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5G大带宽、低时延的特性正在促进高清视频业务的发展,快速高清视频分发、360°全景、AR/VR/全息视频等多种形式的视频应用极大地丰富了视频应用场景。这些视频业务,如高清视频、网购、直播、虚拟与增强现实等均需要更高的带宽、更低的网络时延为用户提供更好的视讯体验。通过深入分析5G网络中视讯资源下沉到网络边缘所需要解决的应用场景和技术需求,重点给出了5G边缘计算视讯体验增强解决方案,包括边缘侧视讯体验增强实现方式及优化手段,以供5G行业垂直应用规划与部署时参考。  相似文献   

作为移动通信的5G系统架构可以不受电缆安装限制,实现终端设备灵活部署。时间敏感网络(TSN)符合新型工业生产网络“确定时延、不被中断、可靠传输”的要求。将5G和TSN技术有效整合,可进一步优化网络架构方案,满足工业智能化进程中需具有全连接、高稳定性和精准化端到端控制的特征,有望领衔智能工厂网络的未来。本文聚焦智能仓储物流场景,结合仓储物流网络现状和实际业务进行需求分析,提出了基于5G+TSN的网络架构方案,满足拣货区、分拣区、存储区等多个功能分区内大量智能终端设备协同作业对传输的低时延、高可靠和灵活性要求,有效提升仓储物流的执行效率,提高仓储物流管理水平。  相似文献   

5G的网络架构和业务特征相对于3G/4G时代出现了较大变化,对5G承载网提出了挑战性的需求。针对大带宽、超低时延、高可靠、高精度同步、灵活性、网络切片、智能协同等七大特征,探讨了5G承载技术方案,涵盖前传、中传和回传承载方案,并分别对应有源天线单元(AAU)和分布单元(DU)之间,DU和集中单元(CU)之间,以及CU和核心网之间的通信承载。  相似文献   

针对光纤网络、电力无线专网、Wi-Fi网络等电力通信网难以支撑输电线/变电站智能巡检、配网差动保护、广域相量测量、低压集抄等智能电网业务开展的情况,本文提出了基于5G专网的智能电网业务实现方案。即采用网络切片、边缘计算、高精度授时等5G技术,解决视频监测信号、“三遥”信号、电力终端感知信号等数据的灵活接入、实时传输和安全隔离等问题,实现电网运营数据的实时采集和智能控制。模拟仿真验证结果表明采用5G技术能满足智能电网业务对带宽、时延、抖动和安全的要求,可有效支撑智能电网业务实现。  相似文献   

鲁义轩 《通信世界》2013,(27):40-40
与2G/3G时代用户以语音、消息业务为主相比,LTE高带宽、低时延等能力将极大地刺激高带宽视频业务的增长,用户习惯将转变为以视频业务为主的数据业务,以LTE应用成熟的美国为例,视频类业务流量占比全网总流量超过80%,所以基于LTE网络的视频业务规划对于4G时代用户的体验显得非常关键。  相似文献   

Cloud VR将是5G的重要应用。Cloud VR是在VR业务中引入了云计算、云渲染的理念及技术,将云端的声音输出及视频输出通过压缩编码,凭借高速稳定的网络传输到终端设备,实现VR业务内容上云,渲染上云。云化的VR引入新的时延,而边缘计算技术作为5G的关键技术之一,在靠近接入侧的边缘机房部署网关、服务器等,将低时延业务的数据在边缘服务器处理和传输,进而降低时延、减少回传压力,有效提高了用户体验。  相似文献   

介绍了5G URLLC超低时延解决方案架构,提出了URLLC超低时延的边缘计算、最优路径协同、用户面加速、端到端时延监控等关键技术,并分析了5G应用对超低时延的具体要求,最后结合5G各类应用的特点提出了URLLC网络的分阶段部署建议。  相似文献   

工业自动控制等5G垂直行业对网络传输时延与可靠性有着苛刻的要求。聚焦自动导引车(automated guided vehicle,AGV)协同搬运业务场景,深入分析AGV业务关键质量指标(key quality indicator,KQI)与网络时延可靠性需求。现有的5G低时延技术,比如预调度机制通过大量预留空口时频资源降低传输调度等待时延,降低了频谱效率。此外,无线信道弱覆盖、干扰等质差因素会引发较大的时延抖动,难以满足业务时延可靠性需求。针对现有5G网络面临的挑战,设计了一种端边协同时延确定性保障技术方案,基于业务特征进行网络资源预留,同时感知空口信道状态,开启质差保障机制,提升传输可靠性。测试结果表明,端边协同技术方案可以有效提升时延可靠性,降低大时延抖动与优化业务KQI。  相似文献   

5G切片技术聚焦垂直行业赋能,支持客户自定义产品需求参数,为客户提供更快、更优、更加隔离的业务体验。结合切片相关技术特征、核心网端到端切片架构、核心网切片方案,分析应用案例,进行通信测试及网络时延对比,经多个项目的实践检验,采用基于全部共享CP/UP的智能驾驶GBR 2B切片,在下班高峰期城区道路实测隔离,时延降低明显,降低了网络损耗,提高了网络资源复用率,缩短了响应时间。  相似文献   

5G聚焦于移动互联网、移动物联网等应用场景,呈现超大容量、超高性能、高可靠性、智能灵活化等新型特性,已成为信息通信领域高度关注的焦点技术之一. 针对增强移动宽带(eMBB)、大规模物联(mMTC)、高可靠低时延(uRLLC)等不同应用场景,5G用户体验的接入峰值最大需求相对于4G提升了数十倍甚至更高量级,端到端时延要求和时间同步精度需求相对于4G均提升了10倍以上的量级,同时5G在组网架构和技术方面又引入了软件定义网络(SDN)/网络功能虚拟化(NFV)、网络切片等新型技术,如何实现基于诸多5G新型特性的高效承载并选择合理的移动前传和回传等承载方案,成为目前业界关注的热点话题.  相似文献   


Nowadays, next-generation networks such as the Internet of Things (IoT) and 6G are played a vital role in providing an intelligent environment. The development of technologies helps to create smart city applications like the healthcare system, smart industry, and smart water plan, etc. Any user accesses the developed applications; at the time, security, privacy, and confidentiality arechallenging to manage. So, this paper introduces the blockchain-defined networks with a grey wolf optimized modular neural network approach for managing the smart environment security. During this process, construction, translation, and application layers are created, in which user authenticated based blocks are designed to handle the security and privacy property. Then the optimized neural network is applied to maintain the latency and computational resource utilization in IoT enabled smart applications. Then the efficiency of the system is evaluated using simulation results, in which system ensures low latency, high security (99.12%) compared to the multi-layer perceptron, and deep learning networks.


Over the last few years, communication latency has been a major hurdle for most of the applications deployed in different network domains. During this era, a number of communication protocols and standards were developed and used by the community. However, still, the problem of latency persists keeping in view of the quality of service (QoS) and quality of experience (QoE) for different applications. To mitigate the aforementioned issues, in this paper, we present an in‐depth survey of state‐of‐the art proposals having tactile internet as a backbone for delay mitigation using 5G networks for future ultra‐reliable low‐latency applications such as Healthcare 4.0, Industry 4.0, virtual reality and augmented reality, and smart education. From the existing proposals, it has been observed that tactile internet can provide interactions between virtual objects to give a feel of real environment with maximum latency of 1 millisecond. Also, this paper highlights the key differences between the tactile internet and Internet of Things in context with 5G revolution. Then open issues and challenges of tactile internet for smart applications are analyzed. Finally, a comparison of existing proposals with respect to various parameters is presented, which allows the end users to select one of the proposals in comparison with its merits over the others.  相似文献   

谭飞 《电子测试》2020,(6):90-91,39
随着万物互联5G时代的到来,5G网管正面临前所未有的挑战。本文针对5G网管面临的挑战,从架构、部署、易用、弹性、扩容、容灾、安全、开放、智能运维等多个维度提出5G网管解决之道。并结合中兴通讯新一代5G网管产品进行说明。中兴通讯新一代5G网管产品实现高效智能运维,提高运维效率,降低OPEX,帮助运营商从容管理5G网络。  相似文献   

基于3G网络的智能交通视频监控系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
范泳文  官洪运  蒋静学  刘杰 《电视技术》2012,36(5):103-105,109
设计了一款基于3G网络的智能交通视频监控系统,包括前端视频采集部分、3G无线网络传输部分和后端监控管理服务平台三个部分。系统对实时路况车辆进行视频采集、经过无线传输,最终在PC终端界面上进行实时播放、存储,并实现了车辆违规判断、报警等功能。本系统有轻巧便捷、安装简易、运营成本低等优势,具有广阔的应用前景,是智能交通监控系统的新型发展模式。  相似文献   

周旭  李琢  覃毅芳 《电信科学》2019,35(10):21-30
5G/B5G技术的出现使移动网络的带宽、时延、连接等关键能力得到了极大的提升。面对移动接入侧能力的飞速发展,现有的集中式互联网云服务架构容易出现瓶颈,无法充分发挥 5G/B5G 的性能优势。网络5.0技术的提出,旨在通过一套完整的创新协议体系及控制管理架构,应对未来典型网络应用对数据网络的需求。基于网络5.0协议体系,提出一种新型的智能云化网络,通过云网深度融合,弥补互联网服务模型与5G/B5G接入能力之间的差距,推动网络持续演进发展。  相似文献   

随着5G大规模商用和人工智能技术的日趋成熟,基础通信服务开启新一轮革新。以固话、手机为代表的传统通信正逐步向场景化智能通信演进,基础通信连接也正在从70亿人和人的连接,向200亿人与人/物的实时音视频连接迈进,呈超清体验、交互智能、终端多态、服务泛在发展趋势。本文提出面向智能物联网的多媒体通信系统架构以及关键技术研究,为新形势下的多媒体通信服务提供创新思路。  相似文献   

5G核心网(5G Core,5GC)在R16阶段开展了包括5G LAN、NPN、高精度定位、UPF+和定制化核心网在内的多项关键技术研究,不断提升了5G网络的能力。通过对5G核心网新技术的能力和应用场景进行分析,可以明确5G核心网技术演进方向,以打造低时延、大带宽、高性能、可靠、安全的5G专网,赋能行业应用,为企业专网发展提供助力。  相似文献   

The deployment of 3G/LTE networks and advancements in smart mobile devices had led to high demand for multimedia streaming over wireless network. The rapid increasing demand for multimedia content poses challenges for all parties in a multimedia streaming system, namely, content providers, wireless network service providers, and smart device makers. Content providers and mobile network service providers are both striving to improve their streaming services while utilizing advancing technologies. Smart device makers endeavor to improve processing power and displays for better viewing experience. Ultimately, the common goal shared by content providers, network service providers, and smart device manufactures is to improve the QoE for users. QoE is both an objective and a subjective metric measuring the streaming quality experience by end users. It may be measured by streaming bitrate, playback smoothness, video quality metrics like Peak to Signal Noise Ratio, and other user satisfaction factors. There have been efforts made to improve the streaming experiences in all these aspects. In this paper, we conducted a survey on existing literatures on QoE of video streaming to gain a deeper and more complete understanding of QoE quality metrics. The goal is to inspire new research directions in defining better QoE and improving QoE in existing and new streaming services such as adaptive streaming and 3D video streaming.  相似文献   


The next generation of fifth generation (5G) network, implementing mobile edge computing (MEC), network function virtualization (NFV) and software defined networking technologies, establishes a flexible and resilient network in line with various internet of things (IoT) devices. While NFV adds flexibility scale in or out networks by allowing network functions to be dynamically deployed and inter-connected, MEC provide intelligence at the edge of a mobile network; reduces latency, and increases capacity. With the diverse development of networking applications, the proposed MEC with container-based virtualization technology (CVT) as IoT gateway with IoT devices for flow control mechanism in scheduling and analysis methods will effectively enhance the quality of service. In this work, the proposed IoT gateway will be analyzed to elucidate the combined effect of simultaneously deploying virtual network functions and MEC applications on the same network infrastructure. Low latency, high bandwidth and high agility, supporting the connection of large-scale devices, and the efficient combination of resources from network edge and cluster clouds, account for real-time network conditions, reducing the IoT applications and services to indicate that a number is the average of 30% of the latency, that could get more suitable service quality to develop such as both augmented reality and virtual reality application intelligence in coming 5G network.


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