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半导体超晶格微结构中的多能谷效应(2)薛舫时(半导体超晶格国家重点实验室和南京电子器件研究所210016)六、异质谷间转移电子效应和X电子发生器GaAS是直接带隙材料,它的导带底位于布里渊区中心Γ点。而AlAs是间接带隙材料,导带底位于布里渊区边缘X...  相似文献   

Ⅲ族氮化物及其二维电子气输运特性的研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ⅲ族氮化物半导体具有宽禁带和直接带隙 ,导带能谷间距大 ,强场输运特性好。Al Ga N/Ga N异质结产生高密度的二维电子气 ,屏蔽了杂质和缺陷的散射 ,改善了低场输运性能。它弥补了宽禁带半导体输运性能差的缺点 ,已研制成大功率的 HFET。利用强场下的速度过冲有望消除阴极端的速度凹坑 ,显著改进器件性能。电子气的强二维性使输运特征依赖于器件结构和工作状态 ,器件设计变为一个剪裁电子状态和输运特性的复杂工程。文中综述了 族氮化物及其二维电子气的输运特性 ,讨论了从输运特性出发 ,优化 HFET性能的问题。  相似文献   

一般情况下半导体材料可以吸收一个能量大于带隙的光子,使价带中的一个电子跃迁到导带。但是,在某些特殊的情况下,半导体材料也能吸收多个能量小于带隙的光子,使价带中的一个电子跃迁到导带,这就是多光子吸收效应。多光子吸收效应是一种非线性光学效应。该综述首先介绍了多光子吸收效应的理论基础和测试方法,然后回顾了多光子吸收效应的研究成果,最后展望了半导体低维结构中的多光子吸收效应研究,以及潜在的应用前景。  相似文献   

Cd1-xZnxTe是直接带隙半导体材料,其禁带宽度随x值的变化在1.45eV~2.26eV间连续可调.将具有渐变带隙结构的材料作为太阳电池的光吸收层,可以在近背表面的薄层内产生一个准电场.该电场不仅能将俄歇复合发生的位置有效局域化,而且还可降低由表面复合引起的载流子损耗,增强光生载流子的收集效率,进而提高电池的光电转换效率.用渐变带隙Cd1-xZnxTe多晶薄膜替代了传统CdTe薄膜太阳电池中的均匀相CdTe光吸收层,并用AMPS软件模拟分析了渐变带隙Cd1-xZnxTe太阳电池的光电响应特性.经计算,该电池在理想情况下(无界面态、有背面场,正背面反射率分别为0和1)的光电转换效率高达41%.  相似文献   

禁带变窄效应对突变AlGaAs/GaAs HBT电流影响的研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
重掺杂使导带、价带带边同时发生了收缩,从而产生禁带变窄效应(BGN)。对于基区重掺杂Npn突变AlGaAs/GaAsHBT,BGN引起导带和价带突变界面势垒形状及高度都发生了改变,这对基区、集电区电流产生重要的影响。文中基于Jain-Roulston禁带收缩模型及热场发射-扩散载流子输运机制,对这一现象进行了深入的研究。通过与其它计算程序常用的几种BGN模型比较得出为了更好描述电流传输,利用Jain-Roulston的BGN模型,考虑禁带变窄量在导带、价带有不同的分配,从而对电流有不同的影响是必要的。  相似文献   

半导体激光器是许多日常装置的关键部件。光纤通信和小型光盘驱动器可能是两个最为人熟知的例子,目前仍在世界范围努力研究与开发,以改善这些器件的性能,如使其更小,亮度更高,更有效,或可在新波长下激射。新的一类半导体激光器,即自组成量子点激光器,则在上述诸多方面显现很大希望。当一个导带中的电子与一个价带中的电子空位或空穴复合时,半导体激光器便辐射激光,发光波长一般取决于半导体的带隙宽度,即价带顶端与导带底部之间的能量差。例如,GainS半导体,带隙约1.9eV,发射红光。对半导体的大多数有用性能起重要作用的带…  相似文献   

近来,科研人员研制了一种通过调节外部电压改变能隙宽度的半导体材料,这种材料是由双层碳原子构成的,单层原子的价带和导带之间没有能隙,但在电场作用下,叠加双层原子将会产生能隙。材料中单层碳原子排列如下图所示。  相似文献   

在研究半导体材料中霍尔效应有着广泛的应用.用它来研究半导体材料导电过程,对提供材料的导电类型,载流子浓度、杂质电离能(包括深、浅能级杂质)、禁带宽度、迁移率及杂质补偿度等方面有着重要的作用.本文着重研究霍尔效应中的副效应及其消除方法的探讨,以减少上述测试中所引进不应有的误差等.  相似文献   

采用平面波超软赝势密度泛函理论计算的方法研究了p型Cu掺杂的纤锌矿结构氧化物ZnO的电子结构,在此基础上分析了其电输运性能。计算结果表明,Cu掺杂ZnO氧化物具有0.6eV的直接带隙,且为p型半导体,在导带和价带中都出现了由Cu电子能级形成的能带,体系费米能级附近的能带主要由Cup态、Cud态和Op态电子构成,且他们之间存在着强相互作用。电输运性能分析结果表明,Cu掺杂的ZnO氧化物价带中的载流子有效质量较大,导带中的载流子有效质量较小;其载流子输运主要由Cup态、Cud态、Op态电子完成,且需要载流子(空穴和电子)跃迁的能隙宽度较未掺杂的ZnO氧化物减小。  相似文献   

本文分析了自发发射光谱的峰值、半宽与载流子分布极大值、半宽的关系,研究了抛物-指数带和高斯型杂质带中载流子分布极大值与半宽的变化规律、并计算了不同补偿度下的载流子分布极大值和半宽.分析了各能级间的跃迁特点,计算了整个能量范围内的跃迁矩阵元,计算了导带到价带和导带到杂质带的辐射复合寿命,讨论了使掺Si-GaAs发光二极管响应时间变长的原因.在室温下测量了不同补偿度的掺Si-GaAs发光二极管的稳态和瞬态时间分辨光谱.实验结果与理论计算定性一致.  相似文献   

采用解析的方法研究了应变Si_(1-x)Ge_x层中本征载流子浓度n_i与Ge组分x、温度T、掺杂浓度N的定量依赖关系;拟合了价带有效态密度公式和重掺杂禁带变窄公式。发现在一定掺杂浓度下,本征载流子浓度随Ge组分的增加而变大,并且本征载流子浓度增加的速度越来越快。在一定Ge组分下,本征载流子浓度随掺杂浓度的增加而变大。随着掺杂浓度的增加,本征载流子浓度的增长速度变得越来越缓慢。  相似文献   

Indium tin oxide (ITO) and indium tin tantalum oxide (ITTO) films were deposited on glass substrates by magnetron sputtering technology with one or two targets. Properties of ITO and ITTO films deposited at different oxygen flow rates were contrastively studied. Ta-doping strengthens along the orientation of (400) plane and leads to better crystalline structure as well as to a decrease in surface roughness. The increase in oxygen flow rate increases sheet resistance and reduces carrier concentration, and ITTO films show higher carrier concentration. Certain oxygen flow rates can improve the visible light transmittance of films, but excessive oxygen can worsen the optical properties. The carrier concentration has an important influence on near-IR reflection, near-UV absorption and optical band gap. The optical band gap decreases with the increasing of oxygen flow rate, and ITTO films show wider optical band gap than ITO films. ITTO films prepared by co-sputtering reveal better optical–electrical properties and chemical and thermal stability than ITO films.  相似文献   

In this paper an operational method of modeling heavily doped silicon to include effects of carrier degeneracy and band gap narrowing is presented. The issue of carier degeneracy on majority carrier flow is discussed together with the question of the ambiguity in the electrostatic potential associated with identifying which band edge is narrowed. Using an exact numerical analysis of a bipolar transistor as an example it is shown that when modeling carrier flow in quasi-neutral regions, classical statistics can be used for the majority carrier and the ambiguity in the electrostatic potential can be ignored. Overall, it is shown that for the same quasi-neutral heavily doped regions the effects of carrier degeneracy and band gap narrowing are accurately modeled within the context of classical statistics by adding the quasi field term to the minority carrier transport equation that is based on the commonly used “band gap narrowing” data available from measurements of minority carrier transport in heavily doped regions. While it is recognized that this is not rigorously correct the result of this paper is to establish the accuracy for the operational method most commonly used to model heavy doping effects.  相似文献   

用共振喇曼散射研究半导体的能带结构,实验观察了Ga_(1-x)Al_xAs直接带隙单声子和GaP在间接带隙(г_(3v)—X_(3c))附近的双声子共振特性。阐述了由喇曼光谱测量确定Ⅲ—V族半导体的载流子浓度。  相似文献   

4H-SiC中点缺陷的第一性原理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于密度泛函理论和第一性原理,对4H-SiC晶格中5种点缺陷(VC,VC-C,填隙B,替位B和替位P)的晶格常数、电荷布居、能带等微观电子结构进行了计算,并从缺陷形成能、杂质电离能和载流子浓度等角度分析了这些点缺陷对材料性能的影响.计算结果表明:在这些点缺陷中,C空位的形成能最低,仅为5.929 1 eV,属于比较容易形成的一类点缺陷.同时在能带图中可以看到填隙B的禁带中央附近出现了一条新能带,这条新能带的产生促使填隙B成为5种缺陷中禁带宽度最小的缺陷,有利于SiC半导体器件中载流子的输运.在3种杂质点缺陷中,替位P的电离能最小.掺杂杂质电离能越小,电离程度越深,产生的载流子浓度也越大,这一结论在载流子浓度的计算结果中也得到了验证.  相似文献   

Experimental results concerning the steady-state photoluminescence (PL) studies in n and p modulation doped and undoped GaInNAs/GaAs quantum wells are presented. The effects of modulation, type of doping and nitrogen concentration on the PL and the temperature dependence of the band gap, carrier localization and non-radiative recombination are investigated. Increasing the nitrogen composition decreases energy band gap as expected. The n-type modulation doping eliminates most of the defect-related effects and blue shifts the energy band gap. However, the p-type doping gives rise to additional features in the PL spectra and red shifts energy band gap further compared to the n-type-doped material.  相似文献   

For high temperature thermoelectric applications, Yb14MnSb11 has a maximum thermoelectric figure of merit (zT) of ~1.0 at 1273 K. Such a high zT is found despite a carrier concentration that is higher than typical thermoelectric materials. Here, we reduce the carrier concentration with the discovery of a continuous transition between metallic Yb14MnSb11 and semiconducting Yb14AlSb11. Yb14Mn1‐xAlxSb11 forms a solid solution where the free carrier concentration gradually changes as expected from the Zintl valence formalism. Throughout this transition the electronic properties are found to obey a rigid band model with a band gap of 0.5 eV and an effective mass of 3 me. As the carrier concentration decreases, an increase in the Seebeck coefficient is observed at the expense of an increased electrical resistivity. At the optimum carrier concentration, a maximum zT of 1.3 at 1223 K is obtained, which is more than twice that of the state‐of‐the‐art Si0.8Ge0.2 flown by NASA.  相似文献   

In this study, PbSe bulk samples were prepared by a high-pressure high-temperature (HPHT) sintering technique, and the phase compositions, band gaps and thermoelectric properties of the samples were systematically investigated. The sintering pressure exerts a significant influence on the preferential orientation, band gap and thermoelectric properties of PbSe. With increasing pressure, the preferential orientation decreases, mainly due to the decreased crystallinity, while the band gap first decreases and then increases. The electrical conductivity and power factor decrease gradually with increasing pressure, mainly attributed to the decreased carrier concentration and mobility. Consequently, the sample prepared by 2 GPa shows the highest thermoelectric figure-of-merit, ZT, of 0.55 at ~ 475 K. The ZT of the HPHT-sintered PbSe could be further improved by properly doping or optimizing the HPHT parameters. This study further demonstrates that the sintering pressure could be another degree of freedom to manipulate the band structure and thermoelectric properties of materials.  相似文献   

利用电子束蒸镀技术在石英玻璃上沉积SnF2掺杂SnO2(FTO)薄膜.研究了不同退火温度对FTO薄膜结构和光电性能的影响.研究结果表明:升高退火温度可促进FTO薄膜中晶粒逐渐变大,结晶度变好,同时薄膜在可见光范围内的透射率随着退火温度升高逐渐增加,吸收边发生蓝移,禁带宽度显著变宽,这是由于载流子浓度增加导致的Moss-Burstein效应.升高温度时,薄膜电学性能随着退火温度升高有了很大改善,700℃退火处理后得到电阻率低至2.74×101 Ω·cm、载流子浓度为2.09×1020 cm-3、迁移率为9.93 cm2·V 1·s 1的FTO薄膜.  相似文献   

推导了超薄体双栅肖特基势垒MOSFET器件的漏电流模型,模型中考虑了势垒高度变化和载流子束缚效应.利用三角势垒近似求解薛定谔方程,得到的载流子密度和空间电荷密度一起用来得到量子束缚效应.由于量子束缚效应的存在,第一个子带高于导带底,这等效于禁带变宽.因此源漏端的势垒高度提高,载流子密度降低,漏电流降低.以前的模型仅考虑由于镜像力导致的肖特基势垒降低,因而不能准确表示漏电流.包含量子束缚效应的漏电流模型克服了这些缺陷.结果表明,较小的非负肖特基势垒,甚至零势垒高度,也存在隧穿电流.二维器件模拟器Silvaco得到的结果和模型结果吻合得很好.  相似文献   

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