solution followed by the deposition of an aluminium film is shown to be a low‐cost, low‐thermal‐budget method of forming a high‐quality back surface reflector (BSR) on crystalline silicon (c‐Si) thin‐film solar cells. The silica nanosphere layer has randomly spaced openings which can be used for metal‐silicon contact areas. Using glass/SiN/p+nn+ c‐Si thin‐film solar cells on glass as test vehicle, the internal quantum efficiency (IQE) at long wavelengths (>900 nm) is experimentally demonstrated to more than double by the implementation of this BSR, compared to the baseline case of a full‐area Al film as BSR. The improved optical performance of the silica nanosphere/aluminium BSR is due to reduced parasitic absorption in the Al film. Copyright © 2007 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Light trapping is one of the key issues to improve the light absorption and increase the efficiency of thin film solar cells. The effects of the triangular Ag nanograting on the absorption of amorphous silicon solar cells were investigated by a numerical simulation based on the finite element method. The light absorption under different angle and area of the grating has been calculated. Furthermore, the light absorption with different incident angle has been calculated. The optimization results show that the absorption of the solar cell with triangular Ag nanograting structure and anti-reflection film is enhanced up to 96% under AM1.5 illumination in the 300–800 nm wavelength range compared with the reference cell. The physical mechanisms of absorption enhancement in different wavelength range have been discussed. Furthermore, the solar cell with the Ag nanograting is much less sensitive to the angle of incident light. These results are promising for the design of amorphous silicon thin film solar cells with enhanced performance.  相似文献   

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