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李晓磊  石旭  周林  贺玉成 《信号处理》2019,35(3):516-521
Polar码是一种新型高效的信道编码技术,被确定为5G增强移动宽带场景控制信道的编码方案。本文提出一种循环冗余校验(Cyclic Redundancy Check, CRC)码、奇偶校验(Parity Check, PC)码与Polar码级联方案,其中CRC码、PC码作为外码,Polar码作为内码。与CRC辅助的Polar码方案相比,新型级联Polar码在译码的过程中利用PC比特辅助路径度量值进行译码路径的修剪,用以保证路径选择的可靠性,从而提高了其纠错性能,由于PC操作简单,在复杂度上没有明显增加。仿真结果表明:新型级联Polar码具有优异的性能,当误码率为10-6,码长为512,码率为1/3时,新型级联Polar码与CRC辅助的Polar码相比大约有0.12 dB的增益。   相似文献   

在传统的Polar码译码的基础上,引入辅助译码比特,构造了一个辅助的Polar码字以提高译码性能。辅助比特由信道选择辅助窗口内的信息位决定。接收端如译码失败,将进行二次译码尝试。译码方案分两阶段进行:基于相同结构的扩展生成矩阵,将辅助译码比特译出;结合译出的辅助比特,对原码字进行译码,提高译码成功率。仿真结果显示,使用所提方法进行译码,其译码性能明显优于普通串行抵消译码方法;与两种传统的自动重传请求方案相比,能分别获得1 dB和1.9 dB的性能增益。  相似文献   

RS-LDPC级联码能够有效提高数据传输的可靠性和系统的容错能力,在5G通信等领域中得到了广泛的应用,且在6G中具有很好的应用前景。但是RS-LDPC级联码与单码相比具有计算复杂度高、不易于在硬件上实现的不足,因此提出一种基于分层最小和的RS-LDPC级联码改进译码算法,将LDPC码的校验矩阵分解成多个子矩阵,在不同子矩阵层次上并行计算。此外,还引入了新的关于校验节点信息更新的简化函数,旨在保证译码性能的同时降低计算复杂度,达到易于硬件实现的目的。结果表明改进型分层最小和算法复杂度大大降低,且在性能上优于传统BP译码0.25 dB左右。  相似文献   

徐鹏  孔令军  赵生妹  郑宝玉 《信号处理》2019,35(10):1652-1660
针对传统Polar码译码算法在相关噪声信道下性能严重下降的问题,提出了一种基于前置预判-卷积神经网络(Prior Decision-Convolutional Neural Networks,PD-CNN)的译码算法。通过前置预判深度优化CNN,使其准确地估计信道噪声并使残余噪声尽可能遵循高斯分布,再根据残余噪声分布统计更新出可靠的似然比信息。分析了不同译码算法对不同码率Polar码在不同噪声相关强度下的译码性能,并与本文所提出的译码算法进行对比。仿真结果表明:在相关噪声信道下,当误码率为10-5时,本文所提出的译码算法与标准置信度传播算法相比可获得约2.5 Bd的增益。此外,在高信噪比时,与置信度传播-卷积神经网络算法相比,本文提出的译码算法具有相同的性能,但复杂度更低,译码延迟最大可减少42%。   相似文献   

串行抵消列表(SCL)算法是极化码的一种近似最大似然(ML)译码算法,基于该算法的循环冗余校验(CRC)级联极化码、校验(PCC)级联极化码纠错性能优良,已成为5G极化码标准编码方案。总结了SCL译码错误类型,并从降低SCL译码错误的角度揭示了CRC级联极化码、PCC级联极化码,以及CRC辅助的PCC级联极化码,三者提升SCL译码性能的原理。仿真结果表明:CRC辅助的校验级联极化码可以显著降低SCL译码错误,并在较高信噪比(SNR)范围内,呈现出最佳的纠错性能。  相似文献   

对清华小卫星地面应用系统级联码译码的研制进行较详细的阐述,比较各种实现的途径,并详细介绍如何利用PC机方法来实现该级联码译码。分别从硬件和软件,数据接收和数据处理的不同角度对其进行介绍,并对卷积码的Viterbi译码,RS码的Berlekamp迭代译码算法以及数据的加扰解扰作了简要的介绍。  相似文献   

提出了一种基于Polar码的速率兼容调制(rate compatible modulation,RCM)联合设计方案,用于提高无线通信频谱利用率.相应地设计了基于置信度传播(belief propagation,BP)和软抵消(soft cancellation,SCAN)的接收端高效联合迭代译码算法.根据该算法可通过优化变量节点对数似然比(log-likelihood ratio,LLR)信息迭代方式以及采用限制译码符号上限的改进措施,提高译码过程的稳定性与时效性.与距离优化的级联低密度奇偶校验(low-density parity-check codes,LDPC)码RCM方案对比结果表明,提出的高效联合迭代译码算法在低信噪比(signal noise ratio,SNR)下有更低的译码复杂度,并且具有更优的吞吐量和误码率性能.因此,本文所提方案适合在恶劣信道条件下的无线传输.  相似文献   

乘积码基于相关运算的迭代译码   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
乘积码是一种能以Turbo码的思想实现译码的级联码,具有一般编码无法达到的纠错能力。本文提出一种新的乘积码迭代译码算法,其核心思想是通过输出软信息与接收软信息进行线性迭加的方式来实现反馈,此时只须提供-1和1组成的软输出矩阵就能获得很高的编码增益,仿真表明,将子译码器译码后的结果再进行一次相关运算作为软输出,译码性能可以得到进一步的提高。  相似文献   

The concatenated coding system recommended by CCSDS (Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems) uses an outer (255,233) Reed-Solomon (RS) code based on 8-b symbols, followed by the block interleaver and an inner rate 1/2 convolutional code with memory 6. Viterbi decoding is assumed. Two new decoding procedures based on repeated decoding trials and exchange of information between the two decoders and the deinterleaver are proposed. In the first one, where the improvement is 0.3-0.4 dB, only the RS decoder performs repeated trials. In the second one, where the improvement is 0.5-0.6 dB, both decoders perform repeated decoding trials and decoding information is exchanged between them  相似文献   

We describe a new concatenated decoding scheme based on iterations between an inner sequentially decoded convolutional code of rate R=1/4 and memory M=23, and block interleaved outer Reed-Solomon (RS) codes with nonuniform profile. With this scheme decoding with good performance is possible as low as Eb/N0=0.6 dB, which is about 1.25 dB below the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) that marks the cutoff rate for the full system. Accounting for about 0.45 dB due to the outer codes, sequential decoding takes place at about 1.7 dB below the SNR cutoff rate for the convolutional code. This is possible since the iteration process provides the sequential decoders with side information that allows a smaller average load and minimizes the probability of computational overflow. Analytical results for the probability that the first RS word is decoded after C computations are presented. These results are supported by simulation results that are also extended to other parameters  相似文献   

JPEG(Joint Photographic Experts Group)作为一个基本的图像压缩方式,已经得到了广泛的运用。而FPGA具有的并行计算特点,使得越来越多的设备利用FPGA对jpeg文件进行编解码。从整体上介绍JPEG编解码的基本算法,并着重介绍了在DCT和Huffman两个模块中使用的方法。在DCT/IDCT模块中,为了提高处理速度,充分利用FPGA并行处理的特点。对于Huffman解码模块,采用附加码位宽的查找表方法,并利用综合工具将查找表综合到片内存储器中这一特点来减少资源。  相似文献   

JPEG(Joint Photographic Experts Group)作为一个基本的图像压缩方式,已经得到了广泛的运用。而FPGA具有的并行计算特点,使得越来越多的设备利用FPGA对jpeg文件进行编解码。从整体上介绍JPEG编解码的基本算法,并着重介绍了在DCT和Huffman两个模块中使用的方法。在DCT/IDCT模块中,为了提高处理速度,充分利用FPGA并行处理的特点。对于Huff-man解码模块,采用附加码位宽的查找表方法,并利用综合工具将查找表综合到片内存储器中这一特点来减少资源。  相似文献   

证券交易所的股票交易数据库中包含大量敏感信息,用户查询该数据库时保障账户及数据库的隐私十分重要.分析了非对称量子密钥分配(QKD)及其优良特性,提出了一种基于非对称QKD的不经意集合元素映射判定协议.该协议在查询数据库时保证了用户和数据库的隐私.安全性分析结果表明,该协议能有效抵抗量子存储攻击、伪造量子态攻击和纠缠测量攻击,具有很高的信道损耗容忍度.  相似文献   

Trellis shaping (TS) has found its application in the peak power control of band-limited single-carrier signals. Our recent work has demonstrated that a well-designed TS can control the symbol transitions such that the output signal has almost constant envelope, which significantly alleviates the linearity requirement of power amplifiers. Compared to transmission without constellation shaping, however, the TS involves signal constellation expansion exclusively for peak power control. Therefore, unlike trellis coded modulation (TCM) that increases the minimum Euclidean distances (MED), the TS decreases the MED, thus incurring the increase in signal-to-noise power ratio (SNR) required for achieving a certain error rate. In this letter, in order to overcome this drawback, we propose a serial concatenation of coding and shaping together with an effective decoding algorithm that utilizes the memory effect (i.e., error correcting capability) of the shaped symbols. The achievable performance of the proposed system is analyzed in terms of the average mutual information. The simulation results demonstrate that the iterative decoding of the proposed concatenated system with outer convolutional codes and inner trellis shaping offers a significant performance gain.  相似文献   

H. Imai and S. Hirakawa have proposed (1977) a multilevel coding method based on binary block codes that admits a staged decoding procedure. The author extends the coding method to coset codes and shows how to calculate minimum squared distance and path multiplicity in terms of the norms and multiplicities of the different cosets. The multilevel structure allows the redundancy in the coset selection procedure to be allocated efficiently among the different levels. It also allows the use of suboptimal multistage decoding procedures that have performance/complexity advantages over maximum-likelihood decoding  相似文献   

陈前斌  刘剑  酆勇  唐伦 《通信学报》2013,34(9):53-60
针对无线ad hoc网络中协作造成的中继效率低以及不同QoS需求难以满足等问题,提出了一种联合网络编码和空时编码的协作MAC协议(NSTCMAC)。NSTCMAC将网络编码与空时编码技术相结合,设计出区分业务类型的协作MAC协议传输机制,以满足不同业务类型的QoS需求;进一步通过马尔科夫链模型分析了区分业务类型的协作机制及性能。仿真结果表明,相比传统的DCF、COOPMAC以及CD-MAC协议,NSTCMAC协议能更好地保证不同的QoS需求,并能有效地解决协作造成的中继效率低的问题。  相似文献   

When a block modulation code is concatenated with an error-correction code (ECC) in the standard way, the use of a modulation code with long block lengths results in error propagation. This article analyzes the performance of modified concatenation, which involves reversing the order of modulation and the ECC. This modified scheme reduces the error propagation, provides greater flexibility in the choice of parameters, and facilitates soft-decision decoding, with little or no loss in transmission rate. In particular, examples are presented which show how this technique can allow fewer interleaves per sector in hard disk drives, and permit the use of more sophisticated block modulation codes which are better suited to the channel  相似文献   

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