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侯广辉  温继敏  黄亨沛  王欣  刘宇  谢亮  祝宁华 《中国激光》2007,34(10):1427-1430
提出了一种精确测试电吸收调制激光器(EML)集成芯片高频特性的方法。待测芯片制作在带有微带线的热沉上,同时采用光探测器作为光电转换器,二者构成待测双口网络。被测双口网络的一端是共面线,使用微波探针作为测试夹具加载信号,另一端是同轴线,两个测试端口不同,不能采用简单的同轴校准方法校准待测系统。测试过程中采用扩展的开路-短路-负载(OSL)误差校准技术对集成器件的测试夹具微波探针进行校准,扣除了测试中使用的微波探针对集成光源高频特性的影响,同时采用光外差的方法扣除了高速光探测器的频率响应对结果的影响,得到集成光源散射参数的精确测试结果。  相似文献   

线性TSM和TRL校准方法中方程的选择   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
本文分析了校准方程的关系,提出对于互易的测试夹具,使用一个传输标准得到的四个线性方程可以同时用于校准计算.在这个关系的基础上,讨论了TSM(thru-short-match)和TRL(thru-reflect-line)方法中的方程选择.实验和分析表明不同的选择会导致不同精度的结果,校准精度可以通过利用已建立的关系和合适地选择方程得以提高.已建立的理论也可应用于TOM和LRL方法.  相似文献   

射频和微波系统中元件和子系统的小型化显著减少了同轴连接器的数量,而用直接印制电路板(PCB)安装来代替同轴连接器.因此,在确定器件的特性时,应与矢量网络分析仪的常用接口相连.测试夹具代替了这类接口并提供了优良的解决方案,但测试夹具结构必须精确设计,且特性为已知.此外,夹具对电路的影响必须从测量结果中除去.夹具还须加以校准,通常是借助短路-开路-负载-直通(SOLT)校准技术进行校准.为了获得精确、重复的测量结果,全面了解进行夹具内测量的过程是重要的.对用来评估移动电话的带通滤波器的夹具进行校准,可以为必须考虑的细节和处理过程提供一个范例.  相似文献   

本文设计了电流(注入)探头校准装置。在对不同型号电流(注入)探头孔径内径的研究,以及对电流探头工作原理研究的基础上,对校准夹具结构的尺寸进行了分析与计算,设计出注入电流(注入)探头校准夹具,并通过实验数据与原厂数据进行了对比分析,验证了装置的可行性。  相似文献   

介绍了一种基于TRL法的提取管芯S参数的方法.该方法从TRL校准出发,实际测量得到封装器件的S参数;管芯以外的参量(管壳及键和线)用等效电路表示,最后用微波仿真软件模拟得到管芯S参数.此方法在没有精确的测试夹具条件下,仍可以得到较理想的器件和管芯S参数.实验证明该方法简便、实用性强,可推广应用于不宜直接测量管芯S参数的器件.  相似文献   

三相共模扼流圈能够有效减少传导电磁干扰,其在电力电子系统中的应用越来越普遍。精确的三相共模扼流圈阻抗信息对其电路建模及元件最优化选择至关重要,以在避免冗长的试错程序的同时确保系统符合电磁兼容标准。由于三相共模扼流圈的引脚端子在数量、孔径和分布上并不统一,直接将其安装在高宽带的商用测试夹具上以获得有效的阻抗频率响应通常是十分困难的。为此提出了一种改进的开路-短路-负载(OSL)校准技术和相关的定制化测量夹具,以提取校准件的非理想特性并补偿在测量装置中,使三相共模扼流圈的阻抗可以在150 kHz~30 MHz的频率范围内实现良好的测量精度。  相似文献   

贺同云  江岩 《电子测试》2013,(3X):65-68
表面贴装器件(SMD)的应用越来越广泛,它已逐渐取代了传统的同轴接口器件,测量表面贴装器件的S参数就成了需要重点解决的问题。矢量网络分析仪是测试器件S参数的首选仪器,但现如今所有的矢量网络分析仪都是同轴式的仪器,如何利用同轴式矢量网络分析仪测量表面贴装器件的S参数就成了矢量网络分析仪研究的重点方向之一,测量表面贴装器件的S参数必须把器件放在测试夹具中,而传统的同轴式矢量网络分析仪的校准参考平面和测试夹具的测量平面不一致,这样测试的S参数就包含了器件和测试夹具两部分的S参数,为了精确测试器件的S参数,必须消除测试夹具所带来误差,端口延伸和TRL校准是补偿校准参考平面和仪器的测量平面不一致而引起的误差的最简单方法之一。本文主要介绍了使用矢量网络分析仪测量表面贴装器件(SMD)S参数的两种方法即端口延伸法和TRL校准法,实际应用结果表明,这两种方法合理有效,易于掌握。  相似文献   

叶荣芳  徐佳   《电子器件》2006,29(1):179-182
分析了矢量网络分析仪测试系统的误差来源,给出二端口SOLT校准的12项误差模型,由此推导了待测元件的真实S参数,并且详细讲述了SOLT校准件的制作方法,确定出开路件的边缘电容。最后,使用自制的PCB夹具测量了0603封装的电感和电容.对校准前后的测量数据进行了对比、分析,并成功地提取了封装后的模型参数,结果证明该方法可以用于射频夹具测量的校准。  相似文献   

Betts  L 《电子产品世界》2000,(12):52-53
射频和微波系统中元件和子系统 的小型化显著减少了同轴连接器的数量,而用直接印制电路板(PCB)安装来代替同轴连接器。因此,在确定器件的特性时,应与矢量网络分析仪的常用接口相连。测试夹具代替了这类接口并提供了优良的解决方案,但测试夹具结构必须精确设计,且特性为己知。此外,夹具对电路的影响必须从测量结果中除去。夹具还须加以校准,通常是借助短路-开路-负载-直通(SOLT)校准技术进行校准。为了获得精确、重复的测量结果,全面了解进行夹具内测量的过程是重要的、对用来评估移动电话的带通滤波器的夹具进行校准…  相似文献   

高速信号眼图测试中夹具影响的校准   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
为了在器件的高速信号眼图测试中去除夹具的影响,本文首次提出了一种利用时域和频域测量相结合,通过快速傅立叶变换和反变换,对眼图测试校准的方法,并进行了实验验证.实验发现校准后眼图的张开高度、Q因子、上升时间、下降时间、峰峰抖动等参数改变明显,并且校准后的眼图与直接测试结果符合得很好.  相似文献   

Correlation of calibration equations for test fixtures   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper begins from the thru-short-open (TSO) and thru-line-match (TLM) methods to investigate the correlation of the calibration equations of these two methods. The relations among the measurements with the corresponding standards are obtained. It is found that the line standard with zero length can be used instead of ideal open and short, in the case that two test fixtures are symmetrical. For asymmetrical fixtures, the measurements with the standards line, open and short are related at certain frequencies, and the matched load can be replaced by the line standards. The relations established are used to test short and match standards and analyze the frequency limits of the TSO method. Good agreement between theory and experiment is obtained. It is found that the TSO method becomes very poor when the insertion phase of the thru standard is near nπ/4, and this method has a lower frequency limit. The TLM method is found unsuitable for calibrating asymmetrical fixtures  相似文献   

A novel method is presented for calibrating a six-port reflectometer using only one sliding load of unknown reflection coefficient and one short as a calibration standard. The calibration procedure is derived from the fact that the Fourier coefficients of the periodic port power ratios corresponding to the sliding load positions are closely related to the six-port system parameters. The unknown reflection coefficient of the sliding load as well as the eleven system parameters at each frequency is determined in the procedure. The validity and utility of the proposed method are confirmed by experiments over the frequency range 8.5-12.0 GHz in 0.5 GHz steps with a rectangular waveguide sliding load and a polished metal standard short  相似文献   

Presents original lumped-element models of a large variety of coplanar stripline (CPS) circuits and discontinuities for accurate design and optimization of radiofrequency integrated circuits. These circuit models are extracted by applying a recently proposed deembedding technique called short-open calibration to calibrate the calculated field parameters obtained from the full-wave method of moments (MoM). It is realized by defining the two calibration standards, i.e., short and open elements, to evaluate and remove the error terms existing in the deterministic MoM algorithm, such as the approximation of port discontinuity and inconsistency of two-dimensional and three-dimensional characterizations of CPS external lines. In contrast to the static models, these field-extracted models can account for all the physical effects subject to the core area of CPS discontinuity, including frequency dispersion, high-order modes, and radiation loss. With this scheme, several CPS circuits and discontinuities are investigated over a wide frequency range to formulate their lumped-element models  相似文献   

一种新的双魔T多状态反射计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
介绍了一种新的多状态反射计。该反射计由两只魔T和两个功率检测器组成。采用一只精密滑动短路器作标准,通过任意相位单位矢量五点校准法对其进行校准;另用一只精神滑动短路器来改变反射计状态。测量复反射系数采用矢量变换法。与传统的六端口反射计与多状态反射计相比,该反射计校准端口与测试端口相分离,具有结构简单、稳定性高、易于实现的特点。  相似文献   

The six port network analyzer measures the scattering matrix S of any linear two port. After discussion of the measurement principle, the performance of the microwave circuit associated with the test bench is described in the frequency band 1-18 GHz. The six port calibration, based on the measurement of three devices (1 sliding short, 1 propagation line, 1 attenuator), and the linearization of the Shottky diode detectors are described in the third part. Finally, experimental results are shown and they are compared with those obtained using a commercial network analyzer.  相似文献   

A simple, compact, and low-cost three-probe microstrip impedance measuring scheme has been developed. The impedance of an unknown load can be determined by measuring the coupling power levels at the three probes. The algorithm, formulas, and bandwidth criteria developed are very simple and can be easily used. The power coupling is arbitrary, and no precise directional coupler is required. Using a switch, only one power meter is needed to detect the output power levels of the three probes. The phase information is obtained by amplitude measurement. A detailed analysis and calibration method are developed. The calibration is based on three known standards (a short, an open, and a matched load). The reflection coefficient is calculated from power measurements at three locations along a uniform line terminated by an unknown load. The operating frequency bandwidth depends on the selection of probe locations. A prototype device has been built at X-band  相似文献   

It is well-known that one can determine the efficiency of a microwave 2-port by measuring the reflection coefficient /splGamma//sub 1/ at the input port when the output port is terminated by a sliding short circuit. The locus of /spl Gamma//sub 1/ is a circle whose radius equals the efficiency /spl eta//sub 2m/ for energy entering port 2 when port 1 is terminated in a nonreflecting load. Similarly /spl eta//sub 1m/ is the radius of the circle when port is terminated in a sliding short circuit. This note describes a procedure for obtaining, from the same measured data, new reflection coefficients /spl Gamma//sub 1N/ and /spl Gamma//sub 2N/, whose circular loci have radii R/sub 1N/ and R/sub 2N/ which give the efficiencies of the 2-port when connected to an arbitrary load of reflection coefficient /spl Gamma//sub L/. Thus the /spl Gamma//sub 1/ or /spl Gamma//sub 2/ data may be used to obtain the efficiency of the 2-port when terminated in any arbitrary load. The method is potentially more accurate than the 3-point method since errors can be reduced by drawing a circle through many measured points.  相似文献   

朱岩  付巍 《电子世界》2013,(13):19+85
力值加载校准系统是一种被设计用于校准飞机液压系统地面测试设备的装置。为了保证通过飞机液压系统地面测试设备所得到的测试数据精确、可靠,力值加载校准系统在被使用前和使用过一段时间后,都需要进行性能分析和测试。通过介绍力值加载校准系统的原理及运用,分析了力值加载校准系统在检定过程中产生的各误差分量,计算了测试结果的不确定度,为力值加载校准系统的测试和不确定度评定提供了具体的方法。  相似文献   

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