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针对单兵便携式战术Ad Hoc电台在一维场景下网络的连通性,分别研究随机均匀分布网络的链路连通概率和全连通概率,并通过蒙特卡罗方法和网络仿真平台,对网络部署和业务运行情况进行了仿真模拟。分析和实验结果表明,典型战术Ad Hoc电台一维组网时,全网连通概率在l/τ附近取得最小值;大规模Ad Hoc网络中,网络全连通概率与节点通信范围之间存在0~1突变现象;与实现全连通相比,实现网络高概率连通所需节点数要少得多。  相似文献   

高动态Ad Hoc路由协议性能分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ad Hoc网络是一种没有固定设施的无线移动自组织网络,动态变化的拓扑结构对路由协议的性能有着重要影响。研究了动态源路由(DSR)协议、Ad Hoc按需距离矢量(AODV)路由协议和最优链路状态路由(OLSR)协议3种传统路由协议,利用OPNET软件作为仿真工具,设计了2种不同网络规模条件下空中飞行平台网络拓扑结构背景的高动态仿真方案,通过比较网络时延、归一化网络吞吐量、路由负载和数据传送成功率,分析了它们的性能。仿真结果表明,OLSR协议的综合性能优于其它协议,更适合于节点高速移动且网络拓扑结构频繁变化的Ad hoc网络,并为下一步研究打下基础。  相似文献   

孙晓磊  黄宁  张朔  周剑 《通信技术》2015,48(10):1139-1146
移动Ad Hoc网络的连通可靠性对于战场的指挥控制、警察与医疗部门的抢险救灾等众多领域具有重要意义。然而当前的移动Ad Hoc网络连通可靠性评估方法大多建模简单,考虑因素单一,而以OPNET为代表的网络仿真只针对网络普通性能分析而没有可靠性分析。因此,目前缺少一种能够涵盖真实场景中节点移动、无线通信特性和复杂地形环境的移动Ad Hoc网络连通可靠性评价方法。针对此问题提出了多因素模型连通可靠性仿真方法,同时结合可靠性定时标准实验方法给出了系统的移动Ad Hoc网络可靠性仿真实验设计方案。并根据具体移动Ad Hoc网络案例,在OPNET中进行二次开发建模与仿真,验证了该多因素连通可靠性仿真方法的可行性。  相似文献   

无线移动Ad Hoc网络作为可移动分布式多跳无线网络,没有预先确定的网络拓扑或网络基础设施以及集中控制。为了在这样的网络中促进通信,路由协议主要用于在节点之间发现路径。Ad Hoc网络路由协议的主要目的是网络拓扑的动态变化任意两个节点之间建立一个使得通信总费用和带宽消费最少的正确和有效的通信路径。使用OPNET仿真软件对AODV、DSR协议这两种典型无线移动Ad Hoc网络按需路由协议的参数和性能进行了详细比较和分析。  相似文献   

针对移动Ad Hoc网络中节点任意移动、网络拓扑频繁变化导致以最小跳数作为路由选择机制的AODV路由协议面临频繁连接中断而造成网络QoS下降的问题,文章综合节点的剩余电量、剩余队列长度和源节点到目的节点的跳数三个跨层信息,提出一种基于灰色关联算法的改进AODV路由协议(GRA-AODV)。仿真结果显示:相比于改进前的AODV协议,改进之后的GRA-AODV(Gray Relevance AlgorithmAODV)协议在稍微增加路由开销的情况下,具有更低的平均端到端时延和更低的分组丢失率,在拓扑频繁变化的移动Ad Hoc网络中具有较好的鲁棒性。  相似文献   

一种Ad Hoc网络的拓扑功率控制算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王妙音  韦岗  季飞 《通信技术》2007,40(12):158-159,162
Ad hoc网络是一种无线自组织网络,拓扑功率控制是其网络优化的核心问题之一。它能够有效降低节点间的传输功率,以提高整个网络的稳定性。文章旨在介绍一种基于节点间距离的分布式拓扑功率控制算法,通过改变网络拓扑结构,以达到节省网络能量的效果,并实现了网络中任意两节点间的K连通。  相似文献   

为了解决Ad Hoc网络的可扩充性问题,分级结构在Ad Hoc网络中的应用得到了广泛的研究.文中提出了一种适用于移动Ad Hoc网络中的多频分级结构--移动骨干网的分层路由协议Layered-AODV.该协议结合了网络多频分级的结构特点在各级采用不同的按需路由策略以降低全网冗余路由信息的传播,提高了网络的可扩展性.仿真结果表明,该协议能够有效减少移动Ad Hoc网络中的路由开销,端到端传播时延,并能有效地提高网络业务的性能,在一定程度上能够解决随着Ad Hoc网络规模扩大而网络性能下降的问题.  相似文献   

介绍了Ad Hoc网络中常见的三种路由协议DSDV、DSR和AODV,针对网络拓扑结构的变化,设计了两种仿真方案,利用NS2仿真工具对三个协议进行了仿真。通过分析报文投递率和平均端到端时延比较了三个协议的性能。仿真结果表明,AODV具有优秀的综合性能,更适合于节点移动速度快且网络拓扑结构变化频繁的网络。  相似文献   

AD HOC网络路由协议的仿真及分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
Ad hoc网络是一种由移动节点组成、拓扑结构动态变化的自组织网络。介绍了Ad Hoc网络中常见的四种路由协议,利用NS进行了仿真,从网络时延、丢包率和路由开销方面对这四种路由协议仿真结果进行了分析比较。  相似文献   

移动Ad Hoc网络的k连通性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
盛敏  史琰  田野  李建东  周恩惠 《电子学报》2008,36(10):1857-1861
连通性是MANETs(Mobile Ad Hoc Networks)网络进行可靠数据传输的基础.随着通信需求的日益增长,要求MANETs网络具有更加健壮的网络拓扑结构,从而有效地避免网络瓶颈节点并防止网络分割.具有k连通特性的MANETs网络可以很好的满足上述要求,因此本文着重研究了使MANETs网络满足k连通性的最佳传输半径问题,获得的结论普适于节点分布在任何凸形区域MANETs网络,在网络容错性设计方面具有较大的理论和实用价值.  相似文献   

网络连通性是组网与路由研究的前提和基础,针对目前对固定航线航空自组网连通性研究较少的现状,提出一种连通性研究方法.该方法结合实际航线分层、双向的特点,通过建立飞机分布模型与航线模型,推导出了一维航线连通性表达式.在此基础上,运用基于概率矩阵的概率图求解方法对航线网的连通性进行理论研究,并用实验证明其正确性.随后,根据实际航班数据对我国部分空域内一维航线及航线网的连通性进行仿真,结果表明航空自组网在上述空域具备可行性.最后,从航班安排、航线规划等4个方面对提升连通性给出了合理性建议.  相似文献   

The reliability analysis of computer communication networks is generally based on Boolean algebra and probability theory. This paper discusses various reliability problems of computer networks including terminal-pair connectivity, tree connectivity, and multi-terminal connectivity. This paper also studies the dynamic computer network reliability by deriving time-dependent expressions for reliability measures assuming Markov behavior for failures and repairs. This allows computation of task and mission related measures such as mean time to first failure and mean time between failures. A detailed analysis of the bridge network is presented.  相似文献   

It is wide spread belief that wireless mobile ad-hoc networks will be a further evolutionary step towards ubiquitous communication and computing. Due to the mobility of the network nodes, the strongly varying radio propagation conditions and the varying data traffic load these networks constitute a very dynamic environment. One essential step in evaluating the true benefit of this new technology consists of estimates and constraints concerning the scalability and performance of such networks. Using a simple model we discuss analytically the effect of interference on the link quality and connectivity of large networks. It turns out that the outage probability rapidly increases with increasing traffic load. Furthermore, we investigate the connectivity of the network under varying traffic load and find a percolation phase transition at a particular value of the traffic load. We discuss the dependence of these effects on parameters characterizing the receiver and the radio propagation conditions.  相似文献   

Basu  P. Redi  J. 《IEEE network》2004,18(4):36-44
Autonomous and semi-autonomous mobile multirobot systems require a wireless communication network in order to communicate with each other and collaboratively accomplish a given task. A multihop communications network that is self-forming, self-healing, and self-organizing is ideally suited for such mobile robot systems that exist in unpredictable and constantly changing environments. However, since every node in a multihop (or ad hoc) network is responsible for forwarding packets to other nodes, the failure of a critical node can result in a network partition. Hence, it is ideal to have an ad hoc network configuration that can tolerate temporary failures while allowing recovery. Since movement of the robot nodes is controllable, it is possible to achieve such fault-tolerant configurations by moving a subset of robots to new locations. In this article we propose a few simple algorithms for achieving the baseline graph theoretic metric of tolerance to node failures, namely, biconnectivity. We formulate an optimization problem for the creation of a movement plan while minimizing the total distance moved by the robots. For one-dimensional networks, we show that the problem of achieving a biconnected network topology can be formulated as a linear program; the latter lends itself to an optimal polynomial time solution. For two-dimensional networks the problem is much harder, and we propose efficient heuristic approaches for achieving biconnectivity. We compare the performance of the proposed algorithms with each other with respect to the total distance moved metric using simulations.  相似文献   

In order to gain insight into the relationship between the failure probability and the spectrum efficiency,both failure probability (FP) and load balancing (LB) were attempted to minimize in flexible bandwidth optical networks.An optimized FP-LB algorithm was developed to reduce failure probability and to improve the spectrum efficiency,and a traditional algorithm was further introduced for comparison in flexible bandwidth optical networks.Simulation results show that the optimized FP-LB algorithm reduces 69.8% blocking probability,45.3% spectrum occupancy rate,and 41.9% average failure probability compared to the traditional algorithm.Obviously,the optimized FP-LB algorithm achieves the joint optimization of both failure probability and load balancing.  相似文献   

This paper examines the probability of connectivity of ad hoc wireless networks in which nodes are uniformly distributed on the circumference of a circle. We derive the exact probability that the network is composed of at most C clusters. The probability of connectivity is obtained by considering the case of C equal to unity. We also consider the distribution of nodes over a circular disk. The probability of connectivity for this case is found by fitting a log-logistic function using Minimum Mean Square Error (MMSE) criterion.  相似文献   

Ad Hoc网中链路连通性的概率评估   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ad Hoc网将在未来的商用和军用通信方面起着非常重要的作用.网内节点的随机移动将会导致网络拓扑的动态变化.任一对节点之间链路连通性的分析对提前预测网络拓扑变化起着关键作用.文中基于不同的初始条件通过数学推导的方法来分析任一对节点之间随时间变化的链路连通性空间平均概率.  相似文献   

蒋鹏  王兴民 《电子学报》2016,44(5):1240-1246
在以监测为目的的水下传感器网络中,较好的网络覆盖率和连通率是完成监测任务的重要保证.以改善覆盖效果为目标的水下覆盖保持路由算法NCPR算法相对比LEACH-Coverage-U算法有效的延长了网络覆盖时间,但是该算法连通性表现较差,同时存在靠近SINK节点的簇首由于需要转发大量数据而过早死亡的问题.本文提出一种分布式的网络不均匀分层的覆盖保持路由(Network Unevenly Layered Coverage Preserving Routing,NULCPR)算法,由SINK节点开始逐层向下建立网络,同时每层网络节点通信半径也随层号增加而逐渐增大.每层网络独立运行NCPR算法以使该层节点成簇,并通过簇首向上建立连通链路以保证网络连通.仿真结果表明,与NCPR算法相比,NULCPR算法提高了网络连通率以及覆盖率,并且降低了网络能耗,证明了该算法的有效性.  相似文献   

In cognitive radio ad hoc networks, omni-directional antennas are typically used at both primary users (PUs) and secondary users (SUs), which can cause high interference. We name such cognitive radio ad hoc networks with omni-directional antennas as OMN-CRAHNs. Different from omni-directional antennas, directional antennas can concentrate the transmission on desired directions and can consequently reduce interference in undesired directions. In this paper, we investigate both the local connectivity and the overall connectivity of cognitive radio ad hoc networks with directional antennas (DIR-CRAHNs), in which both PUs and SUs are equipped with directional antennas. In particular, we establish a theoretical framework to analyze both the probability of node isolation and the probability of connectivity of DIR-CRAHNs and OMN-CRAHNs. Our analytical results show that DIR-CRAHNs can have higher connectivity than OMN-CRAHNs.  相似文献   

Extensive research has demonstrated the potential improvement in physical layer performance when multiple radios transmit concurrently in the same radio channel. We consider how such cooperation affects the requirements for full connectivity and percolation in large wireless ad hoc networks. Both noncoherent and coherent cooperative transmission are considered. For one-dimensional (1-D) extended networks, in contrast to noncooperative networks, for any path loss exponent less than or equal to one, full connectivity occurs under the noncoherent cooperation model with probability one for any node density. Conversely, there is no full connectivity with probability one when the path loss exponent exceeds one, and the network does not percolate for any node density if the path loss exponent exceeds two. In two-dimensional (2-D) extended networks with noncoherent cooperation, for any path loss exponent less than or equal to two, full connectivity is achieved for any node density. Conversely, there is no full connectivity when the path loss exponent exceeds two, but the cooperative network percolates for node densities above a threshold which is strictly less than that of the noncooperative network. A less conclusive set of results is presented for the coherent case. Hence, even relatively simple noncoherent cooperation improves the connectivity of large ad hoc networks.  相似文献   

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