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新型储能元件综述——超级电容及其应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
作为一种新型的储能元件,超级电容器具有功率密度高、容量大、寿命长、充放电效率高等优异特性。本文综述了超级电容器的原理及特点,介绍了超级电容器的主要应用领域,并对电力电子技术在超级电容节能系统中的应用作了概述。  相似文献   

通过对超级电容器的基本原理、特点和主要性能指标的介绍,分析了超级电容器的工作原理和超级电容器模组的设计原理,通过实例阐述了超级电容器在高功率脉冲和瞬时功率保持两方面的应用。  相似文献   

详细介绍了一种超级电容器太阳能草坪灯的设计及实现方案。该草坪灯由超级电容器、太阳能电池、控制电路、光源组成,整个电路具有简单可靠、效率高、寿命长、绿色环保等特点。  相似文献   

随着人们对于储能要求的不断提高,超级电容器以其功率密度大、循环寿命长等优点引起人们的广泛关注,并且在近些年得到了飞速发展,它填补了传统静电容器(高功率密度、低能量密度)和化学电池(高能量密度、低功率密度)的空白。本文依据近年来超级电容器领域所发表的文献,从超级电容器基本原理入手,对包括电极材料、电解液、隔膜以及集流体在内的各个组成部分的研究现状进行了综述,讨论了对称型超级电容器、非对称型超级电容器、全固态超级电容器及柔性透明超级电容器等特殊结构超级电容器的研究成果,并作出简要展望。  相似文献   

正日前,由中国电子工业标准化技术协会超级电容器标准工作组主办的"超级电容器行业技术、标准及产业应用研讨会"在浙江宁波举行。会议围绕《超级电容器分类及型号命名方法》、《动力型超级电容器电性能测试方法》、《超级电容器术语》、《超级电容器充电器通用技术要求》  相似文献   

基于微机电系统(Micro-electro-mechanical systems,MEMS)技术的微型超级电容器是一种以微纳米结构形式实现储能的微型能量存储器件,具有高比容量、高储能密度和高抗过载能力等特点,在MEMS微电源系统、引信系统以及物联网等技术领域具有广泛的应用前景。分析了超级电容器的基本原理和种类,系统综述了MEMS超级电容器的国内外研究现状,重点讨论了基于MEMS加工技术的超级电容器制造方法和优势,从材料、结构设计、加工工艺方面分析了MEMS超级电容器存在的技术瓶颈问题,并展望了其未来的发展趋势和应用需求。  相似文献   

工作中的电子设备突遇电源故障时,通常需要启动后备电池对设备进行保护,本文在简单分析了超级电容器的特性、工作原理及如何选择合适电容器之后,利用集成电路LTC3225对两个串联的超级电容器进行充电,最终实现了超级电容器替代后备电池对电源故障进行保护。  相似文献   

<正> 超级电容器是一种新型储能元件,其性能介于电解电容器和可充电电池之间。超级电容器具有功率密度大、充放电速率快、循环寿命长、对环境友好等优点,在军事、航天、太阳能光伏发电供电系统及照相手机、数码相机等领域中有着广泛的应用。超级电容器的结构与工作原理超级电容器是一种两端元件,根据  相似文献   

高能镍碳超级电容器高能镍碳超级电容器是一种军民两用的新型动力电源。可解决电动汽车动力问题,还可在水面舰艇、潜艇、新型飞机、导弹以及航天领域中应用。这种新型结构的高能镍碳超级电容器由中国工程院周国泰院士领衔的科研团队历时3年刻苦攻关成功开发的。经检测试用显示,超级电容器具有能量密度大、功率密度高、充放电效率高、高低温性能好、循环寿命长、安全环保、性价比高等诸多特点,有效解决了国内电动汽车电源技术瓶颈问题。  相似文献   

分析了超级电容器应用于电动汽车中的技术优势,介绍了国内外在超级电容器的研发、项目合作、超级电容电动车实际运营以及招商招标的活跃状态,指出了目前超级电容器的技术不足和发展希望。  相似文献   

To develop high‐capacitance flexible solid‐state supercapacitors and explore its application in self‐powered electronics is one of ongoing research topics. In this study, self‐stacked solvated graphene (SSG) films are reported that have been prepared by a facile vacuum filtration method as the free‐standing electrode for flexible solid‐state supercapacitors. The highly hydrated SSG films have low mass loading, high flexibility, and high electrical conductivity. The flexible solid‐state supercapacitors based on SSG films exhibit excellent capacitive characteristics with a high gravimetric specific capacitance of 245 F g?1 and good cycling stability of 10 000 cycles. Furthermore, the flexible solid‐state supercapacitors are integrated with high performance perovskite hybrid solar cells (pero‐HSCs) to build self‐powered electronics. It is found that the solid‐state supercapacitors can be charged by pero‐HSCs and discharged from 0.75 V. These results demonstrate that the self‐powered electronics by integration of the flexible solid‐state supercapacitors with pero‐HSCs have great potential applications in storage of solar energy and in flexible electronics, such as portable and wearable personal devices.  相似文献   

超级电容器组件的电压均衡控制电路设计   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
探讨了串联、并联和混联超级电容器组件的充放电性能,并针对串联超级电容器组件中单体电压的均衡,分析设计了基于buck-boost拓扑结构的主动型电压均衡控制电路。仿真结果表明该电路设计能避免组件中单体过压,使系统贮能量达到最佳。  相似文献   

As an intermediate step during energy usage, supercapacitors with superior power density, long‐term cycling stability, and moderate energy density have attracted immense interest as a facile route to use energy in a clean, efficient, and versatile manner in smart grid applications, as well as portable devices and other applications. Currently, the major drawback of supercapacitors is the low energy density. Electrode materials are the key components determining the cell performance. Great research efforts are made to develop nanostructured electrode materials with high performance. On the other hand, integrating supercapacitors with other applications have led to the emergence of many new types of multifunctional supercapacitors, which are attractive for a myriad of applications. The current understanding on charge/discharge mechanisms of electric double layer capacitors and pseudo‐capacitors is discussed along with recent development in designing nanostructured electrode materials by structure/morphology engineering, doping, and crystal structure controlling. Achievements in multifunctional supercapacitors like flexible supercapacitors, all‐solid‐state supercapacitors, self‐healing supercapacitors, electrochromic supercapacitors, self‐chargeable supercapacitors, and supercapacitors integrated with sensors are illustrated. Finally, opportunities and challenges in developing high performance and multifunctional supercapacitors are proposed.  相似文献   

以竹材为原料,在高温Ar保护下制备了高比表面积超级电容器用竹炭材料。用XRD和SEM对所制竹炭进行了物相分析和形貌观察;用循环伏安、恒电流充放电和交流阻抗谱研究了炭化温度对所制超级电容器性能的影响。结果表明:所得竹炭为无定形结构,随着炭化温度的升高,竹炭中石墨微晶向有序态结构发展。炭化温度为500℃时,制备的竹炭电性能最佳。在125mA/g电流密度下的首次放电比电容为226F/g;即使在500mA/g的大电流密度下,其放电比电容仍高达184F/g,第1000次循环时其放电比电容为138F/g,每次循环电容衰减仅为0.046F/g。  相似文献   

The integration of electrical double‐layer capacitive and pseudocapacitive materials into novel hybrid materials is crucial to realize supercapacitors with high energy and power densities. Here, high levels of energy and power densities are demonstrated in supercapacitors based on a new type of nanohybrid electrode consisting of polyoxometalate (POM)‐coupled graphene in which a polymeric ionic liquid (henceforth simply PIL) serves as an interfacial linker. The adoption of PIL in the construction of nanohybrids enables a uniform distribution of discrete POM molecules along with a large surface area of graphene sheets. When testing electrochemical characteristics under a two‐electrode system, as‐prepared supercapacitors exhibit a high specific capacitance (408 F g?1 at 0.5 A g?1), rapid rate capability (92% retention at 10 A g?1), a long cycling life (98% retention during 2000 cycles), and high energy (56 Wh kg?1) and power (52 kW kg?1) densities. First‐principles calculations and impedance spectroscopy analysis reveal that the PILs enhance the redox reactions of POMs by providing efficient ion transfer channels and facilitating the charge transfer in the nanohybrids.  相似文献   

超级电容器的阻抗特性及其复空间建模   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
以阻抗平面图分析法研究超级电容器的阻抗特性,揭示了该特性的典型区域:45°斜率的Warburg阻抗线和接近于垂直斜率的低频阻抗线,以此建立了四参数(Rs,R,C,p)表示的超级电容器复空间模型。试验结果表明,该模型预测的充电过程端电压变化历程与试验数据有着良好的一致性和适应性。  相似文献   

Supercapacitors can harvest electrical energy from intermittent sources and transfer it quickly, but their specific energy must be raised if they are applied to efficiently power wearable and flexible electronics, as well as larger equipment. However, the remaining big gap between the lab research and practical applications seriously hinders the further progress of advanced supercapacitors, especially for electrode materials. Consequently, from a commercial/usable perspective, a clear guideline from lab research to commercialization is highly desired for bringing advanced supercapacitors from basic research into reality. This review focuses on the key factors of advanced supercapacitors from lab research to commercialization and summarizes recent progress in the field of supercapacitors as well as outlines key perspectives for future research. First, the several energy storage mechanisms are illustrated for building better supercapacitors. Then, the up-to-date key achievements and progresses of smart methods toward high-energy supercapacitors and effective strategies for commercial-level mass-loading as well as high packing density electrodes are summarized and commented upon. Also, integrated systems of supercapacitors and application fields of commercial supercapacitors are also highlighted. Subsequently, future research directions are presented here to guide research toward the commercialization of advanced supercapacitors.  相似文献   

Limited by 2D geometric morphology and low bulk packing density, developing graphene‐based flexible/compressible supercapacitors with high specific capacitances (gravimetric/volumetric/areal), especially at high rates, is an outstanding challenge. Here, a strategy for the synthesis of free‐standing graphene ribbon films (GRFs) for high‐performance flexible and compressible supercapacitors through blade‐coating of interconnected graphene oxide ribbons and a subsequent thermal treatment process is reported. With an ultrahigh mass loading of 21 mg cm?2, large ion‐accessible surface area, efficient electron and ion transport pathways as well as high packing density, the compressed multilayer‐folded GRF films (F‐GRF) exhibit ultrahigh areal capacitance of 6.7 F cm?2 at 5 mA cm?2, high gravimetric/volumetric capacitances (318 F g?1, 293 F cm?3), and high rate performance (3.9 F cm?2 at 105 mA cm?2), as well as excellent cycling stability (109% of capacitance retention after 40 000 cycles). Furthermore, the assembled F‐GRF symmetric supercapacitor with compressible and flexible characteristics, can deliver an ultrahigh areal energy density of 0.52 mWh cm?2 in aqueous electrolyte, almost two times higher than the values obtained from symmetric supercapacitors with comparable dimensions.  相似文献   

A supercapacitor is a solid-state device that can store electrical energy in the form of charges. It represents an advancement in the field of energy storage, as it overcomes many of the shortcomings of batteries. This paper presents an overview of the various types of supercapacitors, electrode materials, and electrolytes, and the future of supercapacitors. Due to their high storage capacity, supercapacitors are commonly used in portable electronic devices such as MP3 players and mobile phones, and in hybrid vehicles and other applications. In electrical and hybrid vehicles, supercapacitors are increasingly used as provisional energy storage for regenerative braking. Various materials are used in electrodes to boost the performance of the supercapacitor. This review presents details regarding the materials and electrolyte, and the improvements in the field of supercapacitors.  相似文献   

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