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中断概率是无线通信系统的一个重要指标。该文针对分布式天线系统中的系统中断概率问题进行了研究。首先,建立了包含路径损耗、阴影衰落和瑞利衰落的复合信道模型;然后,在该信道模型下推导出给定移动台位置时的信噪比;接着,基于选择合并策略,分析出给定移动台位置时系统上行传输的中断概率表达式;最后,考虑到小区内移动台任意分布特点,文章给出系统上行中断概率闭合理论表达式。仿真结果表明,所提的系统上行中断概率理论表达式与仿真结果十分吻合。  相似文献   

针对认知双向中继网络在进行数据传输时面临的复杂无线信道场景问题,采用广义κ-μ分布构建认知双向中继网络中的视距和非视距无线传输信道,推导次网络在κ-μ衰落信道下的统一中断概率,并分析次网络在多种单一和混合衰落信道情况下的中断性能。仿真结果表明,无线信道的衰落程度对次网络的中断概率影响显著,依据衰落信道类型合理设置网络参数将有助于提升次网络中断性能。  相似文献   

针对物理层安全研究中主窃信道具有相关性的场景,研究了主窃信道间的相关性对系统安全性能产生的影响,推导得到了遍历保密容量及中断概率的精确计算式,以及主窃信道的信道状态差异较大和较小这2种场景下的渐近计算式,并通过仿真验证了理论分析的正确性。研究结果表明,信道相关性会造成遍历保密容量的损失,但信道相关性强并不一定表明通信中断概率大。当目标速率设置合理时,信道相关性的影响与接收端平均信噪比有关,在高信噪比区域,强相关性会降低中断概率;在低信噪比区域,强相关性会增大中断概率;在中信噪比区域内,相关性几乎不影响系统的中断概率。基于上述结论,可以根据接收端信噪比、信道增益比、相关性等条件合理地设置系统参数,维护系统的安全性能。  相似文献   

研究了基于完全信道信息和部分信道信息的最佳中继选择策略认知中继网络中断概率,详细推导了这两种策略中断概率的封闭表达式,然后分析了它们的平均误码率。仿真结果表明,基于完全信道信息的中断概率和平均误码率性能要优于部分信道信息,并且两种策略的性能随中继节点数目、干扰温度增加而提高。  相似文献   

由于反馈时延、信道估计误差和频率复用的存在严重影响中继系统性能,研究了不准确信道状态信息(CSI)下,存在同信道干扰(CCI)的多天线双跳放大转发(AF)中继系统的中断概率性能。首先基于发射端存在反馈时延、接收端存在信道估计误差的波束成形(BF)模型,得到中继系统的输出等效信干噪比(SINR)。然后推导出输出信干噪比中断概率(OP),计算机仿真不仅验证了所提出的中断概率性能分析方法的正确性,并且在不同信道参数下,对系统中断概率性能的影响进行了分析。  相似文献   

在已知台站布置的跳频系统中,针对邻频干扰对系统中断概率的影响,分析了接收端信干噪比(SINR)的分布函数,得到了以信道参数、干扰台站数和可用频点数为变量的中断概率公式。理论计算和仿真结果表明,信道参数、干扰台站数是影响中断概率的主要因素,可用频点数与中断概率有类反比的关系。该结果为跳频系统的性能分析和台站布置提供了指导。  相似文献   

林鸿鑫  赵睿  贺玉成  袁毅 《信号处理》2016,32(7):810-818
在 Nakagami m衰落信道下,目的端和窃听者采用最大比合并策略,本文研究了在机会式自适应解码转发中继选择安全协作系统中的安全性能。由于实际信道中的反馈延迟,最优的合法中继选择基于合法信道反馈的过时信道状态信息。为了评价机会式中继选择在改善安全性能上的表现,分别推导了准确的正安全容量概率和准确的安全中断概率闭合表达式。此外,针对两种不同情况, 推导了形式简单的渐近表达式,并明确给出安全分集阶数和安全阵列增益。理论分析和数值仿真表明,增加中继个数和目的节点的天线数能够改善安全中断概率的性能表现,且在信道状态信息过时的条件下,系统的安全分集阶数与中继数无关。   相似文献   

苏玉萍  李颖  刘雷 《电子学报》2015,43(12):2414-2420
在频谱资源重复利用的背景下,干扰受限的两跳多接入信道的中断性能是亟待解决的难题之一.针对目的端干扰受限的情形,本文给出了该信道在放大转发模式下的中断概率闭式解.根据中断事件的定义将中断概率分解为两部分:一部分是中继节点发生中断的概率,另一部分是中继节点未发生中断,但中继节点到目的节点的传输发生了中断的概率.通过对第二部分中断概率进行合理的近似,推导出整个系统中断概率的闭式解,为系统的实际设计提供了理论基础.仿真结果表明,所给出的估计闭式解与蒙特卡洛仿真结果相吻合,验证了此估计解的精确性.  相似文献   

大气湍流下自由空间光通信中断概率分析   总被引:5,自引:3,他引:2  
自由空间光通信在未来全球通信网中具有潜在的应用价值,然而,自由空间光通信易受大气湍流影响,致使系统性能严重下降.根据大气湍流实际情况,把大气信道分为弱湍流下的对数正态分布模型和中强湍流下gamma-gamma分布模型.研究了自由空间光通信中一个重要的性能指标-中断概率,基于信道模型利用Merjer G函数简化了该概率公式.研究了大气湍流和其他参数(如传输距离、波长)对中断概率的影响,并从弱湍流到强湍流仿真了湍流对通信中断概率的影响.数值模拟表明:随着大气湍流强度以及门限值的增大,自由光通信系统的中断概率相应增大.为设计自由空间光通信系统提供了参考.  相似文献   

为满足网络需求,提高系统频谱利用率,该文提出一种覆盖式认知非正交多址接入(CR-NOMA)网络。考虑实际中非线性功率放大(NLPA)、非理想连续干扰消除(ipSIC)和非完美信道状态信息(CSI)等非理性因素,研究所提网络的可靠性能,推导出系统中断概率(OP)和系统吞吐量的解析表达式,并进一步分析高信噪比下中断概率的表达式、理想状态下中断概率的高信噪比(SNR)近似、分集阶数。分析及仿真结果表明:NLPA, ipSIC和信道估计误差参数对系统中断概率性能有负面影响;中断概率随着信噪比的增加而减小,在高信噪比下收敛到一个固定常数;中断概率随着功率分配系数的改变也会产生相应的变化。  相似文献   

This paper considers two well-known selective-repeat retransmission schemes, namely, hybrid type-I ARQ and hybrid type-II ARQ, using convolutional coding, in conjunction with maximum-likelihood code combining. Our theoretical analysis, based upon the concept of generalized weight distribution, shows that the use of code combining yields a significant throughput at very high channel error rates not only in constant AWGN channels but also in fading channels. To demonstrate this, we consider a widely-used block-fading Rayleigh channel model, in which the channel is assumed to be constant during each block of data and the fading is assumed to be independent from block to block. A key parameter in designing retransmission protocols for delay-limited applications in such channels is the minimum number of retransmissions, needed to achieve error-free decoding at almost all channel conditions (low outage probability). This number can be reduced significantly when code combining is employed.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the secrecy outage probability (SOP) and intercept behavior for the amplify‐and‐forward network over Nakagami‐m fading channels. Relay selection schemes are evaluated. The optimal and suboptimal criterions require the instantaneous and statistical channel state information of the eavesdroppers' channels, respectively. The enhanced 2‐hop criterion needs the additional information of the target secrecy rate for relay selection. Theoretical analysis reveals that the diversity order of the SOP is dominated by the minimum fading figures of the source‐relay and relay‐destination channels, while that of the intercept probability depends on the fading figure of the relay‐destination channel. In the multirelay scenario, the optimal, suboptimal, and enhanced 2‐hop scheme achieve the same diversity orders of the SOP. For the intercept probability, the optimal and second‐hop relay selection schemes provide the same diversity order, while the diversity orders of the suboptimal and enhanced 2‐hop schemes are the same. Simulation results finally substantiate the accuracy of the theoretical analysis.  相似文献   

We consider coded modulation schemes for the block-fading channel. In the setting where a codeword spans a finite number N of fading degrees of freedom, we show that coded modulations of rate R bit per complex dimension, over a finite signal set /spl chi//spl sube//spl Copf/ of size 2/sup M/, achieve the optimal rate-diversity tradeoff given by the Singleton bound /spl delta/(N,M,R)=1+/spl lfloor/N(1-R/M)/spl rfloor/, for R/spl isin/(0,M/spl rfloor/. Furthermore, we show also that the popular bit-interleaved coded modulation achieves the same optimal rate-diversity tradeoff. We present a novel coded modulation construction based on blockwise concatenation that systematically yields Singleton-bound achieving turbo-like codes defined over an arbitrary signal set /spl chi//spl sub//spl Copf/. The proposed blockwise concatenation significantly outperforms conventional serial and parallel turbo codes in the block-fading channel. We analyze the ensemble average performance under maximum-likelihood (ML) decoding of the proposed codes by means of upper bounds and tight approximations. We show that, differently from the additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) and fully interleaved fading cases, belief-propagation iterative decoding performs very close to ML on the block-fading channel for any signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and even for relatively short block lengths. We also show that, at constant decoding complexity per information bit, the proposed codes perform close to the information outage probability for any block length, while standard block codes (e.g., obtained by trellis termination of convolutional codes) have a gap from outage that increases with the block length: this is a different and more subtle manifestation of the so-called "interleaving gain" of turbo codes.  相似文献   

The κ-µ/gamma distribution has an importance role to model the small scale fading and shadowing over human off body indoor communication channel. This composite fading model has various special cases like κ-µ, Rician, Nakagami-m, Rayleigh, Rayleigh/gamma, Nakagami/gamma and Rice/logormal. In this paper, the expression for bit error rate (BER) using various modulation schemes, average channel capacity (ACC) and outage probability (OP) over κ-µ/gamma shadowed fading channel are derived. All the derived expressions are novel and presented in analytical form. The expression for BER and channel capacity are in form of well-known Meijer G function, whereas the outage probability expression is obtained from cumulative distribution function (CDF) proposed in previous literature. The derived expressions of BER (BPSK), average channel capacity and outage probability reduces to special cases for validation purpose. The study shows that binary phase shift keying (BPSK) modulation technique has better BER performance as compare to other modulation techniques. Moreover, on increasing α and β while κ and µ kept constant and vice versa, the ACC get increases but below the Additive white Gaussian Noise (AWGN) channel capacity as expected. Also, better outage probability performance is obtained at lowest threshold signal to noise ratio (5 dB).  相似文献   

Space-time block codes (STBCs) allow utilising the diversity provided by multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) communication channels, thereby decreasing the outage probability for a given communication rate. The contribution of this letter is the derivation of a closed-form expression of the outage probability of distributed STBCs deployed over Nakagami flat fading channels with different channel gains and fading parameters.  相似文献   

A nonasymptotic framework is presented to analyze the diversity-multiplexing tradeoff of a multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) wireless system at finite signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs). The target data rate at each SNR is proportional to the capacity of an additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel with an array gain. The proportionality constant, which can be interpreted as a finite-SNR spatial multiplexing gain, dictates the sensitivity of the rate adaptation policy to SNR. The diversity gain as a function of SNR for a fixed multiplexing gain is defined by the negative slope of the outage probability versus SNR curve on a log-log scale. The finite-SNR diversity gain provides an estimate of the additional power required to decrease the outage probability by a target amount. For general MIMO systems, lower bounds on the outage probabilities in correlated Rayleigh fading and Rician fading are used to estimate the diversity gain as a function of multiplexing gain and SNR. In addition, exact diversity gain expressions are determined for orthogonal space-time block codes (OSTBC). Spatial correlation significantly lowers the achievable diversity gain at finite SNR when compared to high-SNR asymptotic values. The presence of line-of-sight (LOS) components in Rician fading yields diversity gains higher than high-SNR asymptotic values at some SNRs and multiplexing gains while resulting in diversity gains near zero for multiplexing gains larger than unity. Furthermore, as the multiplexing gain approaches zero, the normalized limiting diversity gain, which can be interpreted in terms of the wideband slope and the high-SNR slope of spectral efficiency, exhibits slow convergence with SNR to the high-SNR asymptotic value. This finite-SNR framework for the diversity-multiplexing tradeoff is useful in MIMO system design for realistic SNRs and propagation environments  相似文献   

Reinhardt  M. Lindner  J. 《Electronics letters》1995,31(25):2154-2155
The authors consider transmission over a memoryless Rayleigh fading channel. It is shown that an appropriate orthogonal transformation at the transmit side and block decision feedback equalisation at the receive side transform the Rayleigh fading channel into a set of AWGN channels. The advantage for coded transmission is demonstrated  相似文献   

We derive the performance limits of a radio system consisting of a transmitter with t antennas and a receiver with r antennas, a block-fading channel with additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN), delay and transmit-power constraints, and perfect channel-state information available at both the transmitter and the receiver. Because of a delay constraint, the transmission of a codeword is assumed to span a finite (and typically small) number M of independent channel realizations; therefore, the relevant performance limits are the information outage probability and the “delay-limited” (or “nonergodic”) capacity. We derive the coding scheme that minimizes the information outage probability. This scheme can be interpreted as the concatenation of an optimal code for the AWGN channel without fading to an optimal beamformer. For this optimal scheme, we evaluate minimum-outage probability and delay-limited capacity. Among other results, we prove that, for the fairly general class of regular fading channels, the asymptotic delay-limited capacity slope, expressed in bits per second per hertz (b/s/Hz) per decibel of transmit signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), is proportional to min (t,r) and independent of the number of fading blocks M. Since M is a measure of the time diversity (induced by interleaving) or of the frequency diversity of the system, this result shows that, if channel-state information is available also to the transmitter, very high rates with asymptotically small error probabilities are achievable without the need of deep interleaving or high-frequency diversity. Moreover, for a large number of antennas, delay-limited capacity approaches ergodic capacity  相似文献   

Multiple trellis coded modulation of constant envelope frequency and phase modulated signal sets (MTCM/FPM) is investigated for performance on the additive white Gaussian noise (AWGN) channel and on the one-sided normal, Rayleigh and Rician fading channels. The Nakagami- m fading model is used as an alternative to the Rician fading model to calculate the error probability upper bound for trellis-coded schemes on the fading channel. The likeliness and the disparity between the upper bounds to the error probability for the two fading models are discussed. The design criteria for the one-sided normal fading channel, modeled by the Nakagami-m distribution, are observed to be the same as those for the Rayleigh-fading channel. For the MTCM/FPM schemes, it is demonstrated that the set partitioning designed to maximize symbol diversity (optimum for fading channels) is optimum for performance on the AWGN channel as well. The MTCM/FPM schemes demonstrate improved performance over MTCM/MPSK schemes and TCM/FPM schemes on the AWGN channel and the fading channel  相似文献   

一种新的两用户协作分集方案及其性能研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
该文提出了一种基于信道编码和分布式空时分组码级联下的两用户协作分集方案,并且在准静态的瑞利衰落信道下对此方案的系统容量,中断概率以及误比特率进行了理论推导和系统仿真,分别给出了解析表达式和数值结果。通过将信道编码和空时码引入到协作分集中,系统容量得到显著改善,同时中断概率也明显降低。在协作用户间信道存在噪声的情况下,对卷积码与分布式空时分组码级联下的发射方案进行了性能分析和仿真。仿真结果表明:即使协作用户间的信道存在噪声,该文所提方案在各方面都优于传统协作分集,系统容量明显增大,中断概率及误比特率大大降低。  相似文献   

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