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郭茜  董宗健  刘丙森 《移动信息》2023,45(6):107-109
区块链技术具有去中心化、安全高效、不可篡改等特征,与高校信息化建设中的独立性和科学化要求相吻合。高校在信息化建设中,可借助区块链这一优势,对数据管理等工作进行有效管理,实现信息化建设目标。但在信息化建设中,高校显现出规章制度不完善、应用生态不成熟、监管机制不健全、法律法规不完善、区块链人才紧缺等问题,影响了高校信息化建设的革新进程。基于此,高校可从区块链技术的优势入手,从规章制度、生态体系、监管体系、法律法规、人才体系等方面探寻新的发展思路。  相似文献   

罗蕴军  罗绍锋 《电视技术》2015,39(14):85-88
近年来,随着广播电视产业的多元化快速发展,重大活动越来越多,对广播、电视、网络的直播方式、影响力都有更高的要求,直播车的功能和用途得到广泛的延伸和扩展.首先介绍了直播车建设背景及目标,然后从车体改装、供配电系统、音频系统、视频系统、新媒体系统及传输系统等多个方面,阐述了新余市广播电视台多功能移动直播车的建设.  相似文献   

Electrical Machines and Drives for Electric, Hybrid, and Fuel Cell Vehicles   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper reviews the relative merits of induction, switched reluctance, and permanent-magnet (PM) brushless machines and drives for application in electric, hybrid, and fuel cell vehicles, with particular emphasis on PM brushless machines. The basic operational characteristics and design requirements, viz. a high torque/power density, high efficiency over a wide operating range, and a high maximum speed capability, as well as the latest developments, are described. Permanent-magnet brushless dc and ac machines and drives are compared in terms of their constant torque and constant power capabilities, and various PM machine topologies and their performance are reviewed. Finally, methods for enhancing the PM excitation torque and reluctance torque components and, thereby, improving the torque and power capability, are described  相似文献   

王颖  赖凡 《微电子学》2022,52(3):339-350
我们所处的物理世界是模拟的。在现代信息与通信技术(ICT)、计算系统中,模拟电子的作用包括物理世界感应与交互、计算、控制、数据转换、通信、供电和测量等环节。以模拟集成电路为主体的模拟微电子器件是当今几乎所有以数字为中心的系统中的关键组件,对未来信息技术的发展至关重要。为了实现以5G、6G通信为代表的新一代ICT、工业4.0、物联网等信息社会的基础设施建设目标,其首要和必要条件是通过模拟硬件取得根本性突破,实现物理世界与机器交互的智能感知、认知和处理。为此要求模拟电子器件技术在无线信号链集成电路、计算范式与架构、高精度感知控制,以及模拟微电子技术的设计、工艺和封装测试技术、特定应用等方面开展研究,解决诸如计算范式与架构创新、压缩感知、新架构创新所需的工艺技术、毫米波和太赫兹等高频段集成电路开发所带来的各种挑战。文章从无线信号链集成电路、边缘机器学习中的模拟技术、高精度感知与控制、重要工艺创新等方面探讨了模拟微电子及应用技术前沿的最近研究进展,显示了未来模拟电子技术的关键发展趋势。  相似文献   

Wave propagation and scattering in random media and rough surfaces   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The author presents a comprehensive review highlighting historical as well as new developments in the area of random media. Both discrete and continuous media are considered as well as rough surfaces. The author discusses wave propagation in turbulence and in a random continuum where the refractive index is a random function of space and time. Examples are optical propagation in the atmosphere, microwaves in the troposphere, ionosphere, planetary atmosphere, and solar wind, and acoustic scattering in ocean turbulence. The author describes multiple scattering by random distributions of discrete scatterers. Examples are optical and microwave scattering by rain, fog, smog, snow, ice particles, and vegetation, optical and ultrasound scattering by tissues and blood, optical and acoustic scattering in the ocean, and scattering in composite materials. Scattering by rough surfaces and interfaces is discussed. Examples are acoustic scattering by ocean surfaces, microwave and optical scattering by vegetation, terrain, and snow cover, and ultrasound scattering by rough interfaces in biological media  相似文献   

ZnO is a wide-band-gap semiconductor material that is now being developed for many applications, including ultraviolet (UV) light-emitting diodes, UV photodetectors, transparent thin-film transistors, and gas sensors. It can be grown as boules, as thin films, or as nanostructures of many types and shapes. However, as with any useful semiconductor material, its electrical and optical properties are controlled by impurities and defects. Here, we consider various important donor-type impurities, such as H, Al, Ga, and In, and acceptor-type impurities, such as N, P, As, and Sb. We also examine the effects of a few common point defects, including Zn interstitials, Zn vacancies, O vacancies, and complexes of each. The main experimental techniques of interest here include temperature-dependent Hall-effect and low-temperature photoluminescence measurements, because they alone can provide donor and acceptor concentrations and donor energies. The important topic of p-type ZnO is also considered in some detail.  相似文献   

激光通信以其带宽大、保密性好、无频谱限制等特点成为构建空天地海全域网络高速通信有效技术途径。相较天基而言,搭载在气球、飞艇、无人机、飞机等平台的空基激光通信系统以其灵活性好、成本低、可维修等特点,成为高保密军用战术网络、救灾应急网络、商用低成本网络的首选。详细介绍了美国、德国、法国、中国等空基激光通信技术最新研究进展和主要项目的参数指标,总结了一对多、轻量化、高带宽等发展趋势和面临的大气信道复杂、背景噪声严重等技术挑战,提出了高动态捕跟、高密度集成、高灵敏度接收等关键技术措施,为空基激光通信技术研究和工程项目研制提供参考。  相似文献   

设计了一种基于单片机的低功耗水情遥测终端,实现多种水情数据的采集、处理和报送。终端采用AT89S52单片机作为硬件核心,由扩充存储器、实时时钟、键盘输入、液晶显示、串行通信、调制解调及太阳能供电等外围电路构成。同时具备数字和模拟数据采集接口,通过连接相应传感器,实时采集雨量、水位、闸位、流量、温度等信息,使遥测参数多样化。显示模块与按键配合,用于动态显示、设置参数及系统的检测维护。设计的RS-232通信接口,可连接SMS/GSM、GPRS、无线电台等通信模块,满足不同通信方式下的应用,提高了通用性。该终端在实际应用中亦能稳定可靠地工作,满足水情遥测的功能和性能等技术要求。  相似文献   

In this paper an all-IP Enhanced-Universal Mobile Telecommunications System (E-UMTS) is considered, where enhancements include link level behavior, high-speed downlink packet access (HSDPA) channel, resource management, Diffserv architecture, and Radio Resource Management schemes. An overview of E-UMTS deployment scenarios and service needs is presented based on the views of relevant players. Deployment and mobility scenarios are considered, including expected population density and usage of service mix for three environments, namely offices, urban/vehicular, and business city center. In addition, based on population and service penetration values, E-UMTS traffic generation and activity models are described and characterized. Based on these scenarios and characterizations, system level simulations are carried out and the enhanced service quality performance is demonstrated, including blocking probability, handover failure probability and end-to-end delay in each deployment scenario. By using system level simulations, services and environmental conditions can be mapped into deployment strategies (and supported system capacity) whose evaluation is essential prior to field trials and real implementation. On the one hand, costs depend on the prices of the spectrum, equipment, operation and maintenance, as well as on the number of cells which, in turn, depends on the cell radius. On the other, revenues depend on the price per MB and on the supported throughput. As the goal of operators and service providers is to maximize the profit, the profit in percentage was obtained for the three considered scenarios. Its optimum values are found for cell radii around 31, 257, and 310 m for offices, vehicular and business city center scenarios, respectively.  相似文献   

王健  杨闯  闫宁宁 《电波科学学报》2021,36(3):340-348,385
为支撑B5G、6G通信产业发展和系统转型升级,将数字孪生技术与B5G、6G通信信道模拟的关键环节、关键场景、关键对象紧密结合,提出了数字孪生信道的技术内涵. 在此基础上,面向B5G和6G通信场景,建立了数字孪生信道的应用体系、功能体系、技术体系和标准体系,并从全生命周期视角对数字孪生信道在B5G和6G通信系统论证设计、研制生产、测试试验、运维管理等环境的应用进行了探讨. 上述研究有望为B5G、6G通信系统的产业发展和工程建设提供有益参考,推动数字孪生信道在B5G、6G通信领域和行业中应用,为实现B5G、6G通信信道数字化、智能化、服务化、绿色可持续化提供技术支撑.  相似文献   

靳晓白 《科普研究》2009,4(5):74-79
植物园(含树木园)以科学研究、保护、展示和教育为目的,收集保存活植物并保有其档案记录。其主要任务是迁地保护植物多样性、实现其资源的可持续利用,开展相应的植物展示、科普教育和科学研究。全世界现有约2 000个各种类型的植物园和树木园,保存了80 000种植物,包括许多珍稀、濒危的植物种类。中国的植物园目前已达约160个,在植物引种、驯化、开发利用、保护方面取得了巨大成绩,在科普教育、旅游服务方面的重要性得到承认。植物园工作者在相关研究领域取得了理论和技术的创新成果,在管理、政策、培训和植物记录系统计算机化方面也在和世界接轨。面临生物多样性保护与可持续发展的挑战和机遇,我们期待中国的植物园在建园、植物收集保存、科普旅游、能力建设、科学研究等领域取得更大成绩,更好地满足经济和社会发展、环境和资源保护利用的需求,与世界植物园同步前进。  相似文献   

基于校企融合的汽检专业“双主体、五对接”人才培养模式是以社会发展和市场需求为着眼点, 以校企合作、工学结合作为人才培养模式改革的切入点, 以学校和企业互需、互补、互利为出发点的新型人才培养模式。该模式坚持校企双主体的原则, 实现了人才培养目标与岗位能力标准的对接、课程与岗位的对接、课堂与车间的对接、实习与就业的对接、教师与师傅的对接, 有效解决了汽检专业传统教学中存在的问题, 全面提升学生的综合职业技能、素养, 也缩短了企业的人才培养周期, 实现了校企双赢。  相似文献   

针对防空反导预警体系运用问题,融合大数据、云计算和人工智能等先进技术,提出了一种通用仿真评估框架。 系统梳理了数据耕种的一般过程和关键问题,按照问题、目标、方法和资源的逻辑顺序和功能构成,解析了预警体系效能仿真评估的技术内容和科学范畴,构建了基于数据耕种的仿真评估框架,并对数据耕种建模、平台和数据耕种结果处理进行了简要分析探讨。 最后,对提出的仿真评估框架进行了应用展望。  相似文献   

随着无线接入系统的工作频段越来越高,传输带宽越来越宽,非视距(Non Light Of Sight,NLOS)传输的限制就越来越大.研究非视距传播环境下抗衰落技术,对解决非视距无线接入条件下系统的可靠性和有效性,提高工程应用能力具有重要意义.非视距传输的关键实际上是抗多径衰落技术,包括OFDM、收发分集、子信道化、智能天线和自适应调制等技术.在分析非视距传播的条件和影响的基础上,对解决非视距传输问题的几个关键技术进行讨论,并对其在象WiMAX这样的宽带无线接入中的应用优势和影响进行了分析.  相似文献   

Within a short period, the Internet and World Wide Web have become ubiquitous, surpassing all other technological developments in our history. They've also grown rapidly in their scope and extent of use, significantly affecting all aspects of our lives. Industries such as manufacturing, travel and hospitality, banking, education, and government are Web-enabled to improve and enhance their operations. E-commerce has expanded quickly, cutting across national boundaries. Even traditional legacy information and database systems have migrated to the Web. Advances in wireless technologies and Web-enabled appliances are triggering a new wave of mobile Web applications. As a result, we increasingly depend on a range of Web applications. Now that many of us rely on Web based systems and applications, they need to be reliable and perform well. To build these systems and applications, Web developers need a sound methodology, a disciplined and repeatable process, better development tools, and a set of good guidelines. The emerging field of Web engineering fulfils these needs. It uses scientific, engineering, and management principles and systematic approaches to successfully develop, deploy, and maintain high-quality Web systems and applications. It aims to bring the current chaos in Web based system development under control, minimize risks, and enhance Web site maintainability and quality  相似文献   

王淑玲  孙杰  王鹏  杨爱东 《电信科学》2023,39(2):163-170
随着业务类型的丰富和多样化,低时延、高带宽、数据私密性、高可靠性等成为业务普遍的要求。边缘计算、雾计算、分布式云、算力网络等方案相继被提出,并在产学研各界引发了深度的研究和探索。针对“多级的算力分布以及算力的协同将是未来算力结构的主流”这一观点,产业内外达成了共识,算力管理、分配、调度等与资源优化相关的问题也成为当下的研究热点和重点攻关方向。为此,面向未来的算力供给结构,首先描述了学术界、产业界资源调度优化问题的最新进展,总结了当前的主要方法论和工程实施架构;然后,针对两种典型的云边协同场景,从场景拆分、调度目标、求解方案依次进行分析,给出了适应场景特性的资源调度优化参考方案。  相似文献   

Methods for Displaying Three-Dimensional Images   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The essential components of generating three-dimensional (3-D) images are defined, and various methods of creating each of the components are explained. The components are image acquisition, image multiplexing and processing, and display mechanisms. For image acquisition, transforming, synthesizing based on disparity, voxel and wavefront deformation, and sampling and photographing methods are used. For multiplexing, time, spatial, and spatiotemporal, and for processing, chirping, layering, and pixel cell based multiview image arrangement methods are used. The display mechanisms are classified into projection, contact,and scanning types depending on their means of displaying images. From these methods, 3-D images with real volume, with parallax only and with psychologically induced depth sense can be generated. The display mechanisms have another important mission of creating viewing zones. For this purpose, all 3-D imaging methods employ a special form of optics or mechanisms complying with their image multiplexing schemes. These optics and mechanisms are essential in realizing 3-D imaging systems but at the same time they provide many unfriendly and uncomfortable effects to viewers, and also impose some functional limitations.  相似文献   

为推动城市智能建筑管理新技术的开发和应用,针对工程实际问题,提出了一种支持冗余和兼容设计的城市智能建筑综合管理系统的设计方案.系统设计内容包括为楼宇控制、照明控制和停车引导控制设计的同一架构的CPU模块及软件、通信网关模块及软件、集中控制模块及软件、I/O模块及软件、无线模块、超声波检测模块及内部总线等,并阐述和分析了总线冗余、设备兼容性和集成监控软件等系统关键技术.系统具有先进的分布式系统、开放的网络化通信和标准化程序设计等多项新特性,可以显著提升大型城市建筑的智能化和节能管理水平.  相似文献   

The effectiveness in reversing ventricular fibrillation of 30 s duration of 50 untruncated and truncated exponential waveforms was studied in 6000 fibrillation-defibrillation episodes in 100 kg calves. The study employed waveforms which could be generated with nominal stored energy levels (in the basic capacitor-switch sense) of 220, 440, and 660 J and initial current levels of 50, 70, 100, 140, and 200 A. Fifty A waveforms having a time constant of decay of 10 ms were truncated at 15 and 30 A while those having time constants of 20 and 30 ms were truncated at 15, 30, and 45 A. Seventy A waveforms having time constants of 5, 10, and 15 ms were untruncated or truncated at 15, 30, and 45 A. One hundred A waveforms having time constants of 2.5, 5.0, and 7.5 ms were untruncated or truncated at 15, 30, and 45 A. One hundred forty A waveforms having time constants of 1.25, 2.50, and 3.75 ms were untruncated or truncated at 15, 30, and 45 A. Two hundred A waveforms having time constants of 0.63, 1.25, and 1.88 ms were untruncated or truncated at 45 A. We used 75 animals in the study.  相似文献   

张凤仪 《移动信息》2023,45(11):173-175
物联网作为信息技术的重要产物,对促进社会发展与产业建设有着重要作用。文中讨论了物联网技术在技术创新、社会产业等领域的应用,分析了物联网的关键技术,从RFID技术、传感器技术、智能技术、通信协议、网络拓扑结构、信道与频谱、多路径传输与信号质量、数据压缩与传输效率、安全认证与加密算法等进行分析,提出了物联网的应用趋势及建议。通过通用处理器建设共享计算平台,应用开源软件对信息进行数字化处理,进而建立应用架构及相关体系,为我国物联网技术的应用提供参考。  相似文献   

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