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2006年以来,中国的IPTV市场一改2005年跑马圈地的喧器.开始显露成熟的态势。电信运营商不遗余力地继续在各地开展试验网。虽然政策瓶颈、标准悬疑等因素依然困扰着产业的发展,但由于电信运营商以及产业链上其他积极因素的不懈努力.IPTV虽身处纷争.仍义无反顾地;中向了发展新阶段。  相似文献   

近年来,随着电信市场的开放和通信与信息产业技术的快速发展,各种高速率的宽带接入不断涌现,而宽带无线接入系统凭借其建设速度快、运营成本低、投资成本回收快等特点,受到了电信运营商的青睐。作为同质产品,固定宽带无线接入技术是有线接入技术的有效补充。对于基础运营商来说,通过固定宽带无线接入系统能够有效地组建网络,并迅速地提供业务。  相似文献   

陈李娜  胡春 《通信世界》2005,(37):46-46
经济全球化的进展、中国电信市场的开放和国外电信企业强有力的介入给我国电信产业带来了激烈的竞争,同时也给我国电信运营商带来了良好的发展机遇。电信运营商要在全球化进程中把握机会,一方面需要在WTO的框架要求下,发展好国内市场;另一方面要顺应经济全球化发展的潮流,敢于走出去,以攻为守,开拓国际市场,创造出自己的品牌。  相似文献   

周艳滨 《通信世界》2007,(17B):30-31
一、中国电信实施综合营帐系统的背景 随着电信市场的逐渐开放,整个通信运营业也在由垄断经营向市场竞争转变,客户对运营商的服务要求也越来越高。这些变化对运营商的IT运营支撑系统提出了新的挑战和要求。它要求运营支撑系统在更高层次上融合支持有线、无线、ISP、Cable等多种业务,支持新业务的快速部署;  相似文献   

入世双赢看电信   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李信忠 《世界电信》1999,12(12):3-5,8
中美关于中国加入世贸组织双边协议的签署,意味着中国的电信市场将全面开放。电信运营市场将出现众多运营商充分竞争的格局,有利于引进先进的技术,资金和管理经验,促进市场的发展,为消费者带来质优价廉的服务;对中国电信设备制造业的冲击不会太厉害,但价格竞争,人才竞争将日趋激烈;电信管制部门最迫切的任务就是根据WTO透明度原则完善立法规范问题。  相似文献   

目前,全球电信增值业务迅速地由概念走向务实,成为电信行业最新的利润增长点,如短信、彩信、彩E、手机银行、移动游戏;移动定位等。而我国的电信增值业务却处在初级阶段,受到许多因素的干扰,发展状况不尽如人意。但随着国内电信市场的进一步开放,电信技术的发展和人们需求的多样化,竞争日  相似文献   

雷震洲 《世界电信》2001,14(6):42-45
近年来,日本电信市场除在规模上迅速增长外,在结构上也经历了重大的变化:移动通信迅猛发展,用户数已超过固定用户数;数据通信的业务量正在超过话音业务量。在电信改革方面,各电信公司纷纷进行重组;废除了对外资的限制;政府机构也进行了改革,新成立的MPHPT部明确了电信与邮政各局、处的工作。然而,日本的电信改革尚未完成,仍面临着种种挑战。  相似文献   

利用运维服务优化调度系统进行运维精细化管理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
1 概述 电信行业属于服务性行业,主要为用户提供语音、数据、无线等通信服务.电信行业也是世界上发展和更新最快的行业,新技术、新业务、新用户的增加速度极快.随着我国加入WTO和电信市场的开放,逐渐打破了国内电信行业垄断经营的格局.  相似文献   

郑有强 《通信世界》2003,(21):55-55,67
随着我国电信市场的快速发展,话音和数据业务在我国都取得了可喜的增长,业务发展需求不断增大,通信领域对无线频率资源的需求日益增长。为了满足市场需求,优化配置无线电频率资源,近两年我国分配了部分宽带固定无线接入系统的使用频率,也就是目前被称为电信新热点的35GHz固定无线接入系统使用频率。通过近两年的试验和运营,充分验证了宽带固定无线接入在我国有着广阔的发展空间,应用前景十分乐观。  相似文献   

2000年4月1日对新加坡电信业来说,无疑具有划时代的意义。从这一天起,新加坡开始实施全面开放的电信市场政策。 新加坡电信市场可以说一直是新加坡电信公司独霸天下,外国业者则被拒之门外。但从1986年起,新加坡电信设备市场开始部分开放:1989年,电信用户设备从新加坡电信公司内划出,成立私营的电信设备公司,电信用户设备市场完全开放。  相似文献   

The Internet is the best practice of Next Generation Network (NGN). One goal of NGN is to change the telecommunication network from a "monopolized and closed" one into a "competitive and open" one. The network service providers will offer high-quality, low-cost and colorful services while the traditional telecommunication operators will gradually develop into the network access providers and not directly participate in any specific service. In the service-dominated future, the telecommunication industry will be horizontally integrated with other active industries, such as consumption, entertainment and shopping, into an open, distributed and operable win-win ecological chain. In the new win-win situation, the users will be the biggest beneficiary.  相似文献   

双向寻呼给寻呼业带来的机遇和选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章分析了上海通信市场的现状、竞争态势以及传统寻呼业务所面临的各种挑战。通过上海国脉通信股份有限公司应用双向寻呼技术成功开发许多增值业务、扩展市场空间的个案介绍,说明了在新的市场环境中,上海的寻呼业务正朝着信息化、交互化的方向演进,将双向寻呼技术引入现有网络正成为寻呼经营者关注的一种选择。  相似文献   

张强 《世界电信》2003,16(10):15-19
核心语音业务每用户平均收益(ARPU)的不断下降促使运营商纷纷开始寻求新的收入增长来源。SMS服务和增强型消息服务虽是眼下运营商无线数据业务的主要来源,但其它无线内容服务的市场潜力亦不可低估。无线内容服务市场的发展要求运营商根据用户的实际需求制定新的规则和商业模式以推动内容服务价值链的延伸。此外。运营商还应根据内容服务对计费系统的关键要求有针对性地打造适合于内容服务的计费平台并对内容服务价值链中的合作伙伴关系进行有效的管理。  相似文献   

IPTV的商业模式、运营模式及业务发展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
IPTV作为一个新生事物,在市场运作方面受到了多方面因素的制约,需要在商业模式、运营模式和业务提供方式方面进行探索。可结合电信、广电以及互联网原有商业模式的优势,加以融合,形成产业价值链,实现各方合作共赢;可以根据发展阶段的不同,综合考虑技术实施及网络部署方案;可以通过合理的利润分配模式,推动IPTV业务的开展;可以通过业务捆绑提高市场竞争力,IPTV将为电信运营商战略转型提供切入点,满足电信运营商对业务创新的需求,将成为电信运营商在信息通信领域中探寻增长空间的一个亮点。  相似文献   

张建雄  沈亮 《电信科学》2007,23(4):11-15
本文针对电信运营商现状,运用国内外行业标准和最佳实践,综合分析了IT外包服务转型业务的特点和运营需求,并结合电信运营商的实际情况,提出了电信IT外包服务转型业务的体系架构和关键技术.  相似文献   

张建雄  汤胜良  周骏 《电信科学》2006,22(11):12-16
随着电信市场竞争日趋激烈,传统电信运营商需要向综合信息服务提供商转型,而大力开展ICT(信息通信技术)业务为转型重点.本文针对电信运营体系现状,运用国内外行业标准和最佳实践,综合分析了ICT转型业务的特点和运营需求,结合电信运营商实际情况,提出了电信ICT转型业务的运营体系框架和重点.  相似文献   

目前基础电信运营业、IT产业和IT及通信设备制造业的发展已经进入瓶颈阶段,重新构造产业关系才能推动整个信息产业的可持续发展。企业ICT市场在新的产业关系形成过程中意义重大。企业ICT具有巨大的市场发展空间,通过介绍国外运营商提供的企业ICT服务,提出中国电信运营商开展企业ICT服务的发展建议。  相似文献   

The role of Internet technology in future mobile data systems   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Mobile telephony and the Internet are the fastest growing businesses in the telecommunications market. This is why most operators and service providers are looking after the development of new services in both sectors, and newcomers are expected to enter the arena. The mobile operators foresee an increasing share of their revenues coming from new data services, while Internet service providers are attracted to wireless technology and mobility services both to reduce costs within the last-mile segment and to enrich their market share, providing ubiquitous access to the Internet and corporate intranets. In this scenario several wireless overlay networks will coexist, and their interworking will be a challenging objective. The employment of Internet technology, with its novel mobility and security extensions, seems to be the most attractive option for achieving that goal. In addition, the migration to a full IP network architecture, even within each specific wireless domain, will be another promising opportunity, already under consideration within several technical and standardization bodies. The envisioned role of Internet technology makes it worthwhile to undertake significant research efforts on the development of innovative IP-based mobile data systems, and opens promising opportunities for both telcos and Internet service providers.  相似文献   

The emerging open services market transforms services into tradable goods. It involves users; customers; service, content, and middleware providers; and network operators. This market requires effective methods to: provide new services to meet niche market demands; support customized services; provide appropriate accounting and billing mechanisms; support personal and terminal mobility, and meet information interchange security requirements such as authorization, confidentiality, and integrity. Efficient processes will reduce investment risks and let us benefit from software and hardware product development advances. To meet these needs requires an appropriate infrastructure that supports the object oriented development of distributed multimedia telecommunication applications  相似文献   

In future wireless networks, we envision more dynamic telecommunication paradigm, where the dynamics may be translated into dynamic service offerings and user profiles etc. We further expect that the wireless communication market will be influenced when the user-centric network selection vision is realized. By the user-centric network selection vision, we mean that users will be free to select any available network operator or service provider on short term contractual basis. This dictates that operators will compete for their share of a common user pool on much smaller time quanta when compared with the current long term user contacts with the operators. One intuitive strategy of operators will be to incentivize users by offering different QoS and service price offers. As the operators’ offers are influenced by their incurring costs. This necessitates to study the market behavior at different levels and investigate the operator and user behavior at these level. In this paper, we categorize and position the communication players and model the interaction between players at different levels. We introduce the learning aspects in the interaction and investigate the equilibrium strategies of involved stake-holders i.e., users and operators. We also model the utility functions of all the involved stake-holders. We also examine the risk-sensitive utility functions in order to cover both risk-seeking and risk-averse in the user QoEs. We implement the user-centric approach and compare it against our proposed network-centric resource utilization and call blocking.  相似文献   

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